How to manage large 2D FFTs in cuda - image-processing

I have succesfully written some CUDA FFT code that does a 2D convolution of an image, as well as some other calculations.
How do I go about figuring out what the largest FFT's I can run are? It seems to be that a plan for a 2D R2C convolution takes 2x the image size, and another 2x the image size for the C2R. This seems like a lot of overhead!
Also, it seems like most of the benchmarks and such are for relatively small FFTs..why is this? It seems like for large images, I am going to quickly run out of memory. How is this typically handled? Can you perform an FFT convolution on a tile of an image and combine those results, and expect it to be the same as if I had run a 2D FFT on the entire image?
Thanks for answering these questions

CUFFT plans a different algorithm depending on your image size. If you can't fit in shared memory and are not a power of 2 then CUFFT plans an out-of-place transform while smaller images with the right size will be more amenable to the software.
If you're set on FFTing the whole image and need to see what your GPU can handle my best answer would be to guess and check with different image sizes as the CUFFT planning is complicated.
See the documentation :
I agree with Mark and say that tiling the image is the way to go for convolution. Since convolution amounts to just computing many independent integrals you can simply decompose the domain into its constituent parts, compute those independently, and stitch them back together. The FFT convolution trick simply reduces the complexity of the integrals you need to compute.
I expect that your GPU code should outperform matlab by a large factor in all situations unless you do something weird.

It's not usually practical to run FFT on an entire image. Not only does it take a lot of memory, but the image must be a power of 2 in width and height which places an unreasonable constraint on your input.
Cutting the image into tiles is perfectly reasonable. The size of the tiles will determine the frequency resolution you're able to achieve. You may want to overlap the tiles as well.


TensorFlow for image recognition, size of images

How can size of an image effect training the model for this task?
My current training set holds images that are 2880 X 1800, but I am worried this may be too large to train. In total my sample size will be about 200-500 images.
Would this just mean that I need more resources (GPU,RAM, Distribution) when training my model?
If this is too large, how should I go about resizing? -- I want to mimic real-world photo resolutions as best as possible for better accuracy.
I would also be using TFRecord format for the image files
Your memory and processing requirements will be proportional to the pixel size of your image. Whether this is too large for you to process efficiently will depend on your hardware constraints and the time you have available.
With regards to resizing the images there is no one answer, you have to consider how to best preserve information that'll be required for your algorithm to learn from your data while removing information that won't be useful. Reducing the size of your input images won't necessarily be a negative for accuracy. Consider two cases:
Handwritten digits
Here the images could be reduced considerably in size and maintain all the structural information necessary to be correctly identified. Have a look at the MNIST data set, these images are distributed at 28 x 28 resolution and identifiable to 99.7%+ accuracy.
Identifying Tree Species
Imagine a set of images of trees where individual leaves could help identify species. Here you might find that reducing the image size reduces small scale detail on leaf shape in a way that's detrimental to the model, but you might find that you get a similar result with a tight crop (which preserves individual leaves) rather than an image resize. If this is the case you may find that creating multiple crops from the same image gives you an augmented data set for training that considerably improves results (which is something to consider, if possible, given your training set is very small)
Deep learning models are achieving results around human level in many image classification tasks: if you struggle to identify your own images then it's less likely you'll train an algorithm to. This is often a useful starting point when considering the level of scaling that might be appropriate.
If you are using GPUs to train, this will def affect your training time. Tensorflow does most of the GPU allocation so you don't have to worry about that. But with big photos you will be experiencing long training time although your dataset is small. You should consider data-augmentation.
You could complement your resizing with the data-augmentation. Resize in equal dimensions and then perform reflection and translation (as in geometric movement)
If your images are too big, your GPU might run out of memory before it can start training because it has to store the convolution outputs on its memory. If that happens, you can do some of the following things to reduce memory consumption:
resize the image
reduce batch size
reduce model complexity
To resize your image, there are many scripts just one Google search away, but I will add that in your case 1440 by 900 is probably a sweet spot.
Higher resolution images will result in a higher training time and an increased memory consumption (mainly GPU memory).
Depending on your concrete task, you might want to reduce the image size in order to therefore fit a reasonable batch size of let's say 32 or 64 on the GPU - for stable learning.
Your accuracy is probably affected more by the size of your training set. So instead of going for image size, you might want to go for 500-1000 sample images. Recent publications like SSD - Single Shot MultiBox Detector achieve high accuracy values like an mAP of 72% on the PascalVOC dataset - with "only" using 300x300 image resolution.
Resizing and augmentation: SSD for instance just scales every input image down to 300x300, independent of the aspect ratio - does not seem to hurt. You could also augment your data by mirroring, translating, ... etc (but I assume there are built-in methods in Tensorflow for that).

Preprocessing before CNN: Resizing vs Cropping

I'm using a simple neural network (similar to AlexNet) to classify images into categories. As a preprocessing stage, input images are resized to 256x256 before being fed into the network.
Lately, I have run into the following problem: Many of the images I deal with are of very high resolution (say, 2000x2000). In this case, doing a "hard resize" results in a severe loss of information. For example, a small 100x100 face, easily recognisable in the original image, would be unrecognisable in the resized version. In such cases, I may prefer taking several crops of the 2000x2000 image and run the classification on each crop.
I'm looking for a method to automatically determine which type of pre-processing is most adequate. Ideally, it would be able to recognize, for example, that a high resolution image of a single face should be resized, whereas a high resolution image of a crowd should be cropped several times. The basic requirements, on my part:
As computationally efficient as possible. Hence, something like a "sliding window" would be probably be ruled out (it is computationally cheaper to just crop all the images).
Ability to balance between recall and precision
What I considered thus far:
"Low-level" (image processing) approach: Implement an algorithm that uses local image information (like gradients) to distinguish between high resolution and low resolution images.
"High-level" (semantic) approach: Run the images through a pre-trained network for segmentation of some sort, and use its oputput to determine the appropriate pre-procssing.
I want to try the first option first, but not exactly sure how to go about it. Is there anything I can do in the Fourier domain? Something in OpenCv I can try? Does anyone have any suggestions/thoughts? Other ideas would be very welcome too. Thanks!

Does image size matter when training with TensorFlow?

I was wondering if there is any benefit to training on high resolution images rather than low resolution. I understand that it will take longer to train on larger images and that the dimensions must be a multiple of 32. My current image set is 1440x1920. Would I be better off resizing to 480x640, or is bigger better?
It's certainly not a requirement that your images be powers of two. There may be some cases where it speeds things up (e.g. GPU allocation) but it's not critical.
Smaller images will train significantly faster, and possibly even converge quicker (all other factors held constant) as you will be able to train on bigger batches (e.g. 100-1000 images in one pass, which you might not be able to do on a single machine with high res imagery).
As to whether to resize, you need to ask yourself if every pixel in that image is critical to your task. Often this is not the case - you can probably resize a photo of a bus down to say 128x128 and still recognize that it's a bus.
Using smaller images can also help your network generalise better, too, as there is less data to overfit.
A technique often used in image classification networks is to perform distortions (e.g. random cropping, scaling & brightness adjustment) on images to (a) convert odd-sized images to a constant size, (b) synthesize more data and (c) encourage the network to generalise.
This depends largely on the application. As a rule of thumb, I'd ask myself the question: can I complete the task myself on the resized images? If so, I'd downsize to the lowest resolution before it makes the task more difficult for you yourself. If not... you're going to have to be -very- patient using images 1440 * 1920. I imagine you'll almost always be better off experimenting with more varied architectures and hyper-parameter sets on smaller images compared to fewer models on full resolution images.
Whatever size you choose, you'll have to design your network for the image size you have in mind. If you're using convolutional layers, a larger image will require larger strides, filter sizes and/or layers. The number of parameters will stay the same for each convolution, though the number of features will grow (along with batch normalisation parameters if you're using it).

is it possible to take low resolution image from street camera, increase it and see image details

I would like to know if it is possible to take low resolution image from street camera, increase it
and see image details (for example a face, or car plate number). Is there any software that is able to do it?
Thank you.
example of image:
Possible? Yes. In existence? not to my knowledge.
What you are referring to is called super-resolution. The way it works, in theory, is that you combine multiple low resolution images, and then combine them to create a high-resolution image.
The way this works is that you essentially map each image onto all the others to form a stack, where the target portion of the image is all the same. This gets extremely complicated extremely fast as any distortion (e.g. movement of the target) will cause the images to differ dramatically, on the pixel level.
But, let's you have the images stacked and have removed the non-relevant pixels from the stack of images. You are left hopefully with a movie/stack of images that all show the exact same image, but with sub-pixel distortions. A sub-pixel distortion simply means that the target has moved somewhere inside the pixel, or has moved partially into the neighboring pixel.
You can't measure if the target has moved within the pixel, but you can detect if the target has moved partially into a neighboring pixel. You can do this by knowing that the target is going to give off X amount of photons, so if you see 1/4 of the photons in one pixel and 3/4 of the photons in the neighboring pixel you know it's approximate location, which is 3/4 in one pixel and 1/4 in the other. You then construct an image that has a resolution of these sub-pixels and place these sub-pixels in their proper place.
All of this gets very computationally intensive, and sometimes the images are just too low-resolution and have too much distortion from image to image to even create a meaningful stack of images. I did read a paper about a lab in a university being able to create high-resolution images form low-resolution images, but it was a very very tightly controlled experiment, where they moved the target precisely X amount from image to image and had a very precise camera (probably scientific grade, which is far more sensitive than any commercial grade security camera).
In essence to do this in the real world reliably you need to set up cameras in a very precise way and they need to be very accurate in a particular way, which is going to be expensive, so you are better off just putting in a better camera than relying on this very imprecise technique.
Actually it is possible to do super-resolution (SR) out of even a single low-resolution (LR) image! So you don't have to hassle taking many LR images with sub-pixel shifts to achieve that. The intuition behind such techniques is that natural scenes are full of many repettitive patterns that can be use to enahance the frequency content of similar patches (e.g. you can implement dictionary learning in your SR reconstruction technique to generate the high-resolution version). Sure the enhancment may not be as good as using many LR images but such technique is simpler and more practicle.
Photoshop would be your best bet. But know that you cannot reliably inclrease the size of an image without making the quality even worse.

Why supersampling is not widely used for image scaling?

I look for an appropriate image scaling algorithm and wondered why supersampling is not as popular as bicubic, bilinear or even lanczos.
By supersampling I mean a method that divides the source image into equal rectangles, each rectangle corresponding to a pixel in the destination image. In my opinion, this is the most natural and accurate method. It takes into account all pixels of the source image, while bilinear might skip some pixels. As far as I can see, the quality is also very high, comparable with lanczos.
Why do popular image libraries (such as GraphicsMagic, GD or PIL) not implement this algorithm? I found realizations only in Intel IPP and AMD Framewave projects. I know at least one disadvantage: it can only be used for downscaling, but am I missing something else?
For comparison, this is a 4.26x scaled down image. From left to right: GraphicsMagic Sinc filter (910ms), Framewave Super method (350ms), GraphicsMagic Triangle filter (320ms):
Now I know the answer. Because pixel is not a little square. And that is why supersampling resizing gives aliased result. This can be seen on thin water jets on sample image. This is not fatal and supersampling can be used for scaling to 2x, 3x and so on to dramatically reduce picture size before resize to exact dimensions with another method. This technique is used in jpeglib to open images in smaller size.
Of course we still can think about pixels as squares and actually, GD library does. It's imagecopyresampled is true supersampling.
You are a bit mistaken (when saying that linear rescaling misses pixels). Assuming You are rescaling the image by at most factor of 2, Bilinear interpolation takes into account all the pixels of the source image. If you smooth the image a bit and use bilinear interpolation this gives you high quality results. For most practical cases even bi-qubic interpolation is not needed.
Since bi-linear interpolation is extremely fast (can be easily executed in fixed point calculations) it is by far the best image rescaling algorithm when dealing with real time processing.
If you intend to shrink the image by more than factor of 2 than bilinear interpolation is mathematically wrong and with larger factors even bi-cubic starts to make mistakes. That is why in image processing software (like photoshop) we use better algorithms (yet much more CPU demanding).
The answer to your question is speed consideration.
Given the speed of your CPU/GPU, the image size and desired frame rate you can easily compute how many operations you can do for every pixel. For example - with 2GHZ CPU and 1[Gpix] image size, you can only make few calculations for each pixel every second.
Given the amount of allowed calculations - you select the best algorithms. So the decision is usually not driven by image quality but rather by speed considerations.
Another issue about super sampling - Sometimes if you do it in frequency domain, it works much better. This is called frequency interpolation. But you will not want to calculate FFT just for rescaling an image.
Moreover - I don't know if you are familiar with back projection. This is a way to interpolate the image from destination to source instead of from source to destination. Using back projection you can enlarge the image by a factor of 10, use bilinear interpolation and still be mathematically correct.
Computational burden and increased memory demand is most likely the answer you are looking for. That's why adaptive supersampling was introduced which compromises between burden/memory demand and effectiveness.
I guess supersampling is still too heavy even for today's hardware.
Short answer: They are super-sampling. I think the problem is terminology.
In your example, you are scaling down. This means decimating, not interpolating. Decimation will produce aliasing if no super-sampling is used. I don't see aliasing in the images you posted.
A sinc filter involves super-sampling. It is especially good for decimation because it specifically cuts off frequencies above those that can be seen in the final image. Judging from the name, I suspect the triangle filter also is a form of super-sampling. The second image you show is blurry, but I see no aliasing. So my guess is that it also uses some form of super-sampling.
Personally, I have always been confused by Adobe Photoshop, which asks me if I want "bicubic" or "bilinear" when I am scaling. But Bilinear, Bicubic, and Lanczos are interpolation methods, not decimation methods.
I can also tell you that modern video games also use super-sampling. Mipmapping is a commonly-used shortcut to realtime decimation by pre-decimating individual images by powers of two.
