openfeint dashbaord doesnt disaplys achivement/leaderboard - ios

I am integrating OpenFeint for the first time. I initialized Openfeint also added achievements in openfeint developer dash board.
But whenever I call launchDashBoard achievement icon is not getting displayed.
Even 'launchDashboardWithAchievementsPage' does not bring the achievement page.
Help me,


Customize AdColony V4VC Popup Menu in Swift

I'm adding V4VC ads from AdColony into my game and trying to change the default popup window.
Right now, it says:
"Watch a sponsored video to earn 1 Coin?"
I need it to say:
"Watch a sponsored video to earn 25 Diamonds?"
I looked on their support page and followed their instructions for setting up the app and currency on my account. However, the required code was in Objective-C. I need to convert this or find the correct code for V4VC ads in Swift:
NSString*currencyName=[AdColonygetVirtualCurrencyNameForZone:/*zoneID*/]; intcurrencyAmount=[AdColonygetVirtualCurrencyRewardAmountForZone:/*zoneID*/]; intremaining=[AdColonyPublicgetVideosPerReward:currencyName]‐[AdColonyPublicgetVideoCreditBalance:currencyName];
I am also using Sprite Kit. Help is greatly appreciated!
When you log into our dashboard at you can update the settings for your zone to show the name of your in game currency and the proper amount to award.
If you do have questions on this set up, email for more help on this process.

iOS App Metadata Rejected? Anything to Check in ViewDidLoad?

So I just got an app's metadata rejected. Their message:
Your iTunes Connect settings indicate that your app serves third-party advertisements. However, we were unable to locate ads in your app.
Please reply to this message to provide the steps for locating third-party ads in your app. When we hear back from you, we will continue the review.
But my app presents a google adBanner as soon as they game is launched. Even if you somehow press the start button before the Ad is loaded, it still presents itself during the game...
Is there any reason they wouldn't see the AdBanner?
I have my own adUnitID and it displays an Ad on my iPhone 6+ device and also the 4S simulator...
Also, I ticked the "servers advertisements within app" check box before submitting:
I've replied saying:
Please see screenshot of a Google AdBanner... It should show upon launch of the game.
-Open App
-An Ad should load within seconds.
Please advise. Thanks.
and attached a screenshot, showing it...
I've done it the same way I have in my last app which is live and serving ads.
This is how I load and serve the ad in the gameViewController:
override func viewDidLoad() {
googleBannerView = GADBannerView(adSize: kGADAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait)
googleBannerView.adUnitID = "ca-app-pub-blahblahblah/1010101"
googleBannerView.rootViewController = self
let request: GADRequest = GADRequest()
googleBannerView.frame = CGRectMake(0, view.bounds.height -googleBannerView.frame.size.height, googleBannerView.frame.size.width, googleBannerView.frame.size.height)
//more stuff
Is there anything else I can do to check in the code that it's definitely serving ads? I can't see anything wrong with it.
I can't think of any reason it wouldn't be serving their end...
Also, if it's still in review, do I have to wait another week?
Metadata rejected in itunesconnect means 1) that something wrong with app metadata (description, screenshots, etc.) or 2) Something wrong with things that are serving your app (backend, some authorization, etc.). Also it means that you can resubmit your app without uploading new app binary file. Seems like the second case is yours, and the app review team thinks that something went wrong with you ad serving or ad banner in the place that they couldn't find.
I recently got this rejection when they couldn't find my third party ad, Admob, in my app. This was because I was using admob just for interstitial and I used iAd for banners. I had to tell them how and where to get those admob ads to show.
you can try googleBannerView.hidden = false (this is the default value) and see if there's a difference
But for your case, since you're using admob banners that should have shown in the first place and you were able to make it show on your test, the only reason I could think of why they did not find it is because of no ad inventory from Admob (I stated this reason as well when I replied) which is rare but still happens.
It will stay in review/rejected state until you fix it by uploading a new binary and resubmitting (which would take the normal week submission and reviewing) or when they are convinced that there is a third party ad network used (from replying and stating your case) which they'll change the app status to 'ready for sale' or approved. Mine took 2 days I think.

iOS AdMob ads not showing up unless on Test Device

I have followed the tutorial provided by Google here: in order to setup admob banner ads.
My code is exactly how it is shown in the guide from the link above, so when I run the app on my test device or simulator a 'Smart Banner' 'Test Ad' appears..however, the second I remove the line of code below no banner appears at all..
request.testDevices = #[ #"70b9ee4e66c8e6fa26cb84def25706d9" ];
Also, I've loaded the app on another device and still there is no ad banner appearing, which makes me wonder when I submit the app to the App Store it only makes sense that all my users won't be seeing ads on their devices. Why is this happening? I've been scratching my head on this one! I don't want to submit it for review until I am certain everything is working correctly and I know that ads will appear not only on test devices but when the app goes LIVE as well. Thanks in advance! :)
-(void)adViewDidReceiveAd:(GADBannerView *)bannerView;
-(void)adView:(GADBannerView *)bannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error;
There can be number of reasons for not showing the Live ads.
Check your google admob account for the payment info. If not filled, fill it.
Check if your device is registered as test device, else you may get suspension from the google for 30 days or so.
You can check the delegate methods and print the logs:
In my case, I was getting error as { 'error': 'Request Error: No ad to show.', 'adType':'banner' }
But it showed at the client side, after I delivered to the client. So, I think that this issue was due to the reason that google had no advertisements in my region.
If you are working with iOS10, you should add this to your .plist:
Only test ads will appear otherwise. You can find more details about it at Firebase's Admob documentation.
Weird solution but it worked:
By following the guide provided by Google to setup Ad Mediation in iOS, it tells you to implememnt it via Storyboard/nib. Once I removed this method and simply implemented the GADBannerView programmatically, everything began to work as expected. Quite the annoying issue, but thankfully it's solved and I can move on.
I had this same issue.
My mistake was that I had created an app within AdMob for my Android application, which works great, however when it came to creating the app in iOS, all I did was create another ad unit under that same application. Doing that, gave me the same results that you are seeing.
To fix it, I created a new application inside AdMob that was for iOS platform, created an ad unit inside there and it solved my problem, I am now seeing real ads inside my app.
This not appear if will come up if you have limited ad tracking in your settings. On your device, check that Limit Ad Tracking is not enabled:
Settings -> Privacy -> Advertising
Have you registered an account with AdMob? If so, have you replaced the test Ad Unit ID that's included in the quick start with your own? If not, that would explain the behavior you're seeing (the ID in the example is only for test ads, and won't serve real ones).
An Ad Unit ID identifies an ad placement within your app, and is unique to you. The AdMob instructions for generating one are in their help documentation.
In my case it was actually due to the fact I was not using the correct ad unit ID (the part after the slash). I was able to find out as I used the sample IDs google provided, then I went to my admob account, click on the banner ad, I realized the two numbers for the plist (or initial setup in the app in app delegate) and for the ad unit are different. I spent probably hours on it :-(
I had the following error returned: "The ad request was successful, but no ad was returned due to lack of ad inventory." This can also explain why ads won't show up.
You registered your account in google admob account that I believed. You got your own test Id for your registered account. Follow the exact procedures and check the "self.bannerView.adUnitID" and also check the code "self.bannerView.rootViewController = self;" in objectice-c programming what you followed in your code.
Most important thing is to check the correct banner size which is default size.
Wishes for your success result.
Enjoy coding..
bannerView = GADBannerView();
GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().requestConfiguration.testDeviceIdentifiers =
bannerView.adUnitID = "YOUR ADMOB ID"
bannerView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: screenHeight * 0.25, width: screenWidth, height: screenWidth * 0.2) // you can customise this
bannerView.rootViewController = self
let request = GADRequest()

Seeing other player nextpeer

I successfully integrate nextpeer into my cocos 2d game.
Now i want to show other people playing online using nextpeer.
The problem is i dont know how to do that.The documentation for it is not opening and i even mail nextpeer and they have not respond more than 24 hrs have gone.Can someone give me some advice the steps involve in it.
Here is the link of an app showing it
The nextpeer link which is not opening -
Nextpeer document is moved to :
Scroll down for PlayertoPlayerCommunication.
These are the two active links for player to player communication now. and
If you have anymore specific question, feel free to email me directly at
Sorry for the confusion.

iAd Producer - How to open a URL in safari?

I'm just doing some initial research into creating iAds with iAd Producer, but we'd like to link the ad to an external website, rather than an iTunes listing.
Is this possible, if so, how would you go about it? Ideally clicking on the ad would open the link in Safari, but if there is a UIWebView equivalent that would be fine too (The WebGL view control confusingly seems to be for displaying 3d objects).
Many thanks in advance.
I'm not familiar with iAds, what does it look like when specified in HTML?
According to this
it looks like it won't be recognized.
(This is s useful reference in this area:
But if you load the page in a UIWebView you can intercept the iAds link within shouldStartLoadWithRequest: and launch Safari yourself from there.
Ah, I've realised now I was overcomplicating things somewhat / missed the easy answer.
The iAds produced by iAd Producer are all HTML, with Javascript added to handle page / control events. This should have given me the clue that they themselves are executing in some sort of UIWebView control.
Hence, when I added the following Javascript, on a button click event, the user is warned they are leaving the app (well they were when leaving the iAd Tester app) and then thrown out into Safari to view the website, as I wanted all along. Simple. I guess it's not really what Apple want people to do with iAds (it's not driving them to the appstore), hence it's not that well documented.
this.onViewTouchUpInside = function (event) {
document.location = "";
