UISearchDisplayController inside popover - bad animation on cancelling search - ios

My iPad app uses a popover to perform some searching. The search results are handled using a UISearchDisplayController, and I am having some trouble removing some little graphical artefacts.
My popover starts out looking like this:
When you click inside the search bar, the popover expands (animated) to:
All good so far... typing in the search field overlays a new table view showing the results of your search term.
But if you don't type anything into the search field, the overlay stays translucent, as above. The problem then comes when you click the cancel button next to the search field. A visual artefact appears at the bottom of the table view: an area the same height as one of the table view cells goes completely clear immediately, while the rest of the overlay animates to 0 alpha. The screenshot below is as close to the start of the animation I could get:
The popover also resizes to the original size in my case, although the artefact remains even if there is no resizing.
Given that all the important functionality of the search is handled by the UISearchDisplayController, I'm not sure what to change to solve this problem. Any ideas?

This might be a bug worth reporting. There are actually a surprising number of bugs in UIPopoverController. At least 3 that I know about separate from this, none of which are planned to be fixed anytime soon (I asked several engineers at WWDC this year). One of my bugs was actually related to the UISearchDisplayController in a popover, specifically how it handles filter buttons if the Popover is in the detail view (it renders them in the worst possible way, on the same line as the text view and completely unusable).


iOS11.2 iPad landscape, static split view, new SearchController, SearchBar usage spacing issue

New to Xcode/Swift, learning to use new SearchController methods (nav item, not table header). Dev'ing iPad landscape static split view app and search works fine, but has following UI behavior:
This is the starting point (master list before pull down to reveal searchbar):
master list before pull down to reveal searchbar
Pull down works as expected:
master list pulled down to reveal searchbar
Search starts with added scopebar - still everything a go:
search list with added scopebar
Cancel the search, and there is a space where the scope bar was (I can push up on the list, and it will snap back in place):
cancelled search with unwanted space
And the fun continues! If I initiate a second search, the first row of the search list is partially covered by the scopebar:
second search with first row partially covered by scopebar
If I tap one of the other scope buttons, the search list presentation is corrected:
scope change with correct search list presentation
I have scoured SO, and not found this exact issue; I have found other posted issues where the searchbar/scopebar were not correctly displayed, but none with extra spacing. I have tried various suggestions anyway, such as sizeToFit() in multiple places, adding/ignoring insets, turning various IB checkboxes on/off, and nothing is working - the changes only make it worse. Any suggestions?
FYI - This is also posted in the Apple Dev Forums at https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/97536, and I have some code snippets there, along with a few responses (but no solution yet).

How to implement newsfeed comment page similar to Facebook or Instagram

Both Instagram and Facebook allow their users to comment on news feeds. In the comment scene, they basically have a UITableView with all the comments and a “footer” where user may enter comments and post them. So the “footer” is a UIView or UIToolBar with a UITextField/UITextView and a UIButton. Truly simple stuff from the look of it. Well I have been trying to implement it and the keyboard is not cooperating. I need the keyboard to not hide the “footer”. Especially now in iOS 8 the keyboard comes with a suggestions tool bar that a user may choose to show or hide. All these interactions make it difficult to keep my “footer” right above the keyboard while user is entering text. Every time I think I nail the solution, I find a multitude of bugs.
In one implementation, I use keyboard notification to listen for when the keyboard is up or going down (partly based on iPhone Keyboard Covers UITextField). The problem with this implementation is that there is a lag of about 1 to 2 seconds for when the keyboard shows up and for the “footer” to climb to the top of the keyboard from the bottom of the screen. A second issue is when user drags the suggestion toolbar to either show or hide it while typing, it causes my “footer” to move in unpredictable manners: which means I will need some static variables to meticulously track cumulative interactions with the suggestion toolbar just to fix that bug. Also notice that I put “footer” within quotation marks. That’s because I am not referring to a UITableView footer. But rather a view that I create beneath the table view as suggested by UITableView, make footer stay at bottom of screen?
Another implementation I tried was to use a “footer” and a keyboard ToolBar. When user clicks on the UITextField of the footer, that would cause the keyboard to show up with a replica of the footer as inputAccessoryView. This is basically to visually fool the user into thinking it’s the same footer that seamlessly climbs with the keyboard. But in reality I am using two compound Views: a “footer” and a keyboard toolbar. The first problem I encounter with this one is that I cannot seem to make the tool bar text field the first responder programmatically. This actually used to work in ios-7. But since I updated to iOS-8 it does not work. So if I do footerTextField.inputAccessoryView=keyboardToolBar and then in the textfield delegate method check if(textField==footerTextField){[tooBarTextField becomeFirstResponder];}, iOS-8 just ignores the whole thing or, worse, dismiss the keyboard and the toolbar altogether, so that in fact the keyboard never shows up when I click on footerTextField since the showing and dismissing happen so quickly.So again this used to work in iOS-7, but in iOS-8 it does not work.
a third approach was to make the parent view a TPKeyboardAvoidingScrollView such that I would have parent, and children UITableView and “footer”. Here while TPKeyboardAvoiding have worked for me on other scenes in the app, for whatever reason it’s not working here. My guess is because I am using a UITableView as one of the children of a UIScrollView.
a forth approach was to make my “footer” an actual UITableView section footer; section footer because I want it to float at the bottom. The problem with section footer is that they don’t stick to the bottom, which gives a visually erratic user experience as you scroll the table.
Ok, so I have said a lot. So finally, has anyone implemented a scene similar to Facebook’s/Instagram’s NewsFeed Comment scene? If so, will you please help me?
To recap: the Facebook/Instagram input textfield grows with text; sticks to the top of the keyboard whether the keyboard's suggestion toolbar is showing or hidden; sticks to the bottom of the screen when the keyboard is gone.
SlackTextViewController seems to fit all your requirements and is very well-written.

Display search results in full screen with a custom control

I need to display search results for my custom control and I'm not so sure what is the best way to make this configurable.
Basically the control is similar to the UITextField but with more visualization. When the user enters some text to the field, the control would enter full screen so that the search field is on top and the results are displayed beneath. This would be very similar way to address search in Apple's Mail.app (see the attached picture).
The issue here is what would the "full screen" mean on an iPhone. If the view is presented from a table view cell, the parent view's frame is not good. The window's bounds do not work as I want to keep the navigation bar visible if there is one. Also, the full screen would be different with the iPad. With the iPad, I think I could use the pop over.
I was thinking if the controller using my custom control would provide the bounds (a delegate method perhaps?) but that feels somewhat cumbersome.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
So far I've come to a conclusion that the iPad and iPhone versions of this have to have their own specializations of the results display. On an iPad, the popover is quite trivial to implement. On an iPhone, I really can't figure out the proper way to determine the bounds for the expanded control (the text field and results table).
It is hard to describe the problem, but all I'd really need is means to expand the control to occupy some bounds (in most cases the space between the keyboard and navigation bar).

searchResultsTableView takes entire screen on ipad

I am working on a app for the iPad which has a tableView on the left and a view on the right. We are not using the UISplitViewController.
I have been able to setup filtered results using the Search Display Controller and a search bar, but the search results take up the entire screen.
Ideally, I would like to have the search results only take up the same amount of screen as our tableView. Or, barring that, have a way to dismiss the search results when 'didSelectRowAtIndexPath' is activated.
I'm not sure what code I should post. I'm using the code from the Apple code sample: TableSearch.
on the comment below: something like this..?
[self.searchDisplayController.searchResultsTableView setFrame:myTableView.view];
By default, table views take up the whole screen, but there is nothing stopping you from setting their frame.
Just call -setFrame on the searchResultsTableView property of your search display controller.

UITableView display distorted before setAnimationTransition during view swap

Greetings! I'm trying to borrow the view flip concept from Apple's TheElements sample app. This sample employs a container UIView in which you can swap between two subviews. The flip is achieved using setAnimationTransition:forView:cache: and removing/adding each subview.
In general, the flip works and I can swap between my two views (a UITableView with headers/footers, and a MKMapView). However, various (consistently chosen) areas of my table view are obliterated (using the table view's background color) before and after the table view is flipped, and I don't understand why.
I can't find anything unusual about the table view in terms of drawing. In the case of the sample app, the view is drawn from scratch, but I would hope that doesn't factor in to it! I'm really hoping it's something simple - maybe a UITableView property setting?
Clues appreciated. Thanks!
Update: When I slow down the animation, I begin to get an understanding of what is being disturbed (though I still don't know why). My table header view contains an image view and label view. Now, imagine the CGRects for those two views (only without any visible content, just a background color) being redrawn further down the table view, right over the table rows.
This also happens with another chunk of real estate that appears to come from a table view cell that was set with a custom height (to size the text within it).
I dropped a gratuitous number of breakpoints throughout my code (where things are sized, created and whatnot), and not one of them is hit during the transition.
I even tried placing my table view inside a UIView and targeting that for the transition instead. No difference.
From the API docs:
Caching can improve performance but if
you set this parameter to YES, you
must not update the view or its
subviews during the transition.
Updating the view and its subviews may
interfere with the caching behaviors
and cause the view contents to be
rendered incorrectly (or in the wrong
location) during the animation. You
must wait until the transition ends to
update the view.
That's all well and good, but I'm not updating any views or subviews during the transition. (At least not on purpose! Again, see the note about the breakpoints. Nothing got hit.)
Answer: In this case, it appears to only happen in ... the Simulator! On the device, it's fine.
I was thinking that such a run-of-the-mill transition would be the sort of thing that would render identically on the Simulator and the device.
I was wrong. So if you ever see animation transition glitches on the simulator, hang in there. It might be fine after all.
