TFS project working simultaneously on 2 TFS servers - tfs

we have 2 dev teams, one team work on TFS2005 and the other team work on TFS2010.
it's the SAME project but one team is continue to work on .net framework1.1 project version and the other team work on the .net framework4.0 project version.
after we do the first import from TFS2005 to TFS2010 to TPC X, can we import after one week just the changes of the passed week?
can we do import (TFS2005 to TFS2010) to the same TPC X (already existing one) ?
can check in can be done automatic to 2 TFS servers ?

I'd avoid splitting your code base accross 2 servers if possible. Once you've moved the code in to TFS 2010 I'd use branching to distinguish between the .net 1.1 version of the code and the .net 4 version.
Once you have the code in branches you can merge the code on a regular basis to keep the versions in step.
You need to think about what branching stratgy works best for your situation, read the guidance on codeplax to help you decide. Your branching strategy will depend largly on whether the .net 1.1 version of your code is being actively developed or if it's just in maintenance / bug fix mode.
If you're using VS 2003 to do the .net 1.1 development you can use the MSSCCI provider to give you basic TFS integration.

From your description it sounds like you already have two versions of this project in two separate TFS Servers. I agree with James that it's best not to split codebase across two version control systems, but sometimes we just end up in this type of situation.
How are you importing from TFS2005 to TFS2010?
This is an important question. TFS2010 does not have a way to import a single Team Project from one server to another. You can Import an entire TPC (Team Project Collection). I know of only two methods:
A) Seriously look at TIP (TFS Integration Platform). It's not perfect, but it is designed to do what you are looking for.
B) You can do a snapshot migration. Basically this means getting latest from VS2005, check in to VS2010 (wherever you want), then leave all prior history in VS2005.
If TIP doesn't work for you or is deemed too risky or missing critical info then find out if TFS2010 can import TFS2005 databases to migrate your TFS2005 Team Project Collection. If yes then make a copy of the TFS2005 Version Control databases, then import the entire Team Project Collection into TFS2010, then delete the other TFS2005 projects from this collection that aren't needed. You can call this your TFS2005 Archive Team Project Collection and keep the full fidelity version history on-hand if needed. I did a migration from TFS2008 to TFS2010 a couple times. It's non-trivial but doable.
Migration approaches:
Plan A: Migrate everything to TFS2010 and retire TFS2005 as soon as you can. You can archive 2005 or perhaps move it to a virtual machine if you feel it's essential to have available... but you really want to cut your admin work in half plus get 5 years worth of improvements by moving everything to TFS2010.
Plan B: Set up a system that allows you to integrate between the two servers until you can finally retire TFS2005. Stay in this situation only as long as absolutely necessary and upgrade whatever you need to unblock moving everything to TFS2010.
After we do the first import from TFS2005 to TFS2010 to TPC X, can we import after one week just the changes of the passed week?
A: It should be doable, but fidelity of import depends on how you are importing.
If you are doing a "snapshot migration" by checking in the latest version of VS2005 code into VS2010 then you can check out the first snapshot, repeat a new snapshot over the code, then merge the changes. The BIG drawback to snapshot migration process is that you lose all metadata in TFS2005 including change history, labels, checkin comments...
If you use TFS Integration Platform hopefully most content and metadata will transfer. The neat thing here is once you define the synchronization rules and run it once you can simply re-run the same migration with minor changes. Watch for how labels and changeset metadata gets transferred.
Can we do import (TFS2005 to TFS2010) to the same TPC X (already existing one) ?
TFS Integration
A: That shouldn't be a problem. TFS Integration Platform or checking in a "snapshot migration" can be targeted to any folder path. I assume there is no formal branch relationship established between the two codebases currently. Therefore I'd strongly recommend checking in the imported files into a separate folder, convert it to a branch (if not already done by import process), then establish whatever branching relationship makes sense to the existing TFS2010 project branch. If there is no shared code between these two projects then I'd keep their branches separated.
Can check in can be done automatic to 2 TFS servers?
A: That's the promise of TIP (the TFS Integration Platform). I personally had a rocky time trying to get it to migrate full source history from one TFS2010 Server to another, but big part of that problem was network issues traveling across 6,000+ miles and 3 firewalls.
Start by reading this blog and it's comments for a well balanced discussion of TIP and current limitations: TFS Integration Platform Updated (Mar ‘11)
Good Luck!


Migrate TFS Changesets

I assumed this would be easy, but I'm not finding anything on it...
I have a project in TFS 2010, which needs to be moved to a new TFS 2015 server. Apparently the project cannot simply be moved normally because it's using a different project template which is not compatible and causes errors when trying to migrate (so I'm told - I don't have any more details on this).
I'm looking for a way to bring over the changesets, keeping history, to the new server. I assumed there was some kind of "dump" where you could export the TFS changesets, then import them into the new server into an empty project - but I'm not finding that option.
TFS Integration is deprecated and apparently doesn't work for TFS2015, with no alternative listed.
I'm open to other creative options like temporarily exporting to a different version control system - for example, I've looked at SVNBridge, but I can't even get that working, let alone figure out if it would help here.
Is there a way to migrate all changesets for a given project and keep history, without migrating the entire project?
There is no default way to migrate changesets in TFS, you would need 3rd party tool, like OpsHub (some features are not free), to migrate the most commonly requested data. Check:
Or you may consider doing a upgrade from TFS 2010 to TFS 2015, which is a full data transfer. To understand factors that affect your upgrade's compexity, check the requirements and review the upgrade process.
Learn if a dry run makes sense for you, and weigh the benefits and the costs to perform a pre-production upgrade.
When you're ready to upgrade, minimize downtime with the TfsPreUpgrade tool - especially for very large TFS collection databases (> 1 TB). Follow these steps for how to upgrade TFS.

How can I merge/migrate TFS source code into existing Visual Studio Team System project preserving work items

We have a situation where at a point in our project's life, we needed to split off work item tracking and source control into 2 separate TFS projects, with the work items being in a VS Team Services project, and the source on-prem in TFS 2013.
The reason at the time being, we needed to grant access for our stakeholders to the product backlog, without them being on the corporate network where TFS is hosted. At the time there was concerns about security of the source code, hence the whole project was not lifted and shifted, just the backlog.
Now we're realizing some of the security concerns were not warranted, and we are missing out on the integration of ALM provided by a single project having both responsibilities, and would like to merge our source control out into the cloud-based VSTS project.
The problem is, the migration tools are overwriting the Work Items in VSTS. Is there some way we could merge, preserving that data, or any alternative to merge these two things together somehow?
I think you're looking at the Team Foundation Server Integration Tools here if you want to migrate source code history. Bear in mind that it's not going to be perfect (data time stamps will not be the same etc.).
If you can get away with it then just stick the latest code in VSTS and consider the on-prem server your archive should you need to go back. That doesn't tend to be too popular so you'll be wrestling with the integration tools. It's not the most friendly thing to use but mostly it will get the job done.
When you configure your session, you will want to choose Team Foundation Server\VersionControl.xml for your configuration. Then select a One-way-migration between your on-prem and VSTS.
You'll need to install VS 2012 or at least the Team Explorer.
Edit Coincidentally I had to do this myself so I blogged about the process here

Keeping History when moving Team Projects TFS

I am working on a TFS Implementation where the original Project that was created has a cpace in the name. This is causing issue in our builds since we need to kick off a batch file for the Deploy process and the space in the name creates some issues with the path name of the build folder. With this, I want to create a new project without the space. As you can imagine, I would like to keep the revision history of the Source Code if possible.
I have looked at this StackOverflow
Team Foundation Server - Moving Source with History
But I am a bit confused about what I would need to do. Is there someone out there that can point me to a document that is more friendly to someone who doesn't have a lot of TFS experience.
We've been faced with a similar task and we've used the TFS Integration Platform which might be of use to you.
Here's a couple of good blog posts on how to use it:
TFS Integration Tools - Part 1
TFS Integration Tools - Part 2

Team Foundation Server 2010 - To branch or not to branch?

I've currently got a number of Team Projects all happily managed by TFS.
I have one project, a windows app, that is currently in use and before I ported the code base to TFS, we manually used to maintain both the production build and a new development build using scripts to copy/merge the files.
e.g. App1 v1.x - production and
App1 v2.0 in development.
Before TFS we manually "merged" to bug fixes from the development build into the production build - so where applicable bug fixes from v1.x were also fixed in v2.
In this particular case v2 is quite different, re-factored ui, etc. The question I have is what is the best way of porting this scenario to TFS.
As I see it I have two options:
Create a new Team Project and continue manually "merging" applicable
code files.
Create a brand from the current project v1 and replace / overwrite the project piece by piece in VS so that the source control can manage the changes back to the Main team project.
V2 has a few additional class libs too - if that makes a difference.
Typically, this is the strategy we use to do branching and merging:
The project starts. All team members are working on version 1.0 in the single CURRENT branch.
Project approaches a milestone or release. Make a branch that will be used to stabilized the code for production in PROD 1.0 branch. Now half of the team stabilizes the product on the branch and half of the team continues doing new (riskful) stuff on the CURRENT branch.
PROD 1.0 branch is ready and delivered in production. The branch stays intact to provide maintenance and support on the delivered version. Fixes are made on the PROD 1.0 branch and merged into the CURRENT branch.
Project approaches another milestone or release. Make a new branch that will be used to stabilized the code for production in PROD 2.0 branch. The same mechanism is used as described before.
Using this branch-per-release strategy, you always have a branch per shipped and to be maintained version in which fixes can easily be propagated forward and backward between versions and the mainstream CURRENT development line.
With this respect, we use a TFS team project for multiple releases of a certain product. This limits the overhead creating and maintaining the project spaces.
In short...To branch!
It seems your code between versions is that much similar that you should be fine by simply branching your new release.
In general, changing to a new Team Project makes sense if you have one or more of the following:
a totally new bread of requirements and/or different Work Item types
completely different technology, in other words you have radically changed the design & merging is more loss than gain
need to store docs & other tokens in another SharePoint site
different development methodology - process template
different teams of people working on both sides, possibly want to restrict users from viewing v1 or v2
plan to release both products in completely different release cycles
need for totally separated reports
Reading your post I don't recognize the need to go after creating a new Team Project - of course I might be wrong.
In case you decide to go with the branch variant you could be greatly benefited from the impressive Visual Studio TFS Branching Guide 2010, on how to shape the structure of your codebase.

Team Foundation Server 2010 branching setup

We're setting up a brand new TFS 2010 server, without having used TFS before (or, frighteningly enough, no other central source management system). Here's the general structure our small team (of 6-7 programmers) talked about setting up, and I'm curious, based on others experience working with TFS, if this is a good idea or not (these names are just descriptive and not what we're planning to use):
Our Organization's Collection/
.Net technology projects/
class libraries projects/
Project 1/
Project 2/
Project 3/
ASP.NET projects/
Project 1/
Project 2/
Project 3/
Windows Workflow Foundation projects/
WPF projects/
Other non .NET source code/
Server configuration/
(and so on)
Will we regret this structure after a year of using it? An application would span many parts of this structure - would that be a problem to manage?
At what level do we set up release/main/dev branches?
Thanks for any input and guidance!
Plan now. Branch when necessary.
With a team that has never managed branching/merging, I wholly recommend keeping everything as simple as possible to start (meaning, forget branching for the short term). After having recently converted our source from VSS to TFS2010 and implemented a Branch By Quality strategy for a team of a similar size with similar experience levels, my recommendation is this:
Do not implement a branching strategy until you need it. You can always branch once you determine it is necessary. Go ahead and bring the projects into TFS for source control and make sure everyone is comfortable with the software and the teamwork necessary to keep it stable.
In the meantime find members of the team who are interested and give them time to research, train, test, and practice on a parallel or simplified instance of your codebase. They will need practice creating projects, branching and merging in situations that mimic your deployment process; they will need time to communicate with the rest of the team to fine tune your processes and DOCUMENT them; they will need to be willing to be a resource to other members of the team as the learning curve flattens out. This way you have team members prepared and confident to step up and implement your chosen branching pattern.
You do not want to jump into a branching strategy before determining the need for it. There is a large amount of administrative overhead involved with plenty of perils.
With that said:
I don't think you will have any trouble managing what you have there once you start branching to accommodate a need. The key here is to make sure you don't over-architect this and complicate the management of your source/deployment. Also know that the structure of your TFS will be reflected in your local file system / workspace.
We created a separate Team Project for each independent solution or group of related reused libraries. In one case we grouped a set of highly dependent solutions together under a single Team Project - a large multi-application intranet portal that is deployed at once. Doing so allows us to keep deployment and source management simple. Here is a look at our branching structure for this one at a high level:
This is one large project with many sub-projects. Every branch is a complete copy (just the difference/versions are stored on the server). There are a large number of Team Projects above and below this one in the Collection and looks a lot like your list up top.
The final answer depends on the interdependency, structure, and deployment strategy of your applications. Do you have any specific concerns regarding your structure there?
In addition to #hangy's link, if its TFS 2010 your settingup then codeplex's Visual Studio TFS branching guide details the current wisdom for 2010.
