Ruby equivalent to PHPs set_error_handler - ruby-on-rails

I have just barely gotten into Ruby / ROR but need to quickly write a class for handling errors and doing something with them. I've been able to find the important examples/tutorials for the rest of what I need but I'm having trouble finding what the best alternative to PHP's "set_error_handler" is.
My goals are:
I'd like to write a class that will capture any ruby-level errors automatically.
I'd like for the class to also be called by the user when there are custom errors/exceptions to report.
I'd like this work for any ruby app, but my main focus is for ruby-on-rails applications as well. Thanks for your advice.

I think the closest equivalent in Rails is rescue_from - it allows you to specify code will catch any given exception (except some template errors - though there are ways round that). If you want, you could then hand it off to some other class. So I guess what you'd do in your case would be:
in app/controllers/application_controller.rb:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from Exception do |e|
in lib/my_exception_handler.rb:
class MyExceptionHandler
def self.handle_exception exception
# your code goes here
If that helps, let me know and I'll dig out the link to how you catch template errors.

#require all_kinds_of_things
# rest of brilliant app
rescue Exception => e #Custom, catch-all exeption handler
puts "Doh...#{e}"
print "Do you want the backtrace? (Y) :"
puts e.backtrace if gets.chomp == "Y"

Define ApplicationController#rescue_in_public(exception) and put your custom handling code there.
This augments Rails' default exception handling at the top level - right before the HTTP response is generated. As your Rails apps grow in complexity and use external resources, there will be more exceptions that you'll want to handle much closer to where the exceptions are thrown, but this can get you started.
This method will only work on HTTP requests and will not catch exceptions in any custom rake tasks you create or code executed via rails runner.
Here's an example from one of my applications:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def rescue_action_in_public (exception)
case exception
when ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken
if request.xhr?
render :update do |page|
page.redirect_to '/sessions/new/'
redirect_to '/sessions/new/'
when ActionController::NotImplemented"ActionController::NotImplemented\n#{request.inspect}")
render :nothing => true, :status => '500 Error'


Rails 5 way to handle ActionController::ParameterMissing

If a parameter that's required is missing using strong parameters, the Rails server will respond with an HTTP 500.
This does not give me control over giving the user feedback with what exactly went wrong. Does it not make sense to be able to send them back a message such a required parameter is missing?
What is the "Rails way" of giving appropriate user feedback on ActionController::ParameterMissing? Is one supposed to capture the exception and handle your request response there? It seems wrong to do that in every controller.
You can use
rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing do |e|
render 'something'
in your ApplicationController (or whatever your parent controller is).
As to whether you should inform users or not, I think it depends on what your controllers are doing. If they are API controllers, it definitely makes sense to handle that gracefully, as the users are responsible for preparing the input.
If they are accepting data from your HTML forms it's, in my opinion, not that important as the missing parameters probably mean that the user tinkered with the HTML, or something went really wrong inside the browser.
Since you mention wanting to communicate the error specifics back to the user, you could do something like the following:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing do |exception|
render json: { error: exception.message }, status: :bad_request
You can also define a method to handle a specific exception, if you'd prefer to break up the handling logic:
# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing, with: :handle_parameter_missing
def handle_parameter_missing(exception)
render json: { error: exception.message }, status: :bad_request
Both of the above examples will return a JSON response like so: {"error"=>"param is missing or the value is empty: [field_name]"}
For an API-only application, I think this is valuable information to pass on.
More info:
Rails API rescue_from documentation
Handling Errors in an API Application the Rails Way

Can I put retry in rescue block without begin ... end?

I ran into a problem, when PG fails out of sync (well known problem)(example).
PG fails out of sync, sequence of id stops incrementing and raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique error.
But all solutions proposed here (all I found) propose some manual solutions - either do some operations in console, either run custom rake task.
However, I find this unsatisfying for production: each times it happens, users get 500, while someone administrating server should operatively save the day. (And according to test data for some reason it possible will occur frequently in my case).
So I would like rather to patch ActiveRecord Base class to catch this specific error and rescue it.
I use this logic sometimes in controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from ActionController::ParameterMissing, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |e|
# some logic here
However, here I don't need retry. Also, I would like to not to go deep in monkey patching, for example, without overriding Base create method.
So I was thinking of something like this:
module ActiveRecord
class Base
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
if e.message.include? '_pkey'
table =e.message.match(//) #regex to define table
But it most likely doesn't work, as I'm not sure if Rails/Ruby will understand what exactly it asked to retry.
Is there any solution?
P.S. Not related solution for overall problem of sequence which will work without manual command line commands and having unserved users are also appreciated.
To answer the question you're asking, no. rescue can only be used from within a begin..end block or method body.
rescue SomeException
def some_method
rescue SomeException
rescue_from is just a framework helper method created because of how indirect the execution is in a controller.
To answer the question you're really asking, sure. You can override create_or_update with a rescue/retry.
module NonUniquePkeyRecovery
def create_or_update(*)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
raise unless e.message.include? '_pkey'
ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do
include NonUniquePkeyRecovery

Rescue from single resource exceptions in Rails index action

For the show action, returning a 500 error on uncaught exceptions is fine, but for the index action, it would be helpful if a single bad resource didn't cause the whole request to fail. Is there a way to rescue from those exceptions and return the rest of the resources along with a list of errors?
Details: I'm using RABL to render JSON templates like this (but I think the solution is likely general rather than specific to this):
# app/controllers/happenings_controller.rb
def index
#happenings = current_person.happenings
# app/views/happening/index.json.rabl
collection #happenings
extends 'happenings/show'
# app/views/happening/show.json.rabl
object #happening
attributes :id, :name, :description
node :creator, if: lambda { |s| s.creator? } do |s|
# !!! This is where an exception on a single resource was blowing up the whole request
partial("people/show", :object => s.creator)
Sure! Just rescue the exception.
So, this answer probably does not help you at all, but it is just because you did not provide any meaningful description about your problem.
It all depends on where your errors occur. Do you want to rescue from database queries, rendering errors, environment problems?
Depending on the cause of the error there are different solutions like monkey-patching rabl, a simple rescue in your controller or some middleware handling the error.

Rails Brakeman warning: Dynamic Render Path false alarm?

I'm just getting started with Rails, so I'm using Brakeman to learn about potential vulnerabilities in my newbie code. It's throwing a high-confidence "Dynamic Render Path" warning about the following code in my show.js.erb file:
$('#media-fragment').html('<%= escape_javascript(render(params[:partial])) %>');
I actually expected this was a problem, so no surprise there. So I changed it to the following:
# controller:
def show
if legal_partial?
#allowed_partial = params[:partial]
raise StandardError, "unexpected partial request: #{params[:partial]}"
def legal_partial?
%w(screenshots video updates).include? params[:partial]
# ...
# show.js.erb
$('#media-fragment').html('<%= escape_javascript(render(#allowed_partial)) %>');
Although I believe the code is now safe, Brakeman is still unhappy with this. Is there a more idiomatic way to control rendering of a partial based on user input?
Update (2/5/2016):
This has been fixed as of Brakeman 3.0.3.
If the legal_partial? method is inlined like this:
def show
if %w(screenshots video updates).include? params[:partial]
#allowed_partial = params[:partial]
raise StandardError, "unexpected partial request: #{params[:partial]}"
Brakeman will be able to detect the guard condition and will no longer warn about the later render call.
Original answer:
Unfortunately, Brakeman does not know that if legal_partial? is a proper guard. All it knows is that params[:partial] is assigned to #allowed_partial, and that is then passed to render.
You may be able to tell that #allowed_partial will always be a safe value. At that point, you have to consider whether or not it makes sense to add complexity in order to make a tool happy.
Just as an example, you could do this:
def show
render_allowed_partial params[:partial]
def render_allowed_partial name
if %w(screenshots video updates).include? name
#allowed_partial = name
raise StandardError, "unexpected partial request: #{params[:partial]}"
It's basically the same thing, except now you are hiding the assignment of #allowed_partial from Brakeman.
(Warning: Not necessarily "best" way of doing this.)
Using brakeman 4.2.0
I had a similar issue trying to render a specific hand-positioned-and-named template. Every product of my app required that specific named template. The template name came from the controller params as params[:a_particular_slug].underscore.
I solved with something like this:
def show
if #products = Product.where(a_slug: params[:a_particular_slug])
render template: lookup_context.find(params[:a_particular_slug].underscore, ["featured_products"])
Here I'm looking for a template. If you need to use a partial, be aware that lookup_context.find third params set to true allows to search for partials.
You can find more about lookup_context.find here
Hope this helps.

How do I raise an exception in Rails so it behaves like other Rails exceptions?

I would like to raise an exception so that it does the same thing a normal Rails exception does. Specially, show the exception and stack trace in development mode and show "We're sorry, but something went wrong" page in production mode.
I tried the following:
raise "safety_care group missing!" if group.nil?
But it simply writes "ERROR signing up, group missing!" to the development.log file
You don't have to do anything special, it should just be working.
When I have a fresh rails app with this controller:
class FooController < ApplicationController
def index
raise "error"
and go to
I am seeing the exception with a stack trace.
You might not see the whole stacktrace in the console log because Rails (since 2.3) filters lines from the stack trace that come from the framework itself.
See config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb in your Rails project
You can do it like this:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
## Exception Handling
class NotActivated < StandardError
rescue_from NotActivated, :with => :not_activated
def not_activated(exception)
flash[:notice] = "This user is not activated."
Event.new_event "Exception: #{exception.message}", current_user, request.remote_ip
redirect_to "/"
def show
// Do something that fails..
raise NotActivated unless #user.is_activated?
What you're doing here is creating a class "NotActivated" that will serve as Exception. Using raise, you can throw "NotActivated" as an Exception. rescue_from is the way of catching an Exception with a specified method (not_activated in this case). Quite a long example, but it should show you how it works.
Best wishes,
If you need an easier way to do it, and don't want much fuss, a simple execution could be:
raise'something bad happened!')
This will raise an exception, say e with e.message = something bad happened!
and then you can rescue it as you are rescuing all other exceptions in general.
