Multiple search criteria in a repository -

I have a question for how to implement multiple criteria for a repository pattern in MVC. Imagine a POCO class in EF4
public class people
{ String Name {get;set;}
float Height {get;set;}
float Weight {get;set;}
int age {get;set;}
If I build up a repository as IPeopleRepository, what kind of methods should I implement for a multiple criteria search (e.g Age > 30, Height >80). Those criteria would be related to the properties in the class and some of the input could be null. Of course I can write a method like
People SearchPeople (int age, float height.....)
but I have to judge if every variable would be null and append onto the search queries..
So do you have any good ideas on how to implement this function in EF?

It sounds like your looking for something like the Specification pattern.
There is a great article involving EF4 / POCO / Repository / Specification pattern here.
Although i like the pattern, i find it a bit overkill in simple scenarios.
I ended up using the "pipes and filters" technique - basically IQueryable<T> extension methods on your objects to make your repository code fluent.
For a search criteria however, i would be tempted to allow the consuming code to supply the predicate, then you don't have to worry about the parameters.
So the definition would be like this:
public People SearchPeople(Expression<Func<People,bool>> predicate)
return _context.People.SingleOrDefault(predicate);
Then the code simply supplies the predicate.
var person = _repository.SearchPeople(p => p.Age > 30 && p.Height > 80);
Some people don't like this technique, as it gives too much "power" to the consumer, because they might supply a predicate like p.Id > 0 and return all the rows in the database.
To counteract that, provide an optional parameter for maxRows. If it's not supplied, default to 100 rows.

First, you need to think if you really need repository search method.
You might want to do direct queries instead of wrapping them to repository.
However, if you think you need the search method than you will likely use something like this:
private People SearchPeople(int? age, float? height)
var baseQuery = db.People;
if (age != null)
baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(arg => arg.Age > age);
if (height != null)
baseQuery = baseQuery.Where(arg => arg.Height > height);
return baseQuery.ToList();
Although you didn't want to do this, I can't think of better solution.

Basically I think there are three options:
Use Specification pattern and create as many single specification as you need then you can more complex specification by combining them via And/Or/Not operators. You can look at here for an example
Create a search method that accept an input predicate, it's most simple one since it leaves all criteria filtering works to consumers.
Create a search method with different criteria, then build dynamic Linq expression. There is a PredicateBuilder here: (look for LinqKit project).


BreezeJS count of expanded entities

This is using BreezeJS and a Breeze controller through to an EF provider. I have a couple of related Entities, lets call them Customer, which has a Navigation Property called Orders which links to a set of Order Entities for that customer.
What I'd like to display on the UI is a summary of Order Counts for a set of customers who match a partial name search. I can do this through returning all the Order objects, but they're quite large objects and I don't really want to return 100's of them when I don't have to. The inlineCount() method seems to always give the count of the top-level entity (Customer) rather than of the sub-Entities, no matter where I place it in the statement.
var predicate = breeze.Predicate.create('displayName', 'contains', partialName);
return this.entityQuery.from('Customers')
The documentation suggests that you can chain the expand in some way, but I have yet to find a syntax which is valid.
Ideally, I'd like to apply a where to the Orders by a property on Order called Status of say 0 (incomplete) and then give me just the count of those matching Orders. ie, return me all the Customer entities, but have a matching order count for each (rather than the whole list of Order objects and filter client-side).
Would appreciate any pointers in the right direction if it's possible to achieve. My current thinking is that I'll have to create a custom method on the server-side controller and do the work there, but before I make assumptions about what OData can support, I thought I'd check here for some confirmation.
So far, this is my best approach (maybe someone can correct me if there's a better way).
On the server, add this method:
public IQueryable<object> CustomerSummaries()
return Context.Customers.Select(p => new
Customer = p,
ActiveOrderCount = p.Orders.Count(o => o.Status == 1)
Then on the client end:
var predicate = breeze.Predicate.create('customer.displayName', 'contains', partialName);
return this.entityQuery.from('CustomerSummaries')

Generic pagination with the dapper

I am using dapper and also dapper.contrib.My question is how can I create an generic pagination class.
Here is the what I have tried so far.
public class GenericRepository<T> :IGenericRepository<T> where T : class
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllPagedAsync(int limit,int offset)
var list = await Connection.GetAllAsync<T>();//but this return IEnumarable
return list;
What I am thinking is get the T name of the class which is the same as Table name,and write an sql string called sql_statement which is apply pagination.later apply this code.
var list = await Connection.QueryAsync<T>("sql_statement")
Does this make sense? I s there any better way to achive that.
It looks currently as though you are planning to retrieve all of the rows in the table and then select from them the page of data you actually require. It would likely be quicker to just select the page you need straight from the database, unless you do actually need all of the rows for some reason.
Assuming that your table names are always going to match exactly with their respective class/entity names, the following will give you a paged result (using postgres):
public class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T> where T : class
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetAllPagedAsync(int limit, int offset)
var tableName = typeof(T).Name;
// assuming here you want the newest rows first, and column name is "created_date"
// may also wish to specify the exact columns needed, rather than *
var query = "SELECT * FROM #TableName ORDER BY created_date DESC Limit #Limit Offset #Offset";
var results = Connection.QueryAsync<T>(query, new {Limit = limit, Offset = offset});
return results;
A note regarding this. I am obviously not familiar with the structure or size of your database, however for most general purposes the limit/offset approach to paging shown here will most probably be sufficient. There are however some potential issues you may wish to consider:
When the offset value gets very large performance may suffer.
Paging tables with a high frequency of inserts in this fashion may cause results to be duplicated/ appear on multiple pages as the offset values does not take into account new rows added to the table since the last retrieval.
Whether or not these are likely to cause issues to your particular case, these potential drawbacks, as well as some alternatives solutions are outlined here.

Dynamic search option in MVC 1.0

I'm looking for a dynamic way to implement search in my MVC 1.0 application.
Let's say that I have a user control containing a textbox, a dropdown and a button. The user will put a query in the textbox, select the column from which to search in the dropdown and then press the search button.
On doing the above activity I want to do this in the model:
context.MyViewOrTableName.Where(p => (p.ColumnNameFromTheDropdown.Contains(DataFromTheTextbox)));
Whether the above scenario is possible in MVC 1.0 and if so then how?
Any help would be appreciated.
context.MyViewOrTableName.Where("" + ColumnNameFromTheDropdown + ".Contains(#0)", DataFromTheTextbox);
This happened only after including the namespace System.Linq.Dynamic created by Scott and referred by Omar in the post below.
I'm currently doing a similar thing.
That is, I have an MVC View which contains various search options (checkbox, dropdown, textbox), and I wanted an elegant way to return "search results".
So I created a simple class - e.g "ProductSearchCriteria".
This class contains nothing but getters/setters for the different search options (which I populate when the form is submitted via model binding).
I then accept this type as a parameter on my BLL method:
public ICollection<Product> FindProductsForCriteria(ProductSearchCriteria criteria)
return _repository // GenericRepository<Product>
.Find() // IQueryable<Product>
.WithSearchCriteria(criteria) // IQueryable<Product>
.ToList(); // List<Product>
As to how to apply the filters, well that depends on a few things. Firstly, I don't know if your using Linq-To-Sql, NHibernate, Entity-Framework, etc. Also it depends on your architecture (repository).
You're not going to be able to "dynamically" apply filters via lambda expressions (not easily, anyway).
What I did was create an extension method to gracefully apply the filters:
public static IQueryable<Product> WithSearchCriteria(this IQueryable<Product> source, ProductSearchCriteria criteria)
var query = source;
if (criteria.SearchFilterOne != null)
query = query.Where(x => x.FieldInModel == criteria.SearchFilterOne);
// inspect other criteria
As I said, it depends on your architecture and ORM. I use Entity Framework 4.0, which supports deferred execution, meaning I can build up queries on my objects (IQueryable), and apply filters before executing the query.
What you're looking for is a way to build dynamic LINQ queries. You can search for some details about it and the options out there, however, I believe that the Dynamic Linq library that Scott Guthrie wrote is exactly what you're looking for.
It lets you build queries from strings:
var query =
Where("City = #0 and Orders.Count >= #1", "London", 10).
Select("new(CompanyName as Name, Phone)");

Entity Framework testing with IRepository - problem with lazy loading

I am refactoring an MVC project to make it testable. Currently the Controller uses the Entity Framework's context objects directly to ask for the required data. I started abstract this and it just doesn't work. Eventually I have an IService and an IRepository abstraction, but to describe the problem let's just look at the IRepository. Many people advise an interface with functions which return some of these: IQueriable<...>, IEnumerable<...>, IList<...>, SomeEntityObject, SomeDTO. Then when one wants to test the service layer they can implement the interface with a class which doesn't go to the database to return these.
Problem: Using linq to entities I have lazy (deferred) loading in my toolset. This is actually very useful, because my controller action functions know which data they need for the view and I didn't ask for more than required. However linq to anythingelse doesn't have lazy loading. So when my IRepository functions return any of the above mentioned things I lose lazy loading. I extended my interface with functions like "GetAnything" and "GetAnythingDeep" but it's not enough: it has to be much more fine-grained. Which would result about 5-6 functions for the same type of object, depending on the properties I want to get in the result. Maybe could be a general function with some "include properties" parameter, but I don't like that too.
Eventually atm I think if I want to make it testable that will result either much less efficient or much more complicated code. Sounds not right.
Btw I was thinking about to change the data source behind the entity model to either xml or some object data soruce, and so I could keep the linq to entities. I found that it's not supported out of the box... which is also sad: this means that entity framework means database source - not a really useful abstraction.
Specific example:
Entity objects:
Article, Language, Person. Relations: Article can have 1-N languages, and one Person (publisher).
ViewModel object:
ArticleDeepViewModel: Contains all the properties of the article, including the languages and the Name of the Person (it's for view the article, so no need for the other properties of the person).
Controller action which will return this view should get the data from somewhere.
Code before modifications:
using (var context = new Entities.Articles())
var article = (from a in context.Articles.Include("Languages")
where a.ID == ID
select new ViewArticleViewModel()
ID = a.ID,
Headline = a.Headline,
Summary = a.Summary,
Body = a.Body,
CreatedBy = a.CreatedByEntity.Name,
CreatedDate = a.CreatedDate,
Languages = (from l in context.Languages select new ViewLanguagesViewModel() { ID = l.ID, Name = l.Name, Selected = a.Languages.Contains(l) })}).Single();
this.ViewData.Model = article;
return View();
Code after modifications could be something like:
var article = ArticleService.GetArticleDeep(ID);
var viewModel = /* mapping */
this.ViewData.Model = viewModel;
return View();
Problem is that GetArticleDeep should return an Article object with Languages included and the entire Person object included (it shouldn't know that the viewmodel needs just the Name of the Person). Also I have so far 3 different viewmodels for an article. For example if someone wants to see the list of articles, then it's unnecessary to get the languages, the body and some other properties, however it might be useful to get the Name of the publisher (which is in the deep). Before "testable" code the controller actions could just contain the linq to entities query and get whichever data they need using lazy loading, Include function, using subqueries, referencing foreign properties (Publisher.Name) ... So there is no unnecessary query to the database and no unnecessary data transferred from the database.
What should be the IService or IRepository interface provide to get the 3-4 different level of Article objects or sometimes list of these objects?
Not sure if you are planning to stick with lazy loading, but if you want a flexible way to integrate eager loading into your repository and service layers first check out this article:
He basically gives you a way to build a strongly-typed include strategy like this:
var strategy = new IncludeStrategy<Article>();
strategy.Include(a => a.Author);
Which can then be passed into a general method on your repository or service layers. This way you don't have to have a separate method for each circumstance (i.e. your GetArticleDeep method).
Here is an example repository method using the above include strategy:
public IQueryable<Article> Find(Expression<Func<Article, bool>> criteria, IncludeStrategy<Article> includes)
var query = includes.ApplyTo(context.Articles).Where(criteria);
return query;

Silverlight, DataPager, RIA Services, and smart paging

I'm still trying to get my feet on the ground with Silverlight and RIA Services, and of course starting with some of the more "fun" stuff like grids and intelligent paging. I can connect to RIA Services (using a home-grown ORM, not L2S or EF), get data on the grid, and connect to a DataPager. The domain service is working well with the home-grown ORM, at least for queries. (Still working on full CRUD.) However, there are still problems:
To support the user application, I need user-controlled sorting and filtering, in addition to smart paging (only run the query for the rows needed to display) and grouping.
So far, I've seen nothing in the DataGrid or DataPager to externalize these capabilities so that filtering, sorting, and paging parameters can be passed to the server to build the appropriate query.
The datasets are potentially quite large; my table I've chosen for prototyping work can have up to 35,000 entries at some customers, and I'm sure there are other tables far larger that I will have to deal with at some point. So the "smart paging" aspect is essential.
Ideas, suggestions, guidance, and nerf bricks are all welcome.
OK, I've spent a few days in the weeds with this one, and I think I've got a handle on it.
First, an important piece of magic. For paging to work properly, the pager has to know the total item count, no matter how many items were returned by the current query. If the query returns everything, the item count is obviously the number of items returned. For smart paging, the item count is still the total of available items, although the query returns only what gets displayed. With filtering, even the total of available items changes every time the filter changes.
The Silverlight Datapager control has a property called ItemCount. It is readonly and cannot be databound in XAML, or set directly in code. However, if the user control containing the pager has a DataContext that implements IPagedCollectionView, then the data context object must implement an ItemCount property with PropertyChanged notification, and the DataPager seems to pick this up automagically.
Second, I highly recommend Brad Abrams' excellent series of blog posts on RIA Services, especially this one on ViewModel. It contains most of what you need to make paging and filtering work, although it's missing the critical piece on managing the item count. His downloadable sample also contains a very good basic framework for implementing ModelViewViewModel (MVVM). Thank you, Brad!
So here's how to make the item count work. (This code refers to a custom ORM, while Brad's code uses Entity Framework; between the two you can figure you what you need in your environment.)
First, your ORM needs to support getting record counts, with and without your filter. Here's my domain service code that makes the counts available to RIA Services:
public int GetExamCount()
return Context.Exams.Count();
public int GetFilteredExamCount(string descriptionFilter)
return Context.Exams.GetFilteredCount(descriptionFilter);
Note the [Invoke] attribute. You need this for any DomainService method that doesn't return an Entity or an Entity collection.
Now for the ViewModel code. You need an ItemCount, of course. (This is from Brad's example.)
int itemCount;
public int ItemCount
get { return itemCount; }
if (itemCount != value)
itemCount = value;
Your LoadData method will run the query to get the current set of rows for display in the DataGrid. (This doesn't implement custom sorting yet, but that's an easy addition.)
EntityQuery<ExamEntity> query =
DomainContext.GetPagedExamsQuery(PageSize * PageIndex, PageSize, DescriptionFilterText);
DomainContext.Load(query, OnExamsLoaded, null);
The callback method then runs the query to get the counts. If no filter is being used, we get the count for all rows; if there's a filter, then we get the count for filtered rows.
private void OnExamsLoaded(LoadOperation<ExamEntity> loadOperation)
if (loadOperation.Error != null)
//raise an event...
ErrorRaising(this, new ErrorEventArgs(loadOperation.Error));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DescriptionFilterText))
DomainContext.GetExamCount(OnCountCompleted, null);
DomainContext.GetFilteredExamCount(DescriptionFilterText, OnCountCompleted, null);
IsLoading = false;
There's also a callback method for counts:
void OnCountCompleted(InvokeOperation<int> op)
ItemCount = op.Value;
TotalItemCount = op.Value;
With the ItemCount set, the Datapager control picks it up, and we have paging with filtering and a smart query that returns only the records to be displayed!
LINQ makes the query easy with .Skip() and .Take(). Doing this with raw ADO.NET is harder. I learned how to do this by taking apart a LINQ-generated query.
(select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Description) as rownum, *
FROM Exams as T0 WHERE T0.Description LIKE #description ) as T1
WHERE T1.rownum between #first AND #last ORDER BY rownum
The clause "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Description) as rownum" is the interesting part, because not many people use "OVER" yet. This clause sorts the table on Description before assigning row numbers, and the filter is also applied before row numbers are assigned. This allows the outer SELECT to filter on row numbers, after sorting and filtering.
So there it is, smart paging with filtering, in RIA Services and Silverlight!
Here's the quick and dirty solution (that I went for):
Just move your DomainDataSource to your ViewModel! Done!
May not exactly be great for testability and probably some other limitations I haven't discovered yet, but personally I don't care about that until something better comes along.
Inside your ViewModel just instantiate the data source :
// Feedback DataSource
_dsFeedback = new DomainDataSource();
_dsFeedback.DomainContext = _razorSiteDomainContext;
_dsFeedback.QueryName = "GetOrderedFeedbacks";
_dsFeedback.PageSize = 10;
and provide a bindable property :
private DomainDataSource _dsFeedback { get; set; }
public DomainDataSource Feedback
return _dsFeedback;
And add your DataPager to your XAML:
<data:DataPager Grid.Row="1"
Source="{Binding Feedback.Data}"
Margin="0,0,0,5" />
<data:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Feedback.Data}">
PS. Thanks to 'Francois' from the above linked page. I didn't even realize I could take the DomainDataSource out of the XAML until I saw your comment!
This is an interesting article from May 2010 about the possible future support for this type of feature in the framework.
