I'd like to write a spam filter program with SVM and I choose libsvm as the tool.
I got 1000 good mails and 1000 spam mails, then I classify them into :
700 good_train mails 700 spam_train mails
300 good_test mails 300 spam_test mails
Then I wrote a program to count the time of each words occur in each file, got result like:
today 3
hello 7
help 5
I learned that libsvm needs format like:
1 1:3 2:1 3:0
2 1:3 2:3 3:1
1 1:7 3:9
as its input. I know that 1, 2, 1 is the label, but what does 1:3 mean?
How could I transfer what I've got to this format?
Likely, the format is
classLabel attribute1:count1 ... attributeN:countN
N is the total number of different words in your text corpus. You will have to check the documentation for the tool you are using(or its sources), to see if you can use a sparser format by not including the attributes having count 0.
How could I transfer what I've got to this format?
Here's how I would do this. I would use the script you've got to compute the count of words for each mail in the training set. Then, use another script and transfer that data into the LIBSVM format that you've shown earlier. (This can be done in a variety of ways, but it should be reasonable to write with an easy input/output language like Python) I would batch all "good-mail" data into one file, and label that class as "1". Then, I would do the same process with the "spam-mail" data and label that class "-1". As nologin said, LIBSVM requires the class label to precede the features, but the features themselves can be any number as long as they are in ascending order, e.g. 2:5 3:6 5:9 is allowed, but not 3:23 1:3 7:343.
If you're concerned that your data is not in the correct format, use their script
before training and it should report any possible errors.
Once you have two separate files with data in the correct format, you can call
cat file_good file_spam > file_training
and generate a training file that contains data on both good and spam mail. Then, do the same process with the testing set. One psychological advantage with forming the data this way is that you know the top 700 (or 300) mail in the training (or testing) set is good mail, and the remaining are spam mail. This makes it easier to create other scripts you may want to act on the data, such as a precision/recall code.
If you have other questions, the FAQ at http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/faq.html should be able to answer a few, as well as the various README files that come with installation. (I personally found the READMEs in the "Tools" and "Python" directories to be a great boon.) Sadly, the FAQ does not touch much on what nologin said, about data being in a sparse format.
On a final note, I doubt that you need to keep counts of every possible word that could appear in mail. I would recommend counting only the most common words you would suspect to appear in spam mail. Other potential features include total word count, average word length, average sentence length, and other possible data that you feel may be helpful.
I have a list of abstracts and articles approx 500 in csv each paragraph contains approx 800 to 1000 words whenever I build vocab and print with words giving none and how I can improve results?
lst_doc = doc.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
target_data = word_tokenize(lst_doc)
train_data = list(read_data())
model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=50, min_count=2, epochs=40)
train_vocab = model.build_vocab(train_data)
{train = model.train(train_data, total_examples=model.corpus_count,
epochs=model.epochs) }
A call to build_vocab() only builds the vocabulary inside the model, for further usage. That function call doesn't return anything, so your train_vocab variable will be Python None.
So, the behavior you're seeing is as expected, and you should say more about what your ultimate aims are, and what you'd want to see as steps towards those aims, if you're stuck.
If you want to see reporting of the progress of your calls to build_vocab() or train(), you can set the logging level to INFO. This is always a usually a good idea working to learn a new library: even if initially the copious info shown is hard to understand, by reviewing it you'll start to see the various internal steps, and internal counts/timings/etc, that hint whehter things are doing well or poorly.
You can also examine the state of the model and its various internal properties after the code has run.
For example, the model.wv property contains, after build_vocab(), a Gensim KeyedVectors structure holding all the untrained ready-for-training vectors. You can ask for its length (len(model.wv) or examine the discovered active list of words (model.wv.index_to_key).
Other comments:
It's not clear your 1st two lines – assigning into lst_doc and target_data – affect anything further, since it's unclear what read_data() might be doing to fill the train_corpus.
Often low min_count values worsen results, by including more words that have so few usage examples that they're little more than noise during training.
only 500 documents is rather small compared to most published work showing impressive results with this algorithm, which uses tens-of-thousands of documents (if not millions). So, keep in mind that results on such a small dataset may be unrepresentative of what's possible with a larger corpus - in terms of quality, optimal parameters, etc.
I've got several hundred pandas data frames, each of which has a column of very long strings that need to be processed/sentencized and finally tokenized before modeling with word2vec.
I can store them in any format on the disk, before I build a stream to pass them to gensim's word2vec function.
What format would be best, and why? The most important criterion would be performance vis-a-vis training (which will take many days), but coherent structure to the filesystem would also be nice.
Would it be crazy to store several million or maybe even a few billion text files containing one sentence each? Or perhaps some sort of database? If this was numerical data I'd use hdf5. But it's text. The cleanest would be to store them in the original data frames, but that seems less ideal from an i/o perspective, because I'd have to load each data frame (largish) every epoch.
What makes the most sense here?
As you do your preprocessing/tokenization of all the source data that you want to be part of a single training session, append the results to a single plain-text file.
Use space-separated words, and end each 'sentence' (or any other useful text-chunk that's less than 10,000 words long) with a newline.
Then you can use the corpus_file option for specifying your pre-tokenized training data, and will get the maximum possible multithreading benefit. (That mode will direct each thread to open its own view into a range of the single file, so there's no blocking on any distributor thread.)
We want to identify the address fields from a document. For Identifying the address fields we converted the document to OCR files using Tesseract. From the tesseract output we want to check a string contains the address field or not . Which is the right strategy to resolve this problem ?
Its not possible to solve this problem using the regex because address fields are different for various documents and countries
Tried NLTK for classifying the words but not works perfectly for address field.
Required output
I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia - Contains address files <234 23 Philadelphia>
I am looking for a place to stay - Not contains address
Provide your suggestions to solve this problem .
As in many ML problems, there are mutiple posible solutions, and the important part(and the one commonly has greater impact) is not which algorithm or model you use, but feature engineering ,data preprocessing and standarization ,and things like that. The first solution comes to my mind(and its just an idea, i would test it and see how it performs) its:
Get your training set examples and list the "N" most commonly used words in all examples(thats your vocabulary), this list will contain every one of the "N" most used words , every word would be represented by a number(the list index)
Transform your training examples: read every training example and change its representation replacing every word by the number of the word in the vocabolary.
Finally, for every training example create a feature vector of the same size as the vocabulary, and for every word in the vocabulary your feature vector will be 0(the corresponding word doesnt exists in your example) or 1(it exists) , or the count of how many times the word appears(again ,this is feature engineering)
Train multiple classifiers ,varing algorithms,parameters, training set sizes, etc, and do cross validation to choose your best model.
And from there keep the standard ML workflow...
If you are interested in just checking YES or NO and not extraction of complete address, One simple solution can be NER.
You can try to check if Text contains Location or not.
For Example :
import nltk
def check_location(text):
for chunk in nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(text))):
if hasattr(chunk, "label"):
if chunk.label() == "GPE" or chunk.label() == "GSP":
return "True"
return "False"
text="I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia."
print(text+" - "+check_location(text))
text="I am looking for a place to stay."
print(text+" - "+check_location(text))
# I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia. - True
# I am looking for a place to stay. - False
If you want to extract complete address as well, you will need to train your own model.
You can check: NER with NLTK , CRF++.
You're right. Using regex to find an address in a string is messy.
There are APIs that will attempt to extract addresses for you. These APIs are not always guaranteed to extract addresses from strings, but they will do their best. One example of an street address extract API is from SmartyStreets. Documentation here and demo here.
Something to consider is that even your example (I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia) doesn't contain a full address. It's missing a state or ZIP code field. This makes is very difficult to programmatically determine if there is an address. Once there is a state or ZIP code added to that sample string (I am staying at 234 23 Philadelphia PA) it becomes much easier to programmatically determine if there is an address contained in the string.
Disclaimer: I work for SmartyStreets
A better method to do this task could be as followed below:
Train your own custom NER model (extending pre-trained SpaCy's model or building your own CRF++ / CRF-biLSTM model, if you have annotated data) or using a pre-trained models like SpaCy's large model or geopandas, etc.
Define a weighted score mechanism based on your problem statement.
For example - Let's assume every address have 3 important components - an address, a telephone number and an email id.
Text that would have all three of them would get a score of 33.33% + 33.33% + 33.33% = 100 %
For identifying if it's an address field or not you may take into account - the per% of SpaCy's location tags (GPE, FAC, LOC, etc) out of total tokens in text which gives a good estimate of how many location tags are present in text. Then run a regex for postal codes, and match the found city names with the 3-4 words just before the found postal code, if there's an overlap, you have correctly identified a postal code and hence an address field - (got your 33.33% score!).
For telephone numbers - certain checks and regex could do it but an important criteria would be that it performs these phone checks only if an address field is located in above text.
For emails/web address again you could perform nomial regex checks and finally add all these 3 scores to a cumulative value.
An ideal address would get 100 score while missing fields wile yield 66% etc. The rest of the text would get a score of 0.
Hope it helped! :)
Why do you say regular expressions won't work?
Basically, define all the different forms of address you might encounter in the form of regular expressions. Then, just match the expressions.
In naive byes classifier i want to find out the accuracy from my train and test. But my train set is like
Happy: absolution abundance abundant accolade accompaniment accomplish accomplished achieve achievement acrobat admirable admiration adorable adoration adore advance advent advocacy aesthetics affection affluence alive allure aloha
Sad: abandon abandoned abandonment abduction abortion abortive abscess absence absent absentee abuse abysmal abyss accident accursed ache aching adder adrift adultery adverse adversity afflict affliction affront aftermath aggravating
Angry: abandoned abandonment abhor abhorrent abolish abomination abuse accursed accusation accused accuser accusing actionable adder adversary adverse adversity advocacy affront aftermath aggravated aggravating aggravation aggression aggressive aggressor agitated agitation agony alcoholism alienate alienation
For test set
data: Dec 7, 2014 ... This well-known nursery rhyme helps children practice emotions, like happy, sad, scared, tired and angry. If You're Happy and You Know It is ...
Now the problem is how do i convert them into arff file
Your training set is not appropriate for training a model for Weka however these information can be used in feature extraction.
Your Test set can be converted into an arff file. From every message extract these basics features like
1. Any form of the word 'Happy' is present or not
2. Any form of the word 'Sad' is present or not
3. Any form of the word 'Angry' is present or not
then for some messages (say 70%) you should assign one class {Happy, Sad, Angry} manually and for remaining 30% you can test through your model.
More about arff file is given here:
Where to start ;).
As written before your "training data" is not real training data. Training data should be texts similar to the data you are using for Testing. However, in your example it is merely a list of words. My gut feeling is that you would be better of to avoid using weka, count the number of occurrence in each category, and the take the one with most matches.
In case you want use Weka I'd recommend to use the toolbox https://www.knime.org which nicely integrates with weka.
You should then convert your data into a bag of words representation. This is basically you have the number of times each word occurs in each of the texts as features.
Also for this Knime has nice package. http://www.tech.knime.org/files/KNIME-TextProcessing-HowTo.pdf
I would like to perform a binary classification of documents (.txt, .pdf, .jpeg, .img, etc.) into two categories: printable and non-printable. Essentially our school runs a free printing service for clubs, but the reality is that many clubs abuse the free printing and end up printing their homework, papers, etc., which amounts to thousands of dollars in ink and paper. Thus we would like to take some unsupervised methods to help limit this by determining whether a document is with high probability not club related (e.g. Biophysics paper, there is no biophysics club!).
So this is a very simple binary classification problem. I am not looking for low-level implementation details or which ML algorithms I should use, but rather how I should discover the relevant features that will then be fed to the training, etc.
My first idea was to gather all the documents that students print in the library. The idea is that if you have actual club printing, you'll do it for free at the club printing center rather than pay for it at the library. That would be a massive dataset, assuming every document printed at the library is assigned the non-printable/club material category. Unfortunately, the school is very liberal and opposed to allowing this due to privacy concerns, so it is not really an option without legal risks.
A similar-minded option would be to collect documents that are tied to courses / school work, e.g. course syllabi, available course documents online (homeworks, papers, etc.) and do feature extraction / selection on these. The assumption is that students would be abusing the printing to generally print material relevant to their studies.
While for .pdf and .txt based document this approach should have reasonable performance, I am at a loss at how to classify image based documents, besides perhaps using the title of the document and other meta data. A clever violator could simply convert all their text documents to image format to circumvent this system. However that is outside the scope of this question and should be saved for a future question / research. For now the scope is just text based documents.
Note that there are previous questions on topics similar to this, but mine is very specific and I believe it may pose challenges that something like movie review classification might not have to face.
I just wanted to leave a comment but it ended way longer than what I imagined.
While this is an interesting problem I'm not sure ML will get you what you need easily.
Firstly your classification problem is of the type A vs the World and A isn't strictly defined. Unless you know exactly what kind of stuff the clubs print you can't really say that new material belong or no to that class.
This will prove particularly difficult when you will need to assemble a large enough training set to be able to cover whatever can or cannot be printed. Such task will be extremely tedious, and as you said you won't have access to what the clubs usually print out so at best you will have a large class imbalance in your training set.
As the goal is to make the system automated (I mean if there is human interaction anyway, it's faster to check what will be printed than to make a ML algorithm that will provide a score that a human will have to investigate anyway) the number of false positives and false negatives will also be problematic. There will be cases where the clubs won't be able to print things they have the right to.
As you said you could simplify greatly the problem by classifying Course Material and Not Course Material. For that I will look towards BoW because some words are more present than others in papers or course material (everything remotely technical). The number of words as well as the overall size of the file seem like sensible things to extract. The structure is often also particular : it might be a good idea to extract such things : "number of lines with less than x words", "number of lines per page", "number of pictures" (if that's something you can extract from the file), ...
For pictures the major thing to check would be if this a scan of something (often they will scan and print course related things I guess), for that the format of the image is already a good indication but I don't see other things that would be particularly "course related".
So for me, if you can't really define precisely one of your two classes don't go with classification or reduce the problem to something you can really define (course related things).
If you are able to compile a "black list" of documents students are not allowed to print, you can then implement a several layers rejection mechanism.
I would suggest these 3 levels:
compare the md5 of the file they want to print with a database of all the md5 of the black-listed documents.
if the 1) is passed, compare repeat 1) but at a page level, rather than at document level (perhaps they want to print just few pages rather than the entire document).
if 2) is passed you can compare the page they want to print with the pages of the black-listed documents document using an image similarity method, like SSIM. if you get a high score between the page they want print and one of the black-listed items do not print, and update your md5 database accordingly.
if 3) is passed: print!
A few words about SSIM: this method is quite robust to noise, so even a smart student who added some sort of niose to the image will be caught
you have to find a proper way to extract a region of interest (ROI) from the page and the db of documents (if the two ROIs are in two different area of the page, SSIM will be negative)
SSIM might be slow! definitely a C implementation is needed here.
I think SSIM is not rotational invariant, hence the check will fail if they print the page upside down (unless you have a smart way to rotate the page).