Vote_Fu Rails 3 plugin "uninitialized constant Juixe" - ruby-on-rails

I've recently tried to use the Vote_fu plugin to do some simple voting on my rails site. I was following this guide
I was able to download the plugin perfectly fine but when I tried to run rails g vote_fu MymodelName or rake db:migrate, they both returned uninitialized constant Juixe (NameError).
Has anyone else had this problem and do you have any solutions to help me fix it? Thanks for your help!
Edit: The full error is found here


block in load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant API::V1::Users (NameError)

Im trying to set up api endpoints for my rails application and keep receiving this error my environment is Ruby 2.6 and Rails 5.2 and im using the 'grape' gem for the api here is the blog I followed to set it up.
here is a link to my repo
I believe the issue is wither in my config/routes.rb or my application.rb files.
But I could be totally wrong. This is a challenge app and not going to be used in production.
This mainly occurs when naming conventions doesn't match. Try changing api/v1/user.rb to api/v1/users.rb which also the blog suggests. You missed a 's'.

Can't create a new Spree app: "undefined method `raise_in_transactional_callbacks='"

I had this issue a couple of months ago, posted it on Spree's GitHub page, then figured out the solution myself and posted it on that same issue. Two months later, I'm still getting comments on that same issue from Googlers who had the same error message, so I figure it's worth posting my solution on this website as well just in case anyone is having the same problem but isn't looking on GitHub.
The issue: trying to create a brand new Spree app, following the exact instructions in Spree's documentation, gives the following error when you try to run spree install --auto-accept or rails g spree:install:
undefined method `raise_in_transactional_callbacks=' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class (NoMethodError)
Solution below...
The problem: I'd created a new rails app with rails new, which had automatically created an app using rails 4.2.0beta. Then I had issues with gem incompatibilities, so I'd changed the version number of a few gems, including downgrading Rails back to 4.1.8.
BUT the config setting raise_in_transactional_callbacks is new in Rails 4.2.0, so in earlier versions of Rails it will raise an error. If you're getting this error message you need to remove the line config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks = true from config/application.rb.

undefined method `boolean_label_class=' for SimpleForm

Attempting to run migration for my Rails app pixel_paisan is getting an error reading; NoMethodError: undefined method `boolean_label_class=' for SimpleForm:Module. Gist for the trace at Source code for error-production app at
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling simple_form, doesn't help. Update entire gemset, doesn't help. Different ruby versions via RVM, doesn't help. Plain vanilla Rails app, created in an attempt to reproduce the bug works fine. Google doesn't know about my issue.
Does anybody know anything about this? I'm rapidly running out of angles to attack it from.
Short answer: update your simple_form gem to 3.1.0+. You have simple_form (3.0.2)
Longer answer: See which seems to be someone who had the same issue where the answer is to upgrade to simple_form 3.1.0+ whereas your Gemfile has simple_form (3.0.2)

I'm Getting An Uninitialized Constant Error From A Recently Installed Gem. How do you fix this?

I recently installed the Citier Gem. Its Gem a solution for simple Multiple Class Inheritance in Rails. After setting up models per the instructions and running Rake, I am getting the following error:
uninitialized constant Books::Writable
*/citier/core.ext.rb:33:in 'create_citier_view'
Its been my experience that this error message usually means the Gem is not installed properly, but I've checked my Gemfile and did a Bundler Show command and everything seems to be in order. Apparently, the core.ext file referenced in the error is supposed to be extending ActiveRecord to create views that are utilized for Multiple Class Inheritance.
I checked all the usual places for the problem but can't seem to figure this out. In suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I've been stuck on this one for a couple of days now.
Thanks for you input.
Simply type require 'rails_sql_views' in config/application.rb
U may need install gem rails_sql_views

NameError: uninitialized constant Object::User

I searched the other posts that had this issue and could not find one that fixed my particular issue. My irb is going crazy. I am trying to change user roles in my database but I can't even get to my users!
irb(main):001:0> User.all
NameError: uninitialized constant Object::User
from (irb):1
from c:/Ruby192/bin/irb:12:in `<main>'
It was working fine, stopped working, was fine, and now stopped again. I have a User model and users added. I cannot pinpoint the issue. Let me know what code you need to see. Thanks!
You should run
ruby script/console # Rails < 3
rails c # Rails 3.x
But not (I believe you've just run this)
Make sure you're actually using the rails console command rather than just running irb in your project folder.
