How do I add records of type record to a TList<>? - delphi

I have a treelist of data. I'm looping through the tree list to match certain records and adding them to a generic TList<>. This works except all record values become the last one added for all items in the TList.
Here's some code:
TCompInfo = record
class var
FCompanyName : string;
FCompanyPath : string;
FCompanyDataPath: string;
FCompanyVer : string;
class procedure Clear; static;
class property CompanyName : string read FCompanyName write FCompanyName;
class property CompanyPath : string read FCompanyPath write FCompanyPath;
class property CompanyDataPath : string read FCompanyDataPath write FCompanyDataPath;
class property CompanyVer : string read FCompanyVer write FCompanyVer;
TCompList = TList<TCompInfo>;
// variablies defined ...
CompData : TCompData;
AList : TCompList;
Adding records like this:
for i := 0 to tlCompanyList.Count-1 do
if colCompanyChecked.Value then
CompData.CompanyName := colCompanyName.Value;
CompData.CompanyDataPath := colCompanyDataPath.Value;
CompData.CompanyPath := colCompanyPath.Value;
CompData.CompanyVer := colCompanyVersion.Value;
...or adding records like this:
for i := 0 to tlCompanyList.Count-1 do
if colCompanyChecked.Value then
AList.Count := ItemsChecked;
AList.Items[ItemsChecked-1].CompanyName := colCompanyName.Value;
AList.Items[ItemsChecked-1].CompanyDataPath := colCompanyDataPath.Value;
AList.Items[ItemsChecked-1].CompanyPath := colCompanyPath.Value;
AList.Items[ItemsChecked-1].CompanyVer := colCompanyVersion.Value;
Results in the exact same thing. AList.Items[0...Count-1] all have the same values. Stepping through the code I can see the correct data is being captured but once I save a new record to AList all previous records take on the same values. This shows me that each item in the TList is a pointer to the same record in memory. If the memory the record is taking changes all items will change. This make since but is not what I want. How do I allocate for new records in a TList to hold different data?
I know I can accomplish the end result in other ways and indeed I have. This has become more of an educational thing for me now using generics and records. I am using Delphi XE.

You have declared all the fields of the record as "class var". In a class a "class var"'s value is the same for all instances of the class. Actually I never used "class var" with records, but I guess that the semantic is the same for record types too. Meaning that whenever you change the value of the field in one record, it will change in all existent records.
Try it without "class var" and simple "property" instead of "class property".


Creating property to store two values

Using Delphi 10 I have two values work_start and work_finish of type TTime that I need to read and write from database table so I though to create a property for each one like that
fWorkStart: TTime;
function GetWS: TTime;
procedure SetWS(const Value: TTime);
property WorkStart: TTime read GetWS write SetWS;
procedure MyClass.SetWS(const Value: TTime);
fWorkStart := value;
mydataset.FieldByName('work_start').AsDateTime := fWorkStart;
function MyClass.GetWS: TTime;
if mydataset.FieldByName('work_start').IsNull then
fWorkStart := encodetime(6,0,0,0)
fWorkStart := mydataset.FieldByName('work_start').AsDateTime;
result := fWorkStart;
WorkFinish property is the same. So is there a way to create one property for both times or my code is fine ?
Craig's answer demonstrates record properties, which means you have a single property that gets set as a unit; you can't set the start and finish times independently. Dawood's answer demonstrates an array property, which allows independent accesses, but imposes cumbersome bracket notation on the consumer. Kobik's comment improves the semantics, but we can do even better using index specifiers.
First, define an enum to represent the two kinds of times:
TWorkTime = (wtStart, wtFinish);
Use those values in your property declarations, and provide an extra parameter to your property accessors to represent the index:
FWorkTime: :array[TWorkTime] of TTime;
function GetWT(Index: TWorkTime): TTime;
procedure SetWT(Index: TWorkTime; const Value: TTime);
property WorkStart: TTime index wsStart read GetWT write SetWT;
property WorkFinish: TTime index wsFinish read GetWT write SetWT;
To reduce the bloat Craig warns about in your accessors, you can define another array with the corresponding fields names, which lets you avoid duplicating code for your different fields:
FieldNames: array[TWorkTime] of string = (
function MyClass.GetWT(Index: TWorkTime): TTime;
if mydataset.FieldByName(FieldName[Index]).IsNull then
FWorkTime[Index] := EncodeTime(6, 0, 0, 0)
FWorkTime[Index] := mydataset.FieldByName(FieldNames[Index]).AsDateTime;
Result := FWorkTime[Index];
It is possible:
//Define a record to hold both
TTimeRange = record
StartTime: TTime;
EndTime: TTime;
//And have your property use the record
property WorkHours: TTimeRange read GetWorkHours write SetWorkHours;
However, this would force clients of your class to interact using the record structure. Basically the complications you'd encounter outweigh the small benefit you'd gain.
So I don't recommend it.
(Although it's worth remembering the technique because in other scenarios it may prove more useful.)
As for your code:
Handling of properties is fine. Although in the code you've presented fWorkStart is redundant.
I'd caution against Edit and Post within your property writer. Apart from the fact that updating 1 field at a time in the Db would be highly inefficient, your method has unexpected side-effects. (And can you always assume edit is the right choice and not insert?)
In your property reader, assuming NULL == 6:00 is not a good idea. NULL has very specific meaning that the value is unknown/unassigned. Defaulting it in the wrong place leads to being unable to tell the difference between 6:00 and NULL. (I'm not saying never default a null; just understand the implications.)
yes you can use indexed properties
property WorkTime[IsStart: Boolean]: TDataTime read GetWorkTime write SetWorkTime;
procedure MyClass.SetWorkTime(IsStart: Boolean;const value: TDataTime);
if IsStart then
mydataset.FieldByName('work_start').AsDateTime := value else
mydataset.FieldByName('work_Finish').AsDateTime := value;
function MyClass.GetWorkTime(IsStart: Boolean): TTime;
if IsStart then
if mydataset.FieldByName('work_start').IsNull then
fWorkStart := encodetime(6,0,0,0)
fWorkStart := mydataset.FieldByName('work_start').AsDateTime;
result := fWorkStart;
end else
if mydataset.FieldByName('work_finish').IsNull then
fWorkfinish := encodetime(6,0,0,0)
fWorkfinish := mydataset.FieldByName('work_finish').AsDateTime;
result := fWorkfinish;

Accessing TListItem.Data leads to an error when using records

I have a program which uses TListView to visualize and store some data. TListitem's data property is filled with a pointer to a record like so:
TWatch = record
name : string;
path : string;
procedure TfrmProcessWatcherMain.AddWatchToListView(AWatch: TWatch);
ANewWatch : TListItem;
ANewWatch := lvWatches.Items.Add; //lvWatches is TListview
ANewWatch.Data:= #AWatch;
When I'm trying to retrieve this data somehow I'm getting access violation error, which is a total surprise for me because all seems legit, here is code of retrieval:
if(lvWatches.Selected <> nil) then begin
tempWatch := TWatch(lvWatches.Selected.Data^); // AV here
Also AWatch which is passed to a first function is stored in a
WatchList : TList<TWatch>;
so it is accessible using other methods
The problem is that #AWatch is the address of a local variable. As soon as AddWatchToListView returns AWatch goes out of scope and that address is no longer valid.
Instead of taking the address of a local variable you need to allocate a record on the heap using New.
procedure TfrmProcessWatcherMain.AddWatchToListView(AWatch: TWatch);
ANewWatch : TListItem;
P : ^TWatch;
ANewWatch := lvWatches.Items.Add;
P^ := AWatch;
ANewWatch.Data:= P;
You will need to deallocate the memory with Dispose whenever a list item is destroyed. Do that using the list view's OnDeletion event.
Alternatively, you could store the index of the item in WatchList. Or the address of the record in WatchList, which you get like this: #WatchList.List[Index]. Both of these options rely on WatchList not being modified after references to items are taken, which may be too constraining for you.

search a Generic list

I 'm trouble understanding in modifying the solution from GENERIC SEARCH
as my class is more complex and I need to create several different search functions
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
activities: TList<TActivityCategory>;
search: TActivityCategory;
activities := TObjectList<TActivityCategory>.Create(
function(const Left, Right: TActivityCategory): Integer
Result := CompareText(Left.Name, Right.Name);
Assume my TActivityCategory looks like
TActivityCategory = class
FirstName : String;
Secondname : String;
onemore .....
How to implement a search for every String inside my activtity class ?
In your place I would write a subclass of TObjectList and add a custom Search method that would look like this:
TSearchableObjectList<T:class> = class(TObjectList<T>)
function Search(aFound: TPredicate<T>): T;
The implementation for that method is
function TSearchableObjectList<T>.Search(aFound: TPredicate<T>): T;
item: T;
for item in Self do
if aFound(item) then
Result := nil;
An example of this method is
myList: TSearchableObjectList<TActivitycategory>;
item: TActivitycategory;
searchKey: string;
myList := TSearchableObjectList<TActivitycategory>.Create;
// Here you load your list
searchKey := 'WantedName';
// Let´s make it more interesting and perform a case insensitive search,
// by comparing with SameText() instead the equality operator
item := myList.Search(function(aItem : TActivitycategory): boolean begin
Result := SameText(aItem.FirstName, searchKey);
// the rest of your code
The TPredicate<T> type used above is declared in SysUtils, so be sure to add it to your uses clause.
I believe this is the closest we can get to lambda expressions in Delphi.
TList supports searching for items using either linear or binary search. With binary search, the algorithm assumes an ordering. That's not appropriate for your needs. Linear search seems to me to be what you need, and it's available through the Contains method.
The problem is that Contains assumes that you are searching for an entire instance of T. You want to pass a single string to Contains but it won't accept that. It wants a complete record, in your case.
You could provide a Comparer that only compares a single field. And then pass Contains a record with just that one field specified. But that's pretty ugly. Frankly the design of this class is very weak when it comes to searching and sorting. The fact that the comparer is a state variable rather than a parameter is a shocking lapse in my view.
The bottom line is that TList does not readily offer what you are looking for without resorting to ugliness. You should probably implement an old-fashion loop across the list to look for your match.
Note that I'm assuming you want to provide a single string and search for an entry that has a field matching the string. If in fact you do want to provide a complete record and match every field, then Contains does what you need, with suitable Comparer using a lexicographic ordering.

How can I update a data in a TList<T>?

I have this record (structure):
THexData = record
Address : Cardinal;
DataLen : Cardinal;
Data : string;
And I've declared this list:
HexDataList: TList<THexData>;
I've filled the list with some data. Now I'd like scan ListHexData and sometimes update a element of a record inside HexDataList.
Is it possible? How can I do?
Item: THexData;
for i := 0 to HexDataList.Count-1 do begin
Item := HexDataList[i];
//update Item
HexDataList[i] := Item;
The bind is that you would like to modify HexDataList[i] in place, but you can't. When I'm working with a TList<T> that holds records I actually sub-class TList<T> and replace the Items property with one that returns a pointer to the item, rather than a copy of the item. That allows for inplace modification.
Looking at my code again I realise that I don't actually sub-class TList<T> because it the class is too private to extract pointers to the underlying data. That's probably a good decision. What I actually do is implement my own generic list class and that allows me the freedom to return pointers to records if needed.

Delphi getting value of form components properties

I am implementing a Boilerplate feature - allow users to Change descriptions of some components - like TLabels - at run time.
TFooClass = Class ( TBaseClass)
Label : Tlabel;
Var FooClass : TFooClass;
At design time, the value Label's caption property is say - 'First Name', when the
application is run, there is a feature that allows the user to change the caption
value to say 'Other Name'. Once this is changed, the caption for the label for
the class instance of FooClass is updated immediately.
The problem now is if the user for whatever reason wants to revert back to the design
time value of say 'First Name' , it seems impossible.
I can use the RTTIContext methods and all that but I at the end of the day, it seems
to require the instance of the class for me to change the value and since this
has already being changed - I seem to to have hit a brick wall getting around it.
My question is this - is there a way using the old RTTI methods or the new RTTIContext
stuff to the property of a class' member without instantiating the class - i.e. getting
the property from the ClassType definition.
This is code snippet of my attempt at doing that :
c : TRttiContext;
z : TRttiInstanceType;
w : TRttiProperty;
Aform : Tform;
Aform := Tform(FooClass);
for vCount := 0 to AForm.ComponentCount-1 do begin
vDummyComponent := AForm.Components[vCount];
if IsPublishedProp(vDummyComponent,'Caption') then begin
c := TRttiContext.Create;
z := (c.GetType(vDummyComponent.ClassInfo) as TRttiInstanceType);
w := z.GetProperty('Caption');
if w <> nil then
Values[vOffset, 1] := w.GetValue(vDummyComponent.ClassType).AsString
I am getting all sorts of errors and any help will be greatly appreciated.
The RTTI System does not provide what you are after. Type information is currently only determined at compile time. Initial form values are set at Runtime using the DFM resource. You can change values in a DFM Resource in a compiled application because it's evaluated at runtime.
Parse and use the DFM Resource where it is stored, or make a copy of the original value at runtime. Possibly at the point of initial change to reduce your memory footprint.
Masons Suggestion of using TDictionary<string, TValue> is what I would use. I would be careful of storing this information in a database as keeping it in sync could become a real maintenance nightmare.
Sounds like what you're trying to do is get the value of a certain property as defined in the DFM. This can't be done using RTTI, since RTTI is based on inspecting the structure of an object as specified by its class definition. The DFM isn't part of the class definition; it's a property list that gets applied to the objects after they've been created from the class definitions.
If you want to get the values of the properties of a form's controls, you'll probably have to cache them somewhere. Try putting something in the form's OnCreate that runs through all the controls and uses RTTI to populate a TDictionary<string, TValue> with the values of all the properties. Then you can look them up later on when you need them.
If what you are trying to achieve it to restore the value that was set at design-time (i.e. that one that is saved in the DFM), I'd use InitInheritedComponent as a starting point.
It's possible to get the content of the DFM at runtime. Could be a pain to parse though.
Check also InternalReadComponentRes.
Both routine can be found in the classes unit.
Well - I solved the problem. The trick is basically instantiating another instance of the form like so :
procedure ShowBoilerPlate(AForm : TForm; ASaveAllowed : Boolean);
vCount : Integer;
vDesignTimeForm : TForm;
vDesignTimeComp : TComponent;
vDesignTimeValue : String;
vCurrentValue : String;
vDesignTimeForm := TFormClass(FindClass(AForm.ClassName)).Create(AForm.Owner);
// Now I have two instances of the form - I also need to have at least one
// overloaded constructor defined for the base class of the forms that will allow for
// boilerplating. If you call the default Constructor - no boilerplating
// is done. If you call the overloaded constructor, then, boilerplating is done.
// Bottom line, I can have two instances AForm - with boilerplated values and
// vDesignForm without boilerplated values.
for vCount := 0 to AForm.ComponentCount-1 do begin
vDummyComponent := AForm.Components[vCount];
if Supports (vDummyComponent,IdoGUIMetaData,iGetGUICaption) then begin
RecordCount := RecordCount + 1;
Values[vOffset, 0] := vDummyComponent.Name;
if IsPublishedProp(vDummyComponent,'Caption') then begin
vDesignTimeComp := vDesignTimeForm.FindComponent(vDummyComponent.Name);
if vDesignTimeComp <> nil then begin
// get Design time values here
vDesignTimeValue := GetPropValue(vDesignTimeComp,'Caption');
// get current boilerplated value here
vCurrentValue := GetPropValue(vDummyComponent,'Caption');
vOffset := RecordCount;;
Anyway - thank you all for all your advice.
