Error deserializing wallpaper image : iPad - ipad

What does the following error indicates
5/19/11 8:06:45 PM SpringBoard[9712] Error deserializing
wallpaper image: Error
Domain=CPBitmapErrorDomain Code=0 "The
operation couldn’t be completed.
(CPBitmapErrorDomain error 0 - No data
provided to
UserInfo=0x70b9c80 {NSDescription=No
data provided to

Well, if you read the error message, it is telling you that a wallpaper was unable to be deserialised because no data was provided to the function named CPBitMapCreateImagesFromData. Pretty self explanitory.
Other than that, it sounds like you're either working on a jailbroken phone or trying to do things that aren't supported by the official iOS SDK - in which case my help ends here.
Or you're a user who is trying to understand why an image they set as a wallpaper isn't displaying and found their way to the iPad's console - in which case, this isn't the place to be asking.

This happened to me also, I think it's because most of the tutorials are written with an iphone in mind and I was using an iPad. I was working with an ipad and when following these tutorials i was getting this problem.
When you are creating the project I choose View based application. In the same wizard there's a combo box for 'iPhone' and 'iPad'.. If I leave that as iPhone then my application doesnt start in the simulator and I see the error you mention. If I set that to iPad then everything works fine.
I dont understand why that should make a difference tbh..

This happened to me, but only when I was not debugging, what happened was that in the dealloc function [super dealloc] was called at the top of the function rather than at the end. The "deserializing wallpaper" message is probably due to some sort of memory corruption that occurred since I had code after [super dealloc] trying to use pointers that were now garbage. I had NSZombie activated but it had no effect. Why this only crashed when I was not hooked up to the debugger is beyond me at the moment.
Thankfully this bug was fixed after a few diffs in source control, but initially I was pretty perplexed at the message and the fact that it was a bug where the debugger couldn't be used only induced more panic.
I'm sure you've long fixed your problem but I thought it'd be helpful to put this out there for others.


Is DX11VideoRenderer thread safe?

I'm using the Microsoft sample DX11VideoRenderer to render real time video in Windows 10. When I run just one stream, the video looks great. However when I run more than 4 or 5 streams, some of the video in their respective windows start blanking out intermittently. The effect can be over just a portion or all of each video window.
Also I get a few intermittent errors from this function call in my log file:
hr = pVideoContext->VideoProcessorBlt(m_pVideoProcessor, pOutputView, 0, 1, &StreamData );
The error returned is: E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are not valid 0x80070057
I'm only using the Presenter.cpp and display.cpp modules of the DX11VideoRenderer in my code. The source is located at:
DirectX video rendering sample
My initial suspicion at this stage is that DXVideoRenderer may not be thread safe. I found this information about multithreading: Introduction to Multithreading in Direct3D 11 which states:
While the use of a device context (ID3D11DeviceContext) is not thread-safe, the use of a Direct3D 11 device (ID3D11Device) is thread-safe.
But it seems that since I'm using separate instances of the CPresenter class for each window, there should not be a problem with ID3D11DeviceContext not being thread safe because each window should have it's own instance of ID3D11DeviceContext.
Does anyone have any experience or ideas about this DX11VideoRenderer software sample and what might be causing this problem?
Thank you!
I have been able to duplicate the problem with just one window so it no longer appears to be a threading issue. If I manually resize the window many times I can sometimes get the video in the window to flicker. When this happens I see in my log that the same function call to VideoProcessorBlt() had a failure with the same return code, E_INVALIDARG.
If I manually resize the window many times I can sometimes get the video in the window to flicker. When this happens I see in my log that the same function call to VideoProcessorBlt() had a failure with the same return code, E_INVALIDARG.
This behaviour is not documented by Microsoft.
The problem is the same with DirectX9, but the error occurs with IDirect3DDevice9::Present, just after VideoProcessBltHD.
The HRESULT code is 0x88760872, and 0x88760872 is not documented.
So when resizing window, the error can occur.
See H264Dxva2Decoder :
In Dxva2Renderer.cpp, check for HANDLE_DIRECTX_ERROR_UNDOCUMENTED.
The strategy I choosed is to pause the video if playing (see WindowsFormProc and WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE/WM_SYSCOMMAND),
also, this avoid flickering.
Doing this, the error disappears.
PS: normally this error can be safely ignored.
I think this error is just there to tell you that when the window is resized, the underlying API is struggling to synchronize the DirectX presentation with your HWND, which changes size quickly.

React-Native ios App crashes without report

I'm building an iOS app using React Native and trying to get it testable on phones.
If I plug my phone into the computer and "build" directly to the phone, the app is built correctly and opens/operates correctly, no problem.
But if I try to archive it and send it to phones using iTunes Connect's TestFlight or Fabric with Crashlytics, the app crashes immediately upon opening. It briefly shows the launch screen, but no more.
Moreover, there are no crash reports -- in TestFlight, in Crashlytics, or in XCode, once I plug the phone back in. So I'm operating in the dark here, without any information on what's breaking. Haven't been able to find a similar issue online, so I figured I'd just ask. Any ideas what could be going wrong?
Please let me know if there's any code or other data you might need to see. Some of it's confidential, but I'll try to post an approximate version.
As Chris Geirman suggested, the problem was a JavaScript error. I'm not sure people with similar problems will find this thread, but in case they do, here is the weird error that was occurring.
I had created a simple ORM system, with a BaseModel and a bunch of models that inherited from it. The BaseModel constructor looked like this:
constructor(props = {}, relations = {}) {
Object.keys(props).forEach((k) => {
// Save props to object
this[k] = props[k];
this.relations = relations;
this.className =;
That last line was the problem. On my local simulator and if I build the app to my phone by plugging it in, this works fine. As in, if a Message model inherits from BaseModel, calling var msg = new Message(data, relations); msg.className returns Message.
But something about bundling/archiving/sending the app through TestFlight or minifies and uglifies the JavaScript, such that the class names are changed. So instead, if I do this -- var msg = new Message(data, relations); msg.className -- I'll get back a random variable name, something like 't'.
This was a problem in my app, because my home page contained a switch statement that worked off of the className:
iconContent() {
return {
Message: {
icon: <Image style={styles.feedItemIconImage} source={ require('../assets/img/icon_message.png') } />,
color: c.grass
}, ...
}[this.props.className] // from the model item
But 'Message' wasn't, as expected, the value of this.props.className -- 't' was. And so, if I were to try to tunnel into, say, the color value, I'd hit an error, because I was trying to access the color property of null.
Why that didn't report, I don't know (I followed Chris's suggestions and installed Sentry, but it still seemed not to report that error).
But that's what was going on. Minification/uglification occurred only when I installed the app on a phone via TestFlight/Fabric, and that's why the app only crashed in those conditions.
Hope this saves anyone running into a similar bug from tearing out their hair.
I'd like to share my own experience of production stage crash, whereas everything worked fine in development stage.
I had the similar problem which caused by the Reactotron logger. Since I'm not bundling it in production stage, a single line of console.tron.log crashed my app with full stealth. (Its kinda my fault, since I didn't give a damn about my linter with 'no-console' setting)
Here's the code snippet I introduce in my root level file, root.js.
if (__DEV__) {
console.tron = Reactotron;
Hope somebody finds this before wasting time figuring out what's wrong.
Not sure if you still have this problem - but if you do, I'd recommend checking out Bugsnag for react native error reporting - which reports crashes in both the JavaScript layer as well as the native layers (java/cocoa).
One of the harder problems to solve in react native crash reporting (as Sasha mentioned) is restoring the original stack traces when using minification and/or obfuscation - this is handled in Bugsnag by providing full support for JS source maps, as well as iOS symbolication and Android Proguard support at the native layers.
Let me know if this helps - I'm a founder # Bugsnag

"CoreUI: didn't find parent rendition for" debug message

After updating to Xcode 7.2 I started getting the "CUICatalog: Invalid Request: requesting subtype without specifying idiom" debug message. Upon googling this message I found my way to another post on SO: CUICatalog: Invalid Request: requesting subtype without specifying idiom which led me to believe that SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "my_image") somehow was causing the messages.
I worked around the issue by altering these lines of code to SKSpriteNode(texture: SKTextureAtlas(named: "MySprites").textureNamed("my_image")). To make this work I created a folder called MySprites in my Images.xcassets, checked its "Provides Namespace" checkbox and moved all assets into it.
At first, this seemed to be working, but then I started getting the debug message "CoreUI: didn't find parent rendition for 'MySprites/my_image' skipping it" instead. The weird thing is, everything seems to be working as it's supposed to. Only, my debugger log window gets completely spammed with this mysterious message which off course makes debugging hard.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Why am I getting this message? Is there a Sprite Kit guru out there who can point me in the right direction?
If there is something I can do to clarify the issue, please let me know. I find it hard to believe that I am the only one experiencing this.

iOS 8 Safari returns null

We are developing web app, that uses framework that uses indexedDB. All was going fine, but then we tested it on iPad and suddenly it didn't load the page at all. Thought it would be some minor issue, but after some tests we found out, that the app is crashing on:
TypeError: null is not an Object validating 'request'
It crashes on the line :
var request ="FMVare",415);
This stores null in the request variable so then after that there is:
Which will get us the error message, written above.
I spent one day looking for a fix, but only found that iOS implemetation of indexedDb is "buggy". But I cant even open a database, so there probably is problem somewhere else. My colleague also told me, that it was working fine like 1 month before, but the file with this implementation (according to git) didn't change... ever.
I tried using pollyfill to change it to the WebSQL, again it worked everywhere except iPad browsers (Safari, Chrome). This time it was throwing different error, which I only could google as far as some SQL syntax error, which obviously couldn't be the case, if it is working everywhere else.
I have tried some suggestions, which said to replace in that pollyfill indexedDB with _indexedDB etc. but again, it worked everywhere but iPad.
When I log the variable request, it returns null. If I log indexedDB or window.indexedDB, it returns IDBFactory object, so it's there, but the .open method is failing, without calling .onerror or .onsucess method.
Since I really found many people complaining about indexedDB bad implementation on iOS, it means they were able to use it. So what could be the problem in my iPad? I mean I can try update to iOS 9, but that's not exactly what are we trying to achieve.
I tried deleting cache, changing version number(greater and smaller), creating different database (different name), pollyfill... but still can't get it working, everytime i call, it returns null and crashes.
Any ideas?
The error I'm getting with shim is
Error in sysdb transaction - when creating dbVersions.
Then I get the SQLError object with
"code: 5"
"message: could not prepare statement (1 not authorized)"
The error happens in createSysDB(success, failure) function of the shim.
I tried an app on iPad called WebView Rendering so i could try if WKWebView would be capable of running my app. And it was! So the problem really was the UIWebView support of IndexedDB.
Seems very strange to me though, that you can't use IndexedDB on iOS Safari even after update on latest iOS version.

CGContext errors in iOS application

When I run my application it works well, but during transitions between its views I have a lot of CGContext errors in the console output, but the app still works well, no crashes or bugs I didn't see. Description: so I only run my app - all work well - but there appears error messages in the console:
And after any other view transition they appear again and again. So the question - how to fix this? And what may be the reason of this error messages? There a lot of views and code in my application so I don't even know what part is error-prone.But these messages appear after transitions between all views in my app. Thanks in advance.
Look for some method in your code where you call CGContextSaveGState, CGContextSetBlendMode, CGContextSetApha, etc. Chances are that you won´t find many places where you do that.
Well, if you find it, look for some statement (just before those listed in your console log) where a context is created, and try to understand why it fails. You may set a breakpoint on that line and inspect the parameters to the CGContextCreate call.
If you need more help, paste the code you have (hopefully) found.
