ASP.NET MVC: Many routes -> always only one controller -

I have very simple question. My site, based on ASP.NET MVC, can have many urls, but all of them should bring to the one controller. How to do that?
I suppose I need some magic in Global.asax but I don't know how to create route that will redirect any url to the specific controller.
For example I have url /about, /product/id etc. but all of them should be really bring to the content/show where the parts of url will be recognized and the decision what information to show will be make. It's some like CMS when you cannot define routes in advance. Is this information enough?

This sounds like a horrible idea, but, well, if you must;
new { controller = "MyFatController", action = "MySingleAction" }
This routes everything to a single action in a single controller. There's also {*path} and other URL patterns should you want slightly more flexibility.

Ideally you should try and specific with your routes, for example if you have a URL that is /products/42 and you want it to go to a generic controller you should specify it explicitly like
new { controller = "Content", action = "Show", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
then you would specify another route for something else like /customers/42
new { controller = "Content", action = "Show", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
this may seem a little verbose, and creating a single route might seem cleaner, but the issue a single route is you will never get a 404 and will have to handle such things in code.


make url shorter of some controllers and actions

I would like to make some urls of my MVC4 app shorter. For example I have Account controller and such action ForgotPassword. Url looks like this
I would like to make the url shorter(example below) without renaming actual controller and action names. What is the best way to do that?
You could register a simple route:
name: "ForgottenPassword",
url: "a/fp",
defaults: new { controller = "Account", action = "ForgottenPassword" }
); RouteConfig.cs if you're using MVC4.
If i am not wrong, then your talking about Friendly URL's?
Please have a look #
There was a very nice post in Hanselman's web.
Also, there were few questions related to friendly url's(in case it helps you) :-
How can I create a friendly URL in ASP.NET MVC?
The easiest but not the best way of doing it is to hand-code your custom routes:
name: "AccountForgotRoute",
url: "a/fp/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Account", action = "ForgotPassword", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
The downside to that is if you will have tons of controllers and action methods and you like all of them to be "shortened", then you will have to write a lot of routes.
One alternative is to define your custom routes in a database and write it out on a file. So for example you have in a database row an accountcontroller-forgotpassword key with a value of a/fp, you dynamically build the route definition, write it in a file and let your application pick it up. How your application can pick up the route definition can be done like this. That link is still applicable for MVC 4. But this one is really messy, IMO, but is an alternative.

Setting up ASP.Net MVC 4 Routing with custom segment variables

I just began working on an application with a couple areas (basic grid master / details type system..) I'm looking into taking advantage of the nice routing features in MVC (4 specifically) and I'm "just not getting it" I presume.
Currently the only route defined is the basic one:
new { controller = "Account", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
which is fine, it works with the areas we have defined, so I'm assuming it must know where the user is and route to the appropriate controller based contextually on the location / area that the user is in.. so far nice..
Now, i'm trying to set up a new route that can handle
and specifically something like:
where "New" is the "New" status and have the Action Signature look like:
public ActionResult List(string statusName)
i was assuming I could just add the new route below the default one identifying "statusName" instead of Id, but of course, how the H would the routing mechanism know the difference between :
I did try adding a "static" route in the form of
new { statusName = UrlParameter.Optional }
I thought I could "hiJack" just that one route and do something special with it, but to know avail, the router stops at first match?? I'm assuming that was the wrong way to address this issue anyhow..
so now I'm going through the idea of getting to something like:
where these routes would basically be "aliases". I had thought that adding the following route would do the trick:
new {controller="OrderManager", action="List", statusName= UrlParameter.Optional }
with the associated action on the OrderManager controller:
public ActionResult List(string statusName)
no matter what I try, the argument is null, or the "resource cannot be found"
I know the controllers need to have a corresponding View file.. but that's not the issue here, the issue is my attempt at understanding the routing..
SO my questions.. fundamentally, what am I missing about the routing in MVC (4)? even some good articles for a simpleton like myself to understand?
my understanding; define a route, and map it's "endpoint".. however, i think i'm not understanding the assumptions that the machine is making..
anyhow, let me know if further explain / edit is required..
thanks in advance.
The basic principle of routes is that they are evaluated from the top down, and the routing systems uses the first match, not the best match.
The implication of this is that you must order your routes in order of specificity, with the most specific route first and the most general route last.
With this principle in mind, let’s look at your situation. Initially, you have only the default route defined:
new { controller = "Account", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
The URL pattern is "{controller}/{action}/{id}". By itself, this would match any three-segment URL, and would not match any URL that had less than three segments. However, the third input parameter is the default parameter, which defines defaults for the first and second segment and indicates that the third segment is optional. The next effect of this is to make the route match URL having 0,1, 2 or 3 segments.
Now you want to add a route where the third URL segment is mapped to a “statusName” parameter, and can handle URLs like:
There are two basic approaches you can take here. You can 1) create a very specific route that will handle these two URLs only, or 2) you can try and create a more general route to handle the general case. Let’s look at the first case first. You can create a route as follows:
routes.MapRoute("", "OrderManager/List/{statusName}",
new { Controller = "OrderManager", Action = "List" });
Note that because this route is more specific than the default route, you must put this route before the default route.
If you want to have a more general route, you need to decide how this route will differ from the default route, since they both will match URLs having three segments. Let’s say you decide that the new route will accept anything that only contains letters in the third segment, leaving the default route to handle anything containing numbers. You can do this using route constraints. For example you could write a route as follows:
name: "Default",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional },
constraints: new { id = #"^\d+$" });
name: "NewRoute",
url: "{controller}/{action}/{statusName}",
defaults: new { Controller = "OrderManager", Action = "List" },
constraints: new { statusName = "^[A-Za-z]+$" });
With these two routes, any three-segment URL having only letters in the third segment will put the third segment into a variable called “statusName”, whereas any URL with an integer in the third segment will put the third segment into a variable called “id”.
In any applications of real complexity, routes can get complicated, and it is very advantageous to write unit tests for your routes, to insure that you don’t screw things up when you add or modify a route.
For good references on routing, see Scott Sanderson's book or see the MSDN documentation

How can I achieve clean URL routing with custom user ID?

My ASP.NET MVC site allows users to register and give themselves user names, which will be unique and allow others to browse their pages with a clean URL that includes their name, like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. do.
For example:
The problem is that the first URL segment might be used for other "regular" controllers/actions, like:
So basically I seek for a routing scheme that says something like: If the first URL segment is a known controller, treat it as a controller (and parse the relevant action and parameters as usual), but if not - treat it as a user name, and pass it to a dedicated controller+action which will parse it and continue accordingly.
I don't want a solution that will enforce me to add routes for every specific controller that I have, such that after the routing module will go over all of them and won't find a match, it will get to the last one which defines a route for this special user name segment. The reason is primarily maintenance (I must remember to add a route every time I code a new controller, for example.)
I assume I can implement my own MvcRouteHandler / IRouteHandler but I feel there must be simpler solution that won't have me tweak MVC's out-of-the-box routing mechanism.
Note: I've read How to achieve nice litle USER page url like facebook or twitter? and it doesn't answer my question, it's just says that there is a URL rewriting module.
Do you know any good, elegant, clean way to achieve that?
You should have your first route be your Usesr route, with a route constraint along the lines of what I described in this answer: MVC routing question.
If your route is in the form {username}/{controller}/{id}, this route should cover all contingencies.
in the global.asax file you can map your routes
in the registerRoutes() method you can do something like this:
"ToonStudenten", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{userID}, // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Docent", action = "ToonStudenten", userID = UrlParameter.Optional} // Parameter defaults
I believe you can change the way your views look with this mapRouting, not entirely sure how though.. will try and search it up
You may want to take a look at this post:
MVC 3 keeping short url
You don't need to set a route for each URL. With a little help from route constraints you can do something like this:
"Home", // Route name
"{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" }, // Parameter defaults
new { action = "TaskA|TaskB|TaskC|etc" } //Route constraints
"Account", // Route name
"{action}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Account", action = "Logon" }, // Parameter defaults
new { action = "Logon|Logoff|Profile|FAQs|etc" } //Route constraints

How do I create a simple route in MVC3?

I am writing a short url service in MVC3, partly as a learning tool.
When I load the url http://mysite/abc I want to redirect to an action in my controller with the following signature:
public ActionResult RedirectToLink(string shortLink)
How would I create a route in order to run this code? I have tried the following:
routes.MapRoute("Link", "{shortLink}", new { controller = "LinkController", action = "RedirectToLink" });
Alternatively, if someone can point me towards a decent primer for MVC3 that actually covers the basics rather than what's changed since the last version and would cover this scenario, I'd be much obliged.
this is the route your want :
"ShortLink", // Route name
"{shortLink}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Link", // Parameter defaults
action = "RedirectToLink",
shortLink= UrlParameter.Optional }

Avoiding the Controller with Routing Rules in ASP.NET MVC

I've created a website with ASP.NET MVC. I have a number of static pages that I am currently serving through a single controller called Home. This creates some rather ugly URLs.
You get the idea. I'd rather not have to create a controller for each one of these as the actions simply call the View with no model being passed in.
Is there a way to write a routing rule that will remove the controller from the URL? I'd like it to look like:
If not, how is this situation normally handled? I imagine I'm not the first person to run in to this.
Here's what I've done previously, using a constraint to make sure the shortcuts don't conflict with other routing rules:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" },
new { action = "Index|About|ContactUs|Features" }
Add defaults for the controller names in the new statement. You don't have to have {controller} in the url.
