Debugging Dll's in Delphi in BPG - delphi

I am debugging a bpg with multiple dll's. Can someone tell me why my breakpoints, that DO work, eventually stop working? The only way to get them back is to do a build all in my project group file (BPG file in Delphi 6)?
I have looked at several other posts, but have not had much luck getting an answer to this specific question. Again, I can successfully debug, all dll's in the BPG provided I do a build all. Doing a build all every time is taking too long.
I am using Delphi6 in WinXP.
Thank you

In Delphi 6, such a failure to find debug information (all the blue lines are gone from your sources) that is solved by a complete rebuild is usually a symptom that you have to examine your project (.dpr) settings. For each project (dll or exe) make sure a different unique compiler output folder (DCU output folder) is used.


Delphi XE8 update 1 - random file not found

When I compile a project in XE8 (with update 1), I get frequently a error that a file is missing, although the file is just available. And when I compile again, it is another file that is missing. It seems random. After a few compiles (sometimes more or less) I have build the project. And even at Run (F9) I sometimes get the error that a file is missing.
Like #Andrei Galatyn said at the end of his post, it will be solved when you delete your Android configuration in SDK versions. But I want to be able to develop with Android. What is the real problem?
I couldn't find a solution on the internet yet.
Is there a solution for this problem? Thanks in advance!
I have similar problem with Delphi XE8/XE7 at least at 3 different PCs (home PC, notebook, VMW-based virtual machine in office). All PCs are fast, all are SSD-based. Usually i get the error message when trying to build large project, for small projects errors are very rare (but happens time to time anyway). So i am quite sure that it is problem with Delphi. What i tried:
added src/dcu paths as exception to antivirus
disabled indexing of files in Windows (Windows 7 x64/Windows 8.1 x64)
deleted all SDKs for mobile development in IDE (this step was most usefull in my case).
It doesn't solve the problem for 100%, but now i see that random message only few times per week. I will be glad to see real solution.
Just for information - many errors like "file YYY\XXX.pas not found" where with wrong path to the file, it was path somewhere inside of Android SDK. After deleting of all SDKs (fortunately i need only with Win x32/x64 platforms) i never see such errors anymore.
Some time ago i sent it to my colleagues:
Many times i got an sporadic error in Delphi IDE like this:
F2039 Could not create output file '.\dcu\FireDAC.Comp.DataSet.dcu'
When I just tried to compile again, the problem disappeared but compilation may fail on another file. It was especially annoying when I need to rebuild an large project, for example <...>. Finally I discovered that under some conditions Delphi is trying to access files at wrong path:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\12.0\PlatformSDKs\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20130522\sdk\tools\dcu\FireDAC.Comp.DataSet.dcu
Instead of
All the time when I get the error it was try to access Android SDK folder instead of my application folder.
If you experienced same problem, you can solve it now, just delete Android SDK from Delphi IDE:
Open “Tools\Options\Environment Options\SDK Manager”
Select installed SDK (list “SDK versions”)
Delete it (button “Delete”)

Delphi consistently building DLLs to the wrong directory

I've got a group project built in Delphi XE2 that has 3 projects that always build to the wrong folder for one option set. (I've got 4 configurations under Release and Debug, one for our software configurations and one for FastMM and it's only the debug one that I want to use for debugging that always goes in to the wrong folder. Compiling the project even says it's building to the correct folder, but the DLL always winds up in a different one which I only used once when I was unit testing the code outside of the main project.
I've deleted every associated file, .identcache, .res, .tvsproj (whatever that was) and nothing changed. One very strange thing I noticed is that I copied one of the projects to configure the second one and mimics the behavior of the one it was copied from and I never even unit tested that one, so it never had that output path configured for it.
Obviously this makes it pretty annoying to debug, I have to copy files in to the correct folder just to do that (I was kind of astonished when it actually worked, because I thought Delphi might expect to find the files in it's output path, but oh well, those things are magic)
Let me know if I can post anything to help, I don't really know what's necessary, I checked the registry for the output path that it is getting built do and found nothing that I thought was of any consequence (nothing related to these projects).
One thing I did notice was, because I copied the original project into another project (they're plugins to the same part of the main program) it has the same and when I try using it in the "Build Group" it automatically selects both projects. That's one mystery solved, but is probably a red herring?
OK so as usually happens, after 3 years of suffering with this when I finally ask the questions I'm lead straight to the answer it appears as if RAD Studio is lying to us. The configuration shows this:
but the dproj had this:
in it.
there were two conditions for cfg_3 and only the last one showed up in RAD Studio, well for some odd reason the build path was taken from the first one (even though it's specified in both). So, removing the wrong one (the first one) fixed the problem and things are now building to the correct folder.
I had imported the Utils option set when I was testing the library, but when I incorporated the program in to the main program, I removed it. Somehow it didn't find it's way completely out of the dproj and I guess (not sure why) but it seems like the other library got messed up because it shared a GUID.

How to distinguish between compile and build with D2007?

I have successfully registered an IDE notifier (IOTAIDENotifier80) so I get AfterCompile notifications.
Is it possible to find out whether the project was built versus just being compiled/made?
I've found this answer about implementing a IOTAProjectCompileNotifier but this is not available in D2007.
Any other way? I'd be fine with an undocumented way as this is for an inhouse expert only.
Update: I need this to replicate the "AutoInc build number" feature with an external .rc file containing the version info resource. Maybe this can be done via BuildEvents? Although I like the ability to log a message in the IDE showing the updated version number...
I have no idea about writing experts or hooking into the IDE, and I'm scared of trampolines. Having said that, I've noticed that you can tell the difference between a compile and build by monitoring the timestamps of the files in your project output folder, but this difference is only evident if no code (*.pas or *.dfm) has changed since last compile or build. In other words, when there is a code change, you can NOT tell the difference by monitoring the timestamps. However, when there is no code change since last compile or build, a compile will only change the timestamp of the exe (the dcu timestamps are not changed).
Therefore, in the absence of other more elegant solutions, and only if you are really desperate for this information (ie, was it compiled or was it built?) then I can suggest a 2-part solution for you.
Part 1. Write a process to monitor changes in timestamps in your output folder, and
Part 2. Tell your fellow developers there is a bug in D2007 which complicates your build process, but that this bug is easily overcome by simply compiling twice or building twice (or if you know how to automate this then go for your life). If you can get your developers to compile twice or build twice then upon the second compile or build you will be able to deduce whether it was a compile or build by testing if the timestamp of the dcu changed upon the second compile or build.
Now, I will go and stand in the naughty corner and ask myself "why me?". Cheers.

Synapse and OpenSSL Connect not working in one app

I have done all the searching and can't find a solution to this weird problem that's been bugging me for about 5 hours. I started this app in Lazarus, but then took it across to D5pro to see if I could solve the problem. Thought it might have been a Lazarus "thing."
In D5, I have an app fully-working (so far so good) and I decided to try some different approaches to the look and feel so I "Save Project As" into a new folder. I then went through all of the included Units and saved them to the new Folder. I copied the two OpenSSL .DLL to the new folder. Did a compile and run and it all works fine. Well, almost.
When I tried the new app, the POP3 Unit crashes at "Login"
I have stepped through and all of the basic login stuff, Server, Name, SSL parameters etc is identical to the former version.
I went back to the original app and did a full Build and it still worked fine. I did a full Build on the new app and it still crashes at Login.
It gets through the pop3.Sock.SSLDoConnect() OK, but comes back from pop3.Login() with an error 10061 which according to the BlckSock Synapse-Unit, means "Connection refused."
When it returns from this call Result:=ssConnect(s, #name, SizeOfVarSin(name)); which I assume is in the .DLL it has a Result of -1 which then triggers the GetLastError and that is "10061 - Connection refused"
As far as I can find, everything is identical between the two projects. All Library Paths are in the Environment and not within the project.
Any thoughts and suggestions?
There is not much to work with. Can you see all parameters in the debugger on the various external call moments?
A change of compiler of course can make hidden bugs come to the surface, just like e.g. optimization. A well known difference is that the life time of temps might vary (see here).
Probably you need to nail the defining difference first. As with Delphi, the debugger is your friend here.
OK, problem solved.
Sir Rufo, it was a good idea but it did not help, but thanks for trying.
I had copied the ssleay32.dll into the new app folder BEFORE I started compiling. It did not work. I did a full Build and it still did not work.
I decided to delete the ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll and do a full Build. I ran it and of course it crashed, but this time I expected that.
I then copied the two .ddl back into the new app folder and did another full Build.
Bingo problem solved. Seems weird but it is working with both Lazarus and D5. Something to do with the way the .dll gets linked into compiled .dcu.
Doing the Build with no .dll available cleared that. Dropping the .dll back into the Folder and another Build got the .dll linking correctly included into the .dcu.
Aaarrggghhhhh :)

Incrementing Delphi XE project version number from command line

I have a Delphi XE project and I'm trying to change the version number of the program before building it with MSBuild. Version number information is located in the DPROJ file but if I change these values the version number does not change. I think the reason for this is that when you change version number in the IDE, Delphi saves the changes to both DPROJ and RES files.
Is there a way to compile the RES file from the command line with the changes in DPROJ file? I found this question which suggested saving the version number in an INC file and including that to the project but this feels a bit more complex solution compared to just making changes in DPROJ.
shameless plug:
I ended up solving my problem with this answer. First I unchecked "Include version information in project" in Project Options and added VersionInformation.rc with dummy data. When my build batch file is executed, it generates the correct RC file and because that RC file is added in to the Delphi project, MSBuild uses the contained information for built executable.
I use FinalBuilder to handle the version info. Isn't the stripped version bundled with your Delphi? If not, it is definitely worth the money. Makes releasing a one click action.
Yes you are right. Delphi keeps the version number in both project file and resource file. Unfortunately, resource files' structure is a bit complicated so it is not easy to update programmatically. When I came across this need, I ended up using a tool "SetVersion.exe" which did the job for me. It might help you as well. See this link.
Actually now I remember, I used a different tool named "ChangeRes.exe" and it worked smoothly (but it is not free). You can try both and see which one works for you.
Some years ago, I have writed a script to build and increment build number using ruby and rake. Very easy to use.
After the build, the script calls Inno Setup and generates a new installer.
