TFS on virtual machine? - tfs

A follow developer friend is trying to learn the TFS 2010 API.
We have established the following trial Virtual machine together:
In our first test, we would like to read the set of bugs from a TFS project using C#.
Does TFS 2010 depend upon sharepoint being correctly configured on the server?
If so, is there an easy process for setting up sharePoint and relating it to TFS?
Any helpful direction you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
Wish you the best!

Just install sharepoint services 3 on the same server as TFS. It all works fine on a virtual server, I had it running with SQL and IIS on a VMWARE install with no hassles.


TFS (high level) install process

Can someone explain the high level process, of installing TFS? I've had the Server set up by a "network guy". It's TFS 2010, and we're using VS 2010 and moving to VS 2012. Do I need to install something on my client machine, or does Visual Studio just "hook" into TFS automatically?
Also, I've been tasked with moving our VSS to TFS. I've seen those posts and don't need coverage of that, unless you wanted to point me to the best links of how to. When those instructions mention installing Team Explorer or needing SQL Server Express on the machine you are doing the migration on, do they mean my workstation or the Server?
The Microsoft walk-throughs are the worse (IMHO)...
well, I followed
And nearly got it installed. I'll post a new question with the new issue.

TFS local vs cloud

I just started with Team Foundation server and read different tutorials then tried it on default cloud server. As there is mentioned that we can only use team foundation server FREE up to 5 members. That is why I want to setup TFS on my server.
Please suggest me should I go for it ?
Is there any advantages of using TFS on cloud instead using it on my own local server?
Also is there any GOOD tutorial to setup TFS on my machine and enable it for my other team members remotely ? ( I am following this ) .
TF Service is a nice way to get up and running quickly, without worrying about infrastructure, backups, etc. What you lose is some customization, lab management, and SSRS reporting, more info:
So which one to use is depending on your situation.
For tutorial on Install TFS
Just take a look on my 2 Guides about installing TFS 2012 and 2010, you will find step-by-step tutorial that explain to you exactly what you should do and how to verify every steps before moving to the next one, they have videos and documents with every detail steps needed.
I recommended to have a look on the whole sections because sometimes service accounts used for configuring different TFS components are very important.
TFS 2012 Guide
TFS 2010 Guide

TFS express with google drive

Can I combine tfs express server with google drive for windows to get my free repository in the cloud?
Anyone knows other alternative with this two things? It has to be free.
TFS Express uses SQL Express as repository. Don't see how you can use it with google drive, but you can try Team Foundation Service. It's free for now, because it's still in preview.
What will happen after preview I really don't. I just hope they will have some free package.
No, you can't use TFS Express with a cloud storage option to suddenly get a cloud version of TFS. But, in the past few years Microsoft hasn't sat still, so now you can get a cloud-hosted version of TFS by creating a Visual Studio Team Services account.
This service is also free for up to 5 users, plus you'll get a lot of things that didn't come with TFS Express.

Is there a way to use a TFS2010 but that gets the code from a TFS2008?

at our company we are using a TFS 2008 server. We need some capabilities offered by TFS 2010 (like Lab Management) but currently we cannot change the server (we're a small part of a big company and doing that would make others to update their tools so it's not an option).
What I'm looking for is a way to install a TFS 2010 server that links somehow to the repository of the actual TFS server so when the 2010 MSBuild tries to build he takes sources from TFS2008.
Is this possible or do you think that could be another way of getting that to work?
Thanks for your assistance.
You can use the Integration platform to sync the sources and work items of TFS2008 with TFS2010.
See for more information
You can also customize a build template so that it pulls in source code from anywhere.

Say hello to "TFS". How to migrate from oldes and be "more" agile?

We've planned to move from Visual SourceSafe to TFS. For this purpose, we brought a new server machine with updated specs and TFS installed. The Visual SourceSafe machine still has its use in the environment as the TFS machine dedicated for a single project.
All the projects are there in Visual SourceSafe machine and are being managed since more than half decade. As I said there will be only one project which is going to be moved on TFS machine. What we required here is a complete and safe image of VSS Working Directory of the project in TFS machine because to Migrate from VSS to TFS you would have to installed Visual SourceSafe there on TFS machine.
What is the best practice to move your
VSS Working Directory (project) from
machine-to-machine. Is there a way to
avoid this step and we could directly
move VSS Working Directory to TFS?
Once the project working directory setup on TFS machine, we can use VSSConverter.exe utility to migrate from VSS to TFS. There is an GUI version of VSSConverter.exe utility which makes this more easier than doing this through command prompt.
A Team Project is successfully created with MSF for Agile Software Development on TFS machine. There was an issue in the beginning trying to create the Team Project which seems SharePoint services were unable to start. Finally, we ended up on some blog who mentioned if you installed SharePoint Services after TFS then you have to check the SharePoint Central Administration Services and change its port to default 17012.
This is what we could have done on TFS. Not sure, are we on the right route or not? The ask is not big move a single project from Visual SourceSafe which is an independent machine to TFS machine. But, it is because we all are new on TFS.
The expenses already made, a new server machine, Windows 2008 Server R2, and TFS which let no choice for us except learn and do it. I hope this will become a good experience all in the end but to make it good we have to put more efforts and build attitude to get through this.
I will be thankful if you guys could suggest us on this circumstances how should we plan and collaborate. The best can be this, all this transaction will not affect our productivity on project. We could deliver and managed our deadlines along with this showdown.
Have a Good Day!
POINT 1: It sounds like you have already had someone recommend that you migrate all your projects at one time. The reason they recommended it is because it is generally a good idea. If I were you, I would take a second look at migrating all the projects and using switching everyone to the MSSCCI provider for TFS. This will essentially let everyone continue to work just like they do now and with the same tools they use now but the code will be in TFS.
POINT 2: Spend a little time to make sure you want to use the MSF Agile process template. Not because there is anything wrong it with MSF (it's great!) but because it is hard to change templates once you get started. This is the time you want to do a little thinking about software process improvement and how you want the office workflow to function once you are all using the full Team Explorer client. My shop has been using the Scrum for Team System template and we love it. It is especially cool when you add on the Scrum Dashboard web site and the Scrum Sprint Monitor on a publicly visible screen.
