"Nest Related Files" icon not available in asp.net mvc app - asp.net-mvc

In Asp.Net I create ViewModels that are the models for a particular view; one viewmodel per view. Because it's a one-to-one relationship, I like keeping the ViewModel as a nested file to the view. It's very tidy this way.
In Asp.Net MVC files will appear nested most of the time. However, sometimes they become unnested. I can remedy this by cutting-and-pasting-and-renaming the files, which renests them. However, it sure would be nice to have the 'nest related files' appear in the solution explorer in Visual Studio for an MVC project.
Any ideas why that icon ("nest related files") is missing from Visual Studio? and how might I get it back?

You can do this with the VSCommands Extension. Take a look in the studio gallery.
The alternative is either as you have been doing - copying and pasting files, or by editing the project file directly.
Found it - check on the VSCommands feature page - it's listed as Group/Ungroup Items
To group items, in solution explorer highlight both items you want to group (parent & child), r-click the child and choose "Group Items".
To ungroup items, in solution explorer highlight the child you want to ungroup, r-click and choose "Ungroup Items".


Unable to add Razor view to project

I can't add razor view to MVC 5 project in Visual Studio 2017.
There just doesn't seem to be the template
As you can see if I choose Web from template list nothing is visible and all I see is Please choose a project type.
Now this is puzzling as I've seen this related SO post & this where both of them suggest to set project type GUID in .csproj.
I do have it set and it was there (I didn't add anything)
Looking at the list of GUIDs it seems that the first GUID suggests that this is ASP.NET MVC 5 project.
I also checked VS2017 installation and I do have web tooling installed
Any clue what I can also try to enable adding web templates to project?
Are you trying to add a new project to a solution or a new item to a project? Its not clear in your question?
Within your project (Solution Explorer), try right click on the Views Folder, choose add, New Item and see if you can find anything there?

Add as link intellisense for Views

I'm trying to share some views across projects by using the "Add as Link" feature in VS2015 but the linked view appears broken in VS even though it works fine on the site.
Is there a way to get features like intellisense and "go to definition" working for a linked View?
I can reproduce this with a new solution/project:
Move Home/Index.cshtml to some other folder (currently I'm using a Solution Folder but it doesn't seem to matter where I move the files)
delete Index.cshtml from Home/
from Home/ right click and "add existing item"
choose Index.cshtml from the Solution Folder but choose "Add as Link" from the button drop down
on the linked Index.cshtml choose properties "Copy to Output Directory = Copy Always"
The site will work fine but in VS2015 the view then appears broken and no intellisense works.
This would be a great way to share a view across multiple projects but if VS thinks the view is broken it makes developing a pain.
Any suggestions? Is there a better way to share views across projects?
Here's the painful way I got it to work:
Unload the solution
Create a copy of one of the projects containing the views I want to replicate. Let's call the new project [SharedItems].
Rename the .csproj file and edit the .csproj file manually and replace the old name with the new name (probably optional, but made things easier)
Load the solution and add the new project.
Delete any files you don't need.
Rename the namespaces in the new project.
Build just to make sure it's working and Intellisense is working correctly.
Delete the files you intend to link in the original projects and create links.
Installed the MSBuild.WebApplication.CopyContentLinkedFiles NuGet package on all the original projects to automatically make physical copies of the linked files.
Now I can do all my edits in the templated project without having to maintain multiple copies everywhere.
Two big downsides:
I have to build after making edits to any linked object before I can see the changes.
I have to open the actual .cshtml files in the [SharedItems] project only. Opening a linked file breaks Intellisense until you close it and open it directly. This is especially annoying with Resharper's Search Everywhere feature because it suggests linked files.

Corrupted TFS project

I'm banging my head for several hours but couldn't find the solution on my problem. I have a team project collection. one of the project in collection is corrupted probably. It doesn't show up either in Team Explorer nor in TFS Administrator. but I can see that project in Source Control Explorer from VS. I tried TFSDeleteProject but it says:
TF200016: The following project does not exist:........
I can't create a team project with same name, nor I can delete it.
I looked at the database and there are entries about the corrupt project in many tables. Any idea how to remove it? maybe with the help of some SPs? I tried DeleteProject stored procedure, it didn't show an error, but it also didn't delete the project.
Have you tried simply deleting it from source control?
TFS is comprised of several components (issue tracker, reports, source control, etc.), which, although typically used together, can also function individually. A file/folder in source control that does not belong to any project is thus possible. I don't know if you can create this situation manually, but it could result from a bug.
You need to use tfsdeleteproject to remove this.
The DB isn't corrupt, you cannot delete Team Project level source control folders through the UI.
tfsdeleteproject /collection:<url> <teamproject|srcfoldername>
You can always get the collection url by selecting the collection node in Team Explorer and hitting F4 to view the properties pane. Copy/paste the url. The Source Control folder you are trying to delete is likely the same as your Team project name.

ASP.NET MVC - "Add View" Outside of the Views Folder

Are there any changes I can make to Visual Studio to add the "Add View" dialog option to a folder other than Views? I have my website split up somewhat differently and I'd still like access to the T4 templates provided by "Add View".
To clarify:
I am not trying to change the default View Engine or do anything in code pertaining to how my Views work, I simply would like to know if there is any way to have the "Add View" context menu item display on Solution Explorer items other than just the "Views" folder. My application has an "Areas" folder which contains a "Views" sub-folder for each Area and I would like to have the "Add View" menu item available when I right click on Areas > AREANAME > Views and select "Add".
It seems this behavior is hardcoded in Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Extensions.dll file.
I think you could:
try reverse engineering this library;
ask MVC team members for its source code.

Missing MVC templates in existing web project

In an existing VS2008 SP1 web project I'm introducing an MVC page. I was able to manually create a view and get it working just fine but I'm unable to get the "Add View" and "Add Controller" to work from the Solutions Explorer. Also, the MVC templates don't show up when I try and Add a New Item.
I know my VS2008 is setup properly because on a new project everything works fine (MVC templates show up in Web Items) and the "Add View" and "Add Controller" work fine as well. Is there a trick to get my legacy project to see these options.
I tried look around the csproj files. Nothing obvious there.
I see the template zip files in my folder ...Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC
My guess is that the project type is probably set wrong. I know it did change after one of the betas.
Try this: First, check in your existing files to source control, in case you accidentally mess up the project file. Open both of the *.csproj files (the one that "works" and the one that "doesn't") as text. You will have to unload the projects in the IDE in order to do this. Copy the <ProjectTypeGuids> value from the one that "works" to the one that "doesn't". Now reload the projects. See if that fixes the problem.
