What is the proper way to deploy Orchard CMS to shared hosting? - asp.net-mvc

I've created a basic website using the Orchard CMS, and attempted to deploy it to my shared host, Softsys, using Web Matrix (via FTP). Currently, the site technically "works", however it looks like all styling has been removed (even from the dashboard).
Is there a step or files that I missed while deploying the site? I know "Web Deploy" is probably the preferred method of deploying, but I'm pretty new to this, and was not sure what the login specifics were, or how to obtain them for web deploy.
Here is a screenshot of what the site currently looks like deployed:
Edit: it turns out that the problem was on my host's side, for some reason the virtual directory was not being created properly - I still am curious what the proper/best practice method to deploying is however.

It looks like you have no theme applied. Check whether you have your theme existing in ~/Themes folder and properly enabled in the admin Dashboard. Maybe the /Themes folder content hasn't been copied?
If your hosting provider allows the option to deploy sites via WebDeploy - that would be the best one.
The easiest and most straightforward way to deploy Orchard site is to:
Have the ASP.NET application properly configured in IIS and accessible. If you use hosting - provider does that for you. If you'd have a dedicated server - you have to set up an application yourself.
Grab the deployment package from Codeplex, or build one from the sources.
Copy the whole package to your site's root (via FTP or WebDeploy).
Run it and proceed with the setup.
Basically - these are the same steps as for every "ordinary" ASP.NET application.

You probably need to set IIS user to have write access to some of the folders: Themes, Media and App_Data.


Slow HTTP POST vulnerability on azure

I have asp.Net MVC web application deployed on azure. And have some problems with Slow HTTP POST vulnerability. So I want to configure <\limits> to turn on connectionTimeout.
I can`t do this in Web.config (or mb just don`t know right place to write it).
In guides this thing configure on iis, but how to do this in azure?
The setting that you are talking about connectionTimeout needs to be set in the applicationhost.config file. This file is not found as part of your project, but is part of your azure website. If you want to view the configuration settings in this file you can go to the kudo service for your site which can be accessed by following the directions here:
To get to the location of the file go to the cmd console, click on the globe icon and it should be in the the Configure folder. That is how you view the current settings. To actually change the settings you need to create an xdt transform file and drop it into your site root and restart the site. This can be done using ftp (the ftp host url can be found in the azure portal for you site).
You are also going to want to configure your <\webLimits> as well to help prevent a slow post attack.

How do you deploy a MVC4 .net app to production WITHOUT Web Deploy

I'm trying to deploy one of the default template apps that VS2012 generates for MVC4 to a production server (not on Azure).
It turns out that I'm not smart enough to figure out how to get Web Deploy working. After spending an hour on diagnosing different 404s, 403s, and 401s, I am ready to either ditch Web Deploy altogether, or start my project using PHP instead.
Can I just copy and paste my files and put them somewhere?
I'm fine with manually updating the database schema.
Anything else that needs to be updated?
You can publish directly to "File System" via "Publish" menu in VS (choose folder on production server). Then create WebApp on IIS with this folder (on the server) choose ApplicationPool 4.0 open port for your application if needed and start it.
What in the world makes you even think you need to use web deploy? You do realize that the web publishing wizard has several options to choose from, including FTP, file system, etc... I don't see how you could miss these.

Azure cloud service publishing - where does it go?

I created an asp.net mvc project in VS. I created an azure cloud service. Within the VS solution I added an azure project to enable me to publish to my cloud service. The cloud service has a web role and it’s published to a production environment. When I publish the project, I have my domain .cloudapp.net and I can then view my published project from a browser.
Job done. All good so far.
What I’m unclear on (and this is partly because my azure and asp.net mvc knowledge is limited) is where the project files actually reside (and the file/folder structure) and how to access them? I know they are on an IIS server somewhere but that’s about it.
With ‘traditional’ websites you have a webserver, a wwwroot folder and you stick your web pages etc into them and can see/access them through ftp etc.
Apart from wanting to know the answer to the above question I actually want to farm out the web ui (view) part to a web developer whilst I concentrate on the back end stuff. He doesn’t have visual studio so I’m unclear on how to best approach this?
I’ve noticed on the windows azure publish summary within my solution that you can enable remote desktop and enable web deploy which I suspect may be of help to me but as the solution is all working fine at the moment and I’m demoing it to a client tomorrow I’m a bit reluctant to make any last minute changes..as I’m sure we’ve all suffered the consequences of that before.
What I’m unclear on is where the project files actually reside
(and the file/folder structure) and how to access them?
As you have mentioned, these files reside on the server itself. If you connect to your server via Remote Desktop, you can see the files under D:\sitesroot folder (actual name of the folder can be found by launching IIS Manager on that server).
Having said that, it is not recommended to make changes to the files directly on the server. This is because if your server goes bad for any reason, Microsoft will provision a new server for you and it takes the code from the package file when you last deployed your application. This the changes you have made on that server will be lost.
Regarding your other question about having somebody focus on front-end development, I'm pretty sure you don't want him to working on production server directly. I'm assuming you have a centralized code repository somewhere where everybody checks in their code and then you build stuff and then deploy it.

Best practices for deploying an MVC application on IIS7

I'm not a web admin, and I'm new to IIS. So, I'm looking for advice.
My MVC application (e.g. fooapp) is the default application for my site (e.g. foo.bar). I used IIS Manager to add the site to IIS7. When I import the application, IIS Manager wants to put it in it's own directory (/foo), and tells me I shouldn't put it in the base (site) directory. This means that to get to my default MVC view, I have to enter the URL http://foo.bar/fooapp/. Needless to say, I want to get there via http://foo.bar/
I see 2 possible solutions:
Add a default page to the site directory that redirects to the MVC app.
Ignore the IIS admonition and load the app into the site directory.
My IIS7 knowledge is limited. I have played around with some options (such as HTTP Redirect). Since nothing changed, I obviously don't understand what I'm doing.
Anyway, if there are some considered "best practices" and/or other suggestions, please let me know.
Tbh, I'm not sure why the IIS manager is trying to convince you to add it as a sub app.. Maybe you just didn't do it right >_>
I've got a couple servers running with IIS7/7.5 and they have apps running in the root of the website.. No problem there :)
You might want to create a new website in IIS (right click on websites, choose "Add Web Site"), point the "Physical Path" directly to the folder your website's stored in, and set the Host name to whatever host you use (foo.bar ? :) )
This should work just fine )
In terms of deployment, if you use VS2010 I'd really recomment looking at Web Deploy.. It's a new addon written for IIS7, and allows one-click publish to IIS directly from VS2010. I'm using it on my site and it works flawlessly :)
Check out Scott Hansellman's talk about it, or check it out in the IIS website

Any tutorials about how to create an ASP.NET MVC 2 website and run it against Local IIS Web Server (not use Cassini)

does anyone have any good links/tutorials about how to create a simple ASP.NET MVC website, and have it run against a Local IIS7 Web Server, instead of the default Visual Studio Development Server (aka Cassini).
Yes, i tried google, but i fail at getting some good keywords, etc.
Cheers :)
Here are my steps:
In IIS, Sites -> Add Web Site...
Fill in the name, whatever you want.
Set the physical path where your app is located.
In the Host Name option, type for example local.test.com
Hit OK
Then I update the hosts file located in $windir$\System32\drivers\etc
Adding the line local.test.com
Don´t forget changing in the application pool of the created website the framework version.
I´m sure there must be other ways, I just follow this steps every time I want to create a new site in my local IIS and it works.
Good luck!
