2nd level view in ASP.net MVC - asp.net-mvc

I have an address "http://localhost:3579/MusicStore/StoreManager" which is really showing "http://localhost:3579/MusicStore/StoreManager/Index".
I want to go to another another address on the same level from the index: "http://localhost:3579/MusicStore/StoreManager/Edit". Edit is a view inside the StoreManager folder, so a 2nd level view.
I'm confused as to which controller I'd even put the method in. I tried putting my "public ActionResult Edit" in MusicStoreController, but it wasn't recognized. How can I do this?

It sounds like your action is in the right place, but you will need to make sure there is a route specified to route your URL to that action. Make sure a route like this is specified in your global.asax or area registration file if your project is using areas:
new { action = "Index"}


.net MVC Areas and subfolders

I am using Areas in my project but I would like to organise my views within these areas into sub folders.
For example, I have an area called Members which contains a Controller called Settings and another Controller called MemberCategory. MemberCategory is in effect a subfolder of Settings.
I would like when I access the Member Category view for my url to resolve to Members/Settings/MemberCategory
At present it resolves to Members/MemberCategory
Is it possible to nest the views into subfolders and change the controller to point to
return View("Members/Settings/MemberCategory");
Or do this need to done with routing?
Any examples would be appreciated.
I have resolved this problem with Routes and not nesting the views into subfolders.
In my Area Registration file I have added the following above the default route:
new { controller = "MemberCategory", action = "Index" }
new { controller = "MemberCategory", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Not sure if this is the most elegant way of doing this but it works in my case.
You can also do something like:
return this.View("../MailTemplates/ResetPassword");
To get to the view you want to use. The code editor will not be able to resolve this, but it works.
I think this is cleaner than:
return this.View("~/Areas/Cms/MailTemplates/ResetPassword");

How do I tell what is part of a route is the controller and what is just a sub folder?

When looking at an MVC page and looking at the form action I can see it is set to:
So I spent my time looking for a controller called admin. I looked in the routes in the global and nothing was there.
Eventually I found that this url actually maps to the WikiAdmin controller which is confusing. Do does this mean you can have controllers in sub-folders? How does the app know not to forward the request to the admin controller and to actually send it to the WikiAdmin controller?
The admin part of the url is called area. You could read more about areas in this article. And a video here. Basically areas allow you to group multiple controllers sharing some common functionality on the site.
Yes, you can have controllers in sub-folders. With routing it could be a lot of possible URLs.
For example, if you have a route registered as below:
new { controller = "WikiAdmin", action = "Index"}
The url can be /admin/WikiAdmin/Index/ or /admin/WikiAdmin/Edit/ or something else that matches the route. (Assume that there is an Edit action in WikiAdmin controller)
More example, if you have a route registered as below:
"account/{action}/", //no controller specified in url
new { controller = "WikiAdmin", action = "Index"}
Then the url can be /account/Index/ or /account/Edit/ or even /account/. (Because default controller is WikiAdmin and default action is Index)

Avoiding the Controller with Routing Rules in ASP.NET MVC

I've created a website with ASP.NET MVC. I have a number of static pages that I am currently serving through a single controller called Home. This creates some rather ugly URLs.
You get the idea. I'd rather not have to create a controller for each one of these as the actions simply call the View with no model being passed in.
Is there a way to write a routing rule that will remove the controller from the URL? I'd like it to look like:
If not, how is this situation normally handled? I imagine I'm not the first person to run in to this.
Here's what I've done previously, using a constraint to make sure the shortcuts don't conflict with other routing rules:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" },
new { action = "Index|About|ContactUs|Features" }
Add defaults for the controller names in the new statement. You don't have to have {controller} in the url.

The view 'Index' or its master was not found.

The view 'Index' or its master was not found. The following locations were searched:
I got this error when using ASP.Net mvc area. The area controller action are invoked, but it seems to look for the view in the 'base' project views instead of in the area views folder.
What you need to do is set a token to your area name:
for instance:
new { controller = "SomeController", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
).DataTokens.Add("area", "YOURAREANAME");
This error was raised because your Controller method name is not same as the View's name.
If you right click on your controller method and select Go To View (Ctrl+M,Ctrl+G), it will either open a View (success) or complain that it couldn't find one (what you're seeing).
Corresponding Controllers and View folders name have the same names.
Corresponding Controller methods & Views pages should same have the same names.
If your method name is different than view name, return view("viewName") in the method.
Global.asax file contain the URL Route.
Default URL route like this.
So,Try this.
1. Right click your controller method as below.
Example: let say we call Index() method.Right click on it.
2. Click Add View.. and give appropriate name.In this example name should be Index.
Then it will add correct View by creating with relevant folder structure.
Check the generated code at MyAreaAreaRegistration.cs and make sure that the controller parameter is set to your default controller, otherwise the controller will be called bot for some reason ASP.NET MVC won't search for the views at the area folder
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new { controller = "SomeController", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Where this error only occurs when deployed to a web server then the issue could be because the views are not being deployed correctly.
An example of how this can happen is if the build action for the views is set to None rather than Content.
A way to check that the views are deployed correctly is to navigate to the physical path for the site on the web server and confirm that the views are present.
The problem was that I used MvcRoute.MappUrl from MvcContrib to route the context.Routes.
It seems that MvcContrib routing mapper was uncomfortable with area routing.
You most likely did not create your own view engine.
The default view engine looks for the views in ~/Views/[Controller]/ and ~/Views/Shared/.
You need to create your own view engine to make sure the views are searched in area views folder.
Take a look this post by Phil Haack.
I had this problem today with a simple out of the box VS 2013 MVC 5 project deployed manually to my local instance of IIS on Windows 8. It turned out that the App Pool being used did not have the proper access to the application (folders, etc.). After resetting my App Pool identity, it worked fine.
right click in index() method from your controller
then click on goto view
if this action open index.cshtml?
Your problem is the IIS pool is not have permission to access the physical path of the view.
you can test it by giving permission. for example :- go to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\yourweb then right click on yourweb folder -> property ->security and add group name everyone and allow full control to your site . hope this fix your problem.
It´s still a problem on the Final release.. .when you create the Area from context menu/Add/Area, visual studio dont put the Controller inside de last argument of the MapRoute method. You need to take care of it, and in my case, I have to put it manually every time I create a new Area.
You can get this error even with all the correct MapRoutes in your area registration. Try adding this line to your controller action:
If Not ControllerContext.RouteData.DataTokens.ContainsKey("area") Then
ControllerContext.RouteData.DataTokens.Add("area", "MyAreaName")
End If
If You can get this error even with all the correct MapRoutes in your area registration and all other basic configurations are fine.
This is the situation:
I have used below mentioned code from Jquery file to post back data and then load a view from controller action method.
$.post("/Customers/ReturnRetailOnlySales", {petKey: '<%: Model.PetKey %>'});
Above jQuery code I didn't mentioned success callback function.
What was happened there is after finishing a post back scenario on action method, without routing to my expected view it came back to Jquery side and gave view not found error as above.
Then I gave a solution like below and its working without any problem.
$.post("/Customers/ReturnRetailOnlySales", {petKey: '<%: Model.PetKey %>'},
function (data) {
var url = Sys.Url.route('PetDetail', { action: "ReturnRetailOnlySalesItems", controller: "Customers",petKey: '<%: Model.PetKey %>'});
window.location = url;});
Note: I sent my request inside the success callback function to my expected views action method.Then view engine found a relevant area's view file and load correctly.
I have had this problem too; I noticed that I missed to include the view page inside the folder that's name is same with the controller.
Controller: adminController
(It was View->view1.cshtml)(there was no folder: Admin)
This error can also surface if your MSI installer failed to actually deploy the file.
In my case this happened because I converted the .aspx files to .cshtml files and visual studio thought these were brand new files and set the build action to none instead of content.
I got the same problem in here, and guess what.... looking at the csproj's xml' structure, I noticed the Content node (inside ItemGroup node) was as "none"... not sure why but that was the reason I was getting the same error, just edited that to "Content" as the others, and it's working.
Hope that helps
Add the following code in the Application_Start() method inside your project:
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new RazorViewEngine());
I added viewlocationformat to RazorViewEngine and worked for me.
ViewLocationFormats = new[] {

organizing admin related controllers and viewpages

admin section is at www.example.com/admin
so I have an admincontroller.
But I also have user admin related controllers, and configuration controllers, I want the url to be like:
www.example.com/admin -> adminController
www.example.com/admin/user/ -> adminUserController
I hate the name AdminUserController, any suggestions?
View pages are organized like:
so in just manually reference the view page like return View("~/views/admin/user/add");
What other options do I have?
You can use multiple areas in the same project (in MVC 2). You could have an admin area. This lets you organize all the controllers in a sensible way, and fixes the naming issue: You'd have a "UserController" in the "Admin" area.
There is no direct relation between the Controller/Views Name and physical location and your Route, you can control this in the Global.asax, If you have an AdminController you can define a Route like
In your Global will be like :
new { controller = "AdminController", action = "Index", id = "" }
So when a Route like this example.com/Admin/Manage/ is entered you redirect to the desired controller and action, the name of the controller is not strictly the one on the route.
Hope it Helps.
