How to prepare for data loss in a production website? - ruby-on-rails

I am building an app that is fast moving into production and I am concerned about the possibility that due to hacking, some silly personal error (like running rake db:schema:load or rake db:rollback) or other circumstance we may suffer data loss in one database table or even across the system.
While I don't find it likely that the above will happen, I would be remiss in not being prepared in case it ever does.
I am using Heroku's PG Backups (which is to be replaced with something else this month), and I also run automated daily backups to S3:, successfully generating .dump files.
What is the correct way to deal with data loss on a production app?
How would I restore the .dump file in case I need to? Can I do a selective restore if a small part of the system is hit?
In case a selective restore is not possible: assume one table loses data 4 hours after the last backup. Result => would fixing the lost table require rolling back 4 hours of users' activity? Any good solution to this?
What is the best way to support users through the inconvenience if something like this happens?

A full DR (disaster recovery) solution requires the following:
Multisite. If a fire, flood, Osama Bin Laden or whathaveyou strikes the Amazon (or is it Salesforce?) data center that Heroku uses, you want to be sure that your data is safe elsewhere.
On-going replication of the data to a separate site (or sites). That means that every transaction that's written to your database on one site, is replicated within seconds to the mirror database on the other site. Most RDBMS's have mechanisms to let you do a master-slave replication like that.
The same goes for anything you put on a filesystem outside of the database, such as images, XML configuration files etc. S3 is a good solution here - they replicate everything to multiple data centers for you.
I won't hurt to create periodic (daily or so) dumps of the database and store them separately (e.g. on S3). This helps you recover from data corruption that propagates to the slave DBs.
Automate the process of data recovery. You want this to just work when you need it.
Test everything. Ideally, you want to automate the test process and run it periodically to ensure that your backups can restore. Netflix Chaos Monkey is an extreme example of this.
I'm not sure how you'd implement all this on Heroku. A complete solution is still priced out of reach for most companies - we're running this across our own data centers (one in the US, one in EU) and it costs many millions. Work according to the 80-20 rule - on-going backup to a separate site, plus a well tested recovery plan (continuously test your ability to recover from backups) covers 80% of what you need.
As for supporting users, the best solution is simply to communicate timely and truthfully when trouble happens and make sure you don't lose any data. If your users are paying for your service (i.e. you're not ad-supported), then you should probably have an SLA in place.

About backups, you cannot be sure at 100 percent every time that no data will be lost. The best is to test it on another server. You must have at leat two types of backup :
A database backup, like pg-dump. A dump is uniquely SQL commands so you can use it to recreate the whole database, just a table, or just a few rows. You loose the data added in the meantime.
A code backup, for example a git repository.

in addition to Hartator's answer:
use replication if your DB offers it, e.g. at least master/slave replication with one slave
do database backups on a slave DB server and store them externally (e.g. scp or rsync them out of your server)
use a good version control system for your source code, e.g. Git
use a solid deploy mechanism, such as Capistrano and write your custom tasks, so nobody needs to do DB migrations by hand
have somebody you trust check your firewall setup and the security of your system in general
The DB-Dumps contain SQL-commands to recreate all tables and all data... if you were to restore only one table, you could extract that portion from a copy of the dump file and (very carefully) edit it and then restore with the modified dump file (for one table).
Always restore first to an independent machine and check if the data looks right. e.g. you could use one Slave server, take if offline, then restore there locally and check the data. Good if you have two slaves in your system, then the remaining system has still one master and one slave while you restore to the second slave.

To simulate a fairly simple "total disaster recovery" on Heroku, create another Heroku project and replicate your production application completely (except use a different custom domain name).
You can add multiple remote git targets to a single git repository so you can use your current production code base. You can push your database backups to the replicated project, and then you should be good to go.
The only step missing from this exercise verses a real disaster recovery is assigning your production domain to the replicated Heroku project.
If you can afford to run two copies of your application in parallel, you could automate this exercise and have it replicate itself on a regular basis (e.g. hourly, daily) based on your data loss tolerance.


ddev and TYPO3: how to handle the DB and fileadmin for multiple developers

how do you handle user upload folders like fileadmin and the DB with ddev and TYPO3.
I would like to have the DB and media files outside of my ddev container as both can get really large over time and I don't want to sync them every time. Or do I have to?
It would be awesome to just have them on a central server where every developer has access to.
For the DB it is not the problem.
But as far as I know to mount the fileadmin outside of the ddev container is not possible.
How do you handle the DB and media files?
For the companies I've worked for data for a development environment is either (1) rsynced from a central server or (2) have a minimal data set which is added to the git repository.
In case of option 1 there's usually an automated process which pulls data from production servers and cleans it up (removing cache/logs, anonymize any sensitive data, etc). The advantages of this option are you have (mostly) real data for your development environment and there's no need to manually manage a separate data set. The disadvantages are you might not have data to test all situations, data can get large and there's a chance you might miss sensitive data which could lead to data leaks.
In case of option 2 there's usually a way to generate random data to get a more filled development environment. The advantages to this option are you have a clean development environment, the data set is as small as it can be and there's no chance of leaking sensitive data. The disadvantages are you need to maintain a separate minimal data set, problems related to specific data might be harder to debug.
Personally I think 2 is the better option. You should not need production data for development as long as you have a good way to create realistic random data. Production data might actually miss a lot of situations you do need for development. Some content elements might not always be used, things like empty news lists might not happen (often) in production, etc. I also don't want to have to download several Gb of data if I have to change a small thing in a project I don't have locally yet.

Rails & Heroku: Automatically save a copy of data from heroku

I have a small site running on free tier of heroku. It fetchs/updates data from various sources frequently, and I want to save a copy of the database (~10000 records) every month to somewhere else, so I can see how the data changes overtime, and make some more detailed analysis. The website is developed in Ruby on Rails.
I want to know
What is the best practice of exporting data from heroku, esp. for Ruby on Rails apps? (~10000 records)
Is there any good place to share this data with others? (i.e., Kaggle dataset, Github repo)
TL;DR You’re better off building your own export script connecting to your instance and using SQL dump. The hobby plan is very limited.
There are multiple backup strategies. For instance, if you require exporting once a month you could set up a cron job every 30 days that exports the data you desire.
Since you're using Heroku, they have a way to manage backups. To do so navigate to:{your-app}/resources
Select your database add-on
Navigate to Durability
And there you should see the default backup strategy from Heroku. This is heroku’s daily strategy to modify this, heroku toolbelt provides the following:
heroku pg:backups:schedule DATABASE_URL --at '02:00 America/Los_Angeles' --app sushi
but this would be daily backups.
Mind the following constraint:
A monthly backup means that only 1 backup is saved over the course of a month. Based on current limits, for example, a Premium-0 would have 12 monthly backups, one for each of the last 12 months.
Also, if you decide to adopt Heroku’s built in approach, mind the following:
There is a limit to the number of manual backups that you can retain. That number is based on your database plan.
Plan Backups Retained
Hobby-Dev 2
Concerning sharing it, there are a few things to take into consideration; for instance, if the information is sensible (by default) we want a way to control who has access to the resource. There are ways to achieve this commercially using a private Github repo or even an amazon S3 bucket with ACL (Access Control List). Heroku's dataclips may also be used but not sure you want this.

setting up Neo4j replication on two instances

I am planning to configure some sort of 2 node replication for neo4j, similar to mysql replication. Since I am a little constrained on resources I don't want to pay for more than two Cloud compute instances. Also I am happy with just one real time or near real time copy of the neo4j database. So the approach i can think of is:
Configure HA on the two compute nodes with the help of an arbiter instance. Setup one neo4j instance (master) on first node and another neo4j instance (slave) + another neo4j instance (arbiter, only for arbitration, no data logging) instance on second node.
Setup a cron for online backup using the neo4j-backup tool. Setup incremental backups every hour or so. Not sure the load it may put on the prod server, planning to test that out.
I am more inclined on the first approach since I get a more real time copy the database (I also get HA/load balancing with instant failover but that is not a priority right now).
Please let me know
which of the two approach is better,
if there is another way to achieve the same or
if any of the above approaches are not suitable or have some flaws.
I am a little new to Neo4j HA so please pardon me for my ignorance. Thanks !
So. You already mentioned available solutions.
TL;DR; I prefer first option.
In general, recommended layout is 3 nodes (2 slaves + 1 master).
But your layout - 2 nodes (1 master + 1 slave + 1 arbiter) is viable too. Especially if one server can handle your workload.
Good things:
Almost "real-time" replica.
Possibility to utilise resources to handle bigger workload.
Better availability.
If you have 10mb/sec write load on master, then same load will be applied on slave node. This shouldn't affect reads from slave at all (except write load is REALLY huge).
Maintenance costs are bigger, then single-instance installation. You should plan how to handle cluster upgrades, configuration updates, plugin updates.
Branched data. In clustered environment there is possibility to end up in "split-brain" scenario, when 2 nodes have different data and decision should be made which data should be kept. Neo4j handles such cases quite good. But you should keep in mind that small data-loss can occur in VERY RARE scenarios.
Good things:
Simple. Just do backups from database.
Consistency check. When backup is made, tool runs consistency check to verify if database is not damaged. There is no possibility that Backup will screw up live database. If there any issues - you will be notified via logs from backup utility. See below detailed info on to how backup is performed.
Database. Neo4j backup is fully-functional database. You can spin-up server that points to backup database, and do everything you wan't.
Incremental backups. You can do incremental backups as often, as you wan't.
Neo4j scales vertically very well (depends on size of database). It can handle huge load on single instance (we had up to 3k requests/second on medium machine). So, you can get one bigger machine for Neo4j server and other smaller (cheaper) for backups.
How backup is performed?
One thing that should be kept in mind - live database is still fully operational. Backup utility doesn't not stop or prevent any actions.
When transaction in database is committed, all changes are appended to transaction log.
When there are no previous backup present: copy whole storage.
When there is previous backup AND transaction logs are available: copy new transaction logs and replay them on to storage.
When there is previous backup AND transactions are NOT available: discard existing storage, copy existing storage.
Why transaction logs can not be available? Your configuration may say to keep only latest transaction logs (i.e. 1 hour), or not to keep at all.
Relevant settings:
Anyway, you should consider making backups event in clustered environment. Everything can fail, in any moment.
In general - everything depends on your load and database size.
If your database is small enough to fully fit in memory and one machine is enough to handle all load, then one Neo4j instance will be enough. Just do backup.
If you wan't better scalability/availability and real-time working replica, then cluster setup is best choice.

How to take a snapshot of neo4j database

I see there is a tool that allows for backups to be taken of a running Neo4J database, either via Java or via the backup tool.
The backup will obviously take some time to complete, during which time additional nodes may be added, modified or deleted. Is it possible to take a snapshot of the graph database at a particular instant in time?
My use case: N4J is used to store events, which are stored elsewhere. I'd like to take a snapshot of the graph at an instant in time, then when it's restored at a later date, know what was missing from the graph based on when the backup was taken and be able to reconstruct a complete version of the database that is accurate to the present time by adding the missing events.
There's a related question that has good discussion of this, let me cut to the chase.
If you're using the commercial version of neo4j, then neo4j backup options and/or the backup tool are your best options.
If you're using community edition, then you can't do online backups at present. I have several applications that run using neo4j community, and we have a cron job that runs at 03:00. It shuts down the application, and creates a copy of the database in another location (by copy, I mean it actually creates a tar.gz archive of the DB directory). After this is completed with other maintenance, the application gets restarted again.
Depending on file copy performance and DB size, this isn't too bad. We have a moderate sized DB and we simply accept about 10 minutes of downtime every night.
The neo4j-backup tool is part of Neo4j Enterprise edition. It takes a backup consistently at the time you've started it. After backup is finished a verbose consistency check is run to validate recoverability. It works either as full backup or incrementally.
This tool does not incorporate restoring for a given point in time or comparing with other backups. A point-in-time restore can be achieved by combining it with a classic file backup tool. I've made good experience with backup2l. neo4j-backup would started as part of backup2l's PRE_BACKUP. The same approach should work with any other backup tool out there.
Using your backup tool you can retrieve the full graph.db directory at a desired point-in-time from your archives and use them.

How can one rails app on heroku access many databases

I want to be able to have one app access multiple databases on the HEROKU "system".
Can the connection to the database be changed dynamically?
Why I ask...
I have an app that has a lot of very processor heavy background jobs. If a given user uploads a product feed of say 50,000 product that have to be compared to existing products and update only the deltas it can take a "few" minutes.
Now to mitigate the delay I spin up multiple workers, each taking small bites out of the lot until there's none. I can get to about 20 workers before the GUI starts to feel sluggish because the DB is being hammered.
I've tuned some of the code and indexed the DB to some extent, and I'm sure there's more I could do, but it will eventually suffer the law of diminished returns.
For one user, I don't much care... if you upload 50k products you need to wait a bit..
But user one's choice to upload impacts user two. (different company so no cross over of data)..
Currently I handle different users by separating their data with schemas in postgresql.
The different users however share the same db connection and even on the best plan I can see a time when 20 users try to upload 50,000 products at the same time.(first of month/quarter for example).
User 21 would see a huge slow down on their system because of this..
So the question: Can I assign different users to different databases? User logs in, validates their info against a central DB, and then a different DB takes over?
My current solution is different instances of heroku. It's easy to maintain the code because it's one base and I just script the git push(es). The only issue is the different login URL's; which I suppose I could confront if I can't find an easy DB switch solution.
It sounds like you're able to shard your data by user, or set of users without much concern since you already separate them by schema. If that's the case, and you're using Ruby and ActiveRecord, look at I imagine you're not looking to spin up databases on the fly, rather, you'll have them already built and ready to be used, and can add more as you go.
Granted, it sounds like what you're doing could be done a lot more effectively by using the right tool for that type of intensive processing like one of the Heroku Hadoop add-ons; nonetheless, if that's not an option for whatever reason, check out the gem above. There are a couple other gems like it, and of course you could technically manage your own ActiveRecord connections without this gem, but I think you'll find that will be painful really fast.
Of course, if you aren't using Ruby or ActiveRecord, still shard the data, and look for something like the gem above in your app's language :).
the postgres databases on heroku are configured with environment variables. when you run heroku config you should see:
DATABASE_URL: postgres://
you can use these variables to connect to databases on other heroku instances or share a single database on different heroku apps.
if you try to run this kind of stuff on free heroku instances, i think it is against their terms of services.
if it's about scalability, i think you will just have to pay for a more expensive database instance...
