Vim(ruby):NoMethodError: undefined method `specifications' - ruby-on-rails

I'm using Vim 7.3 on Windows 7. When I try to open a .rb File i get this error.
Vim(ruby):NoMethodError: undefined method `specifications' for "C:/Ruby192/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1":String
The file opens after I press Enter, but with no syntax highlighting. I have the following vim plugins: rails.vim surround.vim nerd_tree.vim nerdcommenter.vim snipmates.vim

I'm not sure if the problem is with one of the vim plugins. I just installed all the plugins you mentioned in win7 and I have no such problem. However I had a similar error reproduced when I had rubygems 1.8.5, and I tried to run a rake task. Here is a link to a forum that talks about that same rubygems error link
To find out your version, run
gem -v
The solution for us was to downgrade rubygems
gem update --system 1.7.2
#Tyler-long is telling me, that Ruby Gems fixed the problem, and an upgrade also fixes the bug. Then you can just do:
gem update --system

tpope has fixed this. It will be in the next release of vim. Meanwhile, you can upgrade your ruby-vim ftplugin.
Replace $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/ruby.vim with the latest version from

Related website was not found, what do I do now?

I'm taking a course on Ruby on Rails. In the video the instructor recommends that you use to download Rails instead of . But the site isn't there.
According to whois, it is inactive.
(When I investigated I got farther, but then got SSL errors. See solution below.)
My instructor said to go to this website for instructions. This solution also works if you are getting SSL errors when trying to use Ruby On Rails ( See Note1 and Note2 below first):
... get installer from here (If you have Git already, unclick that box.):
The idea is to remove ruby and rails from your machine. (Make sure you have node and yarn.) Run the installer. Then install newest stable versions of Ruby and Rails. Installing Ruby from
Note2: Instead of using "gem install rails" command as Youtube video says, Do the following:
(thanks to Kingston Peng for this process)
"Run the command:
$ gem install gemName --source
it worked for me. I got: "1 gem installed".
So I tried:
$ gem install rails --source
", said Kingston Peng.
It worked! "37 gems installed"!
The GoRails setup guide is a good resource for this. This will show you how to download the latest versions of Ruby and Rails.
I'm working on the same course by the same instructor. Also, isn't working, so, you may use the link mentioned below to directly install the same version of ruby rails.

How to solve a RubyMine "'ruby-debug-ide' isn't installed" error

I get the error:
Cannot start debugger. Gem 'ruby-debug-ide' isn't installed or its executable script 'rdebug-ide' doesn't exist.
but all gems were successfuly installed:
gem 'ruby-debug-ide'
gem 'debase'
I can run 'rdebug-ide' manually:
$ rdebug-ide
Using ruby-debug-base 0.2.1
Usage: rdebug-ide is supposed to be called from RDT, NetBeans, RubyMine, or
the IntelliJ IDEA Ruby plugin. The command line interface to
ruby-debug is rdebug.
But when I start debugging, RubyMine asks to install the ruby-debug-ide gem. Why?
And, after installation I get:
Cannot start debugger. Gem 'ruby-debug-ide' isn't installed or its executable script 'rdebug-ide' doesn't exist.
I'm running Mac OS X 10.11.3.
Here's the actual command that worked for me:
gem install ruby-debug-ide --pre
Complementing Ahsan Ellahi
In your terminal you're probably not running the same ruby version as inside Ruby Mine. You can check this
In Ruby Mine
Preferences --> Laguanges and Frameworks --> Ruby SDK and Gems
In Terminal
$ ruby -v
If you're not running the same version, try to set RubyMine to use the same Ruby version that you're running in your terminal. This should solve the problem. Than, if you really want to use another RubyVersion, you will need to go to your terminal, change the Ruby version and manually install both gems
I have faced this issue when debugging in a docker-compose environment. I suspect that RubyMine does not refresh the list of available gem after the SDK is added.
So if you add the SDK then add ruby-debug-ide to Gemfile you will get the error.
Instead, (re)create the SDK after adding ruby-debug-ide.
I started getting this after upgrading from 2017.x to 2018.1. In my case, it seems that RubyMine needed a newer version but its error message implied it couldn't find any version and failed to install it. I think it was trying to install it with a different SDK.
Manually installing the latest ruby-debugger-ide (in my case the --pre flag was necessary) and then restarting RubyMine did the trick for me.
Since you're using Mac OSX, I couldn't provide the same exact answer for you, but you can find a similar way of achieving this. I'm using Ubuntu with Vagrant, so you may need to adapt it just a little bit.
Copy the following gem from RubyMine/rb/gems app folder, please copy the gem related to your ruby runtime and platform, there are different gems for different ruby runtime and platforms, in my case, its:
Install them inside your app host, in my case its vagrant, in your case it could be inside your container, or in your host OS using the following command:
gem install --force --local *.gem
Set breakpoint and start debugging.
It may asks you one more time to install the gem, but then the debug will works for sure.
This worked for me
gem install debase-ruby_core_source
Source: Cannot install Rubymine Debugger
You should look into RubyMine settings, which ruby version and which gemset (global/default) it is using. Check out where these required gems are installed and make sure RubyMine is using that gemset where these are installed successfully.
I fixed this after viewing the responses here:
The solution at the bottom suggested 'removing all my gems. removing ruby. cleaning up directories and rvm. removing ruby mine, then reinstalling everything'
I started with the easiest of these, which was to reinstall rubymine. That solved it for me.
I had this issue on Windows 11 running Ubuntu on WSL2. To solve, I manually copied the relevant files in my %AppData% directory into the corresponding directory in Ubuntu.
I found all the data at:
These files were copied to: \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\[USER]\.gem\ruby\2.7.0
After doing this, everything worked again.
I have faced this issue too with Rubymine 8, rvm 1.29.1 and Ruby version 2.3.3 And upgrading the Rubymine version from Rubymine 8 to Rubymine 2016.3 or latest resolves the issue for me.
Check ruby SDK's version is right.You can first using rails installer to install everything .
Then using gem to install rdebug for ruby 2+.
Make sure Rubymine's Ruby version is same to which you have installed.With those all done,you will be able to debug ruby.
Please check x286 vs 64 version, both Ruby and Rmine version. I had this problem runnin x86 rubyMine on 64 ruby
A combination of matching the host ide ruby version with the remote SDK version worked for me but required a few additional steps. I too am running mac os as my host (running mohave)
the remote environment setup in preferences -> ruby sdk and gems must have the same version as the remote target, including any gems installed.
NOTE: I had to re-install the bundler gem on both host and remote host to get the gem manager to install things auto-majically.
the project environment must be changed to use the same version as the remote host as well. this is in File -> preferences for new projects -> ruby sdk and gems.
NOTE: I also had to set the default RVM on my local host and remote host and unset the previous version as default in the local host preferences.
Once I did this I was able to get gems in sync and remote debugger to connect.
My solution was to go to Rubymine settings, to the available SDKs,
remove the SDK, restart Rubymine and add the SDK again.
Running Ubuntu 18 something, RubyMine version 2020.3. Had this issue. None of these suggestions worked for me, same error no matter what did. I was using RVM, and ruby 2.6 and 2.7, switched back and forth a cleaning and reinstalling gems along thew way, both debase and ruby-debug-ide were installed according to the gem list. Settings in rubymine matched "ruby -v" from the command line. VSCode worked perfectly with this setup.
In the end i removed RVM and all the ruby versions, installed ruby via rbenv, installed ruby 2.6.5 and that worked like a charm.
I think this error is generated for multiple reasons with no real way to figure out which reason for your specific instance. I would like to encourage jetbrains to generate more debug information on errors like this, or if you are generating error information, point out where it is when this happens.
Try these steps:
1. /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
2. brew install ruby
3. echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
if you get unshallow error on any step then first try:
1. git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core fetch --unshallow
2. git -C /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask fetch --unshallow
3. /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
4. brew install ruby
5. echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Lastly restart the terminal and check .bash_profile:
- nano ~/.bash_profile
If you see the path variable, just close it. Otherwise it means something went wrong :/.
The last step is to open
RubyMine -> Preferences -> Language and Frameworks -> Ruby SDK and Gems -> select the newest ruby version and apply.
You may need to update ruby version from the gemfile.
And it should be done!

Rails initialization checksum error

I'm trying to initialize a new rails app on windows, and running rails new <appname> generates everything up to vendor/assets/stylesheets/.keep, but when bundle install is run, rails generates this error:
Checksum of /versions does not match the checksum provided by server! Something is wrong.
I'm not sure what's causing this, as I've done nothing to rails itself. Any help is appreciated.
Edit: If it's an error caused by windows being finicky, I have the option of moving to Linux, but I'd like to know what's wrong first.
I had the same issue using windows, and was able to solve it by uninstalling bundler and installing an older version.
rails new <appname>
gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler -v 1.9
cd <appname>
bundle install
That did it for me!
In my case there was a *.pre.1 version and I chose to uninstall that particular version and then "bundle install" worked.
Try removing your ruby cache folder and then try again. So for example if you are on Linux machine and you are using rbenv and say ruby 2.1.5 folder. Your path would be similar to something like (Not sure where on windows ruby is stored):
Removing this folder and trying bundle install again should resolve the issue.
It will be great, if you move to a Linux machine.
On windows it's a hell to pay in my 5 years of experience what i have learned is not to mess with (ror) or (rs) in windows. here's a cheeky thing you can do an easy way. I believe you are using github as repo, as a editor you are using sublime if thats is a case open your gemfile you will see check the image or
try to clear cache on your server or update the gems.
I had this same exact error and solved it the following way. I think you are missing the ruby DevKit being installed.
Go here and download/install the latest 32-bit Ruby version (as of writing this 2.2.4, you will need it for the web-console gem)
Make sure to add your ruby\bin folder to your environmental path variable
The trick is hidden near the bottom-left of the same page under the "Development Kit" section. You need to download and extract the right one into a permanent location (as of writing this for 32-bit - DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe)
After extracting the files, go into the main directory and run "ruby dk.rb init" followed by "ruby dk.rb install" (More information can be found here
That fixed it for me and i can now fully install with no checksum issues
This problem began when i tried to run my app. I wrote rails s and the console said me Could not find sdoc-0.4.1 in any of the sources Run bundle install to install missing gems. Then i wrote bundle install and the message that appeared was Checksum of /versions does not match the checksum provided by server! Something is wrong.
I solve this problem following this steps:
Wrote bundle install
The console said me Could not find sdoc-0.4.1 in any of the sources
Then i reinstalled this gem with gem install sdoc -v 0.4.1
I tried again to write rails s and it's was solved.

Rails server giving Readline support error

I'm new to Ruby on Rails and I'm trying to start the RoR server. But when I run the command rails server it gives me the following error:
Sorry, you can't use byebug without Readline. To solve this, you need to
rebuild Ruby with Readline support. If using Ubuntu, try `sudo apt-get
install libreadline-dev` and then reinstall your Ruby.
bin/rails:6: warning: already initialized constant APP_PATH
/home/abraar/ror/bin/rails:6: warning: previous definition of APP_PATH was here
Usage: rails COMMAND [ARGS]
I'm using rbenv with Ruby 2.2.2 and Rails 4.2.1
I tried following the instructions on this blog post but it's not working.
Any solutions?
To fix this (for OSX, tested on Sierra), run following command in your shell -
ln -s /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.dylib /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.6.dylib
July 2019 on Mac
I faced this same issue on my machine & running the following command solved it, note that even if you have version 8 of readline you still need to link to version 7 as shown:
ln -s /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.dylib /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.7.dylib
I solved the issue by (commands for mac with homebrew and rbenv):
installing readline brew install readline
reinstalling / recompiling ruby rbenv install 2.3.1
I was facing the following error:
Sorry, you can't use byebug without Readline
Reinstalling ruby resolved this for me (using rvm):
rvm reinstall 2.1.5
You can replace ruby version ie, 2.1.5 with the one you want to reinstall.
Add this to the development group of gem.
gem 'rb-readline'
byebug is a gem used for debugging.
The new app generator for rails includes it by default in the development & test environments with the following lines:
group :development, :test do
<% if RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' -%>
# Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console
gem 'byebug'
I don't think it is important for a newcomer to be able to use it. I would recommend commenting out that line in the Gemfile, run bundle install and continue with your rails learning adventure.
I resolved it by follwing way
brew unlink readline
brew link readline --force
If you are in a hurry,
Open your byebug's history.rb
and comment out the following line,
require 'readline'
But, It is recommended to use byebug to debug.

Getting a "bad interpreter" error when using brew

I'm getting this error when I try to run any brew command.
Holger-Sindbaeks-MacBook-Air:~ holgersindbaek$ brew help
-bash: /usr/local/bin/brew: /usr/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
I have absolutely no idea on how to fix this and been searching for a long time without answer.
I got this error (much the same):
/usr/local/bin/brew: /usr/local/Library/brew.rb: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
/usr/local/bin/brew: line 26: /usr/local/Library/brew.rb: Undefined error: 0
and fixed by the solution below:
Open brew.rb:
$ sudo vim /usr/local/Library/brew.rb
Change the first line's 1.8 to Current:
#!/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/1.8/usr/bin/ruby -W0
#!/System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/Current/usr/bin/ruby -W0
Then brew works for me. Hope it helps if any other one got this issue. :)
If you get the error
Homebrew requires Leopard or higher. For Tiger support, see:
change the MACOS check from <10.5 to <10.
Tip by #TimCastelijns:
10.5 doesn't work because in comparison, it's higher than 10.10 (.1 vs .5). I added a check (and MACOS_VERSION != 10.10) instead of lowering from 10.5 to 10.
What you are getting means that Homebrew has not been able to locate the Ruby interpretter at the specified location.
Install Apple Developer Kit (comes with Xcode) which should be available to you as an optional install (or you can simply download it from Apple). This will install the Ruby interpreter for you.
In case you already have Xcode installed, this means that one of these things is happening:
You have a broken Ruby installation
You have more than one Ruby installation
Your installation has not been configured properly.
To identify if this is the first case, you can run ruby and see if you get any response.
If you don't, your installation is broken and you need to reinstall it. If you do, you then run which ruby. This should give you the absolute path to your Ruby executable. If this is anything other than /usr/bin/ruby then homebrew (and a bunch of other programs) will not be able to find it.
In case you have not ever tampered with your Ruby installation, you can check to see if /usr/bin/ruby already exists or not: cat /usr/bin/ruby. If you get No such file or directory, then you can easily create a symbolic link to your Ruby installation. Assuming the output of which ruby to by /usr/local/bin/ruby, you create the symbolic link this way: sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby and all should be well.
If there is a file at that location, you can run file /usr/bin/ruby to see if it's a real file, a symbolic link, or a corrupted file. If it is a symbolic link, your installation should be working, and since it's not, it probably is either a corrupted symlink or it's a bogus file.
You can remedy that by first deleting it (sudo rm /usr/bin/ruby) and then creating a new symlink to the correct location (sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby).
If non of the above works, you should consult the homebrew team after a clean install of Xcode and removing any traces of a Ruby installation on your system.
Alternatively, as pointed out by the other answers, the issue might be because of a bad ruby version in your Homebrew settings.
A quick fix might be updating your Homebrew:
cd /usr/local
git pull -q origin refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
If this does not help, you might want to get your hands dirty and manually fix the problem by:
Editing brew.rb from /user/local/Library/brew.rb
Changing /1.8/ to /Current/ in the first line, which will cause the hashbang to point to the current Ruby version as the executor
If this does not help, either, you can also modify the MACOS check and change it from 10.5 to 10 to avoid the infamous "Homebrew requires Leopard or higher" error.
A bunch of thanks to other contributors in the answers below and their commenters. I am not committing plagiarism, simply aggregating the answers into one integrated article to help others.
sudo gem install cocoapods
At the risk of oversimplifying things, try running
gem install bundler
I was transitioning my Ruby environment from RBENV to RVM and it worked for me.
This happened because I needed to update brew - in the updated version it already uses Current ruby
cd /usr/local
git pull -q origin refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
This solved the problem
You need to change the path for Ruby.Framework
I solved it with commands as mentioned.
brew install cocoapods --build-from-source
brew link --overwrite cocoapods
If you have a lower version below Xcode 11, you have to remove it before you use the above commands.
Reference: Ruby Framework issue
None of the above worked for me, so I kept browsing and found this answer,
which did fix brew for me. He says in step 1 to install XCode 6 command line tools, but doesn't say how; use this command:
xcode-select --install
I got the same issue when updated to MacOSX High Sierra & using Xcode 9 with that. High Sierra update ruby gem to version 2.3 but xcpreety command of Xcode 9 still using Ruby 2.0 which is unable to find now & gives bad interpreter.
Just go to Terminal & run
sudo gem install xcpretty
Restart Xcode & do fresh clean build it works for me.
Hope it helps!!!
After upgrading to macOS High Sierra, get it fixed with following commands:
sudo gem install cocoapods
In my case seems like fastlane installed incorrectly with brew install fastlane system didn't write correct path to fastlane. I fixed it with alias fastlane=~/.fastlane/bin/fastlane
I solved it with commands as mentioned.
1.) Uninstall your GEM.
gem unistall GEM
2.) Then Install your GEM.
sudo gem install GEM -n /usr/local/bin
I got bad interpreter: No such file or directory error when used xcpretty and xcpretty-travis-formatter on upgraded MacOS.
To solve it
gem install xcpretty
gem install xcpretty-travis-formatter
That is why I can recommend you to reinstall failed component gem install <name>
#For example error looks like
/usr/local/bin/xcpretty-travis-formatter: /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
gem install xcpretty-travis-formatter
