Localizing Static Text asp.net mvc3.What is the approach? - asp.net-mvc

Learning asp.net mvc and I am building a small website that will be initially in 2 languages.
10 or more pages are static pages with bold bits etc...
What is the best approach for localising these pages?
Is there a way to do it without creating a page for language that would be a no in my book.
How do you handle localisation of static pages in asp.net mvc? In asp.net there was some sort of localise control.
Any suggestions?

The way to do this is using resource files. You create an resource file for your default language and then one for each other language your site should run in.
This article describes how to do it. For example if you want english (default) and french you could create two resource files (.resx files) Website.resx and Website.fr-FR.resx. The first file for your default language, which is english and the second file for french. Both files exists from a key-value pair.
EDIT: Another interresting article describing the same idea can be found here.

I think that the best approach is still creating two files for them,
cause they are not static pages forever, they may change in future,
Or you can generalize the solution and save the text in database
for those two languages and render the correct content base on the selected culture.
They can be saved in the sense that they are pages on newsroom,
whenever you add a news you enter the text for both cultures.



I have an ASP.NET MVC application, and the visitors can select from two languages to view the site. My question is: should the url's themselves also be language dependent, like:
/en/approach -> refers to the English page
/nl/aanpak -> refers to the Dutch page
or should I just use /en/approach for both english and dutch pages?
It would be better to split them out. It would allow search engines to index more pages and also makes the urls hackable. Also, if you are planning to use output caching, you would easily be able to cache both localization.
Here is a good post about how to accomplish localization with MVC.
How to localize ASP.NET MVC application?
Like Phil said... It helps you, the search engine and helps your users understanding that it's separated content.
Keep the content for each language on separate URLs. Don’t use cookies to show translated versions of the page. Consider cross-linking each language version of a page. That way, a French user who lands on the German version of your page can get to the right language version with a single click.
Avoid automatic redirection based on the user’s perceived language. These redirections could prevent users (and search engines) from viewing all the versions of your site.
- Google, Multi-regional and multilingual sites

ASP.NET MVC Configurable Static Text

I am currently working on a project that requires Static Text to be configurable(including labels, messages, and validation errors). I was wondering what the best approach would be. The app is being written using ASP.NET MVC and C# 3.5. I need all this static configurable text to be fed to the MVC project from a different project. I thought of using Global Resources, or using an XML file that would be loaded on application start. By the way, this is not about localization, also static text won't be configurable by the end-user.
You could use AppSettings and web.config as James answered. you could also store it in a database, with key value pair structure.
But you also need to get it from the configuration project to the ASP.Net MVC project. I would do it like this:
Create a service interface on the configuration project
use Enterprise Library Caching in the ASP.Net MVC project
Check if the value is cached
If not get it from the configuration and store it in the cache
I would probably make a separate project that contained a series of Resx files, these are pretty easy to work with and give you localization for free. This is where I would start and if you need to edit them on the fly through some admin tool then you could use something like Rick Strahl's data driven provider. This is probably a better approach then trying to come up with your own DB driven design.
I do agree that you probably need to clarify a bit of how and when the text will be editable.
Definitely stay away from the web.config and appsettings unless we are only talking about 1 or 2 lines of text. In general this is not a good idea for many of the reasons others have stated about app restarts and just general config bloat.
I would store it in the AppSettings section in the Web.Config file.
Localization is actually a decent way to handle this--it is solving the same problem, you'd just need to provide a single language file. Downside is that localization bits are not necessarily easily end-user editable. Which drives me to the fact that the real question to answer here is "how user editable is this information going to be?" If the answer is "frequently and easily" then you might want to make some sort of UI Snippets table in your database and handle it accordingly. Another decent option would be to use a custom configuration section and read/write to it using the configuration API. Also leaves open hand-editing XML files if need be.
I would use a XML file with a single load at the application startup

ASP.NET MVC+ multilingual page

I'm developing a website using ASP.NET MVC. The website should handle multiple languages.
I would like to ask what are the best practices of handling multiple languagues - both for "static" texts and taken from DB. I read some threads about this on stackoverflow but i'm not sure how can I implement in when data from DB are received. I also read this article
Well, if you need to localize your web application then you can't really use any "static" text. The article link you included talks about using resource files. While this does work in ASP.Net MVC it means that everything in your view pages will have to be an ASP.Net Literal control and you have to push ALL of your textual content into the .RES file and not put any of it in your view pages.
If you have a lot of users from different cultures then using the .RES files will be the way to go. If you have the majority of your users all in one language and just a small percentage in a different language then you may be able to take advantage of Microsoft’s translation engine. You just embed some JavaScript in your page and Microsoft will translate the page’s text for you.

What advantages are the of using .resx localization for an ASP.NET MVC app?

There are a number of questions on this site related to how to access RESX files in an ASP.NET MVC application, and best practices of using them.
However after reading (for the first time I might add) the MSDN article on resources I'm left wondering if there are even any advantages of using RESX files since I'm not going to be using server controls. Theres all this talk of 'implicit' and 'explicit' localization but I'm not going to benefit from that with MVC.
Ultimately my application will need string resources for buttons and menu items and also much longer HTML items for longer miscellaneous content. I would like to use a CMS for the longer items becuase I'm pretty sure I don't want to go sticking them into an RESX file.
Are there any compelling reasons to use or not to use ASP.NET resources in a new application. I'm going to assume that any future MVC enhancements or RESX enhancements will work in harmony together, but for now I'm just getting a glorified IDictionary as far as I can see.
Should I proceed with RESX or look elsewhere? Should I even be considering a CMS for the kinds of resources that RESX is designed for?
Any lessons learned would be appreciated.
There are couple of advantages to the RESX infrastructure:
you don't have to load the proper per-language resources. Once the locale of the thread is established, the CLr takes care of finding the appropriate assembly and loading the resources.
it is easy to hand off the locale-specific resources for localizations to third-parties.
there is a default fallback mechanism for non-localized resources.
There is also one particular disadvantage to the RESX approach:
it is hard to support translation model where the users translate your resources for you.
I'd like to elaborate a bit about that last point. Take for example the Facebook translation model. Facebook has fairly simple way for people to provide and vote on translations of various resources. If these are stored in a database, it would be possible to use them after the proper editorial process without rebuilding and redeploying the application. With the RESX model, the resources assemblies will have to be rebuild and redeployed, which could have high enough cost depending on the deployment process.
Thus, before deciding what localization process to use, I would look at the decision of who is going to do the localization and what the deployment process for the localizaed resources would be after the main application is already deployed.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that these considerations are orthogonal to the ASP.NET framework choice (MVC or WebForms).
I'd say "yes", resx files are still a good option for new applications. I don't think ASP.NET MVC in particular changes anything about storing your strings.
What's great about using resources is
they're pretty easy to manage
localizing your site is a much easier task than without resources (and I stress much easier)
you can replace the resource store at any time because resources use the provider model. You can switch out resx files for db entries without changing the implementation of your site.
I recommend resource files for the "site strings" which are different than the large blocks of data you might edit on a frequent basis. So for a full recommendation, I'd say use resource files (resx to start) for buttons, labels, etc, and a CMS for the meaty content.
If you are going to use Resx and not use Server Controls as you are in MVC, why not extend the MVC Helper methods so you can create localised labels and text? Then simply call the text from resource in the helper method.
'<%=Html.CultureLabel("ResouceId") %>'
'<%=Html.CultureButton("Name","ResouceId", HtmlButtonType.Button) %>'
Just a thought.
Also managing globalisation of a site is MUCH easier with resx for the text.

Having trouble implementing multilingual umbraco 3.0

How to implement the multilingual umbraco 3.0?
There are two different approaches to this.
The documentation on the Umbraco website describes how to do 1:1 multingual sites. This means that you have one site structure and different language tabs in a single document type for each translation od the content. This is then selected by using an on page selector on the website (a flag icon or the like).
Here's an example of a 1:1 site
This is the most efficient set up if you have lots of shared content i.e. the content and structure is exactly the same, the language is just different.
The second approach is to use separate page structures for each language, such as:
International Homepage
------> English Homepage
------------> English content page
------> French Homepage
------------> French content page
The advantage of this structure is that it is very easy to set up, but if you share lots of content it can be cumbersome to manage. It also has the advantage that you can lock the editing permissions down for country/language specific editors.
With the above structure you can also point individual URLs to the country pages.
Without knowing more about what exactly your requirements are it's hard to answer more fully as to which is the best approach. It may also be possible to create a hybrid solution.
Here are some links which may help:
