Grails controller error - grails

def results = {
def results = [:]
def conferences = Conference.list() // lista das conferencias
String [] conf_origin // array de strings da indexação da classe
String [] conf_search = params.conferenceName.split() // array de strings palavras da pesquisa
boolean test // teste double for
conf_origin = "hi i'm john".split() // indexação
//conf_origin = "aveiroa".split()
OUTER: for(int i = 0; i< conf_origin.length; i++){
for(int j = 0; j< conf_search.length; j++) {
if(conf_origin[i] == conf_search[j]){
test = true
results.put(, it)
break OUTER;
return [results : results]
Hey i am having this problem. If i return: "[conferences: conferences]" my gsp sucessfully do what i want. Altought, when i return '[results: results]' which is suposelly a filtered map of conferences, the folowing error is displayed and i cant figure it out why:
Exception Message: No such property: yearCount for class: java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry
PS. Basically, i have
String [] conf_origin ---> which is a String array of words
String [] conf_search ---> which is a string array of introduced words in search bar.
Then i compare both arrays, and if there's one match, i break the for and add that conference object to results.

conferences is a List (of Conference, but it's untyped in Groovy), and results is a Map. You need either to:
make it a List of Conference
or return [conferences: results.values()]
or adjust your GSP page to iterate over a Map.
Note that conferences is a variable name your GSP code relies onto.


Get count of characters for translation in Kentico Cloud

Is there a way to tell the count of characters of all text fields in some of our content items? We need to estimate a translation price for our content items.
You can use Delivery API to retrieve your items and run a quick javascript to count the characters for you. First, get all your items (or a subset, depending on what you need) with the call excluding all the modular content (linked items) like this:<projectid>/items?depth=0​​​​​​​
Then you can use browser console to run this piece of code:
var response = JSON.parse(document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0].textContent);
var noOfChars = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < response.items.length; x++) {
var p = response.items[x].elements;
for (var key in p) {
if (p[key].type=='rich_text' || p[key].type=='text') {
noOfChars += strip(p[key].value).length;
function strip(html)
var tmp = document.createElement("DIV");
tmp.innerHTML = html;
return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText || "";
And hit enter. This is what the result will look like:

Doors DXL filter ,

I have the following snip of dxl code,
I would like to copy the object ID with the filter F3 is on. :
I dont know what I am doing wrong it gives me (ID) of all the object.
string Id
int x=0;
int y=0;
Id = o."SourceID"
Filter f0 = hasNoLinks(linkFilterIncoming, "*")
Filter f1=attribute "_TraceTo" == "System"
Filter f2 = attribute "Object Type" == "requirement"
Filter f3 = f1&&f2&&f0
print x ":\t" fullName(module(m)) "\n"
wOutKLHUntraced << Id "\t" fullName(module(m)) "\n"
First, you need to add the statement filtering on after adding the filter, so that the filter is applied. Then the filtered objects will be the only ones visible.
Then, you set "Id" way too early in the script. At line 4, "o" is set to
some object, I don't know which one, but certainly not the result of
your filter. Instead, after the statement filtering on, add statements
Object o = first m // the first object that is now visible
Id = o."SourceID"
My Script is running good, but gives different results : as I am running this script in a for loop for around 30 module :
Am I am setting somewhere wrong filters ?
Stream TbdUntraced;
string s
string d
Object o
string trac
int numReqs = 0;
string IdNum
string untraced
int x=0;
int y=0;
int a =0;
for o in m do
ensureInLinkedModulesLoaded(o,S_SATISFIES );
s = o."Object Type"
string Id
string Topic
Topic = o."_Topic"
Filter f0 = hasNoLinks(linkFilterIncoming, "*")
Filter f1 = contains(attribute "_TraceTo", "TBD", false)
Filter f2 = attribute "Object Type" == "requirement"
Filter f3 = attribute "MMS5-Autoliv_Supplier_Status" == "agreed"
Filter f4 = attribute "MMS5-Autoliv_Supplier_Status" == "partly agreed"
Filter f7 = f0&&f2&&(f3||f4)&&f1
filtering on
d = o."MMS5-Autoliv_OEM_Status"
Id = o."SourceID"
Topic = o."_Topic"
print x ":\t" name(module(m)) "\n"
TbdUntraced << Id "\t" Topic "\t"name(module(m)) "\n"

How to compare two column in a spreadsheet

I have 30 columns and 1000 rows, I would like to compare column1 with another column. IF the value dont match then I would like to colour it red. Below is a small dataset in my spreadsheet:
A B C D E F ...
1 name sName email
Because I have a large dataset and I want to storing my columns in a array, the first row is heading. This is what I have done, however when testing I get empty result, can someone correct me what I am doing wrong?
var index = [];
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
function col(){
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
for (var i = 1; i <= data.length; i++) {
te = index[i] = data[1];
if (data[3] != data[7]){
// column_id.setFontColor('red'); <--- I can set the background like this
From the code you can see I am scanning whole spreadsheet data[1] get the heading and in if loop (data[3] != data[7]) compare two columns. I do have to work on my colour variable but that can be done once I get the data that I need.
Try to check this tutorial if it can help you with your problem. This tutorial use a Google AppsScript to compare the two columns. If differences are found, the script should point these out. If no differences are found at all, the script should put out the text "[id]". Just customize this code for your own function.
Here is the code used to achieve this kind of comparison
function stringComparison(s1, s2) {
// lets test both variables are the same object type if not throw an error
if ( !=={
throw("Both values need to be an array of cells or individual cells")
// if we are looking at two arrays of cells make sure the sizes match and only one column wide
if( === '[object Array]' ) {
if (s1.length != s2.length || s1[0].length > 1 || s2[0].length > 1){
throw("Arrays of cells need to be same size and 1 column wide");
// since we are working with an array intialise the return
var out = [];
for (r in s1){ // loop over the rows and find differences using diff sub function
out.push([diff(s1[r][0], s2[r][0])]);
return out; // return response
} else { // we are working with two cells so return diff
return diff(s1, s2)
function diff (s1, s2){
var out = "[ ";
var notid = false;
// loop to match each character
for (var n = 0; n < s1.length; n++){
if (s1.charAt(n) == s2.charAt(n)){
out += "–";
} else {
out += s2.charAt(n);
notid = true;
out += " ";
out += " ]"
return (notid) ? out : "[ id. ]"; // if notid(entical) return output or [id.]
For more information, just check the tutorial link above and this SO question on how to compare two Spreadsheets.

generalizing a recurrence

I'm not sure how could I write code for the following recurrence:
[a, b] --> [a, a*2/3, a*1/3+b*2/3, b];
[a, b, c] --> [a, a*2/3, a*1/3+b*2/3, b, b*2/3+ c/3, b/3+c*2/3, c]
that's it, takes a list, and expands that as in the example. I'm not sure how can I write code for that. Could someone please help me with that?
Pretty easy: takes a list as input, and produces a list as output.
public static <T extends Number> List<Double> expandThirds(List<T> input) {
List<Double> output = new ArrayList<Double>();
if(input.size() == 0)
return output;
for(int i=0; i<input.size()-1; i++) {
double a = input.get(i).doubleValue();
double b = input.get(i+1).doubleValue();
output.add(a*2/3 + b/3);
output.add(a*3 + b*2/3);
return output;
I think you can write like this:
double[] inputArray = new double[]{0.56,2.4,3.6};//pass you input array of size>1
List<Double> outList = new ArrayList<Double>();
//assuming minimum length of array = 2
for (int i=0; i<inputArray.length-1;i++){
permute(inputArray[i], inputArray[i+1], outList);
where generateRecurrance is private custom method as below:
private void generateRecurrance(double a, double b, List<Double> outList) {
Write a function to handle the first case, and call it mySequenceHelper. I won't write it here, but it should handle this case:
[a, b] --> [a*2/3+b/3, a*1/3+b*2/3, b];
Now write a function called mySequence, and have it pass each pair of numbers to mySequenceHelper, appending each set of results to a master list. Here is a simple one in java:
public List<Float> mySequence(List<Float> inputs) {
List<Float> toReturn = new LinkedList<Float>();
// Add the first term manually:
// For each pair of values in inputs, add the appropriate 3 terms
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size() - 1; i++) {
toReturn.addAll(mySequenceHelper(inputs.get(i), inputs.get(i+1)));
return toReturn;

What grammar is this?

I have to parse a document containing groups of variable-value-pairs which is serialized to a string e.g. like this:
Here are the different elements:
Group IDs:
Length of string representation of each group:
One of the groups:
4^26^VAR1^6^VALUE1^VAR2^4^VAL2^^1^14 ^VAR1^6^VALUE1^^
Length of string representation of the values:
The values themselves:
Variables consist only of alphanumeric characters.
No assumption is made about the values, i.e. they may contain any character, including ^.
Is there a name for this kind of grammar? Is there a parsing library that can handle this mess?
So far I am using my own parser, but due to the fact that I need to detect and handle corrupt serializations the code looks rather messy, thus my question for a parser library that could lift the burden.
The simplest way to approach it is to note that there are two nested levels that work the same way. The pattern is extremely simple:
At the outer level, this produces a set of groups. Within each group, the content follows exactly the same pattern, only here the id is the variable name, and the content is the variable value.
So you only need to write that logic once and you can use it to parse both levels. Just write a function that breaks a string up into a list of id/content pairs. Call it once to get the groups, and then loop through them calling it again for each content to get the variables in that group.
Breaking it down into these steps, first we need a way to get "tokens" from the string. This function returns an object with three methods, to find out if we're at "end of file", and to grab the next delimited or counted substring:
var tokens = function(str) {
var pos = 0;
return {
eof: function() {
return pos == str.length;
delimited: function(d) {
var end = str.indexOf(d, pos);
if (end == -1) {
throw new Error('Expected delimiter');
var result = str.substr(pos, end - pos);
pos = end + d.length;
return result;
counted: function(c) {
var result = str.substr(pos, c);
pos += c;
return result;
Now we can conveniently write the reusable parse function:
var parse = function(str) {
var parts = {};
var t = tokens(str);
while (!t.eof()) {
var id = t.delimited('^');
var len = t.delimited('^');
var content = t.counted(parseInt(len, 10));
var end = t.counted(1);
if (end !== '^') {
throw new Error('Expected ^ after counted string, instead found: ' + end);
parts[id] = content;
return parts;
It builds an object where the keys are the IDs (or variable names). I'm asuming as they have names that the order isn't significant.
Then we can use that at both levels to create the function to do the whole job:
var parseGroups = function(str) {
var groups = parse(str);
Object.keys(groups).forEach(function(id) {
groups[id] = parse(groups[id]);
return groups;
For your example, it produces this object:
'1': {
'4': {
VAR2: 'VAL2'
I don't think it's a trivial task to create a grammar for this. But on the other hand, a simple straight forward approach is not that hard. You know the corresponding string length for every critical string. So you just chop your string according to those lengths apart..
where do you see problems?
