AsFloat convert to string - delphi

I want to convert "qrysth.Fields[i].AsFloat" to a string so I use the following code:
but I find the result string is 12.000000000000001 while qrysth.Fields[i].AsFloat is 12.00. I know FormatFloat actually not use 12.00 to do the convert, but use an infinite number of binary to do the convert. (like 0.1 in decimal system is 0.1, but it is an infinite number in binary system 0.00011001100...)
Is there other way I could get 12.00 in the case above? or 12.000000000000000 at least?

If you really get 12.000000000000001, then your field didn't hold exactly 12, so the output is correct. You asked for high precision by putting so many # characters in the format. If you don't want it so precise, then use a less precise format string.

FormatFloat('0.00',qrysth.Fields[i].AsFloat) will give '12.00'.
To be able to get '12.000000000000000' you should do the rounding yourself, as there's no loss of precision.

I want to convert
"qrysth.Fields[i].AsFloat" to a string
Then why not use AsString?
This will give you the best representation, as long as you're not concerned about the exact width. If you are, use FormatFloat with the exact number of digits you need - in other words, if you're looking for 12.00, use FormatFloat('##.##', qrysth.Fields[i].AsFloat), or even better CurrToStrand AsCurrency, as they automatically uses two digits after the decimal point.

function MyFormatFloat(V: Double): String;
DesiredMinPrec = '0.000000000000000';
AssumedMaxPrec = '0.#####';
Result := FormatFloat(DesiredMinPrec, StrToFloat(FormatFloat(AssumedMaxPrec, V)));


How to convert a floating point number to a string with max. 2 decimal digits in Delphi

How can I convert a floating point number to a string with a maximum of 2 decimal digits in Delphi7?
I've tried using:
FloatToStrF(Query.FieldByName('Quantity').AsFloat, ffGeneral, 18, 2, FS);
But with the above, sometimes more than 2 decimal digits are given back, ie. the result is: 15,60000009
Use ffFixed instead of ffGeneral.
ffGeneral ignores the Decimal parameter.
When you use ffGeneral, the 18 is saying that you want 18 significant decimal digits. The routine will then express that number in the shortest manner, using scientific notation if necessary. The 2 is ignored.
When you use ffFixed, you are saying you want 2 digits after the decimal point.
If you are wondering about why you sometimes get values that seem to be imprecise, there is much to be found on this site and others that will explain how floating-point numbers work.
In this case, AsFloat is returning a double, which like (most) other floating-point formats, stores its value in binary. In the same way that 1/3 cannot be written in decimal with finite digits, neither can 15.6 be represented in binary in a finite number of bits. The system chooses the closest possible value that can be stored in a double. The exact value, in decimal, is:
If you had asked for 16 digits of precision, the value would've been rounded off to 15.6. But you asked for 18 digits, so you get 15.5999999999999996.
If you really mean what you write (MAX 2 decimal digits) and does not mean ALWAYS 2 decimal digits, then the two code snippets in the comments won't give you want you asked for (they will return a string that ALWAYS has two decimal digits, ie. ONE is returned as "1.00" (or "1,00" for Format depending on your decimal point).
If you truly want an option with MAX 2 decimal digits, you'll have to do a little post-processing of the returned string.
FUNCTION FloatToStrMaxDecimals(F : Extended ; MaxDecimals : BYTE) : STRING;
WHILE Result[LENGTH(Result)]='0' DO DELETE(Result,LENGTH(Result),1);
IF Result[LENGTH(Result)] IN ['.',','] THEN DELETE(Result,LENGTH(Result),1)
An alternative (and probably faster) implementation could be:
FUNCTION FloatToStrMaxDecimals(F : Extended ; MaxDecimals : BYTE) : STRING;
WHILE Result[LENGTH(Result)]='0' DO SetLength(Result,PRED(LENGTH(Result)));
IF Result[LENGTH(Result)] IN ['.',','] THEN SetLength(Result,PRED(LENGTH(Result)))
This function will return a floating point number with MAX the number of specified decimal digits, ie. one half with MAX 2 digits will return "0.5" and one third with MAX 2 decimal digits will return "0.33" and two thirds with MAX 2 decimal digits will return "0.67". TEN with MAX 2 decimal digits will return "10".
The final IF statement should really test for the proper decimal point, but I don't think any value other than period or comma is possible, and if one of these are left as the last character in the string after having stripped all zeroes from the end, then it MUST be a decimal point.
Also note, that this code assumes that strings are indexed with 1 for the first character, as it always is in Delphi 7. If you need this code for the mobile compilers in newer Delphi versions, you'll need to update the code. I'll leave that exercise up to the reader :-).
i use this function in my application:
function sclCurrencyND(Const F: Currency; GlobalDegit: word = 2): Currency;
var R: Real; Fact: Currency;
Fact:= power(10, GlobalDegit);
Result:= int(F*Fact)/Fact;

how to use AtomiccmpExchange with double?

I have a double value that I need to access to inside a backgroundThread. I would like to use somethink like AtomiccmpExchange but seam to not work with double. is their any other equivalent that I can use with double ? I would like to avoid to use Tmonitor.enter / Tmonitor.exit as I need something the most fast as possible. I m under android/ios so under firemonkey
You could type cast the double values into UInt64 values:
PUInt64(#dOld)^ := AtomicCmpExchange(PUInt64(#d)^,PUInt64(#dNew)^,PUInt64(#dCom‌​p)^);
Note that you need to align the variables properly, according to platforms specifications.
As #David pointed out, comparing doublevalues is not the same as comparing UInt64 values. There are some specific double values that will behave out of the ordinary:
A NaN is normally (as specified in IEEE-754) detected by comparing a value by itself.
IsNaN := d <> d;
footnote: Delphi default exception handler is triggered in the event of comparing a NaN, but other compilers may behave differently. In Delphi there is an IsNaN() function to use instead.
Likewise the value zero could be both positive and negative, for a special meaning. Comparing double 0 with double -0 will return true, but comparing the memory footprint will return false.
Maybe use of System.SyncObjs.TInterlocked class methods will be better?

single, double and precision

I know that storing single value (or double) can not be very precise. so storing for example 125.12 can result in 125.1200074788. now in delphi their is some usefull function like samevalue or comparevalue that take an epsilon as param and say that 125.1200074788 or for exemple 125.1200087952 is equal.
but i often see in code stuff like : if aSingleVar = 0 then ... and this in fact as i see always work. why ? why storing for exemple 0 in a single var keep the exact value ?
Only values that are in form m*2^e, where m and e are integers can be stored in a floating point variable (not all of them though, it depends on precision). 0 has this form, and 125.12 does not, as it equals 3128/25, and 1/25 is not an integer power of 2.
Comparing 125.12 to a single (or double) precision variable will most probably return always False, because a literal 125.12 will be treated as an extended precision number, and no single (or double) precision number would have such a value.
Looks like a good use for the BigDecimals unit by Rudy Velthuis. Millions of decimal places of accuracy and precision.

adding a big offset to an os.time{} value

I'm writing a Wireshark dissector in lua and trying to decode a time-based protocol field.
I've two components 1)
local ref_time = os.time{year=2000, month=1, day=1, hour=0, sec=0}
and 2)
local offset_time = tvbuffer(0:5):bytes()
A 5-Byte (larger than uint32 range) ByteArray() containing the number of milliseconds (in network byte order) since ref_time. Now I'm looking for a human readable date. I didn't know this would be so hard, but 1st it seems I cannot simple add an offset to an os.time value and 2nd the offset exceeds Int32 range ...and most function I tested seem to truncate the exceeding input value.
Any ideas on how I get the date from ref_time and offset_time?
Thank you very much!
Since ref_time is in seconds and offset_time is in milliseconds, just try:"%c",ref_time+offset_time/1000)
I assume that offset_time is a number. If not, just reconstruct it using arithmetic. Keep in mind that Lua uses doubles for numbers and so a 5-byte integer fits just fine.

Small numbers in Objective C 2.0

I created a calculator class that does basic +,-, %, * and sin, cos, tan, sqrt and other math functions.
I have all the variables of type double, everything is working fine for big numbers, so I can calculate numbers like 1.35E122, but the problem is with extremely small numbers. For example if I do calculation 1/98556321 I get 0 where I would like to get something 1.01464E-8.
Should I rewrite my code so that I only manipulate NSDecimalNumber's and if so, what do I do with sin and cos math functions that accept only double and long double values.
This division gives you 0 because integer division is performed here - the result is an integer part of division. The following line should give you floating point result:
integer/integer is always an integer
So either you convert the upper or the lower number to decimal
Which explicitely convert the number to double.
Happy coding....
