YouTube Player API -- define "native play button" - youtube-api

According to the API the playcount for a video is only incremented when a "native play button" is used. What counts as a "native play button?"

answerin my own q here
The chromeless player has a large play button over the video by default, this is the ONLY native play button for the chromeless youtube player -- JS/AS implementations aren't counted.
The native player (with default chrome) has two play buttons -- one next to the scrubber, and the large one over the video.


Can I use Youtube IFrame Player API as audio player?

I am using Youtube IFrame Player API on my own web project.
I am trying to use it as an audio player, so I hide iframe, and add a button which call playVideo() function.
I am wondering if it is legally okay to hide everything (iframe, logo, controller, everything) and use it as audio player.
Is there any legal problem for commercial use?

Is there a Youtube player for Xamarin PCL

I want to create a YouTube video player for playing some trailers for my Portable Class. How do I open a trailer from YouTube in the FULL screen of the smartphone after clicking the Play icon like in the picture.
I prefer not to use the WebView component.
Youtube Playclick Icon
Here's a link to a video player tutorial in Xamarin. It is not specifically YouTube, but you can start from here.

Controlling the YouTube player

Is it possible to control somehow remotely the YouTube player using the API? I mean, for example, sending a message to forward the video by 10 seconds, or switch to the next video.
You can switch to the next video with loadVideoById/Url, cueVideoById/Url (for YouTube Embedded Player).
But IFrame Player API does not have the messaging mechanism. You should implement original code in JavaScript (Note the following).
You must not display overlays, frames, or other visual elements in front of any part of a YouTube embedded player, including player controls.

How do I change the YouTube player on my web site

How do I change the YouTube player on my web site. Like
Use the IFrame API for the embed video. The IFrame player API lets you embed a YouTube video player on your website and control the player using JavaScript.
Using the API's JavaScript functions, you can queue videos for playback; play, pause, or stop those videos; adjust the player volume; or retrieve information about the video being played. You can also add event listeners that will execute in response to certain player events, such as a player state change or a video playback quality change
Just check the link above to know more about it.
For more information, check this YouTube Player Demo. This demo demonstrates the YouTube Player API's functions. Embedded players must have a viewport that is at least 200px by 200px. If the player displays controls, it must be large enough to fully display the controls without shrinking the viewport below the minimum size.

Thumb return by YouTube API Player getClickToPlayButton() function is not playing video onclick

DisplayObject return by getClickToPlayButton() function of YouTube API is not playing video now.
I am using Chrome-less YouTube API player with custom chrome. My YouTube Playlist app is different SWF which load the custom chrome player swf and use YT object to create thumbs getClickToPlayButton().
I have also tried it on single SWF only using YouTube chromeless player and simple provided thumb by getClickToPlayButton() function but it does not play the video on thumb click.
