Duplicate Records created by find_or_create_by_ - ruby-on-rails

I have an ActiveRecord object, Corporation, and the only call in my project to create instances of this object looks like:
corp = Corporation.find_or_create_by_eveid_and_user_id(self.corporation_eveid, self.account.user_id)
Yet somehow, after my application has been running happily for a couple of days, there are duplicate records -- record where the eveid and user_id have the same values. How is this possible? Is there something I could be doing wrong in the way I update these records that would cause this problem?
I ended up added a unique, composite index to the table. That should solve the problem, but I don't understand how it's occurring.
This is Rails 3.0.7.

find_or_create does not perform any locking and makes no attempt to prevent race conditions. It's just a convenience method. If race conditions are a problem, you will need to either:
Use a transaction and roll back if you find somebody else has written just before you
(Better if you're actually expecting a race condition), perform pessimistic locking. This is where you SELECT from the table acquiring an exclusive lock first, then perform the write and clear the lock. In MySQL InnoDB tables, this is SELECT ... FOR UPDATE. If you have no reference point to lock on (i.e. no foreign key or anything that already exists in the database), then you'll have to stick with (1).
EDIT | If you can add a UNIQUE constraint at the schema level, I'd advise doing so too, if this is a genuine integrity concern.

Is this in your seeds file? Your best bet would be to write validations in your model to prevent the existence of a Corporation with the same eveid and user_id.
It seems to me that you seeded this information using find_or_create, which worked. But then maybe later in the day or another day someone created another one with the same information using your GUI. Validations would prevent this.
I have not tested this code, but something like this may work for you.
validates :eveid, :uniqueness => { :scope => :user_id }


With Rails 5, what is the most efficient way to generate and use a Basecamp-style "hash_id" (instead of sequential row id's) for each new record?

What I'm going for is URL's very similar to Basecamp's:
I have already achieved this functionality by following this guide, but I am unsatisfied with the process of needing to run potentially millions of .exists? lookups to find an open number and fear this will very quickly hamper performance of my app.
def set_hash_id
hash_id = nil
loop do
hash_id = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(9).gsub(/-|_/,('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)])
break unless self.class.name.constantize.where(:hash_id => hash_id).exists?
self.hash_id = hash_id
I find it hard to believe that Basecamp is relying on something so inefficient on every record save and I'm looking to find out how they do it or to find a setup that will look the same but without the overhead of the linked tutorial.
I'd appreciate any input on methods to generate a non-sequential record ID. I am not interested in UUID's as I can't stand the non-pleasing URL's they generate. Also, they must be integers. Basically, exactly like the Basecamp URL but without the overhead of the exists? checks. Is it possible they are doing some kind of combination of numbers with an encoded timestamp or something to ensure there is no collisions? I have explored the hashids.org method but this does not generate integer-only hashes.
I am using Postgres as my database, in case this is helpful.
Efficiency-wise I think you should be fine. GitLab also uses something similar for unique token generation.
There's another issue though that's worth considering:
Your method does not guarantee to generate a unique key, as the operation is not atomic (neither is GitLab's). Between checking for uniqueness and writing the record to the database the same key could have been generated.
You have at least 2 options to handle this. Both solution should also be more efficient (which is your main concern).
Catch the DB's unique key constrain violation on save
def save
self.hash_id = generate_hash_id
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique => e
# 1. you may need to check the message for the specific constraint
# 2. you may need to implement an abort condition to prevent infinite retries
You could can also do this in an ActiveRecord callback.
Have the DB generate the key
An alternative solution would be to have your database generate the unique key on create. A function like the one described in this blogpost A Better ID Generator For PostgreSQL may serve your purpose better.
This solution has the advantage that your application code does not need to be concerned about generating or catching collisions. The drawback is though that this solution is DB specific.

How to change primary ID of a record in Rails?

rails console
u = User.find(9)
u.id = 7 # There is no other record with id 7
=> true
The id has not changed.
How to change the primary ID? Why does it prevent this action?
Working in Rails 3.0.7 and PostgreSQL.
Since there are good reasons not to do this, I'll explain why and hopefully it is a good reason.
We are doing Usability Testing on Staging, so I want it to look like the Production to make it easy for everyone. I don't want to create confusion or errors in the Usability Testing process by having some things in one order on Staging and in a different order on Production. I only changed one PK id on Staging DB.
Don't do this on your production DB!
I'm not sure as to why it prevents that action, but it does for sure prevent it.
You can bypass this using the update_all method on for the user.
User.where(id: 7).update_all(id: 9)
Though if possible, you really should avoid doing this.
For me worked:
User.find(9).update_column(:id, 7)
Could you elaborate what your use case is? Why do you want to change the ID? What are you really trying to accomplish with it?
Generally it's a bad idea to do this, and Rails won't let you do this easily because it will break your data integrity!
Here's Why:
When you're using a relational database (like PostgreSQL) underneath, you will have relationships between your models, which means that you will use the model's IDs as a reference in other related models... which means that if you change an entry's ID , all those references to that entry will go stale and corrupt your database..
I would strongly suggest to analyze your requirements again, and try to find another way to accomplish what you need to do (without changing IDs)
#Jason pointed out a very valid point. I totally agree with him. But, you might have your reasons and I suggest you re-consider what you're trying to do.
To answer your question:
ID columns are protected by default for mass assignment and cannot be set manually. But, you can override this behavior by defining a method:
def self.attributes_protected_by_default
[] # ["id", ..other]
This will allow you to assign id's manually.
Another method (although it is not pure Rails) is to create a new column, and populate it with your new IDs.
Then, using DB management software (not Rails), remove the Primary Key attribute from the id column, delete it, rename your recently added column to "id", and give it the Primary Key attributes. (If you cannot do that directly in your DB software, then set the properties Unique, Auto-Increment, etc.)
You can also move the column to the front (MySQL syntax):
ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY COLUMN id int(11) FIRST;
But there is another thing I'd really like to say. It hasn't been as bad on this question as I've seen elsewhere, but folks: it's all well and good to tell people it's USUALLY not a good idea, but that isn't an answer to the question. Please refrain from saying "Don't do that" unless you already know the person's use-case.
In other forums I've been greatly frustrated by people saying "Why do you want to do that?" or "Don't do that", and then not answering the question. They didn't give me credit for already KNOWING that it isn't standard practice, and they ASSUMED I didn't already know that it was not an ordinary use-case.
People on this page haven't been that bad, and I'm not trying to pick on them. I'm just admonishing: please, check your own behavior before presuming to lecture. Somebody asked a question, and while warnings may be a good idea, it is probably safe to presume they have a REASON for wanting an answer.
End of rant.
The ID is typically generated by the database as an auto-incrementing PK. You can't (and really shouldn't need) to modify it.

Rails 3.0.x - why the other model is beeing updated?

I am trying to figure out things in code written by someone else. There are two models, with simple has_many relation (A->B).
Now the problem is, that while saving the "B" model, also the "A" model is updated in the database. Now, there is no callbacks of any sort, there is no special relation conditions (:autosave, etc), and also there is no Observers in the code.
The question is, what could be other things, which define this kind of behaviour?
Update: I am trying to debug the save process to track anything, but I am getting overwhelmend by the ammount of calls to internal active_record methods, so this approchach is getting useless.
Bonus question: How can I dump current model callbacks (in case, they were added in some manner which resistant to my grepping skills).
It could have :touch => true. That auto updates the association.
This turned out to be very complicated, internal application bug with Marshaling. In the result records fetched from cache were marked as not persisted, which forced ActiveRecord to create duplicate record while saving related objects.

What is the best way to override Rails ActiveRecord destroy behavior?

I have an application where I would like to override the behavior of destroy for many of my models. The use case is that users may have a legitimate need to delete a particular record, but actually deleting the row from the database would destroy referential integrity that affects other related models. For example, a user of the system may want to delete a customer with whom they no longer do business, but transactions with that customer need to be maintained.
It seems I have at least two options:
Duplicate data into the necessarily models effectively denormalizing my data model so that deleted records won't affect related data.
Override the "destroy" behavior of ActiveRecord to do something like set a flag indicating the user "deleted" the record and use this flag to hide the record.
Am I missing a better way?
Option 1 seems like a horrible idea to me, though I'd love to hear arguments to the contrary.
Option 2 seems somewhat Rails-ish but I'm wondering the best way to handle it. Should I create my own parent class that inherits from ActiveRecord::Base, override the destroy method there, then inherit from that class in the models where I want this behavior? Should I also override finder behavior so records marked as deleted aren't returned by default?
If I did this, how would I handle dynamic finders? What about named scopes?
If you're not actually interested in seeing those records again, but only care that the children still exist when the parent is destroyed, the job is simple: add :dependent => :nullify to the has_many call to set references to the parent to NULL automatically upon destruction, and teach the view to deal with that reference being missing. However, this only works if you're okay with not ever seeing the row again, i.e. viewing those transactions shows "[NO LONGER EXISTS]" under company name.
If you do want to see that data again, it sounds like what you want has nothing to do with actually destroying records, which means that you will never need to refer to them again. Hiding seems to be the way to go.
Instead of overriding destroy, since you're not actually destroying the record, it seems significantly simpler to put your behavior in a hide method that triggers a flag, as you suggested.
From there, whenever you want to list these records and only include visible records, one simple solution is to include a visible scope that doesn't include hidden records, and not include it when you want to find that specific, hidden record again. Another path is to use default_scope to hide hidden records and use Model.with_exclusive_scope { find(id) } to pull up a hidden record, but I'd recommend against it, since it could be a serious gotcha for an incoming developer, and fundamentally changes what Model.all returns to not at all reflect what the method call suggests.
I understand the desire to make the controllers look like they're doing things the Rails way, but when you're not really doing things the Rails way, it's best to be explicit about it, especially when it's really not that much of a pain to do so.
I wrote a plugin for this exact purpose, called paranoia. I "borrowed" the idea from acts_as_paranoid and basically re-wrote AAP using much less code.
When you call destroy on a record, it doesn't actually delete it. Instead, it will set a deleted_at column in your database to the current time.
The README on the GitHub page should be helpful for installation & usage. If it isn't, then let me know and I'll see if I can fix that for you.

Calling ActiveRecord's #relationship_ids = [1,2,3] saves immediately. Any workarounds?

I've come across an oddity in ActiveRecord's #relationship_ids method (that's added automatically when you declare 'has_many'), which saves immediately for existing records, which is causing me some issues, and I wonder if anyone had any useful advice.
I'm running Rails 2.3.5.
Consider this simple scenario, where an article has_many tags, say:
a = Article.first
a.name = "New Name" # No save yet
a.author_id = 1 # No save yet
a.tag_ids = [1,2,3] # These changes are saved to the database
# immediately, even if I don't subsequently
# call 'a.save'
This seems surprising to me. It's specifically causing problems whilst trying to build a preview facility - I want to update a bunch of attributes and then preview the article without saving it - but in this instance the tag changes do get saved, even though no other fields do.
(Of possible relevance is that if 'a' is a new article, rather than an existing one, things behave as I'd expect - nothing is saved until I call 'a.save')
I have a fairly nasty workaround - I can override the tag_ids= method in my model to instead populate an instance variable, and actually save the related models in a before_save callback.
But I'd love to know of a simpler way than me having to do this for every model with a has_many relationship I'd like to create a preview facility for.
Does anyone have any fixes/workarounds/general advice? Thanks!
There's a reason things are this way. It's called foreign keys. In a has many relationship, the information that links to the model that has many is stored outside of that model as a foreign key.
As in Articles, has many tags. The information that links a tag to an article is stored either in the tags table or in a join table. When you call save on an article you're only saving the article.
Active record modifies those other records immediately. Except in the case where you're working with a new article that hasn't been saved yet. Rails will delay creating/updating the associated records if it doesn't know which id to place in the foreign key.
However, if you're modifying existing records, the solution you've decided on is really all that you can do. There's an even uglier hack using accepts_nested_attributes_for, but it's really not worth the effort.
If you're looking to add this behaviour to many models but not all models, you might want to consider writing a simple plugin to redefine the assigment the method you need and add the call back in a single class method call. Have a look at the source of something like acts_as_audited to see how it's done.
If you're looking to add this behaviour to all models, you can probably write a wrapper for has_many to do that.
