What is the difference between generators and templates? - ruby-on-rails

In Rails we have both generators and templates to quickly setup and configure applications. Superficially, there seems to be 2 differences between generators and templates:
You can apply templates when creating a new application with rails new appname -m path/to/template.rb. Generators must be run after the creation of a rails app with rails g generator_name
Generators are classes made up of a series of public methods that are fired in the sequence they are declared. Templates are just a set of commands.
To my mind, this seems to make both generators and templates essentially identical. If I had to choose, I would go with templates because firing a series of public methods in the order they are declared seems to be quite a weird OO abstraction to me. A series of simple commands is far clearer and doesn't require the reader to know that rather unusual convention in order to understand templates.
Are there any more significant differences between generators and templates? If so, are there situations where one is more suitable than another? If not, why does Rails have both and is one method likely to become deprecated at some point?

I think it's mainly a chicken and egg thing that your are describing - the template you are describing (not to be confused with the templates of action view) has to be applied before the app is created, whereas generators do work from within the rails app (and more can be added via plugins etc). Apples and Oranges.


Share code/configurations/conventions/gems between Rails apps

First a little bit of context: I am currently working as a freelancer, developping webapps using Ruby on Rails. Because I am working solo, the need to optimize my workflow is pretty important.
That's why I have always had the same question since I begun working with Rails:
How can I share code/configuration/conventions/tests between my apps?
More precisely, I want to share:
common gems that I always use, with their configuration
common integration tests, to ensure some conventions
common view helpers, test helpers, extensions to the core classes, javascript/sass partials
common files: .gitignore, git hooks, .eslintrc, configuration files of my CI etc
Some concrete examples of what I need in all my apps:
disable turbolinks by default, to add it later if need be
use javascript instead of coffeescript
use slim instead of ERB
install/configure capistrano
install a CSS framework (bootstrap, bourbon + neat + refills)
So far I don't really have the need to share models nor controllers.
I don't want to share behavior or functional components of the system itself, I am not looking for a micro-services architecture.
I have found that so far when creating new applications, all this setup work does take me a lot of time. Also, I would like to apply it retro-actively to existing apps when I add something new.
I have done quite a bit of research, but I haven't found a lot of answers. Many people are trying to share models, but few people seem to want to share a common ground between all their apps. Finding the right keywords may have been the problem though.
It seems to me that Rails is really good at DRY within an application, not so easy when trying to DRY between applications.
1 - Rails application template
The solution I am using right now, described in the Rails Application Templates guide, using the same API than the Rails generators described in the Creating and Customizing Rails Generators & Templates guide.
That's the solution used by Thoughtbot, with their popular suspenders gem. In the case of Thoughbot though, they have years of experience to draw from, have many employees and their common setup does not change that much.
saves a lot of time when creating a new application
really nice API
a lot of duplication: all the apps have the same common code, with the problem of this code getting out-of-sync
not retroactive: useless to add a common feature to already created apps
heavy maintenance work: my current workflow is to go through the git log of my apps once per month, and for each commit that could be common to all the apps I have, add it to the application template, and add it to the other apps manually
So far this solution is not that bad, because I only have two applications. But once I will have more, I will suffer from more and more overhead.
A better solution would be maybe to create a generator/rake task for every common new feature, to be able to apply it quickly to existing apps, and call it directly in the application template for new apps.
I haven't tried it though, and I am not really sure it will work. For example what if I want to propagate a one-line change in an existing common file in all the apps?
2 - Rails Engine
I have tinkered a bit with the Rails Engines to share code.
I have not understood from the Getting Started with Engines guide if I should better use a --full engine or a --mountable one for this specific purpose.
once I update the gem version, all the changes are made available to the app
DRY: all the common code is in a unique place (the gem)
the gems I would like to share are put in the *.gemspec file, which has not as many features as the Gemfile (from what I understand)
overhead caused by the need to update the version of the gem in all the apps, migrate to the new API of helpers, etc
no way to share non-rails files (.gitignore, git hooks, .eslintrc)
This solution has too many important shortcomings.
3 - Hybrid solution: Rails Application Template + Rails Engine
Maybe the best would actually to use both the above solutions.
In the gem share helpers and tests, in the rails template share the gems, their configuration/files and other files (for git, linters, etc)
It is indeed adding more complexity and overhead...
4 - Use git subtrees
Some people use git subtrees to share folders between multiple webapps.
one has to share whole folders, not easy to share everything I would need, in their different target directories in the rails app
seems a bit "hacky" to me
Is there another solution than the ones I mentionned above?
What do you think would be the best way to do it?
How about having a blank "Master" rails app in the git somewhere. With all the settings and configurations you'd like to share. When creating a new app from scratch, you can merge the "Master" into it to apply the defaults. When you have an existing app, same thing, just merge and resolve conflicts as needed.This also gives you the ability to override the merged code if needed to.
Few things I can see wrong with this approach though:
Rails application name could cause a lot of headaches
Any updates could cause merge conflicts
I created a tool to deal with this when working in nodejs projects. But the tool is really just a command line tool so you should be able to use it.
It is a concept with creating a dictator that dictates parts of your code base.

Scaffold is a good or normal pratice in Rails?

I'm a PHP developer, and any framework I've used, scaffold is recommended just for tests.
So, my question is: in Rails too?
It's recommend use scaffold in production (for just a CRUD, example: a blog)
Because, on thing is different: in some PHP frameworks, the scaffold views is processed/created in each requisition, but in Rails (I think), the files are already created.
Scaffolding is kind of standard structure of Rails app. As ruby is a deadly flexible language, I think Rails implements this feature just to guide new comers to make things work in a relatively uniform way.
Anyway, it follows the best practice of RESTful pattern. Although we won't always use "rails g scaffold xxx...", the main file structure of the program is just like the scaffold.
PS: for some situations like building the platform for admin, scaffold is really a good tool to use. Because the standard table, the CRUD actions are just admin's daily work. Scaffold saves days on this kind of stuff.
You need to be aware that if you generate a Rails scaffold for a model, it'll generate all the code required to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) stuff in your database. You probably don't want that kind of priviledge given over to all users in a production environment (particularly update and delete) so that's why it's dangerous to blindly upload scaffold code to production.
If you do create a scaffold, you should go through it and remove all the parts you don't want to be exposed in a production environment. For a simple blog, you probably only want the index and show functions and remove the ability to create, update and destroy entries (or at least protect them with some authentication solution so that only you can do that).
I would say that the code generated by a scaffold is fine to use in production, it's more that you need to be careful what priviledges you give to public users.
If nothing else, scaffolds are very good for learning about how database driven applications work.
Depending on the situation, I do scaffold my models when I generate them and then remove stuff I don't need and tailor it to my requirements (including adding tests). I usually find that quicker than writing all the code from scratch (especially when it generates the database migration file, test files and adds the model resource to the routes file at the same time).
Most developers do not use the scaffolding.
It's not the worst thing in the world, but it will give you a generic, out-of-the-box setup. I personally think it's best to avoid when you're just starting out because then you won't learn the basics very well. And it's best to avoid when you're more skilled because it probably won't give you what you want anyway.

Rails - View files - How to avoid one html file and one js file per controller action?

Being quite new to rails and currently building a project, i'm begining to be in a situation where my view folder is growing a bit too much
I have for e.g :
I would definitely prefer to have 2 files :
And inside of each (like in controller) have a part for each actions.
Currently it seems too much trouble to edit each files, even if they are skinny.
How do you manage your view files ? Is my comments view folder "normal" for a rails project ? Is there some templates engine like handlebar that can help address this problem ?
This is a bad idea. Rails splits up actions into different views so that everything is modular and more easily maintained. There is no way to simply combine everything into a monolithic file and call the parts you want on a per-action basis; that's the point of your controller.
If you're having a hard time editing different files, I wouldn't say that's a problem with Rails behavior but with your development environment. Many IDEs and editors have features or plugins that assist the process of dealing with many files. However, your case is pretty standard for a CRUD view.
In rails 3.1 and beyond, JS files go in the assets/javascripts folder for use in the assets pipeline...which if I read between the lines you'd probably like even less. But aside from that, this looks pretty normal.
Having too much in one file violates the Single Responsibility Principle. Each file should have only one reason to change.
I agree with #rpedroso. Rails sets up these things for a reason. You can choose to disagree with the reason and do it differently; presumably you have a deep understanding of the system and the tradeoffs involved. But doing things differently without knowing the reason is just careless. Rails is so popular because it lays down easy-to-follow conventions which are strongly recommended, because everybody knows what they are and can speak the same language with you. Disregard the conventions at your own peril.
I recommend Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial as a wonderful intro to Rails.

Symfony admin generator: To be or not to be?

on the last projects i've started, I wondered if I should use the admin generator or not. My usual choice is to not use it, as some developers suggested to me, "unless it's for quick backend prototyping and submission to client", they said. Currently i'm starting a project and i'm in the situation that the client need the backend very fast to start loading lots of data, and i'm doubting about using the admin generator or not. I would use it if needed simple form fields. But one of my models must have multiple images, and maybe I need a more complex view that allow the client to load N images, so the admin generator maybe it's not the best choice, but it seems fast, it seems to save time and that's what I need now, time saving!
The project is very simple, it's just a Product model with multiple images and multiple sizes and belongs to a simple category.
What do you think? What would be the best option for this? And where do you think that makes sense to use the admin generator or the regular module generator?
Thanks in advance!
I use the admin generator as much as possible. It is really designed to be great for the "backend" of your website-- the administrative screens which authors and editors will use to maintain the app. Any module that needs to be user-editable and is simple cries out for the admin generator.
Recently I have been starting everything with the admin generator so that there's a working prototype to build data with. Then I select certain modules or views that need more magic sauce, and build them out with more customization.
Remember, you can add views and forms to an admin generator module. On my last project I used the admin generator for the "edit" action of my main object but added "show" methods similar to a non-admin-generator form-- adding an executeShow() action and showSuccess template.
The other thing to keep in mind is that the admin generator is only a generator. It writes a bunch of code for you in cache/frontend/env/modules, but you can override any of it by building the equivalent code in apps/frontend/modules/. If you find one part of it that you can't configure with generator.yml, you can copy the file out of the cache into your module dir and hack away. I prefer to take the "out of the box" admin generator as far as possible before customizing it, though.
i've been working with symfony for quite some time now and i've been using the admin generator for simply and complex situations. It's true that it saves time when developing CRUD modules, but i dont think that is not advisable for complex cases.
I think you should use it and also learn the power of customization the generator gives you. If you have complex Forms, leave that for form classes to manage and as you said, if your forms a quite more complex to render, well you should only take care of the rendering of that only segment of the view.
But, if you decide to make if without it, you should start thinking about creating all the view from scrap, that in my case takes quite time ( i'm not so versatile wiht css).
But this is only my opinion, hope this helps you make a more rational choice!

ROR: To scaffold or not?

I love scaffolding and it extremely helpful for prototyping. But Should we use scaffolding for developing application as such?
The name "scaffolding" is sort of a misnomer in Rails now (post 2.0). The structure generated through scaffolding generator is more of a base application to build on, rather than a "prototype" that you throw away later.
At least, if you are designing your application to be RESTful, you will find yourself keeping most of the scaffold generator produced controller and model code, while adding more logic to them. You will perhaps replace the views eventually while keeping bits and pieces of Ruby code in them.
There is no harm in using scaffold to kick-start development of your application. However, if you are a newbie you need to understand how stuff can be done without it. Scaffold is a tool for rapid prototype development in rails and can be used if you can alter it to suit your requirements quickly.
i use it a lot
i strt off with scaffolding and then gradually replace it with custom code; it's a great way to get something up and running pretty quick.
Actually It's depends on your requirements. When we consider about the scaffold it will generate CRUD(Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations instantly. So if you need to remove some of operations its really easy if you coded it manually. But that also can be done by using scaffold also. Just you have to remove those methods only.
So it's your choice whether you use it or not
I have read some books,the author all told me that a for developer will not use it in they business project.So I am not using it in my project any time.But it is only my options,it is up to you.
