stubbing helpers using mocha - ruby-on-rails

it "should have edit button if user has permission to edit" do
get :index
#entities[0..3].each do |entity|
response.should have_selector("form",
:method => "get",
:action => "/entities/edit/#{entity[:id]}") do |form|
form.should have_selector("input", :value => "Edit")
I am trying to write a simple test case which tests that an edit button is showed if the user has permission to edit. I am trying to use stubbing for this. However, it doesn't seem to work. The output view does not show the edit button next to every single entity which I would expect if the stubbing works. I am new to mocha and stubbing - I am doing something wrong here?

I assume EntitiesHelper is a plain-old rails helper that gets mixed into the controller - thus all it's instance methods (such as permission_to_edit_entity?) are available to the controller and views have access to these helper methods (via the controller) ... so You might stub the method on the controller :
in this particular case I would even consider changing the stub to mock since You expect the method to be called (although You're testing the button presence, it's good to know that the flow did not happen as expected) :
but this of course is debatable and You should be fine either way ...


In Rspec, how test a controller action that does not have a route?

In a few of my controllers I have an action that does not have a corresponding route because it is accessed only via a render ... and return in other controller actions.
For example, I have an action
def no_such_page
# displays a generic error screen
In my RSpec controller test, how do I 'get' that method and look at the response body?
If I try:
get :no_such_page
response.status.should be(200)
it of course gives the error
No route matches {:controller=>"foo", :action=>"{:action=>:no_such_page}"}
Looking back over your question, it doesn't make sense to me now since you say that you are only accessing this action via render ... and return, but render renders a view, not an action. Are you sure that you even need this action? I think a view spec is the place for this test.
Original answer
It doesn't make sense to test the response code of an action which will never be called via an HTTP request. Likewise get :no_such_page doesn't make sense as you can't "get" the action (there is no route to it), you can only call the method.
In that sense, the best way to test it would be to treat it just like any other method on a class, in this case the class being your controller, e.g. PostsController. So you could do something like this:
describe PostsController do
... other actions ...
describe "no_such_page" do
it "displays a generic error screen" do
p =
But in fact, judging from what you've written, it sounds to me like your action has nothing in it, and you're just testing the HTML output generated by the corresponding view. If that's the case, then you really shouldn't be testing this in controller specs at all, just test it using a view spec, which is more appropriate for testing the content of the response body.
before :all do
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/no_such_page', to: "foo#no_such_page"
after :all do

Is there a more elegant way? (accessing a rails controller from a static home page?)

OK, this is working but I feel there is a better way to do this in Rails... I have a home page which, if you have not signed in, is not currently pulling in anything from any model or controller. It exists at /pages/home.html.erb
On that page, I want to grab the next party from my Parties model and tell the website visitor about that party. Easy enough, right?:
def nextparty
#party = Party.find(:first, :order => "begins_on")
Now, in my home page, I used this and it works fine:
<% #PartyCont = %>
<% #party = #PartyCont.nextparty() %>
<h3>The next party is <%= %></h3>
I tried helper methods, partials, ApplicationHelper, but this was the only code that actually worked. Most of the other things I tried seemed to fail because the #Party class was not instantiated (typically the error indicated the class with a temporary name and "undefined method").
Hey, I'm happy that it works, but I feel like there is a better way in Rails. I've seen a few posts that use code like the above example and then say "But you really shouldn't ever need to do this!".
Is this just fine, or is there a more Rails-like way?
I think the problem is more than just elegance... I just realized that all RSPEC tests that hit the home page are failing with:
Failure/Error: get 'home'
undefined method `begins_on' for nil:NilClass
You want a controller behind every view and you don't want views crossing controller boundaries in order to present information. Consider having a welcome controller (or whatever you prefer to call it). It can have an index action:
def index
#party = Party.find(:first, :order => "begins_on")
In config/routes.rb, make it the root controller action:
root :to => "welcome#index"
Also, to DRY that up add a .nextparty class method to the Party model and call that from both of your controller actions instead of the find method.
Your view should only show data that already was made available by your controller. You want to display a party resource, so the request should go to the parties controller. If I understand your use case correctly, than more specifically to the index method on the PartiesController.
There you should have the following code:
def index
#party = Party.find(:first, :order => "begins_on")
That instance method will be available in your corresponding view app/views/parties/index.html.erb
<h3>The next party is <%= %></h3>
To make this available as your homepage you will have to adjust your route as well:
root :to => "parties#index"
Your view should contain as little logic as possible and mainly be concerned with how things look.
Your controller should get data for the view ready and make sure to call the right method on the model.
All the heavy business logic should be in your model.
I think you should work through a basic introductory Rails tutorial.

Using Factory Girl with Rspec Views

So I want to test some views using Rspec and Factory Girl, but I don't know how to assign a factory to a view properly. All of the information I see online uses stubbing, and although stubbing is fine, I want to keep my rspec stuff somewhat consistent.
I want to use a factory for an edition model and associate that with the page when I render the page, but everything I've considered seems to be broken. Here's sort of a ridiculous example:
require 'spec_helper'
describe "catalog/editions/rationale.html.haml" do
before do
#edition = Factory.create(:edition)
assign(:editions, #edition)
render :action => 'rationale', :id => #edition
context "GET rationale" do
it "should not have the preamble to the United States constitution" do
rendered.should_not contain(/We the People of the United States/)
In this I've tried changing render :action => 'rationale', :id => #edition to just render, and other similar tweaks to the render action. I just have no idea where to start a factory_girl helped view. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rails 3.0.10
RSpec 2.7
Factory_Girl 2.2
I think the error is that #editions is expecting an array, so you should write
assign(:editions, [#edition])
or, otherwise, if it should be a single element, you should write:
assign(:edition, #edition)
Secondly, unless your view is a partial that expects variables, you should just write
You do not have to give the action, rspec knows which view to render from the describe, and the view does not retrieve any data (so you don't have to set the id), you just have to set the instance variables correctly using the assigns. Testing the view does nothing more than rendering the view.
Hope this helps.
Now that you've got the answer, stop writing view specs. They are needlessly hard to write, and they really don't test enough to be at all worthwhile. Do your view and controller testing with Cucumber instead.

Can rspec test a view to make sure view syntax/helpers don't have errors?

Using rspec, is it possible to test a view to make sure all the syntax in the view doesn't have any errors?
Views call helpers, they might reference controller/action names like controller => 'blah', action => 'show' etc.
If I rename/delete a controller I want to make sure that if my views reference them, I have a test that will fail.
A couple of things:
1) I wouldn't recommend using :controller or :action anywhere in your views, because RESTful helpers are much shorter. For instance:
:controller => :projects, :action => "show", :id => 1
2) Rather than testing for syntax errors this way, have proper integration tests which test your application, performing the same actions a user would. Commonly, this is provided by RSpec+Capybara or Cucumber.
Now that we have the formalities out of the way, you can change the describe of your controller tests to this:
describe ProjectsController
By default, views in RSpec controller tests are stubbed out, meaning they are not accessed at all. By putting render_views inside your describe (or context) blocks, you enable this option.

RSpec View testing: How to modify params?

I am trying to test my views with RSpec. The particular view that is causing me troubles changes its appearance depending on a url parameter:
link_to "sort>name", model_path(:sort_by => 'name') which results in http://mydomain/model?sort_by=name
My view then uses this parameter like that:
<% if params[:sort_by] == 'name' %>
<div>Sorted by Name</div>
<% end %>
The RSpec looks like this:
it "should tell the user the attribute for sorting order" do
#Problem: assign params[:sort_for] = 'name'
render "/groups/index.html.erb"
response.should have_tag("div", "Sorted by Name")
I would like to test my view (without controller) in RSpec but I can't get this parameter into my params variable. I tried assign in all different flavours:
assign[:params] = {:sort_by => 'name'}
assign[:params][:sort_by] = 'name'
no success so far. Every idea is appreciated.
If its a controller test then it would be
controller.stub!(:params).and_return {}
If its a helper test then it would be:
helper.stub!(:params).and_return {}
And its a view test it would be:
view.stub!(:params).and_return {}
If you get warning like below.
Deprecation Warnings:
Using `stub` from rspec-mocks' old `:should` syntax without explicitly enabling the syntax is deprecated. Use the new `:expect` syntax or explicitly enable `:should` instead. Called from /home/akbarbin/Documents/Office/projects/portfolio/spec/views/admin/waste_places/new.html.erb_spec.rb:7:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'.
If you need more of the backtrace for any of these deprecations to
identify where to make the necessary changes, you can configure
`config.raise_errors_for_deprecations!`, and it will turn the
deprecation warnings into errors, giving you the full backtrace.
1 deprecation warning total
Finished in 4.86 seconds (files took 4.72 seconds to load)
You can change it into
allow(view).to receive(:params).and_return({sort_by: 'name'})
That's because you shouldn't be using params in your views.
The best way I see it to use an helper.
<div>Sorted by <%= sorted_by %></div>
And in one of your helper files
def sorted_by
Then you can test your helpers quite easily (because in helpers tests, you can define the params request.
The easy way is to just do this:
helper.params = {:foo => '1', :bar => '2'}
But in general it's better to be more integration-y and not "stub" values when it's feasible. So I prefer to use controller tests with integrate_views. Then you can specify your params to the get, and test that the entire flow works, from sending params to the controller, to having them processed by the controller, and finally to rendering.
I also generally prefer to pull out view logic into helpers, which can be easier to test.
For instance, say I have a helper called selection_list, which returns a Hash whose "selected_preset" key relies on params[:selected_preset], and defaults to 42 if an empty value is specified for the param.
Here's a controller test where we've called integrate_views (you could of course do the same thing with an actual view test, if you're into that).
describe '#show' do
describe 'selected_preset' do
it 'should default to 42 if no value was entered' do
get :show, :params => {:selected_preset => ''}
response.template.selection_list[:selected_preset].should == 42
This integration test will alert me if some part of this functionality breaks. But I also would ideally like to have some unit tests to help me pinpoint that breakage.
I'll start by having the helper use an instance variable instead of directly accessing params. I'll change the above code by adding a single line directly below the get, as follows:
describe '#show' do
describe 'selected_preset' do
it 'should default to 42 if no value was entered' do
get :show, :params => {:selected_preset => ''}
assigns[:selected_preset].should == 42 # check instance variable is set
response.template.selection_list[:selected_preset].should == 42
Now I also can easily perform a helper unit test:
describe MyHelper do
describe '#selection_list' do
it 'should include the selected preset' do
assigns[:selected_preset] = 3
helper.selection_list[:selected_preset].should == 3
Another method of setting view params:
controller.request.path_parameters[:some_param] = 'a value'
