U-matrix and self organizing maps - machine-learning

I am trying to understand SOMs. I am confused about when people post images representing
the image of data gotten my using SOM to map data to the map space. It is said that the U-matrix is used. But we have a finite grid of neurons so how do you get a "continous" image ?
For example starting with a 40x40 grid there are 1600 neurons. Now compute U-matrix but how do you plot these numbers now to get visualization ?
SOM tutorial with visualization
SOM from Wikipedia

The U-matrix stands for unified distance and contains in each cell the euclidean distance (in the input space) between neighboring cells. Small values in this matrix mean that SOM nodes are close together in the input space, whereas larger values mean that SOM nodes are far apart, even if they are close in the output space. As such, the U-matrix can be seen as summary of the probability density function of the input matrix in a 2D space. Usually, those distance values are discretized, color-coded based on intensity and displayed as a kind of heatmap.
Quoting the Matlab SOM toolbox,
Compute and return the unified distance matrix of a SOM.
For example a case of 5x1 -sized map:
m(1) m(2) m(3) m(4) m(5)
where m(i) denotes one map unit. The u-matrix is a 9x1 vector:
u(1) u(1,2) u(2) u(2,3) u(3) u(3,4) u(4) u(4,5) u(5)
where u(i,j) is the distance between map units m(i) and m(j)
and u(k) is the mean (or minimum, maximum or median) of the
surrounding values, e.g. u(3) = (u(2,3) + u(3,4))/2.
Apart from the SOM toolbox, you may have a look at the kohonen R package (see help(plot.kohonen) and use type="dist.neighbours").


Explain difference between opencv's template matching methods in non-mathematical way

I'm trying to use opencv to find some template in images. While opencv has several template matching methods, I have big trouble to understand the difference and when to use which by looking at their mathematic equization:
Can someone explain the major difference between all these method in a non-mathematical way?
The general idea of template matching is to give each location in the target image I, a similarity measure, or score, for the given template T. The output of this process is the image R.
Each element in R is computed from the template, which spans over the ranges of x' and y', and a window in I of the same size.
Now, you have two windows and you want to know how similar they are:
CV_TM_SQDIFF - Sum of Square Differences (or SSD):
Simple euclidian distance (squared):
Take every pair of pixels and subtract
Square the difference
Sum all the squares
This is rarely used in practice, but the normalization part is similar in the next methods.
The nominator term is same as above, but divided by a factor, computed from the
- square root of the product of:
sum of the template, squared
sum of the image window, squared
CV_TM_CCORR - Cross Correlation
Basically, this is a dot product:
Take every pair of pixels and multiply
Sum all products
CV_TM_CCOEFF - Cross Coefficient
Similar to Cross Correlation, but normalized with their Covariances (which I find hard to explain without math. But I would refer to
or mathworks
for some examples

Reconstruct image from eigenvectors obtained from solving the eigenfunction of Hamiltonian operator in matrix form

I have an Image I
I am trying to do Automatic Object Extraction using Quantum Mechanics
Each pixel in an image is considered as a potential field, V(x,y) and hence each wave (eigen) function represents a meaningful region.
2D Time-independent Sschrodinger's equation
Multiplying both sides by
We get,
Rewriting the Laplacian using Finite Difference approach
where Ni is the set of neighbours with index i, and |Ni| is the cardinality of, i.e. the number of elements in Ni
Combining the above two equations, we get:
where M is the number of elements in
Now,the left hand side of the equation is a measure of how similar the labels in a neighbourhood are, i.e. a measure of spatial coherence.
Now, for applying this to images, the potential V is given as the pixel intensities.
Here, V is the pixel intensities
The right hand side is a measure of how close the pixel values in a segment are to a constant value E.
Now, the wave functions can be numerically calculated by solving the eigenvectors of Hamiltonian operator in matrix form which is
for i = j
and elsewhere 0
Now, in this paper it is said that first we have to find the maximum and minimum eigenvalues and then calculate the eigenvectors with eigenvalues closest to a number of values regularly selected between the minimum and maximum eigenvalues. the number is 300.
I have calculated the 300 eigenvectors.
And then the absolute square of the eigenvectors are thresholded to obtain the segments.
Fine upto this part.
Now, how do I reconstruct the eigenvectors into a 2D image so as to get the potential segments in the image?

Is "Symmetric mean absolute surface distance" (SMAD) used for 2D images or 3D images?

I am not sure if the "Symmetric mean absolute surface distance" (SMAD) is used as a metric to evaluate the segmentation algorithm for 2D images or 3D images? Thanks!
What are surface Distance based metrics?
Hausdorff distance
Hausdorff distance 95% percentile
Mean (Average) surface distance
Median surface distance
Std surface distance
Note: These metrics are symmetric, which means the distance from A to B is the same as the distance from B to A.
For each contour voxel of the segmented volume (A), the Euclidean distance from the closest contour voxel of the reference volume (B) is computed and stored as list1. This computation is also performed for the contour voxels of the reference volume (B), stored as list2. list1 and list2 are merged to get list3.
Hausdorff distance is the maximum value of list3.
Hausdorff distance 95% percentile is the 95% percentile of list3.
Mean (Average) surface distance is the mean value of list3.
Median surface distance is the median value of list3.
Std surface distance is the standard deviation of list3.
Heimann T, Ginneken B, Styner MA, et al. Comparison and Evaluation of Methods for Liver Segmentation From CT Datasets. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2009;28(8):1251–1265.
Yeghiazaryan, Varduhi, and Irina D. Voiculescu. "Family of boundary overlap metrics for the evaluation of medical image segmentation." Journal of Medical Imaging 5.1 (2018): 015006.
Ruskó, László, György Bekes, and Márta Fidrich. "Automatic segmentation of the liver from multi-and single-phase contrast-enhanced CT images." Medical Image Analysis 13.6 (2009): 871-882.
How to calculate the surface distance based metrics?
seg-metrics is a simple package to compute different metrics for Medical image segmentation(images with suffix .mhd, .mha, .nii, .nii.gz or .nrrd), and write them to csv file.
I am the author of this package.
I found two papers which address the definitions of SMAD:
https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/files/7732/CS-RR-15-08.pdf (see section 7.1 on average symmetric surface distance, but this is the same thing)
http://ai2-s2-pdfs.s3.amazonaws.com/2b8b/079f5eeb31a555f1a48db3b93cd8c73b2b0c.pdf (page 1439, see equation 7)
I tried to post the equation here but I do not have enough reputation. Basically look at equation 15 in the first reference listed above.
It appears that this is defined for 3D voxels, though I don't see why it should not work in 2D.

Find High Frequencies with Discrete Fourier Transform [OpenCV]

I want to determine image sharpness by the amount of high frequencies within the image. As far as I understand the dft() function from OpenCV returns two matrices with real and complex numbers.
This is where I am stuck. How can I determine the amount of high frequencies from this data?
I am thankful for every hint/link which could provide me with a better understanding.
Make FT
Calculate magnitude of result
Now you have 2D matrix. Consider upper left quadrant (other are mirrors for real source).
Here Magn[0][0] entry corresponds to zero frequency, and Magn[(n-1)/2][(n-1)/2] entry corresponds to the highest frequency.
Left upper part of this submatrix contains low-frequency samples, so you can calculate sum of values in this part and in the rest part and compare these sums. For example (pseudocode):
cvIntegral(Magn, Rect(0..n/4, 0..n/4)) compare with
cvIntegral(Magn, Rect(0..n/2, 0..n/2)) - cvIntegral(Magn, Rect(0..n/4, 0..n/4))

Comparison metric for two open contours

I'm validating an image segmentation algorithm applied to 2D images. The algorithm generates a contour segment, i.e. a set of connected pixels that form a freecurve in 2D space. The idea is to compare this set of pixels with a ground-truth, in my case another contour segment manually traced by an expert. An image showing what would be a segmentation result and the corresponding manual (ground-truth) segmentation is shown below:
I'm trying to think of an adequate comparison metric to validate the segmentation results. Ideally the best metric would be the point-to-point euclidean distance between corresponding pairs of pixels on each segment, however (as seen in previous figure) the segments don't have the same length (i.e. differ by the total number of pixels) so pixel-to-pixel comparisons have to be discarded.
Can you suggest me an adequate metric for validating my algorithm? Thanks for any suggestion!
For each pixel in the ground truth, take the distance to the nearest pixel in the segmentation result. Then take the sum of that for all ground truth pixels as the total error.
That's basically recall weighted by distance. If you start with the pixels in the result, it would resemble precision instead.
If the curves are closed, you can compute the area between the curves. If you can tell which pixels belong to a segment, that is as easy as computing XOR set of the 2 pixel sets.
Here is an example using that I've created using Matlab:
You could divide each line into n segments of equal length, then compute the euclidean distance between each segment and its pair on the other line.
