How can I get the length of a string in TCPDF? - tcpdf

In TCPDF there is GetCellHeight() for measuring the height of a cell.
How do you measure the length or width of a string (or block of string) in TCPDF?

The method to get the string length is GetStringWidth(). Check also the getNumLines() and getStringHeight() methods.


ios textView.selectedTextRange giving wrong range for textview containing Emojis

My function wants to get cursor current position in textview, but when i have string "😳 😱 😨 " (cursor is at last position)in textview and it return me range (0,6) and current index as 6, expected position is 3,Please let me know if any way to get cursor position
func getcurserforTextView(textView : UITextView ) -> Int {
var cursorPosition = 0
if let selectedRange = textView.selectedTextRange {
cursorPosition = textView.offset(from: textView.beginningOfDocument, to: selectedRange.start)
return cursorPosition
The selectedRange and offset(from:to:) values are based on the UTF-16 characters for the text in the text view. So the result of 6 for that string is correct since that string contains 6 characters when using the UTF-16 character encoding.
So depending on what you are doing with the obtained cursor position, you may need to convert that UTF-16 offset to a "normal" String index.
Please see Converting scanLocation from utf16 units to character index in NSScanner (Swift) which covers a similar situation and a way to perform the conversion.

Calculate the size in bytes of a Swift String

I'm trying to calculate the byte size of a String in Swift but I don't know the size of a single character; what is the byte size of a character?
Let's say I have a string:
let str = "hello, world"
I want to send that to some web service endpoint, but that endpoint only accepts strings whose size is under 32 bytes. How would I control the byte size of my string?
It all depends on the character encoding, let's suppose UTF8:
let string = "abde"
let size = string.utf8.count
Note that not all characters have the same byte size in UTF8.
If your string is ASCII, you can assume 1 byte per character.

How to set maximum length for UILabel?

In Objective-C, I am attempting to set a limit of character length for a UILabel, but I could not find a way anywhere. For example, a line of text is entered into the UILabel, say 100, but if the maximum character length is set to 50, I just want it to cut off at 50 exactly and not even truncate. I just would like for it to cut off once it hits the limit.
I have tried this; but it didn't work:
NSString *string = my_uilabelText;
if ([string length] >74) {
string = [string substringToIndex:74];
Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Based on your comment, what you actually implemented would work. You just have to ensure your syntax is correct.
Assuming your getting a string from a database:
NSString *string = stringFromDatabase;
//execute your conditional if statement
if (string.length > 50) { //meaning 51+
/* trim the string. Its important to note that substringToIndex returns a
new string containing the characters of the receiver up to, but not
including, the one at a given index. In other words, it goes up to 50,
but not 50, so that means we have to do desired number + 1.
Additionally, this method includes counting white-spaces */
string = [string substringToIndex:51];
Then we must set the labels text, this doesn't happen autonomously. So completely:
NSString *string = stringFromDatabase;
if (string.length > 50) {
string = [string substringToIndex:51];
self.someUILabel.text = string;
I think the way you are doing it is probably not user friendly. You're getting the string of a UILabel that already has text set and then resetting it. Instead, you should set the desired text to the UILabel before it is called by the delegate

iOS: Algorithm to center a word in a sentence inside of a UILabel

I need to center a particular word in a sentence by truncating the beginning and endings of a long sentence inside of a UILabel, For example
NSString mySentence = #"This is my very long sentence to give you an example of what I am trying to do.. And its still going..";
NSString myWord = #"example";
<Algorithm goes here>
Should display:
"...sentence to give you an example of what I am trying to..."
If the word is closer to one end or the other, just do your best to center and display an appropriate amount of the text, example:
NSString myWord = #"my";
"This is my very long sentence to give you an example of what..."
Any ideas?
I believe you can do a scan for your search to be placed. Let's say you have the index in a variable named centerWordIndex. You could then split the string based on whitechars, and add words to the beginning and the end of your word until you are out of words at each side, or until the size of you string matches the size of the label.
what do you think :) ?
The data you need to start is:
the width of your label (call it labelWidth)
the width of the word you want to center (call it wordWidth)
Then the size on each side you have to work with is (labelWidth - wordWidth) / 2. Don't worry about using this value, it's just the target.
You can use the ability to calculate the size of a NSString using
CGSize newSize = [myString sizeWithFont: myFont];
CGFloat newWidth = newSize.width;
The goal of the algorithm should be to continue to add words on each side of the centered word and recalculating the total width each step. If you've gone past labelWidth, you can't add that word or anymore from that direction. So, in pseudocode, one approach is:
calculate labelWidth and wordWidth
set currentWidth to wordWidth
set currentLeftPosition to position of first letter of word
set currentRightPosition to position of last letter of word
set currentString to word
set currentImbalance to 0
algorithm start:
scan for position of 2 spaces to left of currentLeftPosition or start of string
set leftTrialPosition to position found
set leftTrialString as between leftTrialPosition and currentRightPosition inclusive
calculate trialLeftWidth of leftTrialString
scan for position of 2 spaces to right of currentRightPosition or end of string
set rightTrialPosition to position found
set rightTrialString as between currentLeftPosition and rightTrialPositon inclusive
calculate trialRightWidth of rightTrialString
if (trialLeftWidth - currentImbalance <= trialRightWidth
&& trialLeftWidth <= labelWidth
&& trialLeftWidth != currentWidth)
set currentImbalance -= calculate width of string from leftTrialPosition to currentLeftPosition
set currentLeftPosition = leftTrialPosition
set currentWidth = trialLeftWidth
set currentString = leftTrialString
else if (same checks for right)
same steps using right data
else if (both left and right are larger than label or both sides no longer grow bigger)
algorithm is done - return here
recurse to algorithm start
Using this basic strategy, you track the left imbalance (negative) or right imbalance (positive) throughout the algorithm and preferentially add the left or right word accordingly until you have the biggest string of complete words that can fit on the label or you have used the full string. The key iOS specific part here is the NSString method that calculates the width.

Calculate String Width / Height on Blackberry

If I display a string in a custom field using drawtext(txt,ax,ay) method, how can I calculate the string width / height.
int stringWidth = getFont().getAdvance(yourString);`
int stringHeight = getFont().getHeight();`
Those are if you're making the calls from within one of your Field's methods (meaning you have extended a Field). However, if you're simply trying to draw the string and are wondering what ax and ay represent, those are positions, not dimensions.
