Adding Claims-based authorization to MVC 3 -

I have an MVC app that I would like to add claims-based authorization to. In the near future we will use ADFS2 for federated identity but for now we will used forms auth locally.
Has anyone seen a tutorial or blog post about the best way to use WIF without an external identity provider?
I have seen the following but it is a year old now and I think there should be an easier solution:

You can use WIF in MVC without an STS.
I used the default MVC2 template, but it should work with MVC 3 too.
You need to:
1- Plug WIF 's SessionAuthenticationModule (web.config)
< add name="SessionAuthenticationModule" type="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web.SessionAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.IdentityModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />
2- Wherever you authenticate your users, create a ClaimsPrincipal, add all required claims and then create a SessionSecurityToken. This is the LogOn Action in the AccountController created by MVC:
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (MembershipService.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password))
var cp = new ClaimsPrincipal();
cp.Identities.Add(new ClaimsIdentity());
IClaimsIdentity ci = (cp.Identity as IClaimsIdentity);
ci.Claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, model.UserName));
SessionSecurityToken sst = FederatedAuthentication
"MVC Test",
FederatedAuthentication.SessionAuthenticationModule.CookieHandler.RequireSsl = false;
FederatedAuthentication.SessionAuthenticationModule.AuthenticateSessionSecurityToken(sst, true);
//FormsService.SignIn(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))
return Redirect(returnUrl);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(model);
I just added the required lines and left everything else the same. So some refactoring might be required.
From there on, your app will now receive a ClaimsPrincipal. All automatically handled by WIF.
The CookieHandler.RequiresSsl = false is only because it's a dev machine and I'm not deploying on IIS. It can be defined in configuration too.

WIF is designed to use a STS so if you don't want to do that, then you essentially have to re-invent the wheel as per the article.
When you move to ADFS, you will pretty much have to re-code everything.
Alternatively, have a look at StarterSTS, This implements the same kind of aspnetdb authentication that you need but allows WIF to do the heavy lifting. Then when you migrate to ADFS, you simply have to run FedUtil against ADFS and it will all work without any major coding changes.
(BTW, there is a MVC version - a later implementation - here).


Sustainsys SAML2 Sample for ASP.NET Core WebAPI without Identity

Does anyone have a working sample for Sustainsys Saml2 library for ASP.NET Core WebAPI only project (no Mvc) and what's more important without ASP Identity? The sample provided on github strongly relies on MVC and SignInManager which I do not need nor want to use.
I added Saml2 authentication and at first it worked fine with my IdP (I also checked the StubIdP provided by Sustainsys) for first few steps so:
IdP metadata get properly loaded
My API properly redirects to sign-in page
Sign-in page redirects to /Saml2/Acs page, and I see in the logs that it parses the result successfully
However I don't know how to move forward from there and extract user login and additional claims (my IdP provided also an e-mail, and it is included in SAML response which I confirmed in the logs).
Following some samples found on the web and modyfing a little bit the MVC Sample from GitHub I did the following:
In Startup.cs:
options =>
options.SPOptions.EntityId = new EntityId("...");
options.SPOptions.Logger = new SerilogSaml2Adapter();
options.SPOptions.ReturnUrl = new Uri(Culture.Invariant($"https://localhost:44364/Account/Callback?returnUrl=%2F"));
var idp =
new IdentityProvider(new EntityId("..."), options.SPOptions)
LoadMetadata = true,
AllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse = true, // At first /Saml2/Acs page throwed an exception that response was unsolicited so I set it to true
MetadataLocation = "...",
SingleSignOnServiceUrl = new Uri("...") // I need to set it explicitly because my IdP returns different url in the metadata
In AccountContoller.cs (I tried to follow a somewhat similar situation described at how to implement google login in .net core without an entityframework provider):
public class AccountController : ControllerBase
private readonly ILog _log;
public AccountController(ILog log)
_log = log;
public IActionResult Login(string returnUrl)
return new ChallengeResult(
new AuthenticationProperties
// It looks like this parameter is ignored, so I set ReturnUrl in Startup.cs
RedirectUri = Url.Action(nameof(LoginCallback), new { returnUrl })
public async Task<IActionResult> LoginCallback(string returnUrl)
var authenticateResult = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync(Constants.Auth.Schema.External);
_log.Information("Authenticate result: {#authenticateResult}", authenticateResult);
// I get false here and no information on claims etc.
if (!authenticateResult.Succeeded)
return Unauthorized();
// HttpContext.User does not contain any data either
// code below is not executed
var claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(Constants.Auth.Schema.Application);
_log.Information("Logged in user with following claims: {#Claims}", authenticateResult.Principal.Claims);
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(Constants.Auth.Schema.Application, new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity));
return LocalRedirect(returnUrl);
TLDR: Configuration for SAML in my ASP.NET Core WebApi project looks fine, and I get success response with proper claims which I checked in the logs. I do not know how to extract this data (either return url is wrong or my callback method should work differently). Also, it is puzzling why successfuly redirect from SSO Sign-In page is treated as "unsolicited", maybe this is the problem?
Thanks for any assistance
For anyone who still needs assistance on this issue, I pushed a full working example to github which uses a .Net Core WebAPI for backend and an Angular client using the WebAPI. you can find the example from here:
As it turned out, the various errors I've been getting were due to my solution being hosted inside docker container. This caused a little malfunction in internal aspnet keychain. More details can be found here (docker is mentioned almost at the end of the article):
Long story short, for the code to be working I had to add only these lines:
.PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo("/some/volume/outside/docker")); // it needs to be outside container, even better if it's in redis or other common resource
It fixed everything, which includes:
action to external cookie
Unsolicited SSO calls
Exceptions with data protection key chain
So it was very difficult to find, since exceptions thrown by the code didn't point out what's going on (and the unsolicited SSO calls made me think that the SSO provider was wrongly configured). It was only when I disassembled the Saml2 package and tried various code pieces one by one I finally encoutered proper exception (about the key chain) which in turned led me to an article about aspnet data protection.
I provide this answer so that maybe it will help someone, and I added docker tag for proper audience.

Single authentication pipeline for webapi, mvc and signalr supporting basic and forms

My current services are using MVC to render forms, WebApi to move my viewModels back and forth and signalR for push notifications etc.
If the users are browsing the website they will be using forms auth, but we're introducing some mobile apps and I would like to be able to consume webapi and signalr from the mobile apps using basic auth, without having to maintain two separate sets of controllers.
I have two IPrincipals, a SessionPrincipal and a BasicPrincipal (where Session Principal inherits BasicPrincipal and has some additional contextual data). The idea is that some controllers will require to be on the website (SessionPrincipal), but everything else can be accessed by both web and mobile users (Basic Principal). Some won't require any authorisation at all, so can't just deny the request.
My current approach does the following steps to achieve this (some code omitted for brevity)
Global.asax Application_AuthenticateRequest
var cultureCookie = Request.Cookies["Culture"];
// Set culture ...
var authHeader = Request.Headers["Authorization"];
if (authHeader != null && authHeader.StartsWith("Basic"))
//Check Username / Password. If okay...
HttpContext.Current.User = new BasicAuthPrincipal(user);
var authCookie = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
if (authCookie != null)
// Try and resolve Session from encrypted forms auth data. If okay...
HttpContext.Current.User = new SessionAuthPrincipal(Id, User, Agent);
Individual Authorize Filters (SessionMVC, SessionApi, BasicApi) that basically boil down to:
return HttpContext.Current.User as SessionPrincipal != null;
// Or
return HttpContext.Current.User as BasicPrincipal != null;
So if they were successfully set in global.asax then proceed to the controller.
Now, I have a working implementation of this, so why am I asking for help?
I'm not sure of certain fringe scenarios that may upset this. Am I asking for trouble for implementing it this way?
I read about HttpContext not being thread safe, but Application_AuthenticateRequest should run before everything else and no further changes are made to that data so I think it should be okay.

Why isn't my authentication cookie being set in MVC 4?

I've got an MVC4 project that I'm working on. When a user's login credentials are valid, I call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie() to indicate that the user is logged in. (I have it wrapped in a class so I can mock the Interface for my unit tests.)
namespace FlashMercy.Shared.Security
using System;
using System.Web.Security;
public class Auth : IAuth
public void SetAuthCookie(string userId, bool remember)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userId, remember);
public void Signout()
In the debugger, I can confirm that the .SetAuthCookie(userId, remember) line is executing, and userId is populated.
Then, I have a custom authorize attribute to check that the user is logged in:
namespace FlashMercy.Shared.Security
using System.Web.Mvc;
public class FlashMercyAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/");
When I debug the application, the filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false even after I've supposedly set the auth cookie. Also, filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name is empty. I'm not sure what I'm missing here.
If you care to look at the whole source, it's available on GitHub:
Problem with your code is that you are using FormsAuthentication, but you didn't add it to web.config. Your web.config should have such section:
<authentication mode="Forms"></authentication>
Based on this Mode Asp.Net understand what authentication mode it should use, e.g. Forms, Windows, etc. And without settings it to Forms value - FormsAuthenticationModule just ignores .ASPXAUTH cookie from the request.
PS. I've downloaded your code, and with correct authentication section in web.config it works fine and updates HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated to true.
The problem is that you only set the authentication cookie but do not have anything that load it.
It's forms authentication that uses that cookie. So you either have to activate forms authentication or you'll have to load it yourself.
filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated is false even after I've supposedly set the auth cookie.
This will always be the case if you do not redirect after SetAuthCookie(). The ASP.Net pipeline is in charge of authorizing the user (most of the time before we write code) in the AuthenticateRequest. Setting a Cookie does not update the current User.Identity, this requires code that has already been executed. Just make sure anytime you SetAuthCookie() you immediately redirect (server side is fine) to another URL (probably should anyway, its a good way to seperate logging in a user, and what they should do next SRP).

Using OpenAM OAuth2 with MVC4 and OAuthWebSecurity

Before trying MVC5, I had a go at using OpenAM with MVC4, with slightly better results. I need to authenticate from an application using OpenAM, and don't fancy the Fedlet route - I can see anybody else who has ever tried that
So, this was my starting point. This shows how to use Google and Facebook, and it works a treat. This goes on to show how to use other providers. I'm using OpenAM with OAuth2, so created "OpenAMClient", inheriting from DotNetOpenAuth.AspNet.Clients.OAuth2Client, and registered this in AuthConfig.RegisterAuth:
OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient(new OpenAMClient("consumerKey", "consumerSecret"));
This is great, because it now appears automatically on the login page, and pretty much worked perfectly until I started to use it for authentication. In the GetServiceLoginUrl override, I constructed a path to my OpenAM server, appending the returnURL that had been generated by the application and passed in as a parameter:
protected override Uri GetServiceLoginUrl(Uri returnUrl)
var response =
_consumerKey, returnUrl);
return new Uri(response);
This got me to my OpenAM server login page, but after authenticating, I got an error saying that the redirection URI wasn't acceptable. Debugging the code, I can see that the ReturnURL starts off in the ExternalLoginResult as "/Account/ExternalLoginCallback", but by the time it reaches GetServiceLoginUrl, it has become:
OpenAM isn't having any of that, as the "sid" parameter is dynamic, and it doesn't seem to acccept wildcards - it won't allow the returnURL provided by OAuthWebSecurity.
As a workaround, I intercept the ReturnURL, and switch to a new AccountController method:
protected override Uri GetServiceLoginUrl(Uri returnUrl)
var workingUrl = "http://localhost:60448/Account/OpenAMCallback";
var response =
_consumerKey, workingUrl);
return new Uri(response);
I add http://localhost:60448/Account/OpenAMCallback as a redirectURL in OpenAM, then added AccountController OpenAMCallback:
public ActionResult OpenAMCallback(string code)
Console.WriteLine(code );
//use the code to get the token, then user details etc
return RedirectToLocal(null);
This is great, because from here I get the access code, so I can make more requests for the token, get all the allowed user details, all of that kind of thing, but ... I'm jealous of the original ExternalLoginCallback method I've subverted away from, that all the other cool authentication servers use. I want to use OAuthWebSecurity.VerifyAuthentication and OAuthWebSecurity.GetOAuthClientData, but VerifyAuthentication is coming back as null, so that stops that party
I can use and do it by hand, but I'd rather use a framework so there's less to maintain. Am I missing something obvious, or is OAuthWebSecurity not really up to this so I should stick with dotnetopenauth?

Extending Windows Authentication in ASP.NET MVC 3 Application

after a lot of googling and reading several solutions on how to manage mixed mode authentication in ASP.NET apps, I still have no fitting solution for my problem.
I've got to implement an intranet application for a bunch of different user groups. Until now i've used windows authenthication which was very simple to implement. My problems arise when it comes to authorizing usergroups for special application functionalities.
Using [Authorize(Users = "DOMAIN\\USER")] works great but due to that i have no access to the active directory managament, it is impossible to me to configure rolemanagement in the way I need it for my application.
What I'd like to do is defining custom roles and memberships in addition to the ones that are defined within the active directory (is such an extension possible? e.g. by implementing an own membershipprovider?).
What do you think is the best solution for my problem. Do I really have to implement a complex mixed mode authentication with forms authentication in addition to windows authentication?
Used Technologies:
MS SQL Server 2008
MS VS 2010
ASP.NET MVC 3 - Razor View Engine
Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC
IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008
EDIT (final solution thanks to the help of dougajmcdonald):
After pointing me to use a custom IPrincipal implementation I've found some solutions here and here. Putting everything together I came to the following solution:
1.Create a custom principal implementation:
public class MyPrincipal: WindowsPrincipal
List<string> _roles;
public MyPrincipal(WindowsIdentity identity) : base(identity) {
// fill roles with a sample string just to test if it works
_roles = new List<string>{"someTestRole"};
// TODO: Get roles for the identity out of a custom DB table
public override bool IsInRole(string role)
if (base.IsInRole(role) || _roles.Contains(role))
return true;
return false;
2.Integrate my custom principal implementation into the application through extending the "Global.asax.cs" file:
protected void Application_AuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
WindowsIdentity wi = (WindowsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
MyPrincipal mp = new MyPrincipal(wi);
HttpContext.Current.User = mp;
3.Use my custom roles for authorization in my application
public class HomeController : Controller
[Authorize(Roles= "someTestRole")]
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "Welcome to ASP.NET MVC!";
return View();
It works!!! yeah!
I'm not sure if this still applies in MVC, but in Webforms one way to do this would be as follows:
Create a new IPrincipal implementation perhaps extending WindowsPrincipal
In this class, give it a collection of roles (your own custom roles)
Populate those roles, by perhaps getting them from the DB.
Override IsInRole to return true if the role provided is EITHER true from the base call (WindowsAuthentication/Role) OR from your own custom role collection.
This way you can still hook into Principal.IsInRole("MyRole") and also the principal [PrincipalPermission()] annotation.
Hope it helps.
EDIT in answer to q's:
To integrate the principal into the authorisation you need to write your own method for OnAuthenticate in the global.asax for the type of authentication, so I would guess for you, something like this:
void WindowsAuthentication_OnAuthenticate(object sender, WindowsAuthenticationEventArgs e)
// ensure we have a name and made it through authentication
if (e.Identity != null && e.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
//create your principal, pass in the identity so you know what permissions are tied to
MyCustomePrincipal opPrincipal = new MyCustomePrincipal(e.Identity);
//assign your principal to the HttpContext.Current.User, or perhaps Thread.Current
HttpContext.Current.User = opPrincipal;
I believe Authorize came in at a later date to the PrincipalPermission, but I'm not too sure as to when/why of the differences I'm afraid :( - sorry!
