YouTube embed code on iPad - ios

I'm working on improving the experience of a site by adding in iPad support. This includes support for videos. Our client is pushing towards a YouTube model for storing and serving videos -- great for us! I originally planned to implement the use of YouTube's new HTML5-supporting <iframe> snippets. This offloads the device detection to YouTube and makes embedding a video a cinch as we don't need to worry about compatibility. It turns out the the CMS we're using, Sitecore CMS, strips out <iframe>'s from our WYSIWYG editor. After a lot of research it looks like its a bit hard to not make this happen.
Fast forward to now... I tested out the old style <embed> code and discovered even though iOS doesn't support Flash, these embeds seem to work fine on iPad. Some Stack Overflow research led me to this post which suggests its because of the YouTube plugin /System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/YouTubePlugIn.webplugin on iPads that allows for the playback.
My question is, is there any documentation that this is the exact reason? I'd like to go by this as why we can use the regular <embed> code but I need to back it up with proof via a document for iOS. Is this YT plug-in on every iPad by default, or do users need to manually install it? This seems like a great solution considering our unfortunate incompatibility with an <iframe> but I need to support the use of the <embed>'s with hard facts. Thanks in advance.

The answer you are looking for is to be found in Apple's URL Scheme Reference. Basically it's a mechanism that comes into play on the iDevices to detect and handle specifically, certain types of URLs - for instance Google Maps, iTunes and also YouTube.
Here's a few reference links.
And just for good measure, you might also want to take a look at the Safari Developer Library for the best practice recommendations on HTML5 Video and Audio embedding :-)


Play video (from streaming) in iPhone with Ionic 3/Cordova iOS app from Node Js, without so much time loading

First, sorry because this is not an special code issue (I can play videos in iPhone), so I'm not attaching any of my code, but asking for technical solution.
I'm developing a mobile applicaton (and also a webapp) that plays videos which come from a Nde js server. At first I noticed that in Safari, you can only play videos from streaming (which is also the best practice in the rest of the browsers), but it was very slow (so much time loading the video).
I came accross this piece of code, and the post of the author, it helped me to improve my server side streaming code:
I didn't need to change anything in the webapp, but now I can play videos much faster in Mac/Safari (in HTML5 I have simple tags).
But nothing changed in the Ionic app... And I don't know how to follow or where the problem could be (ionic/cordova or Node JS).
What can be the point I can be missing? Any link, known bug in ionic, or trick would help a lot.
I'm trying with .mov and .mp4 video files. What's the ideal format (or compression) for iPhone?
It's a good choice to handle videos with a cloud video solution like uStream, and embed it like an iframe (as provided solution from ustream)? Nothing more seem to work on improving time of load, managing videos on my own server and ionic client.
Thanks so much

Why does youtube video work everywhere but other video sources no?

So this will sound like a stupid question, but I notice that video from youtube works on pretty much all browsers without any setup work. However, use a security DVR or a IP camera, and suddenly you need a custom applet that is OS specific added to run it. Why does youtube just work everywhere? Because all the browser makers set it up by default? If the youtube video presentation method is so universal, why does not every video device use the same method/plugin as youtube?
YouTube doesn't "just" work everywhere. They have hundreds of engineers working to keep it working everywhere. They have several copies of each video that work on a sub set of platforms, and spend a lot of time making sure each platform works and continues to work.

Can iOS Kamcord SDK be used to record screens of apps other than games?

I am looking for a solution to record the screen of my app - especially an online video. Initially I used this link to implement this:
This does record everything selected in the view however the youtube player shows up as a black screen. After research I came across the Kamcord library used by games.
Anyone know if this can be used to record non-game app views - especially online videos embedded in UIWebView?
Do you know why the video in a uiwebview is treated differently? Is it using open-gl?
I don't think this is the answer your hoping for. But this may be helpful to someone looking to do this in the future.
The current version of Kamcord 1.9 does not support any recording. Kamcord is moving into the live stream hosting business. Version 1.7 is still obtainable via github Official support is supposed to end August 24th 2015, but I haven't had a reply back, even for questions about the new version for weeks now, a week before official close.
The online implementation documentation was kept on their website and I when I asked for the 1.7 documents I was told they "did not have them" since no backup was kept. I suggested they look into source control systems. You can get some of the older iOS documents from the way back machine (please consider donating) but the Android documents are not to be found (nor did it do basic things like let you control video length on Android.)

Options for embedded video on website other than YouTube?

Been having trouble with YouTube lately with regards to autoplay, looping and playlists. Currently using the AS3 embedded player and it was working fine until recently when autoplay and playlist options became mutually exclusive. I am also finding the loop option doesn't work with autoplay.
So, looking at options other than YouTube as we will have access to the video anyway and can either upload or stream using whatever technology is appropriate. My application is for touchscreen interactive kiosks which will be largely unattended and I want to be able to run embedded video with all controls turned off to prevent anyone from jumping off to some other website at any point. This is crucial! I don't mind if a touch can pause the video like it does with YouTube but links must not be available to jump out.
My web app is written in Rails 3 with HTML, CSS3 and JQuery where required. It runs on IE8/9 on the kiosks and Safari mainly during development. I'm using for hosting.
Hopefully I've given enough background here to attract some good answers but please let me know if I've missed anything important.
Thanks for your time,
This service is awesome in quality and price.
If you are using heroku for your hosting, you should take advantage of their add-on. The interface is super clean and you have full flexibility to mold playlists or behavior.
Panda Stream

Embed video on a website

I will be embedding a video to my mvc website.
A video on the homepage which will help people to better understand the website.
I have never done this. Can anyone tell me whats the best way of doing it.
Flash or silverlight??
I've used JW FLV Media Player. I was pretty happy with it, and it's easy to use. Flash-based.
My suggestion would be to go with Flash and to achieve what you're looking for, utilize swfobject. It's really quite simple to use and has a bunch of options that will be useful when you get more used to using video.
I have had pretty good success using silverlight with the Silverlight 2 Video Player as an example. However, it depends on what your requirements are.
Pros to Silverlight:
Performs Video Streaming very well
Easier to develop/customize if you are a .NET developer
Works on a variety of browser and platforms
Cons to Silverlight:
Does not support every video media type (the example above only plays .WMV files, Silverlight in general supports .WMV and .MP4)
Is not installed on as many client machines (less penetration)
Is not as well known (users may be reluctant to install it compared to Flash)
Is not as popular so there are less solutions/resources out there
Here is another discussion on the topic.
I would go with flash for only one reason: the 99% (or whatever it is today) installed base.
Then go with swfobject or JW FLV Media Player as suggested in the other answers. There is also a jQuery plugin floating around somewhere that helps deal with flash video on a site.
