Load SWF files through YouTube - youtube

Would it be possible to embed an external SWF file with a YouTube video/SWF?
For example: http://www.youtube.com/player2.swf?LoadExternalSwf=http://www.pylon.ca/main.swf

No. Cross-domain data is not permitted by the configuration in http://www.youtube.com/crossdomain.xml


Load WebView with download .html file

i want to download and save an HTML file from the Internet. In another activity, I want to take this file and open it with Webview. I tried to save the file to the external storage, but the Play Store does not allow the use of this permission. Manage the external storage unless you have a very good reason to do so. Thanks for your help

How to view .dwg (AutoCAD) files in webview in ios

Want to View .dwg files in UIWebView in Iphone,
I have tried to load the URL of .dwg file in webview.But its not loading.
Please suggest any 3rd party browser or any other way to viewing .dwg files.
Thanks in Advance.
here is the list of supported document formats, it's no AutoCAD there
you can try to use Autodesk DWF Toolkit for this

How to secure the html5 audio link from download

I have a wordpress website in which I want to embed the audio player for .mp3 files. But the user should not get the server url of the music file.
Currently I have used [audio src=""]. But through this user get the url though page source. So is there any way or any plugin through which I can hide it in the page source.
Also I cannot use the flash player as it has to be run on iphone/ipad too.
Looking forward for the replies
The problem with HTML5 audio and video is, that it directly links to the file.
This is also the reason sites like Netflix don't use it.
Only Microsoft Silverlight can protect your content from rippers properly.
BUT - you could use the dirty solution: Make an <iframe> and embed another html file that only contains your audio source and replace the body container with <body oncontextmenu="return false">
This will disable your users to open the context menu over your audio file and thus they will not be able to find the location of the file, however "html-pros" will just use f12 to open it.
If you only do it on this very limited part of the page, most people won't be able to get around this though. ;)

Post FLV to wall

If I use the Graph API to post something on a user's wall, the "source" attribute doesn't seem to work if the video source is an FLV.
What I expect is for Facebook to wrap their native video player around the FLV file, but it doesn't happen.
Here's how I'm calling the API: http://i.imgur.com/0LpFJ.jpg
Any ideas?
You can't include FLV content directly; you need to include your own SWF player, and attach the URL of the player you want displayed (passing the FLV source as a parameter in the SWF URL )
Source: The URL of a media file (e.g., a SWF or video file) attached to this post. If both source and picture are specified, only source is used.

OleContainer - Opening a doc file from http?

I need some info about OleContainer. I embedded an OleContainer in the browser. And when I launch that html file,a microsoft word OleContainer is opened and I want to display content of a doc file from the web. For example, when I open html file, OleContainer should view the content of the www.example.com/example.doc which is a doc file inside of it.I hope I clearly explained the problem. Thx for any advice.
Do you need a OleContainer? Objects can be embedded in HTML using the standard HTML <object> tag. See for example
embed content in valid strict HTML
Embed a MS Office document in HTML webpage
This has also the advantage that it is cross-platform (as long as the document type is known on the client computer).
You need download the file from http-server (using sockets or WinInet library) to temporary directory and load to TOLEContainer using CreateObjectFromFile method
