Is there a Mvc sample application with N layers? [closed] -

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for sample mvc application of medium size (preferably a blog engine) built using layered architecture and DI (preferably Ninject) so I can compare my coding practices with the sample application.
If there is some tutorial available with sample app, it will be like jam to the cake. If there is such open source project going on that I can join and work on it will be great too.

Check out the downloadble code for the great book Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework, at .
It contains a full componentized MVC application using Ninject as a DI container. It's a lovely project to learn from, based on a great book I highly recommend.

I blogged about a blog engine here:
It is based on ASP.NET MVC 3 and SQL CE 4.0. Unity is used as DI container.


Is there an open source equivalent of ServiceStack AutoQuery for core? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know if there is an open source equivalent of AutoQuery From ServiceStack for core (or which can automatic query with the orm i use: ef core (or other) with uris like http://domain.wyz/api/users?ages=16,17,18
I know OData and i don't want to use it.
Thanks for your answers.
For those who want, I have started a new project to enable automatic query with core and ef core :
From the last release ServiceStack now runs on .NET Core where 21 of ServiceStack's most popular NuGet packages are available in .NET Core. As part of the release many existing Live Demos were ported to .NET Core including the Live Demos below which make use of AutoQuery:
Which both have AutoQuery UI plugin enabled:

Asking for good ASP.NET MVC 6 documentation [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to learn MVC6 for developing web Applications , I don't have any knowledge about it and i'm looking for a book,tutorial for absolute beginner and which there is evey detail about MVC(I like details )
Thank you
I think that the official documentation is very good with examples and explanation on how to do things.
I have read it while it was still ASP.NET vNext in beta and it was already good with just few interesting things missing. Now it should cover pretty much everything.
I would recommend the .NET Core fundamentals as well, maybe even start with it, but it depends on how you like to study.
Scott Allen has really great tutorial videos.
You can check some of those out here.
Anyways, I started out by watching about 16 hours worth of his videos.
Edit: This link I provided points to MVC5 videos, although I still believe to be useful when learning how to develop applications.

Layout/design templates for MVC application? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there any open source design templates available for MVC projects? Tired of seeing the standard blue and white look that every mvc projects have.
If you understand html/css you can take benefit of all websites that offers free template, to name but a few:
That's just a matter of applying them to your ASP.NET MVC Website (override the default CSS and updating the _layout markup), see this article.
Or there is the MVC Contrib Template gallery.
Those template sites seem to be outdated now and no longer kept going, just fyi. and look to be more recent with the latter having a lot of HTML5 templates to choose from.

Why did Microsoft Choose MVC to build MVC? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I know what is and I know what is MVC and some other Design patterns , my question is why did microsoft choose this design pattern ? why not 3tiers or AOP ...etc is it easier to program with , more powerful for building websites? in other words what are the advantages to use MVC instead of other Design Patterns with
MVC is a strong pattern and has proved very popular in other development communities including but not limited to Ruby on Rails. Wikipedia has a long list of MVC web frameworks. I guess Microsoft, didn't want to be left behind as more and more people migrated away from WebForms.
My guess would be that it is a proven and very suitable pattern for the web. MVC fits very well with the stateless nature of the http protocol. And many other big web frameworks for other languages use the MVC pattern.

Open source projects using mvc + silverlight [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Are there any open source projects using both mvc and silverlight together?
I guess one of the largest open source projects that are using MVC and silverlight would be the mono project. They have gone and recreated mvc and silverlight as mono mvcand moonlight, though I would guess that you're looking for 'applications' or 'sites' that use these two technologies.
Two large projects that do use MVC as expected are Micorosoft's Orchard CMS and Rob Conery's Kona Project. Althought I do not think that these have silverlight included with them. I think that both are pure MVC applications.
Good luck in your search, and hope this helped some.
i couldn't find an open source project (doesn't mean they don't exist) but here is some good resources about mvc with silverlight here and here
