how to compile java files classnotfoundexception - javac

I am having a java project having the directory structure as
java->applet and a few .java files
the applet folder further contains two folders and some .java files
I need to develop a jar file out of this project
I did so by writing the command line
jar cvfm myfile.jar *.java
(obviously by moving into corresponding directory)
when I checked by extracting the file(it was zipped as a Nokia application installer file)
it showed me only the classes in the applet folder not the folders in it
moreover i needed to use this jar file in a jquery plugin where i had written
var dasherApplet = $('applet');
but it showed me the class not found exception
for this I checked the previous versions of the java applet; there the java files were replaced by .class files so i tried compiling a java file into .class by using the command line
still all in vain this time it showed me
"cannot find symbol" error
what was interesting was that the errors generated were imitating the java files present in the same folder. I navigated to the directory where the file was stored still the same error
when i tried to simply run it by using
error was main class not
Please help me develop this applet

Firstly you need to compile all the jar files before running.
Secondly , you CANNOT run Applets using java .
As this link explains ,
jar cvf TicTacToe.jar TicTacToe.class audio images
Here audio and images are folders , so that is how you add folders to jar.
Also .jar files are not Nokia Application Installer files . Nokia simply associates them for installing apps (that is J2ME)


Can you use Java JPackage to create own Windows installer without using its way of running application

Background, I currently use Izpack for my Windows installer, I bundle a java runtime and use winrun4j as a wrapper both for the installation and the actual program once installed. It worked for a long time but there are a number of problems with the installer that I have not been able to solve and have been looking to replace it.
Oracle now provide the JPackage installer so it seems like a sensible choice. But the folder structure created by the installer is different to what I currently have, I have a number of config and non java files and I have not been able to get the .exe that JPackage creates to do anything.
So is it possible to use JPackage to create the installer but in a strcuture better matching my existing structure, and use continue to use WInRun4j to actyally run my application
Existing Folder Structure
---Config Files
-------jar files
------- Java runtime
JPackage structure
---Runtime Dlls
----- jar files
Config files
------Java runtime
------Runtime Dlls (again)
The structure of directories generated by jpackage is mainly set up for you and does not seem possible to change, and makes installation of Java app dependencies very easy with self contained JRE. The basic structure for Windows is as you say:
---App.exe (for --main-class parameter)
---xyz.exe (for each --add-launcher parameter)
---Runtime Dlls (these appear to be unused except for applauncher.dll, see SO 62607300)
------App.cfg (for --main-class)
------xyz.cfg (for per --add-launcher)
------Java runtime
------Runtime Dlls
With --input and --main-jar params you are free to setup additional directory structure under app/ folder for anything else you want for your application. So if you used lib/myappjar.jar it would add:
If you used --input build\mypath it would copy the entire tree of files under that folder, so if build\mypath dir contained
Then app would also contain:
By the way the Runtime DLLs placed at top level appear to be copies of some of the DLLs under runtime/bin

Using LibGit2Sharp in the Mono ASP.NET MVC project on Ubuntu

I've created ASP.NET MVC project in MonoDevelop on Ubuntu.
Using Nuget, I added LibGit2Sharp package, but it doesn't have libgit2 library compiled for linux environment.
Then I downloaded libgit2 sources and compiled them.
Now I have, but when I put it into the bin folder of my mvc project, I get System.DllNotFoundException git2-06d772d
When I create Console project and put into the bin folder of this project, application works fine.
Shared objects are not loaded when they are next to a particular file, but when their directory is in the library load path. The operating system sets a few paths that are valid for all programs, but if you have your library elsewhere, you need to specify the directory yourself.
Exporting LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the dir of the library will let the library loader know what other paths you expect to load a library from. E.g. if you built libgit2 with the libgit2sharp script you might run
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/libgit2sharp/libgit2/build
in the console to let the OS know that any program you start from that shell where to find libgit2.
It's common for mono-based apps to provide a script for the user to run which sets up the environment before calling mono to start the actual .exe with the program.

Inno Setup unable to find image files

I am trying to package a JavaFX application using NetBeans & Inno setup. I have placed the custom .iss file and the images under Sample/package/windows folder. Ant CLASSPATH is also updated.
When I an trying to build the project, the compiler picks up the custom .iss file, but throws a file not found error.
Reading file (WizardImageFile)
File: C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\build3064710805837836647.fxbundler\imageswin-app.image\Sample.bmp
Error on line 34 in C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\build3064710805837836647.fxbundler\images\win-app.image\Sample.iss: Could not read "C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Temp\build3064710805837836647.fxbundler\images\win-app.image\Sample.bmp".
Error: The system cannot find the file specified.
Compile aborted.
Sample.bmp file is present under Sample/package/windows
I figured out the problem here. The custom iss file should have the absolute path of the image file.

Sublime 2 can not find file in the path (LaTeX plugin)

I have a project in directory A and files that I use in all my projects are in directory B.
When I moved a .sty file from A to B, the main .tex file does not compile anymore.
The error is that the .sty file was not found. I am puzzled because:
Directory B is included in the path of the project.
I cleaned (deleted manually) all the auxiliary files used in the previous compilations.
I refreshed the project folders .
Did anyone had similar problems? Suggestions?
The file LaTeX.sublime-build, within the Sublime Text folder . . . /Packages/LaTeXTools, contains a $PATH for different operating systems.
For example, Sublime Text 2 on an OSX operating system, has a file located at ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/LaTeXTools/LaTeX.sublime-build. The relevant line of code for a MacTeX TexLive 2012 installation is "path": "$PATH:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/bin",. The plugin LaTeXTools looks in that path for *.sty files that are a part of the TexLive installation. While it may be possible (under some circumstances) to place the *.sty files within the working directory of the *.tex file, this particular plugin looks to the path mentioned hereinabove. So one option would be to add additional locations to the $PATH to suit the needs of the user, or simply place the *.sty files within the path that is pre-defined by the plugin developer.

LuaEdit can't find module when Lua files all in the same folder

I downloaded LuaEdit to use as an IDE and debug tool however I'm having trouble using it for even the simplest things. I've created a solution with 2 files in it, all of which are stored in the same folder. My files are as follows:
test("Testing", "testing", "one, two, three")
foo = {}
print("In foo.lua")
function test(a,b,c) print(a,b,c) end
This works fine when in my C++ compiler when accessed through some embed code, however when I attempt to use the same code in LuaEdit, it crashes on line 3 require("foo") with an error stating:
module 'foo' not found:
no field package.preload['foo']
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\lua\foo.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\lua\foo\init.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\foo.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\foo\init.lua'
no file '.\foo.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\foo.dll'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\loadall.dll'
no file '.\battle.dll'
I have also tried creating these files prior to adding them to a solution and still get the same error. Is there some setting I'm missing? It would be great to have an IDE/debugger but it's useless to me if it can't run linked functions.
The issue is probably that your Lua files are not on the path in package.path (for C files this is package.cpath).
My guess is that the LuaEdit program is not launched in the directory you have your files in, and hence does not have a match for eg .\foo.lua.
You have 3 simple solutions to this (from dumb to smarter):
Find out what path LuaEdit considers as ./ and put your files there.
Open up a terminal in the right directory (the one containing your files), and run LuaEdit from there.
Add the path the files are on to package.path and package.cpath before doing any require's
You may need to put:
package.path = package.path..";c:/path/to/my/files/?.lua"
at the beginning of your files before any require (as jpjacobs indicated). I couldn't find any way to provide this from LuaEdit itself. It appears it runs the script using its full path, but keeps its current dir set to whatever it was when the IDE was started. If you run LuaEdit using full path from your application folder, it should work fine even without package.path changes.
While the IDE itself works fine with its own modules/libraries, it doesn't mean it makes them available to the application it runs.
(shameless plug) If you're still not happy with LuaEdit, I'd offer ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE as an alternative, It's based on the same wxLua framework, but provides a bit more functionality and doesn't have this particular issue you're facing. It also supports remote debugging, so you should be able to debug your Lua scripts directly from your application.
