how to Run two BlackBerry simulators in windows eclipse? - blackberry

How to Run two instance of BlackBerry simulator in windows eclipse?

The documentation regarding developing with BlackBerry Messenger indicates that you can run two simulators at once, at least with the simulators that come bundled with the BBM SDK.

You cannot. If you try, you will get an error message saying only one simulator can run at a time.

What you need to do is:
Install the blackberry eclipse plugins twice and make two
workspace of each eclipse.
Run the two simulators in each eclipse and error like "could not
open port 19780 and it is use by another program....." will pop
out in one of your simulator.
So made the changes in pin,
data-port values in .bat files, files inside
MDS and fledge-settings.conf in one of your simulator... but this
changes will not be reflected on your eclipse.
So what you need to do is, when you click the debug configuration from your
eclipse, you will see the simulator option there. So, click the simulator and change the PIN value, whatever you have made the changes in .bat files.. and just after that in the simulator you will again find the option of network, there unselect the disable registration button...once all this changes is made click apply and restart your eclipse... this will surely solved your problem


Form not showing up in my Emulator

I have a mac pro. I installed xamarin studio and everything I needed for android development on mac. The first time I created a project I ran it and everything works. I was able to click on a button which counted my number of clicks kind of like a default.
I decided to follow the Android quick start tutorial on Xamarin and when I got done creating the project and ran it nothing showed in my emulator. The controls I created did not show up. All I got on top of the screen was "Deployment Completed" . No error messages either. How do I trouble shoot this? I want to be able to see the screen I created in the Emulator and click on various buttons.
Now I just got an error message and it can be found below.
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/Android/Xamarin.Android.Common.targets: Warning: No -tsa or -tsacert is provided and this jar is not timestamped. Without a timestamp, users may not be able to validate this jar after the signer certificate's expiration date (2047-01-01) or after any future revocation date. (Phoneword)
My guess is that your Android project did not actually get built either because you have selected the wrong configuration and platform pair or because the settings for the configuration and platform pair are not correct.
When building and running on Android, you want to make sure you change your Platform to AnyCPU and then either choose Debug or Release for your Configuration depending on what environment you are targeting. For building and running on iOS, you would just change the Platform to iPhone Simulator or iPhone.
See image below for how to access these settings (just click where the red boxes are circled):
In Xamarin Studio, with your project open:
Click Project -> Solution Options
Choose the Configurations tab
Choose the Configuration Mappings tab
Now change the Configuration dropdown to Debug and the Platform to AnyCPU
Make sure that the Build checkbox is checked next to your shared project (most likely the one at the top) and that the Build checkbox is checked next to your Android project
Now click OK, make sure you have the correct Configuration and Platform are selected
Rebuild the solution and try to run it again
*Edit: After talk in the comments, the emulator must be unlocked to actually view the running app. To unlock the emulator:
Click and hold down on the lock icon at the bottom of your emulator screen
Drag the mouse up to the top of the screen and release the click

ios how to launch app on device using command line

I am doing ci stuff now. Everything works well, I can package and install ipa on device.
But I don't know how to launch the app. I search Google million times to see whether there is
some methods to do it. Unfortunately, I can't solve the problem now.
Any points. Thanks in advance.
There are a number of tools available for this now. Your mileage may vary.
You can also try using the Instruments command line tool for launching apps (for example, if you need to run UI Automation).
As Aaron points out RoboVM can do this using its wrappers around libimobiledevice. These can be used standalone. Just download the latest jar file from and call it like this:
java -cp robovm-libimobiledevice-0.0.7.jar org.robovm.libimobiledevice.util.AppLauncher
This will print out some help on how to use this tool.
Plug in your iOS device, put it in provisioning portal, click run on Xcode. Make sure your device is displayed on the right of the run button.
Xcode 5 should enable you to do this all from the app.

xamarin don't build proper apk with android sdk

Yesterday I was able to build apk files.
Since I have add lots of pictures and ressources to theme the app, and when I want to test it on my device, Visual Studio build me one app that crash.
I set the "Release" mode, I go to TOOL>Publish application, I create a keystore and I build the apk.
I put the code to "Disable Debugging" and I've made the manifest.
When I tried to install it, it works, but the app crash.
The application works perfectly with the emulator.
The weight hasn't really change (some Ko) but the app MUST be bigger because of all the pictures I've put, so something is wrong...
Thanks to help me :-)
I unchecked the "Use Shared Runtime" in the properties>Mono android options:

How to launch an application in Blackberry simulator through command prompt

I want to open the simulator, load the cod file and run the application in Blackberry simulator through the command prompt.
I'm able to open and load the file to the simulator using fledgecontroller commands, but not able to launch the application. Could anybody please tell me how to launch the application from cmdpmpt ? Is there any fledgecontroller cmd for the same ? Please advise.
Thanks in advance..!!
This is tricky question.
You have three options:
Should work 100% - Make your app autostart. If you're using bb-ant-tools search for runonstartup parameter. Don't forget to wait in application until 'device' is fully powered up (ApplicationManager.inStartup())
Not 100% working - Put the app position to jad file on home screen and after say fledge to navigate to specific position on home screen and tap it. If you're using bb-ant-tools search for ribbonposition parameter. But this is valid for simulator version less than 6. I think system ignores it for 6+ OS
Didn't try myself yet - Start search and type application name and same steps with navigation from previous case
Are you trying to setup acceptance tests?

Blackberry development on Windows XP

I have installed Blackberry JDE on Windows XP. And I am trying to run the 'samples.jdw' on simulator on Blackberry JDE. So I do 'Debug->Go' But when I do that
I get this popup windows saying 'Cannot find file' net_rim_bis_client__ru.debug'.
And there is 'Search...', 'Brwose...', 'Cancel', 'Don't ask this again' button.
So how can I get the sample project run on simulator in Blackberry JDE?
Thank you.
If you don't need the debugger, then you can (1) build the project in JDE, (2) start the simulator (Windows "Start" > "Programs" > "Research In Motions" > "BlackBerry JDE x.x.x" > "Device Simulator") and (3) when it is ready just load the built .cod file via simulator menu item "File" > "Load Java Programm.." (at least this is the name of the menu item on my Storm 9530 simulator). This adds the app to the simulator (the app icon appears on the simulator).
It appears that - depending on exactly which file(s) it says are missing - you can safely ignore these messages (click on the 'do not show this message again') button.
I got messages about a whole bunch of missing files, and have ignored them without any apparent problems:
... and so on. They appear to be related to localisation, so perhaps if I wanted to set the simulator language to Russian I might run into problems.
Anyway, it appears we are not alone in having this problem (see also the response immediately following that post). Maybe one day RIM will actually release some dev tools that work properly, but I'm not holding my breath...
