301 Redirects - Advanced? - url

I am in a situation where there are TWO version sof each page on my site - which runs into thousands....now this is causing all sorts of problems with Google, I am dropping down the search results due to duplicate content. This was created as a result of enabling "SEO Friendly URLs" on my site.
Is there a way that I can rewrite ALL pages taht start with say brands.php to their SEO friendly version? e.g. /products.php?product=Oil-Pump-Star to /prducts/oil-pump-star/....without having to go through each URL manually...
Apologies if this is confusing - I find it hard to put the exact situation into written words!
Any input is appreciated!

this looks like you are using a Joomla CMS. you could use rel="canonical" to get away with this, but this will have to be done manually unfortunately. Google still suggests using a 301 redirect, and recommends a rel="canonical" only where 301 is not possible.
I will let you decide whats best for you.

It's hard to give you an example without knowing the type of URLs your system is setup for. However, based on the example you gave, you could do something like this:
RewriteRule ^([0-9a-zA-Z-]+).php?([0-9a-zA-Z]+)=([0-9a-zA-Z_-]+)$ $1/$3 [NC]
I have not tested it, so it may need some tweaking. You'll need to adjust your rules accordingly to work with the URLs you are trying to restructure.


How to get subpages of an URL without knowing them?

I'd like to know any Subpages of a certain URL. E.g. I have the URL example.com. There might exist the subpages example.com/home, example.com/help and so on. Is it possible to get all of such subpages without knowing there exact name?
I thought I can handle this problem with a web crawler. But it just crawls for pages mentioned on the page itself.
I hope you understand my problem and can help me with it.
Thank you!
To answer your question, yes. Scrapy "crawl" spiders work by setting rules that can be set to do exactly what you're trying to. When in doubt, always go to the docs!
Couple things to note:
You can create a crawl spider the same way when creating the generic spider!
scrapy genspider -t crawl nameOfSpider website.com
With a crawl spider, you then have to set rules to basically tell scrapy where and where not to go; how's your regex?!
class MySpider(CrawlSpider):
name = 'example.com'
allowed_domains = ['example.com'] # PART 1: Domain Restriction
start_urls = ['http://www.example.com']
rules = (
Rule(LinkExtractor(allow=('.*')), callback='parse_item'), # PART 2: Call Back
Now I copied and pasted this from the Official docs, and changed up what it should look like for you but I havent checked the code so yeah... teh logic is there though..
IThis works by getting ALL the link that it can see depending on the rules you set, does something with said link.
You want to restrict all other domains but the one your scrapinng
In the example I set the wildcard to literally accept every and any page in the domain... once you figure out tehs tructure of a website, you can use logic to build out what you need.
You should take a look at the docs more often though. I have been using scrapy for about 6-7 years and I still find myself going back to the man pages!
No, you can’t.
The way you describe the situation, the website intends those desired URLs to be secret.
Any way to find such URLs would be a security exploit that should be reported to the website owners right away so they can fix it.

What are URL codes called?

I came across a website with a blog post teaching all how to clear cache for web development purposes. My personal favourite one is to do /? on the end of a web address at the URL bar.
Are there any more little codes like that? if so what are they and where can I find a cheat sheet?
Appending /? may work for some URLs, but not for all.
It works if the server/site is configured in a way that, for example, http://example.com/foo and http://example.com/foo/? deliver the same document. But this is not the case for all servers/sites, and the defaults can be changed anyway.
There is no name for this. You just manipulate the canonical URL, hoping to craft a URL that points to the same document, without getting redirected.
Other common variants?
I’d expect appending ? would work even more often than /? (both, of course, only work if the URL has no query component already).
You’ll also find sites that allow any number of additional slashes where only one slash used to be.
Not sure if it affects the cache, but specifying the domain as FQDN, by adding a dot after the TLD, would work for many sites, too.
Some sites might not have case-sensitive paths.

Advanced URLs and URL rewriting

I was visiting the site asos.com the other day. If you search 'tshirt' on their site the resulting URL is 'http://www.asos.com/search/tshirt?q=tshirt'. Does anyone know which technique they use to make it seem that the live generate a page called 'tshirt' which basically takes any extension?
Also if you select a product the URL becomes something like: 'http://www.asos.com/ralph_lauren/polo/product.aspx' I know they don't have a file and folder for every brand and item, so how is it possible for the browser to follow this url?
I'm not looking for any code, just a hint on what to google for more information.
Hope this doesn't sound too ignorant!
Many Ragards,
In most cases, this sort of functionality (often called clean URL's, user-friendly URL's, or spider-friendly URL's), is achieved through server-side rewrites. To point all requests of a specific known structure to a single backend script for processing.
Now these specific URL's you mention are not, in my opinion, the best examples of clean URL's. I will give you an example however of how such a clean URL might be achieved using Apache mod_rewrite (since Apache is so popular).
Take for example a URL like http://somedomain.com/product/ralph_lauren/polo
You might be able to do something like this in mod_rewrite
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule /?product/(.*)/(.*) /product.php?cat=$1&subcat=$2 [L]
This would silently (to the end user) redirect the incoming request for any URL's of the structure /product/*/* to a script called /product.php, passing the second and third parts of the URL as cat and subcat parameters to be evaluated by the script.
I'm not sure I understand what you are asking, but in the example you cited it's using a query string which is everything after the '?' in the URL.
On the backend server it uses the variables passed in the query string to determine what to return back to you.

Remove multiple indexed URLs (duplicates) with redirect

I am managing a website that has only about 20-50 pages (articles, links and etc.). Somehow, Google indexed over 1000 links (duplicates, same page with different string in the URL). I found that those links contain ?date= in url. I already blocked by writing Disallow: *date* in robots.txt, made an XML map (which I did not had before) placed it into root folder and imported to Google Webmaster Tools. But the problem still stays: links are (and probably will be) in search results. I would easily remove URLs in GWT, but they can only remove one link at the time, and removing >1000 one by one is not an option.
The question: Is it possible to make dynamic 301 redirects from every page that contains $date= in url to the original one, and how? I am thinking that Google will re-index those pages, redirect to original ones, and delete those numerous pages from search results.
bad page: www.website.com/article?date=1961-11-1 and n same pages with different "date"
good page: www.website.com/article
automatically redirect all bad pages to good ones.
I have spent whole work day trying to solve this problem, would be nice to get some support. Thank you!
P.S. As far as I think this coding question is the right one to ask in stackoverflow, but if I am wrong (forgive me) redirect me to right place where I can ask this one.
You're looking for the canonical link element, that's the way Google suggests to solve this problem (here's the Webmasters help page about it), and it's used by most if not all search engines. When you place an element like
<link rel='canonical' href='http://www.website.com/article'>
in the header of the page, the URI in the href attribute will be considered the 'canonical' version of the page, the one to be indexed and so on.
For the record: if the duplicate content is not a html page (say, it's a dynamically generated image), and supposing you're using Apache, you can use .htaccess to redirect to the canonical version. Unfortunately the Redirect and RedirectMatch directives don't handle query strings (they're strictly for URIs), but you could use mod_rewrite to strip parts of the query string. See, for example, this answer for a way to do it.

Google sees something that it shouldn't see. Why?

For some mysterious reason, Google has indexed both these adresses, that lead to the same page:
(short notice - the site has had friendly urls since its launch, I have no idea how google found the "index.php?" url - there are "unfriendly" urls only in the content management system, which is password-restricted)
What can I do to solve the situation? (I have around 1000 pages that are double-indexed.) Somebody told me to use "disallow: index.php?" in the robots.txt file.
Right or wrong? Any other suggestions?
You'd be surprised as how pervasive and quick the google bots are at indexing site content. That, combined with lots of CMS systems creating unintended pages/links making it likely that at some point those links were exposed is the most likely culprit. It's also possible your administration area isn't as secure as you think, the google bot got through that way.
The well-behaved, and google recommended, things to do here are
If possible, create 301 redirects from you query string style URLs to your canonical style URLs. That's you saying "hey there, web bot/browser, the content that used to be at this URL is now at this other URL"
Block the query string content in your robots.txt. That's like asking the spiders or other automated programs "Hey, please don't look at this stuff. These aren't the URLs you're looking for"
Google apparently allows you to specify a canonical URL now via a <link /> tag in the top of your page. Consider adding these in.
As to whether doing the well behaved things is the the "right" thing to do re: Google rankings ... who knows. Only "Google" knows how their algorithms work now, and will work in the future, and by Google, I mean a bunch of engineers and executives with conflicting goals on how search should work.
Google now offers a way to specify a page's canonical URL. You can use the following code in your HTML to tell Google your canonical URL:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://www.example.com/product.php?item=swedish-fish" />
You can read more about canonical URLs on Google on their blog post on the subject, here: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html
According to the blog post, Ask.com, Microsoft Live Search and Yahoo! all support the canonical tag.
If you use sitemap generators to submit to search engines, you'll want to disallow in them as well. They are likely where Google got your links, from crawling your folder and from checking your logs.
Better check what URI has been requested ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) and redirect if it was /index.php.
Changing robots.txt will not help, since the page is already indexed.
The best is to use a permanent redirect (301).
If you want to remove a page once indexed by Google the only way, more or less, is to make it return a 404 not found message.
Is it possible you're posting a form to a similar url and google is simply picking it up from the source?
