OpenCV detect numbers - image-processing

I'm using OpenCV on the iPhone and need to detect numbers in an image. I split the image into smaller images so each image has only one number (1-9). All numbers are printed, NOT handwritten.
What would be the best approach to figure out the numbers with OpenCV?
I have successfully found the numbers and extracted them. They look like this:
When they are extracted they are in the same size and so on. I have saved a bunch of images and put them in a OCR dir where they are categorized into numbers. Like: ocr/1/100.jpg 101.jpg.... and ocr/2/200.jpg 201.jpg....
Then I was going to use the same approach as in the Basic OCR tutorial:
However, I'm programming for iPhone and can't use C++ code (error on compiling and so on) and I don't have access to highgui.
I tried using cvMatchTemplate() and match a bunch of images but it seems to work pretty bad...
Any other ideas I can try?

You could start by reading about Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fisher's Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). These are classification methods that are extremely useful for OCR, and there are libraries in any language including C++, Python, C# etc.
It turns out that OpenCV already includes excellent implementations on PCAs and SVMs[dead link]. I haven't seen any OpenCV code examples for OCR, but you can use some modified version of face classification to perform character classification. An excellent resource for face recognition code for OpenCV is this website[dead link].

If the numbers are printed, the job is quite simple, you just need to figure out a nice set of features to match. If the numbers are one font, you can get away with this approach:
Extract the number
Find the bounding box
Scale the image down to something like 10x8, try to match the aspect ratio
Do this for a small training set, take the 'average' image for each number
For new images, follow the steps above, but the last is just a absolute image difference with each of the number-templates. Then take the sum of the differences (pixels in the difference image). The one with the minimum is your number.
All above are basic OpenCV operations.

Basically your problem is just to classify a feature vector, which is the set of pixel intensities after some preprocessing steps. You can use any classifier for this task, like eg. neural networks, which should have a C implementation inside OpenCV. You might also try a C libsvm library for Support Vector Machines.
There is a good site related to this problem with a lot of papers and a training database.

Maybe the most simple and convinient way is to use svm as ml algorithm
and gray images as feature vectors.

Objective C++?
Try renaming your .m files to .mm and you can then use c++ in your iPhone project.

Convolution Neural Networks are by far the best algorithms for hand written digits. The are implemented in most systems like USPS etc. Here are few papers explaining the algorithms.

This is a nice open source ,It is a ORCDemo on iPhone.Hope it is useful to you

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python
This might help you out. Converting the code from Python to C++ is not a difficult task, since OpenCV API's are same for the both.

Tesseract is also a nice free OCR engine that is readily available for iPhone and allows you to use your own sets of training images:

HOG + SVM (Try to play with kernels)


Best approach to build a model to recognise licence plates (ALPR)

I am trying to make a deep learning model to detect and read number plates using deep learning techniques like CNN. I would be making a model in tensorflow. But i still don't know what can be the best approach to build such model.
i have checked few models like this
i have also checked some research papers but none show the exact way.
So the steps what i am planning to follow are
Image preprocessing using opencv ( grayscale,transformations etc i dont know much about this part)
Licence plate Detection (probably by sliding window method)
Train using CNN by building a synthetic dataset as in the above link.
My questions
Is there any better way to do this?
Can RNN also be combined after CNN for variable length number?
Should i prefer detecting and recognising individual characters rather the whole plate?
There are many old methods too who prefer image preprocessing and the directly passing to OCR.What will be the best?
PS- i want to make a commercial real time system. So i need good accuracy.
Firstly, I don't think combining RNN and CNN can achieve real time system. And I personally prefer detecting individual characters if I want real time system because there will not more than 10 characters on license plate. When detecting plates with variable length, detecting individual characters can be more feasible.
Before I learned deep learning, I also have tried to use OCR to detect plate. In my case, OCR is fast but the accuracy is limited especially when the plate is not clear enough. Even image processing cannot rescue some unclear case.......
So if I were you I will try as follows:
Simple image preprocessing on the whole image
Licence plate Detection (probably by sliding window method)
Image processing (filters and geometric transformations) on the extracted plate part to make it more clear. Separate characters.
Deploy CNN to each character. (Maybe I will try some short CNNs because of real time, such as LeNet used in MNIST handwritten digit data ) (Multithreading might be needed)
Hope my response can help.

Face landmark extraction in OpenCV 3.0. Can anyone suggest any good open source libraries that will allow me to extract facial landmarks?

I am currently using OpenCV3.0 with the hope i will be able to create a program that does 3 things. First, finds faces within a live video feed. Secondly, extracts the locations of facial landmarks using ASM or AAM. Finally, uses a SVM to classify the facial expression on the persons face in the video.
I have done a fair amount of research into this but can't find anywhere the most suitable open source AAM or ASM library to complete this function. Also if possible I would like to be able to train the AAM or ASM to extract the specific face landmarks i require. For example, all the numbered points in the picture linked below:
If there are any alternatives to what i have suggested to get the required functionality then feel free to suggest them to me.
Thanks in advance for any answers, all advice is welcome to help me along with this project.
In the comments, I see that you are opting to train your own face landmark detector using the dlib library. You had a few questions regarding what training set dlib used to generate their provided "shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat" model.
Some pointers:
The author (Davis King) stated that he used the annotated images from the iBUG 300-W dataset. This dataset has a total of 11,167 images annotated with the 68-point convention. As a standard trick, he also mirrors each image to effectively double the training set size, ie 11,167*2=22334 images. Here's a link to the dataset:
Note: the iBUG 300-W dataset includes two datasets that are not freely/publicly available: XM2VTS, and FRGCv2. Unfortunately, these images make up a majority of the ibug 300-W (7310 images, or 65.5%).
The original paper only trained on the HELEN, AFW, and LFPW datasets. So, you ought to be able to generate a reasonably-good model on only the publicly-available images (HELEN,LFPW,AFW,IBUG), ie 3857 images.
If you Google "one millisecond face alignment kazemi", the paper (and project page) will be the top hits.
You can read more about the details of the training procedure by reading the comments section of this dlib blog post. In particular, he briefly discusses the parameters he chose for training:
With the size of the training set in mind (thousands of images), I don't think you will get acceptable results with just a handful of images. Fortunately, there are many publicly available face datasets out there, including the dataset linked above :)
Hope that helps!
AAM and ASM are pretty old school and results are a little bit disappointing.
Most of Facial landmarks trackers use cascade of patches or deep-learning. You have DLib that performs pretty well (+BSD licence) with this demo, some other on github or a bunch of API as this one that is free to use.
You can also give a look at my project using C++/OpenCV/DLib with all functionalities you quoted and perfectly operational.
Try Stasm4.0.0. It gives approximately 77 points on face.
I advise you to use FaceTracker library. It is written in C++ using OpenCV 2.x. You won't be disappointed on it.

Image classification/recognition open source library

I have a set of reference images (200) and a set of photos of those images (tens of thousands). I have to classify each photo in a semi-automated way. Which algorithm and open source library would you advise me to use for this task? The best thing for me would be to have a similarity measure between the photo and the reference images, so that I would show to a human operator the images ordered from the most similar to the least one, to make her work easier.
To give a little more context, the reference images are branded packages, and the photos are of the same packages, but with all kinds of noises: reflections from the flash, low light, imperfect perspective, etc. The photos are already (manually) segmented: only the package is visible.
Back in my days with image recognition (like 15 years ago) I would have probably tried to train a neural network with the reference images, but I wonder if now there are better ways to do this.
I recommend that you use Python, and use the NumPy/SciPy libraries for your numerical work. Some helpful libraries for handling images are the Mahotas library and the scikits.image library.
In addition, you will want to use scikits.learn, which is a Python wrapper for Libsvm, a very standard SVM implementation.
The hard part is choosing your descriptor. The descriptor will be the feature you compute from each image, intended to compute a similarity distance with the set of reference images. A good set of things to try would be Histogram of Oriented Gradients, SIFT features, and color histograms, and play around with various ways of binning the different parts of the image and concatenating such descriptors together.
Next, set aside some of your data for training. For these data, you have to manually label them according to the true reference image they belong to. You can feed these labels into built-in functions in scikits.learn and it can train a multiclass SVM to recognize your images.
After that, you may want to look at MPI4Py, an implementation of MPI in Python, to take advantage of multiprocessors when doing the large descriptor computation and classification of the tens of thousands of remaining images.
The task you describe is very difficult and solving it with high accuracy could easily lead to a research-level publication in the field of computer vision. I hope I've given you some starting points: searching any of the above concepts on Google will hit on useful research papers and more details about how to use the various libraries.
The best thing for me would be to have a similarity measure between the photo and the reference images, so that I would show to a human operator the images ordered from the most similar to the least one, to make her work easier.
One way people do this is with the so-called "Earth mover's distance". Briefly, one imagines each pixel in an image as a stack of rocks with height corresponding to the pixel value and defines the distance between two images as the minimal amount of work needed to transfer one arrangement of rocks into the other.
Algorithms for this are a current research topic. Here's some matlab for one: . Looks like they have a java version as well. Here's a link to the original paper and C code:
Try Radpiminer (one of the most widely used data-mining platform, with IMMI (Image Mining Extension,, AGPL licence.
It currently implements several similarity measurement methods (not only trivial pixel by pixel comparison). The similarity measures can be input for a learning algorithm (e.g. neural network, KNN, SVM, ...) and it can be trained in order to give better performance. Some information bout the methods is given in this paper:
Now-a-days Deep Learning based framworks like Torch , Tensorflow, Theano, Keras are the best open source tool/library for object classification/recognition tasks.

Identify pattern in image

what is the best approach to identify a pattern (could be a text,signature, logo. NOT faces,objects,people,etc) in an image, given that all images are taken from the same angle, which means the pattern to identify will be ALWAYS visible at the same angle, but not position / size/ quality / brightness, etc.
Assuming I have the logo, I would like to run a test on 1000 images, from different sizes & quality and get those images that have this pattern embedded or at least a high probability to have this pattern embedded.
Perhaps you can show a couple of images but it seems like template matching (perhaps with a distance transform) seems like an ideal candidate to your problem.
Perl? I'd have suggested using OpenCV with python or C since you're on the Linux platform.
You could check out SURF and SIFT (explains how to do this with OpenCV and C++ with code attached) which can do decent template matching (logos, etc.).
Text detection is a different kettle of fish, I'd suggest Robust Text Detection in Natural Images with Edge-enhanced maximally stable extremal regions paper which is the latest I've seen that does robust text detection from natural scenes without becoming overly intricate.
Training a neural network with the expected patterns seems to be the best way all-round, though the training process will take a long time. Actual identification is almost real-time though.
Here's a discussion on MSER implementation in two libraries: a) OpenCV, b) VLfeat
Have you checked ? It has great libs for blob processing. Its in .NET

Can I get the OpenCV source code snippet for k-means clustering algorithm?

I was going the K-means algorithm as a technique for clustering images, as part of my project in the area of Image Processing. In the process, I decided to code using OpenCV libraries. So, can somebody help me in coding the algorithm in C++ using OpenCV. I can manage well, if some code snippet is provided. I just started learning about the OpenCV environment. Thank you for reading this. I ll be grateful for your help. waiting for a reply!
Before you implement clustering (k-means or otherwise), you need to figure out how to compare one image vs the other. This is usually dependent on the type of images you have, what features you can extract (colors, edges, shapes etc.).
A simple way of comparing 2 images would be to use the SURF features and compare to other images' SURF features. The OpenCV samples should get you started on how to extract SURF.
Other approaches would be to extract edges, shapes, color histograms and compare to others. Once you have done so, clustering should be fairly straightforward.
Check mlem.cpp and cxmatrix.cpp.
If you're new to OpenCV, have a look at my website.. I've put up some tutorials/articles on vision and vision algorithms. Hopefully they'll help!
