Rails - How to use find or create with a default value - ruby-on-rails

I currently have the following:
conversation_participation = #user.conversation_participations.find_or_create_by_conversation_id(conversation.id)
This correctly creates a record, problem is the default value of conversation.read is false.
In this particular method I want the default value to be true when creating the record. Right now the only way I got this to work was by the following:
conversation_participation = #user.conversation_participations.find_or_create_by_conversation_id(conversation.id)
conversation_participation.read = true
Problem is this hits the DB twice. How can I use find_or_create and set the default :read => true?

You can try find_or_initialize_by...
Then set your read attribute as normal
conversation_participation = #user.conversation_participations.find_or_initialize_by_conversation_id(conversation.id)
conversation_participation.read = true
conversation_participation = #user.conversation_participations.find_or_initialize_by_conversation_id_and_read(conversation.id, true)
With after_initialize (Oh.. you deleted your comment, but here is something for that just in case)
class Conversation < ActiveRecord::base
def after_initialize
self.read ||= true # true if not already set
Then you can do find_or_create|initialize_by... or which ever way you wish to proceed.
More on callbacks if you are interest.

From here:
Use the find_or_initialize_by_
finder if you want to return a new
record without saving it first.
So something like this:
conversation_participation = #user.conversation_participations.find_or_initialize_by_conversation_id(conversation.id)
conversation_participation.read = true
This should just do an INSERT instead of an INSERT followed by an UPDATE.

Try this:
conversation_participation = #user.conversation_participations.find_or_create_by_conversation_id_and_read(conversation.id, true)


Initializing a boolean on a form object that can be changed

I have a form object that I want to have an enabled field on which can be true or false depending on other logic in my project, how do I initialize something like that in the form object class? I have something like this...
attr_accessor :enabled
def initialize
self.enabled = enabled
But I know this is incorrect.
And then in another spot in my code I want to do something like this
if something
elsif something_else
Setting that enabled flag to the appropriate state so that I can use it for later
Edit: adding more info
The place where I want to put this enabled variable is in a helper Ruby Class I have
module Blah
module Type
module Mixins
module CallToActionHelper
attr_accessor :enabled
def initialize(cta_use: nil, cta: nil)
self.cta_type = cta_type
self.cta_token = create_cta_token
self.enabled = enabled
And then I have different ActiveRecord models for each type of call to action I have. They all also use the same controller, and the controller is the place where that enabled variable will be set depending on a hidden field in my params.
def populate_form_object(form_params, form_token)
cta_use = set_call_to_action_use(cta_use_id: form_params['cta_use_id'], cta_type_key: form_params['cta_type_key'], cta_id: form_params['cta_id'])
cta_type = CallToActionType.find_by_key(form_params['cta_type_key'])
form_object = cta_type.get_type_form(cta_use: cta_use)
form_object.cta_token = form_token
# if params["call_to_action_use_#{form_token}_enabled"]
# form_object.enabled = true
# elsif params["call_to_action_use_#{form_token}_enabled"] == 'false'
# form_object.enabled = false
# else
# form_object.enabled = true
# end
return form_object
You can see the code I've commeneted out where I tried to set this enabled field.
The above method, populate_form_object gets called on a save.

Update fails first time, succeeds second time

We've got this object, #current_employer, that's acting a bit weird. Update fails the first time, succeeds the second.
(byebug) #current_employer.update(settings_params)
(byebug) #current_employer.update(settings_params)
Here's where we initialise it:
#current_employer = Employer.find(decoded_auth_token[:employer_id])
It's just a standard "find".
Current workaround:
if #current_employer.update(settings_params) || #current_employer.update(settings_params)
Anyone seen this before?
Tracked it down to this line in a "before_save" call
# self.is_test = false if is_test.nil?
Seems like is_test is a reserved keyword?
The full callback, with the fix commented inline:
def set_default_values
self.has_accepted_terms = false if has_accepted_terms.nil?
self.live = true if live.nil?
self.display_name ||= account_name
self.display_name ||= ""
self.contact_first_name ||= ""
self.contact_last_name ||= ""
self.phone_number ||= ""
self.is_test_account = false if is_test_account.nil?
true # FIX. The proceeding line was returning 'false', which was giving us a 'false' return value for the before_save callback, preventing the save.
If it's failing in one instance and succeeding almost immediately afterwards, the typical issue is that you're passing incorrect / conflicting attributes to the model.
I would speculate that the settings_params you're sending have a value which is preventing the save from occurring. You alluded to this with your update:
# self.is_test = false if is_test.nil?
The way to fix this is to cut out any of the potentially erroneous attributes from your params hash:
def settings_params
params.require(:employer).permit(:totally, :safe, :attributes)
Your model should update consistently - regardless of what conditions are present. If it's failing, it means there'll be another problem within the model save flow.
Without seeing extra information, I'm unable to see what they may be
A better way to set default values is as follows:
How can I set default values in ActiveRecord?
You may wish to use the attribute-defaults gem:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_default :age, 18
attr_default :last_seen do

How do I define a static value for a parameter of a new class?

I created a model for a thing called a Lesson that has :content and a :user_id. For early builds of this app, I want the content to be changing, based on my entry, and for the user_id to always = 1 so that it's clean in the DB and there's not a nil value.
How do I go about this?
In my lessons_controller.rb I have this:
def create
#lesson = Lesson.new(params[:lesson])
if #lesson.save
... do something
... do something else
I'm guessing this would be the best place to define that the user_id = 1 but how should I go about that?
You can just set #lesson.user_id = 1 in the line after you create it with new, and before you save it.
Another way to do it would be to set a hook in the lesson model -
before_validation :on => :create do |lesson|
lesson.user_id = 1

Rails How can one query association definitions

I have a lot of dynamic code which keeps complex relations in a string.
How can I check if these relations exist?
I want a method like the following:
raise "n00b" unless Product.has_associations?("product.country.planet.galaxy")
How could I implement this?
Try this:
def has_associations?(assoc_str)
klass = self.class
assoc_str.split(".").all? do |name|
(klass = klass.reflect_on_association(name.to_sym).try(:klass)).present?
If these are active record associations, here's how you can do it:
current_class = Product
has_associations = true
paths = "country.planet.galaxy".split('.')
paths.each |item|
association = current_class.reflect_on_association( item )
if association
current_class = association.klass
has_associations = false
puts has_association
And this will tell you if this specific path has all the associations.
If indeed you are storing the AR associations in a string like that, this code placed in an initializer should let you do what you want. For the life of me I can't quite figure out why you'd want to do this, but I trust you have your reasons.
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.has_associations?(relation_string="")
klass = self
relation_string.split('.').each { |j|
# check to see if this is an association for this model
# and if so, save it so that we can get the class_name of
# the associated model to repeat this step
if assoc = klass.reflect_on_association(j.to_sym)
klass = Kernel.const_get(assoc.class_name)
# alternatively, check if this is a method on the model (e.g.: "name")
elsif klass.instance_method_already_implemented?(j)
raise "Association/Method #{klass.to_s}##{j} does not exist"
return true
With this you'll need to leave off the initial model name, so for your example it would be:

Rails - Exclude an attribute from being saved

I have a column named updated_at in postgres. I'm trying to have the db set the time by default. But Rails still executes the query updated_at=NULL. But postgres will only set the timestamp by default when updated_at is not in the query at all.
How do I have Rails exclude a column?
You can disable this behaviour by setting ActiveRecord::Base class variable
record_timestamps to false.
In config/environment.rb, Rails::Initializer.run block :
config.active_record.record_timestamps = false
(if this doesn't work, try instead ActiveRecord::Base.record_timestamps = false at the end of the file)
If you want to set only for a given model :
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
self.record_timestamps = false
Credit to Jean-François at http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/72569
I've been running into a similar issue in Rails 2.2.2. As of this version there is an attr_readonly method in ActiveRecord but create doesn't respect it, only update. I don't know if this has been changed in the latest version. I overrode the create method to force is to respect this setting.
def create
if self.id.nil? && connection.prefetch_primary_key?(self.class.table_name)
self.id = connection.next_sequence_value(self.class.sequence_name)
quoted_attributes = attributes_with_quotes(true, false)
statement = if quoted_attributes.empty?
"INSERT INTO #{self.class.quoted_table_name} " +
"(#{quoted_attributes.keys.join(', ')}) " +
"VALUES(#{quoted_attributes.values.join(', ')})"
self.id = connection.insert(statement, "#{self.class.name} Create",
self.class.primary_key, self.id, self.class.sequence_name)
#new_record = false
The change is just to pass false as the second parameter to attributes_with_quotes, and use quoted_attributes.keys for the column names when building the SQL. This has worked for me. The downside is that by overriding this you will lose before_create and after_create callbacks, and I haven't had time to dig into it enough to figure out why. If anyone cares to expand/improve on this solution or offer a better solution, I'm all ears.
