What about Aptana 3? - ruby-on-rails

I tried aptana few months ago where only the beta version was available.
Unfortunately, I had a lot of problems and for this reason I turn back on NetBeans. Today I noticed that the version 3.0.2 is available but I don't want to make the mistake again, before changing platform, I would like to know by some Aptana's users what they think. Is there valid reasons to change my currently IDE Netbeans passing to Aptana for RoR 3 developing ? What are the features that Aptana offer and Netbeans doesn't has ?

IMHO you will want to use RubyMine. It's by far the most complete Rails IDE and you can really customize it to work the way you want. There is a trial version for 30 days on their site. I am currently using it in conjunction with the VIM bundle and loving it. Netbeans is not supported anymore so you will probably want to move out at one point.


Grails 2 vs Grails 3

I'm rather new to grails and I'm about to start a new grails project. I'm very confused with what version to go with based on the tools not being ready to support the newest version. I've read version 3 was a complete rewrite from ground up which my gut says should be the version to go with considering the project is brand new, but I'm discovering none of the tools are ready for version 3.
I was successfully able to get version 3 up with intellij with out grails support and the same goes for ggts.
With that being said, I don't know how to run the app in ggts since grails-runapp doesn't work
with ggts, I used the following tutorial https://tedvinke.wordpress.com/2015/04/10/grails-3-released-installing-gradle-and-groovy-2-4-support-in-eclipseggts/ but I've been able to figure out how to get the app to run. Does anybody know how to do this?
My questions are
How do I run a Grails 3 app in GGTS.
Is it recommended to use Grails 3 at this point or should I use Grails 2
If you use Grails 3, what is the recommended IDE?
With Intellij I had to run it by going to the grails-app/init project run main. Is this the correct way to do it?
As of Grails 3 you don't need a special IDE To run Grails 3 application. all you need to do is to right-click on the Application class and execute to start your Grails application. To read more about IDE integration https://grails.github.io/grails-doc/latest/guide/introduction.html
Currently, not all plugins are upgraded to Grails 3. So if your project depends on some plugins that are not already upgraded this will be an issue. For example spring security is not upgraded yet, but there is a work around to use it.https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/grails-dev-discuss/spring$20security/grails-dev-discuss/jOF0jw_BiCs/tOxd0NZpaxkJ
Finally, both Intellij community edition and GGTS supports Grails3. But if you want special grails features like GSP syntax highlighting use GGTS or IDEA Ultimate edition.
IntelliJ idea 15 is out. Try that. The support for Grails 3 is built in.
Choose Grails 3 instead of Grails 1/2 in project selection.
I have 6 projects running Grails 2 for over 1 year.
So far I have not encountered any need to upgrade them to Grails 3.
I use the latest edition of IntelliJ Ultimate 2016.2, and for the most part it works good with Grails 2. The debugger still throws a lot of EVAL errors, but I am able to evaluate my variables in real time.
The biggest problem I've encountered so far is plugins that are not compatible with Java 1.8. Some of the plugins still have to run in Java 1.7.
Lastly, I'd say if your project is still new, look into using NodeJs. It seems to be more popular than Grails at this point.
I think intellij is better for development in grails from my experience.
Grails 3 will be good choice for development. there are lot more features in there
also document site will give you clear concept about it
Considering the fact that grails version 2 is different from grails version 3; it will be good if you start with version 3 and avoid the possibility of running into upgrade issues from 2.x to 3.x in the future
You can use Netbeans or Intelij. I use Netbeans.
Facing a lot of issues in Database migration in Grails 3.1.6. Not helping at all.
I think remaining a few days in version 2 will be beneficiary as long as version 3 stables.
Besides The GGTS support will be needed as Intellij IDEA 15 community edition does not support Grails. So better back to the old versions.

Ruby on Rails in SpringSource tool suite?

I have been using Grails for some time now, but in school they are making us use Ruby on Rails. I have been trying to find an extension for ruby on rails for STS as there is for Grails, but I have failed. The only thing that comes close is a plugin so i can use ruby code in my Grails app using JRuby. I just want to make sure that a fully integrated extension DOESN'T exist.
If that is the case, what would be the graphical IDE way of developing in ruby on rails, the same way one would use STS for Groovy on Grails development?
(preferably free :) )
Try JetBrains RubyMine, it's an IDE for Ruby and Rails.
Aptana Studio is the best and free IDE for ruby on rails.
Old versions of Netbeans got a good support for language, but no longer updated for new releases.
I like JetBrains.
http://www.easyeclipse.org/site/home/ will allow you to build Rails framework apps. Look in the new install listing and I 'm sure you will find the url for Ruby and Rails. The type name is now under DLT Dynamic Languages Tools. RDT is a bit old and the EasyEclipse uses that.
Try yhis for radrails org.nexb.easyeclipse.radrails of course you know namespaces like this are backward. The best I could come up with for that is http://www.nexb.com/corp/. Or my STS has Juno - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno and look under Programming Languages DLT Ruby to get started.
Also these guys might be able to help you https://www.facebook.com/groups/10463298884/

which version of rails should I use for a new project

I have been working with rails 2.3.5. I am gonna start a new project on rails. Should i continue using the earlier version or should i hop on to rails > 3 ? If so which is the more stable version?
It is better to use rails 3.0.x version as these days lot of new plugins(like active_reload) are targeted only for 3.x version.
3.1.x have lot of cool features(like asset pipeline, saas integration, coffescript integration, etc), but its still a release candidate and I faced some issues while using it. I guess we have to wait for the stable 3.1.x release.
I have been using 3.0.7 for a while and found it to be very stable.
3.0.10 is recently released and you can easily upgrade to it from 3.0.7 any time you want in the future.
If you are stuck to 2.x version you will be missing cool features like mentioned here: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/ruby/5-awesome-new-rails-3-features/
For a new project, I would use Rails 3.1 or for a bit more stability, 3.0.7. There are some noticeable differences compared to 2.3, but it will be supported for longer and most development of new gems and documentation are being written for Rails 3.
You should definitely NOT use 2.3 and earlier.
The Rails framework is improving at a steady pace and if there is a downside to that is that it can be a pain to upgrade from version to version, especially as regards to major version changes which introduce tons of backward incompatibilities.
Why then would you want to put yourself in the hole at the get go.
Another issue is how ready and mature is the ecosystem (ruby, popular gem packages, etc.). This leads you to consider whether you should start with 3.0.10 or 3.1 release candidate.
It turns out the great majority of gems working with Rails 3.0 is also working fine with Rails 3.1.
The little downside is that 3.1 is still in release candidate status but it's all but ready for final release and that should come within a matter of days or maximum a couple weeks (as of today Aug. 25, '11).
I would strongly recommend you start all new apps with 3.1. That's what I'm doing.

RadRails trial expired - any free options for Rails in Eclipse?

I installed RadRails a while back and uninstalled it after it said that my trial had expired.
Is it correct that this is the only option for Rails development in Eclipse?
And is there any other - free - option for Eclipse? (I tried "Ruby RDT" but it doesn't offer any Rails support, just basic Ruby editing.)
Use the full Aptana Studio, and after it says the Professional trial is over, you can continue using the Community Edition mode.
Doesn't seem to be a way to just get the Community Edition by itself, but it'll just ask you to close and restart Eclipse after 30 days.
Try Aptana IDE - it is Eclipse based and totally free. Also as much as I know its Rails support is bases on Rad Rails eclipse plugin.
BTW, I'm using NetBeans 6.5.1 for Rails and I've already convinced everybody is my office that it is better than Aptana :)
I was using Eclipse for a while for Rails development, based on RDT plus mods described in the following article:

Installation problems with ASP MVC Release Candidate 1

I've tried installing RC1 must have been 5 times already and always run into the same issue around the "Configuring Templates' step. I've tried everything I can think of but now I have neither RC1 or Beta. Has anyone run into this error? Any suggestions for what I can do?
Screenshot of my problem here (not sure why I can't place it as an image.
(Cross-posted to the ASP.NET forum here but I don't really expect much of useful response there.)
Edit: Here is everything I can think of that I have installed that might possibly be affecting this: Coderush, Refactor Pro!, Source Outliner, TestDriven.Net, MbUnit (installs some templates), Some DevExpress plug-ins (GhostDoc, CR_Classcleaner), F#, Spec #
I have also installed (and uninstalled) ASP.NET MVC Beta
Just happen to run across this... do you have Clone Detective for VS installed? Seems as though some people had trouble installing the MVC Beta with it installed.
After the obvious step of removing any older installations of MVC, I've heard the templates can have issues with Visual Studio add-ons. Try removing any add-ons to VS you might have running, then run the installer.
For the record, it was either F# or Spec# that was giving me problems since I don't really use either much I uninstalled both and RC1 went fine.
You don't state explicitly, did you install any other previous versions (such as beta or preview)? You will need to uninstall Beta or Preview x before installing the RC.
