Adding Outlook appointment using ASP.Net -

I am creating an ASP.Net MVC project where users will add Outlook appointments to other users calendars. I other words; I wish for a user of my web app to be able to add an appointment directly in another persons calendar. This means sending it via email with no need for the receiver to accept it. It should be as if the receiver actually created it himself in Outlook.
Is this even possible to do?
The web app is hosted outside the customers network.
Best regards
Pål Eilertsen

You can create an ICS file that the user can double click and store the appointment. If multiple users, it can be sent to others. If you can get access to their exchange server (sounds like you can't), as SLaks asked, you can use something like this ( If you have no access to Exchange directly, the ICS file format will allow the user to add the appointment.
If you want an example of an ics file (other than a Google search), sign up for a Microsoft event and click the "add to outlook" button. The fortunate thing about this methodology is it can also work with other mail/calendar applications that use the format.


Upload invoices to host and send url to customers! hide URL joomla?

I don't know exactly what tittle use but my problem is as follows. I have a Website for my small company and i would love to upload all my invoices to my host (where my website is hosted) and send to my clients just a link for the invoice. But the problem is that when i send a link for example "" i need to send them that link but if some of my clients see the URL can easily change the invoice number in the URL and see other invoices which i don't want. That's is why I wonders if there is kind of module that hide the URL and display for example "". I don't know if its possible or if there is some other options which i can use.
It is not very convenient to upload invoices by FTP. And download link is outside of Joomla. Even this one is not controlled by Joomla. If it would be something like then you can control it.
i suggest you install extension like Cobalt. then you create article and upload file to that article. You set author of that article user you want to give invoice to. Then you set that only this user can open this article.
Another way is to install some PM (Personal Message) extension and send files internally as attachment to personal message.
If your website is Joomla!, I recommend you this way to manage invoices, using extension to upload PDF invoice or any documents that you want to share with your customers
Then, in your website, you open login panel for customers. So, when you send invoices or any document for your customers, just send customer login info on first time, them your customers can login and see it as private area. Two extensions above allow to set permission to view for special user(s), or publish file if you want to show for all customers.
It's good way that I'm using, anytime when you have new invoices or files, just alert your customers about file name via email, so customer can login and see, download, etc.

Caller not authenticated when attempting access sharepoint list using Microsoft graph

Trying to use Microsoft's Graph beta to access a Sharepoint list via a registered Azure app using a key. I'm able to successful see/access some lists(looks like only lists created when site was created), but any list I have manually created is missing.
I can do the following get to list most lists in my site:,fc016e3c-d8ae-4ee0-a10c-de6d26788b6a,9a4ea7a5-c3c4-44ae-9f80-273bd67431b8\lists
but for some reason it's only displaying certain lists and none of the ones I created. However if enter the list's GUID like this,fc016e3c-d8ae-4ee0-a10c-de6d26788b6a,9a4ea7a5-c3c4-44ae-9f80-273bd67431b8/lists/BEA4B4A9-323F-441A-BA19-806290B27EF6
I receive "the caller is not authenticated" message back. This is message has me thinking it's a permissions issue, however, my list permissions are the same on all lists. it's as if the graph api can only see lists created by the system and not by end users.
Anybody experiencing this issue?
I've seen this issue on my end. The "save item to list" function works for some accounts and not others... It's extremely weird! Typical SharePoint, I suppose.
What I've come to realize is that GRAPH will sometimes throw an error when trying to save data to a date field and works every time saving data to text fields. If I'm logged in as my main O365 account (with license) I can save to date fields. If I'm logged in with a basic user that I just created on the domain (no license) I can create items unless there's a date field.
If I come up with anything else I'll post it! Sorry, this is more of a work-around than an answer. Hopefully it will spark something else.

Can we create a retargeting list in AdWords based on email open data in Marketo?

Based on people who interact with an email campaign through marketo I would to create a retargetting campaign in Adwords.
Is it even possible using RTP?
What kind of interactions you'd like to capture?
If it's clicks so you can pass the leads through some page that will send events to GA and eventually redirect them to the desired page.
if you're interested to capture opens it's more complicated, you will need to capture GA's client ID for each one of your leads when they fill out a form.
There are lead data onboarding tools that might help with this challenge.

Eventbrite custom ticket pdf

Is it possible to use event_list_attendees to get the list of attendees and their specific information for the event in order to place it onto my own custom designed ticket graphic/PDF?
For instance, I want to create my own stand alone website that links to my event, have users register/purchase tickets, then from my website via the API, I would send the user a custom email as well as a custom designed ticket specific to my event. On the ticket itself I would want to pull the attendee name and number of tickets ordered, as well as the barcode and the event information.
Yes, that is totally possible. See the page on the Eventbrite API - event_list_attendees
It should give you all the information you need.
Good luck!
You may be interested by Pygmento custom emails & tickets :
You can use the service customize the confirmation email and pdf ticket using any variable from Eventbrite : given name, surname, ticket class, barcode, or even the user-defined checkout fields.

Full google calendar integration with Rails 3 site

I need to integrate my rails 3 application with google calendar. The following are requirements of the application:
Within my application I can create calendar events and invite people (pretty much most of the google calendar features).
I want to be able to pull a users existing google calendars and sync? (potentially).
I need to ability to show the calendar in different forms (daily, weekly, monthly) and put additional graphics in the calendar.
I need to use items created in the calendar for other features and functions. Specifically I need to keep track of a calendar item with something in my database. For example, the ID of a new appointment is tied to a user's foo in my database.
At first I was thinking that I should just bring in google calendar into my application (directly into a div) but then with #4 I really need much more than that.
I found the following (for API integration)
and (for the visual display of calendars)
Before I go down this path I wanted to see if others had input on this. I'm mostly concerned about how to architect this solution, specifically:
let's assume I use the api listed above to create a calendar specifically for my application in google calendar and I interface with this single calendar.
let's also assume that I can create events in that calendar, get the ID back from google calendar and place that ID of each event in my database (where I need to store it and make reference to specific events I've created).
I also want to bring in existing calendars from the user (and resync them). Can this API do that?
Are these the right tools for this architecture?
Also I think I need to use omniauth so that I don't have to store the users google calendar user name and password.
Another JQuery Calendar plugin you might want to look at is Full Calendar. There is even a demo project that provides code to integrate it with Rails 3 available on GitHub
