Managing different resque queues on multiple servers - ruby-on-rails

I am currently using Resque for dealing with background jobs in my application. Now i have 5 different queues at present (it ll grow very fast). Each of them is doing works like updating Solr indexes, Real-time Notification ,scheduled newsletters, delayed emails & SMS. And currently am using Resque as a rails gem and running the Resque from rails environment.
Now i am planning to move Solr index update task and scheduled newsletters to different server since these two performing heavy operations. One approach is just copy the rails directory to the new server and run the Resque jobs from the rails environment. But i am not comfortable doing this.
Another one is creating a seperate rake app for resque tasks. But the problem is, both these tasks are heavily tied to rails models and rails templating. I am totally unsure how to proceed next.
Has anyone faced the similar problem, and how you architected the application?

We use rubber to provision our servers and deploy. It's a plugin for Capistrano that does role-based deployment. One of the roles is "resque_worker" and any machine with that role will start up resque-pool to start processing work.
But you can do this much more simply. Just deploy your application to two different machines. Resque is designed to allow workers on different machines. As long as your second machine can access your redis server, everything will work just fine.


See active sidekiq processes from inside rails app

Is there a way to see all of the running sidekiq instances for a single rails app? I want to know if there is another deployed instance with a sidekiq process picking up my jobs.
I'm in a situation where I need to know if another sidekiq process (on a new instance) has started picking up jobs so that I can enable some sort of pause mechanism to keep my current sidekiq process from doing anything
This has to do with blue-green deployment, and the problem is that jobs are at times being processed by the old workers during deployment while both machines are active.
This is the piece I was missing, the 'remote control' feature of sidekiq.

Running delayed_job inside the main web process

Can i run delayed_job or similar schedule frameworks inside of the web server eg. thin or unicorn?
If yes how do i start it? (code example would be very cool!)
The reason is that i want to save money during my application is just in a build-up phase and it is hosted on heroku.
No, there is no supported way to run delayed_jobs asynchronously within the web framework. From the documentation on running jobs, it looks like the only supported way to run a job is to run a rake task or the delayed job script. Also, it seems conceptually wrong to bend a Rack server, which was designed to handle incoming client requests, to support pulling tasks off of some queue somewhere.
The Kludge
That said, I understand that saving money sometimes trumps being conceptually perfect. Take a look at these rake tasks. My kludge is to create a special endpoint in your Rails server that you hit periodically from some remote location. Inside this endpoint, instantiate a Delayed::Worker and call .start on it with the exit_on_complete option. This way, you won't need a new dyno or command.
Be warned, it's kind of a kludgy solution and it will tie up one of your rails processes until all delayed jobs are complete. That means unless you have other rails processes, all incoming requests will block until this queue request is finished. Unicorn provides facilities to spawn worker processes. Whether or not this solution will work will also depend on your jobs and how long they take to run and your application's delay tolerances.
With the spawn gem, you can wrap your instantiation of the Delayed::Worker with a spawn block, which will cause your jobs to be run in a separate process. This means your rails process will be available to serve web requests immediately instead of blocking while delayed jobs are run. However, the spawn gem has some dependencies on ActiveRecord and I do not know what DB/ORM you are using.
Here is some example code, because it's becoming a bit hazy:
class JobsController < ApplicationController
def run
spawn do
#options = {} # youll have to get these from that rake file true)).start
Here's a link to a similar question:
Is it feasible to run multiple processeses on a Heroku dyno?
Bear in mind, as the post says, if you're only using one web dyno, it will be shut down if there's no traffic going to it.
In a similar vein, you might look into:
To save on the need for multiple web dynos whilst you're building your app (although it's still subject to the above shutdown issue).
I would suggest you might look at running on a VPS directly, rather than Heroku (check out the railscast):
Once set up, it's pretty easy to deploy to. Heroku cuts out the devops part for you.
You can run it inside a separate worker of Unicorn, so it shares memory with the master process and get restarted together with the app.

Rails, use a single delayed_job instance for all applications

I have a server running several RoR applications. Some of them require delayed_job to handle picture resizing and other tasks. At the moment, I'm running delayed_job per each application... this results in a higher memory consumption.
Is it possible to run a shared delayed_job instance on the server, that will be used by applications?
That would be suspicious. Delayed_job is supposed to run with the same codebase as the application requesting the jobs - it uses this fact for job serialization/deserialization which would be extremely difficult otherwise. In your case the jobs might be similar but at some point one of the applications is going to schedule a job that the delayed process simply won't understand.

Create multiple Rails servers sharing same database

I have a Rails app hosted on Heroku. I have to do long backend calculations and queries against a mySQL database.
My understanding is that using DelayedJob or Whenever gems to invoke backend processes will still have impact on Rails (front-end) server performance. Therefore, I would like to set up two different Rails servers.
The first server is for front-end (responding to users' requests) as in a regular Rails app.
The second server (also a Rails server) is for back-end queries and calculation only. It will only read from mySQL, do calculation then write results into anothers Redis server.
My sense is that not lot of Rails developers do this. They prefer running background jobs on a Rails server and adding more workers as needed. Is my sever structure a good design, or is it an overkill? Is there any pitfall I should be aware of?
Thank you.
I don't see any reason why a background job like DelayedJob would cause any more overhead on your main application than another server would. The DelayedJob runs in it's own process so the dyno's for your main app aren't affected. The only impact could be on the database queries but that will be the same whether from a background job or another app altogether that is accessing the same database.
I would recommend using DelayedJob and workers on your primary app. It keeps things simple and shouldn't be any worse performance wise.
One other thing to consider if you are really worried about performance is to have a database "follower", this is effectively a second database that keeps itself up to date with your primary database but can only be used for reads (not writes). There may be better documentation about it, but you can get the idea here You could then have these lengthy background jobs read data from here leaving your main database completely unaffected.

RabbitMQ with EventMachine and Rails

we are currently planning a rails 3.2.2 application where we use RabbitMQ. We would like to run several kind of workers (and several instances of a worker) to process messages from different queues. The workers are written in ruby and are laying in the lib directory of the rails app.
Some of the workers needs the rails framework (active record, active model...) and some of them don't. The first worker should be called every minute to check if updates are available. The other workers should process the messages from their queues when messages (which are send by the first worker) are present and do some (time consuming) stuff with it.
So far, so good. My problem is, that I only have little experiences with messaging systems like RabbitMQ and no experiences with the rails interaction between them. So I'm wondering what the best practices are to get the two playing with each other. Here are my requirements again:
Rails 3.2.2 app
Several kind of workers
Several instances of one worker
Control the amount of workers out of rails
Workers are doing time consuming tasks, so they have to be async
Only a few workers needs the rails framework. The others are just ruby files with some dependencies like Net or File
I was looking for some solution and came up with two possibilities:
Using amqp with EventMachine in a new thread
Of course, I don't want my rails app to be blocked when a new worker is created. The worker should run in another thread and do its work asynchronously. And furthermore, it should not start a new instance of my rails application. It should only require the things the worker needs.
But in some articles they say that there are some issues with Passenger. And another fact that I don't like is, that we are using webbrick for development and we ought to include workarounds for that too. It would be possible to switch to another webserver like thin, but I don't have any experience with that either.
Using some kind of daemonizing
Maybe its possible to run workers as a daemon, but I don't know how much overhead this would come up with, or how I can control the amount of workers.
Hope someone can advise a good solution for that (and I hope I made myself clear ;)
It seems to me that AMQP is a big shot to kill your problem. Have you tried to use Resque? The backed Redis database has some neat features (like publish/subscribe and blocking list pop) which make it very interesting as a message queue, and Resque is very easy to use in any Rails app.
The workers are daemonized, and you decide which worker of your pool listens to which queue, so you can scale each type of job as needed.
Using EM reactor inside a request/response cycle is not recommended, because it may conflict with an existing event loop (for instance if your app is served by thin), in any case you have to configure it specifically for your web server, OTOS it may be interesting to have an evented queue consumer, if your jobs have blocking IO and are not processor-bound.
If you still want to do it with AMQP, see Starting the event loop and connecting in Web applications and configure for your web server accordingly. Or use bunny to push synchronously in the queue (and whichever job consumer you deam useflu, like workling for instance)
we are running slightly different -- but similar technology stack.
daemon kit is used for eventmachine side of the system... no rails, but shared models (mongomapper & mongodb). EM is pulling messages off the queues, and doing whatever logic is required (we have ruleby in the mix, but if-then-else works too).
mulesoft ESB is our outward-facing message receiver and sender that helps us deal with the HL7/MLLP world. But in v1 of the app, we used some java code in ActiveMQ to manage HL7 messages.
the rails app then just serves up stuff for the user to see -- again, using the shared models.
