Best way to handle ajax upload? - ruby-on-rails

form_for #model, :remote => true, :html => {:multipart => true } does not allow us to send file via ajax.
I have found this but it's not up to date and it relies on dependancies :
Anyone with up to date ressources ?

This is example for uploading File on Rails 3 using Jquery.
Make use of it, it is simple

I've used Uploadify in a recent application Some Rails specific notes here I know you said Rails 3, but the concepts are the same.


How can i Ajax this file upload in rails

I'm new to the topic of AJAX and I want to AJAX this file upload in rails. It's a nested file upload so be wary. When a photo is uploaded I just want it to show the photo and have a delete link.
I tried to follow the railscast on the topic but it didn't talk about file upload and was a little confusing. So ANY sort of advice would be awesome!
new product page(HAML)
= form_for #product,:url => products_path, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f|
You may want to take a look at this,

Alternative for link_to_remote's :update in rails3

Im in the process of converting my rails code which developed in version 2 to rails 3. Earlier I used link_to_remote function to create a link.In that I displayed the page on a div field using ':update' option.
<%= link_to_remote #processes_tree[x]["name"],:update => "toprightdiv", :url => { :action => "editproduct", :id => #processes_tree[x]["id"]}%>
Now In rails the link_to_remote is not available ,So I used link_to.But in it the :update option is not available.So I am not able to show the page in the div field.When ever I click the link a new page getting displayed for the link.Is there any alternative way available i n rails3.Please help me to solve the issue.
This is a very general question regarding unobtrusive javascript in rails (googling that phrase would get all you need to know).
Generally you need to use link_to and set :remote to true. Then do the update by handling the response in a .js view or equivalent.
You may also benefit from this screencast demonstrating the rationale for the change:
The :update option isn't supported by the new link_to :remote => true.
You will either have to
use the legacy plugin
write the JS/AJAX yourself instead of using :remote => true
use render :update { |page| p.replace_html ... }

Rails 2 to Rails 3 : using link_to instead of link_to_remote (including remote and update)

A quick and easy answer I'm sure.
I'm upgrading a Rails project from version 2 to version 3 and replacing a load of the link_to_remote with link_to's as per the Rails 3 update. Even something as simple as :
<%= link_to "Check Time",
{:action=>:get_time}, :remote=>true, :update=>'current_time' %>
<div id='current_time'></div>
doesn't seem to work. The request (using get method) is going through ok and the rendered html is :
Check Time
Routes.rb entry :
get "monitoring/get_time"
As I say I'm sure this is a very obvious issue on my part!
The :update option isn't supported by the new link_to :remote => true.
You will either have to
use the legacy plugin
write the JS/AJAX yourself instead of using :remote => true
use render :update { |page| p.replace_html ... }
The :update parameter is gone. You need to handle the DOM update yourself using Unobtrusive JavaScript. Also, make sure you actually included the csrf_meta_tag helper in your layout.
I wrote an article about using unobtrusive JavaScript in Rails 3.

Ruby on rails: Remote Upload A File Using AJAX

I've successfully uploaded a file using PUT and html, but is there a way to upload a file in a ajax remote_form_for ?
I've tried this to no success:
<% remote_form_for #song,:html => { :multipart => true }, :url => { :action => 'upload' } do |f| %>
If you're using Rails 3, try the Remotipart gem. It makes AJAX style file uploads relatively painless.
The standard remote_form_for doesn’t understand multipart form submission so you can't actually do this without some leg-work as indicated by yoda above.
The other way to achieve this is by using an iframe.

Where did link_to_function disappear to in Rails 3?

I was just playing around with Rails 3 beta and noticed that link_to_function is now gone. I presume there's an alternate method of achieving the same result (onclick event?) but I was wondering if there's a more Rails-3'y way of doing it. TIA.
Rails 3 seems to have done away with Prototype Helper in favour of a less obtrusive/JS library agnostic approach. The goal is to eliminate all inline javascript generated by Rails. Prototype Helper generated pretty much all of the javascript.
Now any of the non remote variants of helpers will generate the proper javascript for a remote call in your JS library of choice just by supplying the :remote => true option.
Unfortunately this doesn't hold true for the x to function methods. For the time being there are the prototype legacy helpers which are no longer a core part of Rails.
You could also use call as defined in ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper::JavascriptGenerator::GeneratorMethods to supply javascript code to :onclick as an html_option for link_to, but that's not exactly pretty.
Rails < 3 | Rails 3
link_to_remote "target", url | link_to "target", url, :remote => true
form_remote_for #post | form_for #post, :remote => true
Or something to that effect. I'm having trouble finding official documentation to back up my claims. So the release notes will have to do for now.
Before you can use it, you'll need to include the proper js source files. Ensure that you are loading prototype.js and rails.js, or the library and driver for JS framework of choice in their place.
Remember, Rails 3 is in beta now. But that doesn't mean it's done. I honestly have no idea how link_to_function will be replaced. It goes against the ideal of unobtrusive javascript.
To answer my own question, seems this works and is sufficient for what I need:
link_to "name", nil, :onlick => "alert('Hello, world!')"
link_to_remote can be done like this
link_to "target",:remote => true
and to do a ajax post/get you have
link_to "target", {:controller =>
controller, :action => method, }, :remote => true
In rails 2 it was like this
link_to_remote "target", :url =>
{:controller => controller, :action =>
method, }, :remote
=> true
