taking a screenshot of user's current page in ruby on rails - ruby-on-rails

this is fo debugging purpose, please take into account the following:
the user logs in to his/her account so manually fetching a url will not work - the screenshot must happen together when the user access his admin pages.
would love to receive guidelines specific for ruby on rails and heroku (i guess heroku is not much an issue i just dump the screenshot to s3).
so ideally like i mentioned in #1, when a user access a page, my app also takes a screenshot of the entire page and dumps it in a tmp folder.
can anyone point me how to handle that?

In order to get a screenshot of what the user is currently seeing, you have to have some code on the user's machine that uses the underlying operating system API to take the screenshot. The API calls involved are different for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Ruby on Rails executes on the remote server and generates HTML and JavaScript etc. that is sent to the user's web browser. The HTML is rendered by the browser and the JavaScript executes within the browser's sandbox, where it has no direct access to the operating system API. The important point is that there is no direct interaction between the server-side code and the OS running on the user's computer. If this were possible then it would be a massive security hole.
Therefore it's not possible to do what you want programmatically unless you can first install a client-side program on the user's computer that can talk to your server-side code. It cannot be done using Ruby on Rails alone because it's a server-side web framework.

You can't do this without a user sending a screenshot themselves.


How to access my own Amazon information without an API, with Rails?

I'm trying to access and store a database of my read books and/or uploaded documents. I don't really mind what the method is as long as it's not scraping the info with some javascript extension in the browser. That defeats my purpose of automation.
This is what I've tried so far:
Oauth2: Gives me VERY limited information. Email, name, and not much more. So apparently the way is to scrape for that info, so I tried the following:
Mechanize: I tried to load the amazon login form and post it with my personal information stored on my server, but it seems this info is not sufficient, not sure why. Some hidden values also needed apparently.
I tried using an iframe to load the amazon site and the store the session cookies but can't find the way to make this work. Also, is this method allowed? I´m having some concerns about the legitimacy of this.
I know I asked about Amazon I think it also applies to the more general question of how to extract some data from a website that requires authentication.
Thanks a lot.
Capybara would be a good choice. It uses Selenium to open a browser and navigate to a URL, post form info, etc.

GWT real vs redirected URL

I have an OVH hosted application on http://ovhserver/myapp/
This application is also accessible via http://anyUser.domain.com. I did this by redirecting *.domain.com to http://ovhserver/myapp/
The browser displays the http://[anyUser].domain.com. But when I try to read it using GWT, I'm only getting the real adress (http://ovhserver/myapp/).
[anyUser] is a reference to the active account; If you create an account X, my application would be accessible via http://X.domain.com.
I tryed, in vain, using GWT.getHostPageBaseURL(), Window.Location.getHref() and Window.Location.getPath().
I want to read the "displayed" URL in the browser. How can I do it?
Thank you.
This is not redirection, most likely anyUser.domain.com loads ovhserver/myapp in a frame. You can try using $wnd.top.location.href in a JSNI method though I'm not sure you'll be given access to it (as it's a cross-origin access).
You should really try setting up a true domain/hosting, it doesn't cost much, and would save you many headaches that framing will doubtlessly create.

File access control in Rails

I have a web application which allows users to upload files and share them with other people across the internet. Anyone who has access can download the files, but if the uploader doesn't specifically share the file with someone else, that person can't download the files.
Since the user permissions are controlled by rails, each time someone tries to download a file it sent to the user from a rails process. This is a serious bottle neck - rails is needed for the file upload and permissions but it shouldn't be in the way taking up memory just for others to download files.
I would like to split the application on different servers for the frontend, database and file server. If the user does to my site, they should have the ability to download the file directly from something like my-fileserver.domain.com/file/38183 instead of running it through rails.
What is the best option for this? I would like to control file access at the database level, not the file system - but I don't want rails taking up all of the memory on my system for such a simple process. Any ideas?
One thing I may be able to do is load a list of files/permissions from mysql into a node.js app and give access rights to the file server as a true/false response based on what the file server sends in. This still requires the file server to run a web server, however.
May be You could generator a rand url for file, and control by center system .

Stop native web app from reloading itself upon opening on iOS

I'm trying to build a "native web app" using HTML + JS on iOS. As you may know you can add such an application to the homescreen and it will more or less look just like a normal native app.
However if I quit such an app and reopen it again it reloads the whole page again. This also happens when switching to such an application from another over the multitasking bar.
Is this expected behaviour or is there a way to stop the device from doing this?
As an example you can add the jqTouch-Demos from here to your homescreen and test it: http://jqtouch.com/preview/demos/main/
You could save the state of your app in localStorage. On restart, check to see if the state is running, then restore the app to where it last was.
Same problem here.
Anyway, if you don't want to reinvent the wheel you can use a tool like PhoneGap (http://www.phonegap.com/). Native web application wrapper with built in access to a number of native features.
Also, you store the application locally (fast, secure) and you can of course charge for it ;)
It's under BSD or MIT license.
Update: as this answer is receiving downvotes, I added this explanation.
Your problem might not be the actual reload, but the fact that Mobile Safari treats your user's cache and cookies differently when your web app is opened through the browser, than when it's 'installed' as a web app to the home screen. Although the solutions proposed here that use localStorage will work, they're a lot of work for client-side logic that can be avoided if your server is already responsible for persisting the session state of your user. The 30-second solution is to simply explicitly set the session cookie to have a longer lifetime.
This allows you to keep the state intact even between device reboots, so even though it doesn't technically stop the web app from being reloaded when launched from the home screen, it is an easy way to restore the state for the user without him/her noticing the reload - which in many cases I suspect is the real problem.
For a more elaborate discussion of this strategy and code examples, take a look at these questions and my answers there:
Maintain PHP Session in web app on iPhone
iPhone "Bookmark to Homescreen" removes cookies and session?
You might want to look at using cache-manifest to prevent it loading the files.
Matt Might has a good writeup here:
Basically you change the html tag to this
<html manifest="cache.manifest">
and write a cache.manifest file on the server which specifies which files should be kept in the device cache and which should be reloaded dynamically from the network.
You also need to make sure your web server serves up .manifest files with the MIME type text/manifest, or else this won't work. If you're using apache, put the following in your .htaccess file:
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest

Using Remote Web Page to Initialize iPhone App

My iPhone app relies on a vendor's XML feed to provide data. But that feed is not locked down. The vendor could change the format of the XML at any time, although so far they've promised not to.
Since I might want to tell my app to use a different URL for its data source, I'd like to set up a single "Command Central" Web page, on my own server, to direct the app to the correct data source.
In other words, each time my app starts, in the background and unseen by the user, it would visit "http://www.myserver.com/iphoneapp_data_sources.xml" to retrieve the URL for retrieving data from my vendor. That way, if my vendor suddenly changes the exact URL or the XML feed that the app needs, I can update that Web page and ensure that all installations of the app are using the correct XML feed.
Does anyone have any advice or examples showing this kind of approach? It seems as if this must be a common problem, but so far I haven't found a well-established design pattern that fits it.
Instead of connecting your iPhone app directly to the vendor's XML feed, you could use a page on your own server as a proxy.
The iPhone app connects with http://www.yourserver.com/proxyxmlfeed.xml, which redirects to the correct vendor URL, http://www.vendorsserver.com/realxmlfeed.xml. This way, if for some reason the real XML feed URL changes, you only have to change the URL the proxyxmlfeed.xml file redirects to, and you're done!
