Keep a jQuery dialog in a div - jquery-ui

I am trying to create a number of jQuery dialogs but I would like to constrain their positions to inside a parent div. I am using the following code to create them (on a side note the oppacity option is not working either...):
var d= $('<div title="Title goes here"></div>').dialog({
autoOpen: true,
closeOnEscape: false,
draggable: true,
resizable: false,
width: dx,
height: dy
d.draggable('option', 'containment', 'parent');
d.draggable('option', 'opacity', 0.45);

A bit more helpful and complete version of above solution.
It even limits the resizing outside of the div too!
And the JavaScript is fully commented.
// Public Domain
// Feel free to use any of the JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for any commercial or private projects. No attribution required.
// I'm not responsible if you blow anything up with this code (or anything else you could possibly do with this code).
// When the document is ready run the code inside the brackets.
$("button").button(); // Makes the button fancy (ie. jquery-ui styled)
// Set the settings for the jquery-ui dialog here.
autoOpen: false, // Don't open the dialog instantly. Let an event such as a button press open it. Optional.
position: { my: "center", at: "center", of: "#constrained_div" } // Set the position to center of the div.
// Settings that will execute when resized.
containment: "#constrained_div" // Constrains the resizing to the div.
// Settings that execute when the dialog is dragged. If parent isn't used the text content will have dragging enabled.
containment: "#constrained_div", // The element the dialog is constrained to.
opacity: 0.70 // Fancy opacity. Optional.
// When our fancy button is pressed the stuff inside the brackets will be executed.
$("#dialog").dialog("open"); // Opens the dialog.

I have found a way to do it. This is now my method for creating a dialog:
var d = $('<div title="Title"></div>').dialog({
autoOpen: true,
closeOnEscape: false,
resizable: false,
width: 100,
height: 100
d.parent().find('a').find('span').attr('class', 'ui-icon ui-icon-minus');
containment: '#controlContent',
opacity: 0.70


jquery dialog - push the background content down

I'm having a strange problem with the jquery dialog popup that I'm hoping someone here can help. The pop up codes looks like below. It works fine except for one thing. When the pop-up is displayed, it will sometimes push the background content down by about the height of the the dialog window. Is there a way to prevent this from happenning?
modal: true,
bgiframe: false,
autoOpen: false,
resizable: true,
position:{ my: "center", at: "center", of: window },
title: 'Choose one search criteria and<br/>populate the corresponding field below:',
width: 400,
close: function( event, ui ) {},
buttons: {
"Search": function() {
"Close": function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
This is because jquery sets position to relative, and then moves the popup to the right place using top and left. I found two ways to fix the problem:
1) The easier of the two: set margin-bottom of the dialog container to negative its height.
...other options...,
open : function() {
popup.css('margin-bottom', 0 - popup.height());
2) For the dialog container, set the position to absolute and adjust the top and left. To put it in the right place, add the offset position of where it is getting placed to the top value that jquery set. The calculation is similar for left.This should do it, but different parameters to the dialog may require different calculations.

Change the position of a jquery ui dialog in the open event

I'm having trouble changing the position of a jQuery-ui dialog box.
What I'm doing is loading an image into the dialog box within the open event. Because of the unknown height of the image, the dialog box is no longer centred in the window. So I also reposition it after loading the image, but the repositioning seems to be ignored.
But, if I add an alert before the repositioning, it works fine, so clearly some sort of timimg issue is in play here.
Is there any work around for this?
The relevant bit of my code is:
$( "#dialog-message" ).dialog({
open: function(e, ui){
alert(1); // causes the next line to work properly
$(this).dialog("option", "position", {my: "center", at: "center", of: window});
You have to wait for the image to load before repositionning:
$( "#dialog-message" ).dialog({
open: function(e, ui){
var $img = $("#theImage"), mydialog = $(this);
$img.bind('load',function(){ // bind load event
mydialog.dialog("option", "position", {my: "center", at: "center", of: window});
$img.attr("src","aRandomImage.jpg"); // start loading
see :
for IE8 chached images load event fixing.

jQuery UI droppable: resizing element on hover not working

I have a jQuery UI droppable element which I would like to get bigger when a draggable is hovered over it. I have tried both using the hoverClass option and also binding to the drophover event.
Visually, both these methods work fine. However, once the draggable exits the original (smaller) boundary of the droppable, jQuery UI interprets this as a 'dropout', despite still being within the current (larger) boundary.
For example, js:
hoverClass: 'hovering'
}.bind('dropout', function () {console.log('dropout')});
#droppable { background: teal; height: 10px; }
#droppable.hovering { height: 200px; }
In this case, when a draggable hovers over the droppable, the droppable visually increases in size to 200px. If at this point, the draggable is moved down by 20px, I would expect it to still be hovering over the droppable. Instead, jQuery UI fires the dropout event and the droppable reverts to being 10px high.
Anyone know how to get it to behave in the way I'd expect it to?
jsFiddle example:
Had the same problem, I was able to solve it by using the following options:
hoverClass: 'hovering',
tolerance: 'pointer'
refreshPositions: true
Here's the working fiddle:
So I made a couple tweaks to your fiddle
First I set the droppable tolerance to "touch" which will activate whenever any part of the draggable is touching it. This causes the hovering class to be applied.
Next I added an animation to resize your draggable element slightly. I wasn't sure if this was functionality you wanted or not so I put it in there anyways.
Lastly, I permanently apply the hovering class to the droppable element when the draggable element is dropped into the droppable zone. This way the droppable doesn't revert to that narrow height when there is an element in it
Better fiddle:
I hope this helps :)
you could create a bigger (i.e. the size of #droppable.hovering) div without background and apply your droppable to it. Note that you didn't provide HTML but the new #drop_container should contain both divs.
var dropped;
drop: function(event, ui) {
dropped = true;
start: function(event, ui) {
dropped = false;
stop: function(event, ui) {
if (!dropped) {
#droppable { background: teal; height: 10px; }
#droppable.hovering, #drop_container { height: 200px; }
Or you could try another solution with .live() or .livequery() from this article
[EDIT] I've edited my code and here is a jsfiddle:
I had to use a global var, I didn't find a better way to check wether the box was dropped. If anybody has an idea, that would be great.
There is an other (hum hum) not bad solution :
TL;DR: Fiddle
The problem is that the plugin stores dom element's size values when the widget is created (something like) :
$.widget("ui.droppable", {
_create: function() {
var proportions,
this.proportions = function() { return proportions; }
And the offset for widgets are initialized in $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets();
So we only need to overwrite the proportions object.
This way allow to access to real plugin properties so we can write something like :
hoverClass: 'hovering',
over: function(ev, ui) {
var $widget = $(this).data('droppable');
$widget.proportions = {
width: $(this).width(),
height: $(this).height()
out: function(ev, ui) {
var $widget = $(this).data('droppable'); //ui-droppable for latests versions
$widget.proportions = {
width: $(this).width(),
height: $(this).height()

jquery ui dialog fixed positioning

I needed the dialog to maintain its position fixed even if the page scrolled, so i used the
extension at but there's 2 problems with it:
it flickers in IE and Firefox on page scroll (in Safari/Chrome it's fine)
on closing and then reopening, it looses its stickyness and scrolls along with the page.
Here's the code i'm using for creating the dialog:
$('<div id="'+divpm_id+'"><div id="inner_'+divpm_id+'"></div><textarea class="msgTxt" id="txt'+divpm_id+'" rows="2"></textarea></div>')
autoOpen: true,
title: user_str,
height: 200,
stack: true,
sticky: true //uses ui dialog extension to keep it fixed
And here's the code i'm using for reopening it:
I tried some of the solutions posted here, but they don't work if the page has been scrolled prior to the dialog being opened. The problem is that it calculates the position without taking into account the scroll position, because the position is absolute during this calculation.
The solution I found was to set the dialog's parent's CSS to fixed PRIOR to opening the dialog.
This assumes that you have already initialized the dialog with autoOpen set to false.
Note, this does not work if the dialog is resizable. It must be initialized with resizing disabled in order for the position to remain fixed.
$('#my-dialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false });
Tested this thoroughly and have found no bugs so far.
I combined some suggested solutions to the following code.
Scrolling, moving and resizing works fine for me in Chrome, FF and IE9.
create: function(event, ui) {
$('position', 'fixed');
resizeStop: function(event, ui) {
var position = [(Math.floor(ui.position.left) - $(window).scrollLeft()),
(Math.floor( - $(window).scrollTop())];
$('position', 'fixed');
If you want to make it default for all dialogs:
$.ui.dialog.prototype._oldinit = $.ui.dialog.prototype._init;
$.ui.dialog.prototype._init = function() {
$(this.element).parent().css('position', 'fixed');
resizeStop: function(event,ui) {
var position = [(Math.floor(ui.position.left) - $(window).scrollLeft()),
(Math.floor( - $(window).scrollTop())];
$('position', 'fixed');
// $('option','position',position);
// removed parent() according to hai's comment (I didn't test it)
return true;
I could not get Scott's answer to work with jQuery UI 1.9.1. My solution is to reposition the dialog in a callback from the open event. First set the css position to fixed. Then position the dialog where you want it:
autoOpen: false,
open: function(event, ui) {
.css({ position: 'fixed' })
.position({ my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window });
resizable: false
Note: As noted in another answer, resizing the dialog will set its position to absolute again, so I've disabled resizable.
Bsed on Langdons's comment above, I tried the following, which works fine with jQuery-UI 1.10.0 and resizable dialogs:
create: function (event) {
$('position', 'fixed');
resizeStart: function (event) {
$('position', 'fixed');
resizeStop: function (event) {
$('position', 'fixed');
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#myDialog').dialog({dialogClass: "flora"});
Force your dialog box's position to be position:fixed using CSS
$('.selector').dialog({ dialogClass: 'myPosition' });
and define the myPosition css class as:
.myPosition {
position: fixed;
I found that these answers didn't work for me but combining some of them did.
I used the create function to set the dialog as fixed so it didn't scroll the window down when the dialog was created.
create: function (event) {
$('position', 'fixed')
Also I used the open function to make sure the dialog didn't disappear off the screen by changing the top value.
open: function(event, ui) {
$('top', '30%')
This worked with autoOpen and resizable.
$('#myDialog').dialog({ dialogClass: "flora" });
$('.flora.ui-dialog').css({ top: "8px" });
this will keep the dialog on top position no matter were we have clicked.
Why use $(document).ready ? This might be a recent development, but it works fine now.
$( ".ui-dialog" ).css("position","fixed");
$( ".ui-dialog" ).css("top","10px");
put this code on open function of dialog
First, create your dialog. Something like this:
autoOpen : false,
modal : true,
width: "auto",
resizable: false,
show: 'fade',
hide: { effect:"drop",duration:400,direction:"up" },
position: top,
height: 'auto',
title: "My awesome dialog",
resizeStart: function(event, ui) {
resizeStop: function(event, ui) {
Then make it auto center with this:
function positionDialog (){
if($("#dialog_id").dialog( "isOpen" )){
$("#dialog_id").dialog('option','position',$("#dialog_id").dialog( "option", "position" ));
//setInterval is for make it change position "smoothly"
//You can take it off and leave just the if clausule and its content inside the function positionDialog.
The solution is actually really simple. I don't know if this applied when the question was asked but it does now anyway.
//First a container/parent-div with fixed position is needed
var dialogContainer=document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));"fixed";"50%";//helps centering the window
//Now whenever a dialog is to be created do it something like this:
appendTo: dialogContainer,
position: {
at: 'center center',
of: dialogContainer
About "appendTo":
About "position":
While similar to some of the other answers above, I've found that I had to do more than just position: fix the dialog, but I also had to position: static it's content to keep it attached to the dialog.
$('<div id="myDialog" class="myClass">myContent</div>')
.css({ position: 'fixed' })
.position({ my: 'center', at: 'center', of: window })
.css({ position: 'static' });
After this, I could call .dialog('open') any time I wanted and it would simply appear where I left it. I actually have this in a function that will return the existing dialog or create a new one as needed and then I just change the values of the dialog before .dialog('open') gets called.
As i wrote in my blog
I've found a bug in “window” element or “dialog” element.
When you instantiate this widget, it go out of the main window browser, in particular in top and left position (when you drag o resize it).
To resolve this problem i’ve implemented this solution.
You can read the source code below:
onMove: function(left, top) {
if (left < 0 || top < 0) {
left = (left < 0) ? 0 : left;
top = (top < 0) ? 0 : top;
$(this).window('move', {left: left, top: top});
onResize: function(width, height) {
var opt = $(this).window("options");
var top =;
var left = opt.left;
if (top < 0) {
top = (top < 0) ? 0 : top;
$(this).window('move', {left: left, top: top});
The same code is for dialog:
onMove: function(left, top) {
if (left < 0 || top < 0) {
left = (left < 0) ? 0 : left;
top = (top < 0) ? 0 : top;
$(this).dialog('move', {left: left, top: top});
onResize: function(width, height) {
var opt = $(this).window("options");
var top =;
var left = opt.left;
if (top < 0) {
top = (top < 0) ? 0 : top;
$(this).dialog('move', {left: left, top: top});
Futhermore, when you call “$(this).window(“options”);” inside “onResize” method, and start your App,
you don’t see the window; so i must insert the “.window(“open”);” at the and of declaration of dialog.
I hope to help you.

jQuery UI Dialog Queries + jQueryUI Queries

I have setup the following jQuery UI Dialog within my document.ready() section, i.e:
autoOpen: false,
bgiframe: true,
resizable: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
'Ok': function() {
1) My question is which I am unsure of, is that within my javascript code, I have a counter, which when it hits a particular value, would like my dialog window to appear.
Unsure how to achieve or trigger this?
2) Within the jQueryUI website, I am trying to download the "Custom Theme" from but nothing seem to happen, i.e no dialog save box appears.
Any ideas?
1) If you want the dialog appear only when that condition is met, you should set the autoOpen option to false, later in your code, after you increment your counter variable, you should check its value and show it if the counter has the particular value you look for, i.e.:
// ...
if (counter == 100) {
// ...
2) To build your custom theme, use ThemeRoller.
First question:
When you hit desired counter value do this:
