How can I run all the targets in an Ant buildfile? - ant

I would like to execute all targets instead of specifying each one.
For example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="Kte" default="all" basedir="/home/Kte">
<target name="target1">
<target name="target2">
Currently I have use:
$ ant target1
$ ant target2
I'd like to use:
$ ant
and have both targets get built (this is just an example. Reality I have a long ever changing Ant buildfile with sub-ant files so would be very handy to have an "all" feature.

You could create an ant task all, which depends on all the specific targets that you have...
<target name="all" depends="target1, target2, ... ">
ant all

You can also set up a default task that will run when you just type ant. The default attribute is in the project element.
<project name="foo" default="all">
<target name="all" depends="target1, target2"/>
<target name="target1">
<target name="target2">
$ ant

Because Ant is declarative it doesn't do this sort of thing nicely. You might consider a script task though.
Ant buildfiles have an implicit un-named target that 'holds' all the tasks that are not part of named targets. So this, placed at the top-level, would do what you describe.
<script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
importClass( java.util.Vector );
vec = new Vector( project.getTargets().keySet() );
vec.setSize( vec.size( ) - 1 );
project.executeTargets( vec );
(The implicit target appears at the end of the list, hence the size adjustment to prevent recursion.)
If you put that script in a 'runner' target - which would execute all other targets in the buildfile - you would need to remove the 'runner' from the Vector (and the implicit target-with-no-name) to prevent recursion.


Calling depends targets from parent build.xml inside includes xml

Is it possible for xml files that are part of 'includes' inside build.xml to have depends on targets from that build.xml (backwards dependency)? Or do I need to create a chain of only forward dependencies, and having "depends" on down? If this is possible, how do I call these parent targets?
I am trying to extract several targets outside of a very long build.xml file, in a situation like this:
build.xml defines a very common target, buildMe used throughout the build.xml file. It also defines a target runTasks. It includes someTasks.xml. runTasks depends on buildMe and someTasks.groupOfTasks.
someTasks.xml define targets groupOfTasks, task0, task1, task2. groupOfTasks depends on task0, task1 and task2. Now can task0 task1 or task2 depend on buildMe from build.xml, or some other target defined in build.xml?
This works for me: In the main project file the target default depends on a target from commontasks.xml which depends on a target from the main project file:
<project name="main" default="default">
<import file="commontasks.xml" as="common" />
<target name="default" depends="common.hello" description="the main project">
<target name="initMain">
<echo>initializing main</echo>
<property name="aValue" value="MAIN" />
<project name="commontasks" >
<target name="hello" depends="initMain">
<echo>hello from common tasks</echo>
<echo>aValue: ${aValue}</echo>
When I run the ant build, I get:
[echo] initializing main
[echo] hello from common tasks
[echo] aValue: MAIN
The dependency is target default depends on hello depends on initMain and hello can use properties defined in initMain.

'make -n' equivalent for ant

According to the man page of make, -n option does the following job:
Print the commands that would be executed, but do not execute them.
I am looking for an option which acts the same in Apache Ant.
Horrific, but here it is. We can hack the targets at runtime using some code inside a <script> tag*. The code in do-dry-run below sets an unless attribute on each of your targets, and then sets that property so that none of them executes. Ant still prints out the names of targets that are not executed because of an unless attribute.
*(JavaScript script tags seem to be supported in Ant 1.8+ using the Oracle, OpenJDK and IBM versions of Java.)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project default="build">
<target name="targetA"/>
<target name="targetB" depends="targetA">
<echo message="DON'T RUN ME"/>
<target name="targetC" depends="targetB"/>
<target name="build" depends="targetB"/>
<target name="dry-run">
<do-dry-run target="build"/>
<macrodef name="do-dry-run">
<attribute name="target"/>
<script language="javascript"><![CDATA[
var targs = project.getTargets().elements();
while( targs.hasMoreElements() ) {
var targ = targs.nextElement();
targ.setUnless( "DRY.RUN" );
project.setProperty( "DRY.RUN", "1" );
project.executeTarget( "#{target}" );
When I run this normally, the echo happens:
$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] DON'T RUN ME
Total time: 0 seconds
But when I run dry-run, it doesn't:
$ ant dry-run
Buildfile: build.xml
Total time: 0 seconds
Ant has no dry-run option as make or maven have. But you could run the ant file step by step it in debugging mode under eclipse.
No I belive. There is no such way by default in Ant. And many unstisfying attempts you would find on google. But I have searched once and was unsuccessful.
It would be a useful feature, but not easily implemented.
Make and ANT are architecturally quite different. ANT doesn't run external OS commands, instead, most ANT "tasks" execute within the same Java thread.
It would be possible to emulate a "dry run" as follows:
<project name="Dry run" default="step3">
<target name="step1" unless="">
<echo>1) hello world</echo>
<target name="step2" depends="step1" unless="">
<echo>2) hello world</echo>
<target name="step3" depends="step2" unless="">
<echo>3) hello world</echo>
Running ANT as follows will print the target name but won't execute the enclosed tasks:
$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml
Total time: 0 seconds
Create a special target in your buildscript that does some echoing only i.e. to check whether properties, path .. are resolved correctly.
see for a similar question answered.
For checking the details of your ant installation use ant -diagnostics

running specific target in different ant scripts in different directories

We have a large amount of apps. They all have a build.xml file located in the projects base directory. I am trying to create an ant script that will go through and call a specific target on each of the build.xml files in all the projects.
Here are the issues:
Some of the projects are in deeper directories than others.
Only some of the projects need to be built at a time.
I was trying to use subant + antfile and defining a CSV of file paths in a properties file, but this did not work. Below is what i have and the error i am getting.
If there is a better way to do this or you know what my problem is, please let me know! Thanks!
This is the property defined in a property file. I am wanting the person running the script to add the file paths in here that are relative to the current location of the script they are running.
This is the subant task i am trying to use in the main build script.
<target name="debugAll" description="Builds all the projects listed in the file.">
<subant target="debug" antfile="${}">
Here is the error i get when i try to run the build script when there are projects defined in the properties file. I am using the relative path. For example: ..\Apps\AnApp1\build.xml,..\Apps\AnApp2\build.xml,..\OtherApps\foo\AnotherApp1\build.xml
"No Build Path Specified" (at my subant task)
You specified the antfile attribute, so ANT was expecting to a single build.xml file.
The subant documentation describes how you can use a fileset as child parameter.
Here's an example:
<project name="Subant demo" default="run-debug-target">
<target name="run-debug-target">
<subant target="debug">
<fileset dir="." includes="**/build.xml" excludes="build.xml"/>
Alternatively a filelist could be used:
<project name="Dry run" default="run">
<target name="run">
<subant target="test">
<filelist dir="projects" files="one/build.xml,two/build.xml,three/build.xml,four/build.xml"/>
Processing the following build files:
Is it possible to run the target in the all the build files concurrently ?
<project name="Dry run" default="run">
<target name="run">
<subant target="test">
<filelist dir="projects" files="one/build.xml,two/build.xml,three/build.xml,four/build.xml"/>
In this example, is there any way to run target "test" present in all the build files (one/build.xml,two/build.xml,three/build.xml,four/build.xml) concurrently ?

How to invoke a macrodef from within another file

I wrote a small macrodef in separate file:
<macrodef name="do-cool-stuff">
<attribute name="message"/>
<echo message="#{message}" />
I got a second file, my main build file:
<target name="build">
<!-- do this and that -->
<!-- cheking out macrodefs.xml via CVS -->
<ant antfile="macrodefs.xml" target="do-cool-stuff" >
<property name="message" value="Hello, World!" />
As you might guess this dosen't work. The error message is something like:
Target 'do-cool-stuff' does not exist in this project.
The only possible solution I found is to provide a extra target in the macrodefs.xml to forward the ant calls.
Is there a possibility to invoke the macrodef from within another file?
Thanks in advance.
You can import the file and use the macro like this:
<import file="macrodefs.xml" />
<do-cool-stuff message="Hello, World!" />
Note that in the macro definition you should use #{curlybrackets} when referencing macro attributes:
<echo message="#{message}" />
There are some examples at the end of the Ant macrodef task docs.
What you're trying to do isn't well supported by Ant. The ant and antcall tasks don't allow the 'callee' to affect the caller directly. You can write files in the called task, then load those in the caller. But as you have observed, the pre-process tasks import and include cannot be called from within a target. The ant/antcall tasks only allow you to run targets in subsidiary builds, not macros.
One workaround method (this might be similar to the one you mention, but allows you to put all the real work in the top-level build) would be to have an inner buildfile that includes the top-level import of the macrodefs.xml.
Something like the following. The macrodefs.xml file is as before. (But note that the imported files - including the macro definitions - need to be complete Ant project files, so they must include a project element.)
<target name="build">
<!-- cvs actions -->
<ant antfile="inner-build.xml" target="target-runner">
<property name="target" value="top-target" />
<!-- this target will fail unless invoked from the inner build -->
<target name="top-target">
<do-cool-stuff message="Hello, World!" />
<import file="macrodefs.xml" />
<target name="target-runner">
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="${target}" />
Effectively you would be doing
build.xml --> inner-build.xml --> build.xml (again)
(cvs) (import macros) (use macros)
The inner buildfile could potentially be generated on-the-fly by the main build - say if you wanted to import multiple macro definition files - but that's getting perhaps too unwieldy.

How do I pass an argument to an Ant task?

I'm not very good with Ant, but we're using it as a build tool. Right now, we can run "ant test" and it'll run through all the unit tests.
However, I'd love to be able to do something like ant test some_module and have it accept some_module as a parameter, and only test that.
I haven't been able to find how to pass command line args to Ant - any ideas?
One solution might be as follows. (I have a project that does this.)
Have a separate target similar to test with a fileset that restricts the test to one class only. Then pass the name of that class using -D at the ant command line:
ant -Dtest.module=MyClassUnderTest single_test
In the build.xml (highly reduced):
<target name="single_test" depends="compile" description="Run one unit test">
<fileset dir="${test.dir}" includes="**/${test.module}.class" />
You can also define a property with an optional default value that can be replaced via command line, e.g.
<target name="test">
<property name="moduleName" value="default-module" />
<echo message="Testing Module: ${moduleName}"/>
and run it as:
ant test -DmoduleName=ModuleX
What about using some conditional in your test target and the specifying -Dcondition=true?
<target name="test" depends="_test, _test_if_true>
<target name="_test_if_true" if="condition">
<target name="_test" unless="condition">
Adapted a bit from the ant faq.
You can define a property on commandline when invoking ant:
ant -Dtest.module=mymodulename
Then you can use it as any other ant property:
<fileset dir="${test.dir}" includes="**/${test.module}.class" />
Have a look at Ant's manual.
I tried the solutions posted here for the very same original question. Yes just use ant -D<arg_name>. THe -D is a "keyword" I guess. I'm no ant expert and have not read the manuals in detail. Then inside the ant XML files can be accessed like: ${arg_name}
For instance you can have an argument name like: arg.myarg, so in XML ${arg.myarg}.
Ant really doesn't have parameters_ for the build file. I can think of a few ways to do this:
Use a special target to specify the tests. You can use the <for/> task from AntContrib to allow you to specify multiple tests. You'll need to download the Ant-Contrib jar file. I recommend placing it inside your project under the `${basedir}/antlib/antcontrib" directory. That way, when others checkout your project, they get the needed Ant-Contrib jar file.
<property name="antlib.dir" value="${basedir}/antlib"/>
<property name="antcontrib.dir" value="${antlib}/antcontrib"/>
<!-- Set up the ant contrib tasks for your use -->
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<fileset dir="${antcontrib.dir}"/>
<target name="select-test"
description="Select the tests to run"
<for parameter="module"
delimiter=" ">
<batchtest todir="$target/unit-tests">
<fileset dir="${test.destdir}">
<include name="**/#{module}.class"/>
You cab now run multiple tests like this:
$ ant -D"test-one test-two test-three" select-test
You could try this to access one target at a time. Add these lines to your build.xml file :
<project name="whatever" default="default">
<input message="Please select module:" addproperty="mod" />
<target name="default" depends="${mod}/>
This allows you to enter the module you want to execute and execute that itself instead of running the whole build.xml
You might need to make a few more changes to your build.xml for this to work perfectly.
For the arguments , there is Facility called property. You need to set the property. As in ANT plain arguments is taken as target name.
Lest say you have two modules in your project ModuleX and ModuleY where ModuleX has 2 testcases to run and ModuleY with 10 testcases.
You could do something like this :
ant runTestsOnModule -Dtestmodule="ModuleX"
OR to test all modules by calling
ant tests
<target name="runTestsOnModule">
<antCall target="testcase${testmodule}"/>
<! -- run single module -->
<target name="runTestsOnModule">
<antCall target="testcase${testmodule}"/>
<!--run all tests-->
<target name="tests">
<antcall target="testcaseModuleX">
<antcall target="testCaseModuleY">
<target name="testcaseModuleX"> junit task to call 2 testcase
<target name="testcaseModuleY"> junit task to call 10 testcase
