How to access the tweet history conversation using TweetSharp? - twitter

I am trying to access a tweet conversation history using TweetSharp.
The requirement is like, if I use id of one tweet item it should
return me the whole thread that followed before that tweet item.
But could not find such method exposed through TwittertService, where
I can pass the current Tweet _id and get the conversation details.
I followed the following approach to get the collection (list) ie,
List<TwitterStatus> list = new List<TwitterStatus>();
private void GetReplied(TwitterStatus twitter, TwitterResponse twitterResponse)
if (twitter.InReplyToStatusId != null)
long statusID = (long)twitter.InReplyToStatusId;
this.ts.GetTweet(statusID, (twitterRecursive,
twitterResponseRecursive) =>
if (twitter.InReplyToStatusId != null)
foreach (TwitterStatus status in list)
this.ts.GetTweet(<tweet Id>, twitterResponse) =>
this.GetReplied(twitter, twitterResponse);
Just wanted to have your advice, on that. Do we have any such method
with TweetSharp or any alternative approach can be implemented?
Really appreciate your help.

Yep, that's how you'll have to do it: start with a tweet and walk its in_reply_to_status_id chain.
One thing I do, although it may not be applicable to you, is check a local cache of tweets before fetching from Twitter to see if I already fetched the tweet being replied to.
As for libraries that make this easier, I don't know of any. Regardless of whether they expose a more streamlined method, under the covers they'll still have to perform the process that you implemented in your code.
To see how another library approached this task, take a look at this Twitterizer sample.


Include multiple incoming SMS messages/responses with Twilio functions

I'm working on a project now within Twilio, using Twilio Functions, where I'm trying to set up SMS messaging so that if we receive an incoming keyword, we respond with a specific message, including a URL. The plan is to have multiple incoming keywords, with different responses so if someone sends an SMS to one of our numbers, depending on that key word, we respond with a basic message and a URL. I'm trying to figure out the best way to handle this within Twilio Functions.
I have this working for a single incoming keyword/response, as seen below.
if (incomingMessage.includes('testpark')) {
twiml.message('StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:');
} else if (incomingMessage.includes('bye')) {
} else {
twiml.message('Please check your zone/code and try again.');
While that works, I want to add in more incoming words, along with responses, such as an incoming message of 'testpark2' and a response of 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'.
Then I would want to include another one with 'testpark3' and a response of 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:' and so on, all within the same script.
Can someone help me understand how to achieve this?
There are a lot of ways to achieve your desired outcome, but here's the most straightforward to begin with.
Instead of creating an else if statement for every possible keyword, you could define the keyword/response pairs up front using a JavaScript Map.
The keys of the Map will be your keywords, the values of the Map will be your responses:
const keywordResponseMap = new Map([
['testpark2', 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'],
['testpark3', 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'],
['testpark', 'StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link:'],
const keywords = Array.from(keywordResponseMap.keys());
let keyword;
if (incomingMessage.includes('bye')) {
else if (keyword = keywords.find(k => incomingMessage.includes(k))) {
const response = keywordResponseMap.get(keyword);
} else {
twiml.message('Please check your zone/code and try again.');
Also note that I'm putting the bye case up front because it is more performant than looking for the keywords in the incomingMessage, thus you avoid unnecessarily doing that processing when a user says bye.
You can use find to search for any keyword that is in the incomingMessage, then you can use the keyword that you found to retrieve the response from the map.
If your response will always be the same except for the URL, you could further optimize this by only storing the URL in the map and using string interpolation like this:
const keywordUrlMap = new Map([
['testpark2', ''],
['testpark3', ''],
['testpark', ''],
const keywords = Array.from(keywordUrlMap.keys());
let keyword;
if (incomingMessage.includes('bye')) {
else if (keyword = keywords.find(k => incomingMessage.includes(k))) {
const url = keywordUrlMap.get(keyword);
twiml.message(`StartMyParking:\n\nTo start your parking, please click this link: ${url}`);
} else {
twiml.message('Please check your zone/code and try again.');
It is also important to note that I'm putting testpark last in the map because testpark matches to testpark2 and testpark3. If you'd put it first, it would always resolve to testpark even with a user submits testpark2 or similar values.
Also, I'm using the Map type because it guarantees the order in which the keys are returned, which is again important for the previous point.
When you have a lot more keywords and responses, you may have to start looking at a solution to store them externally like a database, and query the database by keyword to resolve the response.
Good luck, we can't wait to see what you build!

Instagram API request single username

I'm using this way to get the username data from Instagram:[USERNAME]&client_id=[CLIENT ID]
It works fine, but has a flaw - the username search actually gets ALL usernames starting with the string you set.
Why/How is that happening ?
There is a limit of 52 username results, so is there a way to increase it, because if you search "asdasd" (which is an existing account!) you would get probably a million accounts ?
Is there a work-around, because I want to search for the exact username ?
So it seems there is only this API for this functionality. You can simply use this workaround: make your request as you are doing it right now, then you can filter out the single item you need. You can iterate through the list of users, and only keep the one, where the username is exactly the same as you have specified.
Put the username in quotations like this (username: asdasdasd):"asdasdasd"&client_id=[CLIENT ID]
Which results in (the results that interests you is highlighted):
- if you don't use the quotations there's a big chance that the desired username won't appear in the results!
If there are more than one results use this code the iterate through the response data to find your one and get it's ID, full_name etc.
function getUserID() {
//send request for the user info on click
var searchTerm = $('.input-user-request').val();
if(searchTerm == ''){
$('.user-id-value').html('Enter a username!');
url: "\"" + searchTerm + "\"&client_id=5fc90c90b885487485125d6df440fefd",
dataType: 'jsonp'
}).done(function(data) {
if([0] == []){
$('.user-id-value').html('No username found!');
var userInformation =[i];
if(userInformation.username == searchTerm){
//simulate the button click, on click of the Enter key
$(".input-user-request").on('keydown', function(){
if(event.keyCode == 13){
See JSFiddle
(for some reason the code doesn't format properly)
I would suggest to try username "jack".
In fact none of suggested methods work for this.
I tried with max_id, min_id, it does not work either.
So it is exact flaw in API, and there is no such documentation on Instagram API to help to solve this.
So finding exact user id by it's username is quite a problem for popular names.
The only one solution for today I found is parsing user's Instagram HTML page and get it's id from there. This is very stupid, but this is only one solution which works in all cases right now :(
It's simple:{username}/?__a=1

twitter_time does not gives follower_count for retweet user

I am using twitter_timeline to get the user details.
It provides set of tweets including RTs. I am considering on retweets from all tweets.
Suppose I retweeted any tweet, which I can get using:
$tweets3 = $connection->get("");
foreach ($tweets3 as $item)
$rt_reach = $item->retweet_count; //This is available
$text = $item->text; //This is available
$follower_count = $item->user->followers_count; //This is not available
echo "User location $item->user->location"; //This is not available
echo $follower_count = $item->user->screen_name; //This is not available
Link to document:
Why it does not provide last three value in above code?
Since you're using "trim_user=true", twitter strips the user record except for the user_id.
Please check trim_user parameter here.
The "trim_user" param is used by applications to stop the tweets data from getting bloated and it should be excluded if the app needs the full user record, which seems to be the case for you.

Allow access after sharing url

On a MVC 5 web site I would like visitors to be able to read the full version of a post only after they shared it on Facebook or Twitter.
I have seen this example in a few web sites ... What would be the best way to do this?
There is no real security issues here ... It is just a way to spread the word ...
My first idea would be to save a cookie with a post KEY (Guid) ... This key is not visible to the user so he will not know the value.
The problem is how do I know that he shared the url ... How do I get the confirmation?
Thank You,
You get confirmation as follows, per the Facebook Developers Docs:
method: 'feed',
name: 'Facebook Dialogs',
link: '',
picture: '',
caption: 'Reference Documentation',
description: 'Dialogs provide a simple, consistent interface for applications to interface with users.'
function(response) {
if (response && response.post_id) {
alert('Post was shared.'); //give access to article
} else {
alert('Post was not shared.'); //they chose not share... don't give access
I implemented this code almost verbatim in a .NET project (just replaced the alerts with my own functionality) where I gave users two entries into a contest if they shared the contest page (instead of one entry if they didn't share or did nothing).
As for Twitter, I've personally not implemented something similar, but your best bet is probably JavaScript Interfaces for Twitter for Websites.
I don't know about Facebook, but with Twitter a retweet is the same as a share. The statuses/retweeters/ids should work. If you have the id of the tweet, then you can hold a list of who retweeted it, updating as needed to get new ids.
If you don't want to write all of the code to authenticate and configure the endpoint, you could use a 3rd party library. Here's an example from my library, LINQ to Twitter v3.0 Beta:
ulong tweetID = 210591841312190464;
var status =
(from tweet in twitterCtx.Status
where tweet.Type == StatusType.Retweeters &&
tweet.ID == tweetID
select tweet)
if (status != null && status.User != null)
userID => Console.WriteLine("User ID: " + userID));
BTW, there's also a Facebook SDK for .NET.

How to validate that zip code enter by user is correct US zipcode

I want to validate that zip code entered by user is valid or not.
for example user entered 009876654 and it is not valid then an error message should be given.
I know i can do it using javascript regulr expression or using ajax-zip-code-database
But i don't want any of the above. i need some plugin sort of thing which send request to some online application to check wheather it is valid or not.I want this because i don't want to take care if in future there is change in the zip-codes or new zip-codes get added.
P.S. :- I don't want to use javascript or using ajax-zip-code-database
There is a web service at webservicex that can give you XML results from a GET or even a POST call. I've never used it but it seems to be what you're looking for.
Non-existent zip codes return an empty data set
wget /GetInfoByZIP?USZip=60001
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Assuming your application is commercially compatible with their terms of use, I'm wondering if you can use Google's gecoder service to lookup a zip/postal code and then to check the results to see if it exists. I would assume if you get back a postcode and a sane lat, lng pair you could conclude the zipcode is real.
The code below (admittedly using the now deprecated V2 API shows one approach for a US-centric search). The advantage is that it's the end-user and Google compute resources and bandwidth that are used to do the validation.
I don't know if this a bit heavy for your purposes although I've found Google's gecoder to be blindingly fast.
gecoder = new GClientGeocoder();
geocoder.getLocations(zipcode, function(response) {
if (response && response.Status.code === 200) {
var places = response.Placemark;
for (var p in places) {
if (places[p].AddressDetails.Country.CountryNameCode === 'US') {
// lat => places[p].Point.coordinates[1],
// lng => places[p].Point.coordinates[0],
// zip => places[p].AddressDetails.Country.AdministrativeArea.SubAdministrativeArea.Locality.PostalCode.PostalCodeNumber
