Real time Alternative to polling in ruby on rails (Jruby) - ruby-on-rails

I have a long running operation that I activate by placing a message on a ruby resque queue. The endpoint does the work which might take many minutes.
I was going to periodically poll the database every few second but I think the world has moved on from polling. Is there a better way using ruby on rails to get the results as a push, perhaps using something like web sockets or comet?
Can anyone suggest anything to start my research?

Websockets is the thing to research, and Pusher is a good way to get started with it.

em-websocket..or websocket-rails


Running asynchronous jobs in rails

I am working on rails 3.1.10. Ruby 1.9.2.
I want to trigger a method after creation of every order(I am using spree). I want to do it in such a way that the rendering is not stalled and application is not slowed down.
I know I can use delayed_job, but I have found it to be unreliable. In past I have seen jobs not getting added to the delayed_job queue.
So, I have decided to use SQS by AWS. I want to push the order details to SQS as soon as order gets created. What is the best way of doing this?

Using threads in Rails Observer

As far as I know Observer pattern in Ruby on Rails is not made to be asynchronous meaning that Observer's execution will block the action being processed.
I know about delayed_job gem and I really like it but sometimes it looks a bit too heavy for certain purposes.
What about launching a new thread in the Observer's callback?
I spent some time trying to find pros and cons of such approach and failed.
So the question is: are there any serious drawbacks of Observer's threading?
Have you heard about sidekiq? It's the new "hot" gem to do background processing (vs resque or delayedjob).
From the FAQ:
sidekiq uses redis for storage and processes messages in a multi-threaded process.
It's just as easy to set up as resque but more efficient in terms
raw processing speed. Your worker code does need to be thread-safe.
There's also a railscast about it here.
I would recommend using that compared to creating your own thread.
DelayedJob and Sidekiq both present good options, and Rails offers full ActiveJob support now, here are the official docs -
DelayedJob I think has been around the longest, created by the crew that built It creates a table in your rails app and queues and works off of that. For me it provides the simplest option, as it carries no other dependencies other than your rails app.
Sidekiq offers a great alternative as well. It too is very simple and well-maintained, but instead of using your database, it uses a redis server to manage the jobs. That makes development a bit trickier, as you have to install redis and remember to start it when running your app. Not hard, just a bit extra stuff.
Here's a quick guide comparing the two - DelayedJob vs. Sidekiq, hope that helps.

Rails Background Process (Heroku Rails 3+)

I'm am going to set up some functionality for my app that is Rails 3.2.3 and on Heroku. The idea is to have a task, or job (or whatever you want to call it) run every day, to make sure user information from the external API is up to date with the user information in my db. I'm curious what is the the best way to set this up? Should it be a cron job that runs a rake task?
Seems like there are quite a few ways to do this and I'm interested in the ways others are doing this. The only way I can think to do it is to run a rake task in a cron job, but would love to figure out what best practices are, or the most simple way to do it. Seems like there are a lot of ways to skin this cat... lots of different tools out there too.
If there was a pure rails way to do this, I think that would be better so I don't have to screw around with every system I place my app onto.
For a simple sync job that runs once a day, I believe having a cronjob would be sufficient and likely more stable in the long run.
Honestly, solutions such as Resque and Sidekiq is a bit overkill in my opinion (for your needs). You're still required to use a scheduler to send messages to these systems.
Check out the gem 'whenever' if you're looking at making the deployment and writing of crontabs easier:
Railscasts regarding 'whenever':
There are two options. They're better than options you mentioned in your question
Try the later one. It is faster, lightweight and based on multithreading so there isn't interference with system. You'll need to look into scheduler of both the gem for processing everyday.
Hope this helps!
Use the Heroku scheduler add on to the handle scheduling itself. You can have it run a rake task, resque, or whatever.
Here is a few to choose from :
resque (with resque-scheduler. But you have to use redis with it)
rufus-scheduler ( if you want something simple, resque uses rufus-scheduler itself)
You may try delayed_job with a few tricks like this one. Not that great for scheduling but can use your application database.

Background process in Rails 3

I am writing a Web app that will need to run a background process that will poll a web service every minute or so and then query my Rails db and send out alerts to users of the app via Twitter. I have researched this a lot but I feel I am just going around in circles. I have come across delayed_job, background_job and a few other options like creating a custom daemon suggested in a Railscast. Does anyone have any suggestions for the best way to do this? The process will have to run constantly in the background and won't be triggered by an event in the front end. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Why don't you just create a rake task and add it to your CRON execution?
You can even use Whenever to configure this for you.
I used Beanstalkd for this and can recommend it.
You can simply use cron for tasks that has to be executed every X minutes, hours etc.
gem whenever is usefull to setup this with rails:
I don't know much about delayed_job. But you can check out some tutorials, for example this article on heroku:
I used delayed_job for our application.
While working on this, we researched many sites and finally we are able to apply it.
We apply our experiences in the following link
Hope this will help to get started with background process in rails 3.
We can either use backgroundrb or unix crontab.
Crontab will do the job if you don't want to send any heavy loaded process to run asynchronously during the request process cycle of the application.
Backgroundrb consumes lot of memory and cpu in production environment if any of the process hangs out. Also we need to configure a monitor tool to make sure that the background process is running.

Polling, web sockets, or comet on a rails app

I'm trying to determine the best way to go about doing something for a project I have where I rely on an external API/service which takes ~2.5-4 seconds for a reply.
Currently I'm using javascript to load the api/data after the DOM has loaded then jquery updates a partial on the page. Pretty as the loader I have is, it still locks up the server process, so I'd like to move it out into a Heroku worker using delayed_job or something else? And the info from the API is user specific and not something that could be in a cron job.
The data I'm pulling only needs to be updated every few hours and is recorded locally in the DB, so I'm guessing an all out web socket such as that provided by would be overkill?
I'm leaning towards polling using delayed_job and waiting for a status update to determine it's completeness. Has anyone done this with delayed_job? Hints or caveats?
Yeah you can definitely do something like that with delayed_job... but ultimately it sounds like you need something cron-like for scheduling, right? Alternatively, can't you use cron on heroku to just run a rake task every couple of hours?
