I have a Ruby script in a subdirectory of a Ruby on Rails application that runs in the background and performs some support tasks. In this script, would like have access to the Rails environment and the value of an application controller constant.
The best approach to retrieve these values I could find so far is based in Rails runner. If I run
cd .. && Rails runner "puts [Rails.env, ApplicationController::CONSTANT_NAME]"
from the subdirectory in shell, I get the desired values. But when I try to use the same command in my script, I get an undefined method error for active_storage:
/home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.5/gems/railties- `method_missing': undefined method `active_storage' for #<Rails::Application::Configuration:0x0000563603fbdaa8> (NoMethodError)
The code in the script is
puts %x|cd .. && rails runner "puts [Rails.env, ApplicationController::CONSTANT_NAME]"|
The Rails application and the Ruby script run under the same user. I have Rails and Ruby 2.6.5.
What you want to do is write a Rake task instead:
# lib/tasks/foo.rake
namespace :foo do
description "#TODO write a descripion"
task bar: :environment do
# your logic goes here
puts [Rails.env, ApplicationController::CONSTANT_NAME]
This task can be invoked via bin/rake foo:bar. bar: :environment loads the Rails environment for this task.
This is a lot less hacky/wonky then using the rails runner, and is the defacto way of writing tasks/scripts in Ruby that are meant to invoked from the command line.
I'm new to rails. I noticed when generating data migration in rails 5, some people use rails db:migrate over rake db:migrate. Can someone explain the difference between the rails vs rake command in database migration? Does it mean rake command is obsolete in rails 5?
many thanks
Rails core team decided to have consistency by enabling rails command to support everything that rake does.
For example in Rails 5 commands like db:migrate, db:setup, db:test etc which are part of rake command in Rails 4 are now being supported by rails command. However you can still choose to use rake to run those commands similar to how they were run in Rails 4. This is because Rails community has introduced Rake Proxy instead of completely moving the command options from rake to rails.
What happens internally is that when rails db:migrate command is executed, Rails checks if db:migrate is something that rails natively supports or not. In this case db:migrate is not natively supported by rails, so Rails delegates the execution to Rake via Rake Proxy.
If you want to see all the commands that is supported by rails in Rails 5 then you can get a long list of options by executing rails --help.
I've noticed I've been having to do:
bundle exec script/console
<wait for console to load>
require migration
generate some data
a lot... and I was wondering if there is a way to have this all in a bash script or something. so i could just do ./generatedata and have it run the above commands.
I've found that custom rake tasks are an awesome tool for when you have work which requires running code in the rails environment. Check out this railscast http://railscasts.com/episodes/66-custom-rake-tasks
If you want to run a one-off command in the console, you can use the rails runner command. So if you had a ./generatedata.rb script which performs the ruby commands you want to execute in the console, you can just call rails runner ./generatedata.rb and it will run your ruby script in the rails environment against the database. Alternatively, you could add the shebang line to the ./generatedata.rb script: #!/usr/bin/env rails runner. Then you only need to execute the ./generatedata.rb script and it will use rails runner automatically.
Eventually I would like to get to setting it up as a Rake task and do a cron job, but for right now...all I want to do is take my ruby script that used to work as a standalone script and have it work within my Rails app.
I renamed the file to be .rake instead of .rb and tried doing rake my_script at the command-line, but that gave me this error message:
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'my_script'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
How do I run this script within my Rails environment?
This is the first time I am doing something like this, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
I think what you're looking for is rails runner. I know in Rails 2.3.x you'd do
ruby script/runner <your file>
In Rails 3 it might be slightly different.
The primary difference between a runner and a rake task is : runner would boot rails while rake task doesn't (you can tell it to do so).
Since rake can do both (boot/no boot), there's no concept of runner in rails-3 anymore.
So, create a rake task: whatever_name.rake
desc "This task does awesome stuff"
task :do_awesome_stuff do
def awesome_method
#put your ruby code here
Now from your command prompt, type rake do_awesome_stuff to execute this rake task.
To make it boot Rails, change task definition to this:
task :do_awesome_stuff => :environment do
The background: I'm having some problems with Thoughtbot's "Factory Girl" gem, with is used to create objects to use in unit and other tests. I'd like to go to the console and run different Factory Girl calls to check out what's happening. For example, I'd like to go in there are do...
>> Factory(:user).inspect
I know that you can run the console in different environments...
$ script/console RAILS_ENV=test
But when I do that, Factory class is not available. It looks as though test_helper.rb is not getting loaded.
I tried various require calls including one with the absolute path to test_helper.rb but they fail similarly to this:
$ script/console RAILS_ENV=test
>> require '/Users/ethan/project/contactdb/test/test_helper.rb'
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory -
Grr. Argh.
For Rails < 3.0
Run script/console --help. You'll notice that the syntax is script/console [environment], which in your case is script/console test.
I'm not sure if you have to require the test helper or if the test environment does that for you, but with that command you should at least be able to boot successfully into the test env.
As a sidenote: It is indeed kind of odd that the various binaries in script/ has different ways of setting the rails environment.
For Rails 3 and 4
Run rails c test. Prepend bundle exec if you need this for the current app environment.
For Rails 5 and 6
Run rails console -e test.
In Rails 3, just do rails console test or rails console production or rails console development (which is the default).
For Rails 5.2.0: "Passing the environment's name as a regular argument is deprecated and will be removed in the next Rails version. Please, use the -e option instead."
rails c -e test
script/console test
Should be all you need.
You can specify the environment in which the console command should operate.
rails c [environment]
1) For Staging
rails c staging
2) For Production
rails c production
For source & detailed description: The Rails Command Line
David Smith is correct, just do
script/console test
The help command will show why this works:
$ script/console -h
Usage: console [environment] [options]
-s, --sandbox Rollback database modifications on exit.
--irb=[irb] Invoke a different irb.
--debugger Enable ruby-debugging for the console.
It's the [environment] bit.
I share the asker's pain. There are really three separate questions here, some of which are addressed, some not:
How do you start the console in the test environment?
For recent Rails versions, bundle exec rails c test, or alternative syntaxes for that.
How do you ensure that test/test_helper.rb is loaded into that console session?
Something like require './test/test_helper' ought to do it.
For me, this returns true, indicating that it was not already loaded when I started the console. If that statement returns false, then you just wasted a few keystrokes, but you're still good to go.
Once test_helper is loaded, how do you call the methods defined in it?
In a typical test_helper, the custom methods are typically defined as instance methods of ActiveSupport::TestCase. So if you want to call one of them, you need an instance of that class. By trial and error, ActiveSupport::TestCase.new has one required parameter, so...pass it something.
If your test_helper has a method called create_user, you could invoke it this way:
ActiveSupport::TestCase.new("no idea what this is for").create_user
Make sure you installed the GEM and you added the following line either in your environment.rb or test.rb file.
config.gem "thoughtbot-factory_girl", :lib => "factory_girl", :source => "http://gems.github.com"
Test Env
rails console test # or just rails c test
Developement Env
rails console # or just rails c
Command to run rails console test environment is
rails c -e test
RAILS_ENV=test rails c
if you are facing problem something like
Mysql2::Error: Table 'DB_test.users' doesn't exist: SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `users`
then you should first prepare your test DB by running
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare