Rails oauth-plugin: multiple strategies causes duplicate nonce error - ruby-on-rails

I have a controller action that may be hit by the client with a
oauth client token (no authenticated user), or may be hit by an authorized client with an access
token (for a specific user). I want to set up a nice little before filter to accomodate
this. I tried:
oauthenticate :strategies => [:oauth10_request_token, :oauth10_access_token],
:interactive => false,
:only => [:wonky_action]
If I try to hit this action with an access-token request, then it
complains because it tries to remember the OauthNonce twice. Here's
what my ClientApplication.verify_request method looks like:
def self.verify_request(request, options = {}, &block)
signature = OAuth::Signature.build(request, options, &block)
nonce = OauthNonce.remember(signature.request.nonce, signature.request.timestamp)
unless nonce
Rails.logger.warn "Oauth request failing because of invalid nonce."
return false
value = signature.verify
unless value
Rails.logger.warn "Signature verification failed."
rescue OAuth::Signature::UnknownSignatureMethod => e
Looking at this, the behavior is no surprise. It runs through the
oauth10_request_token method, and remembers the nonce without a
problem, but the token is not a request token, so it fails. Then, it
tries to run through oauth10_access_token, and when it calls
verify_request the second time, it tries to remember a nonce that
we've already remembered.
The best solution I can come up with is to separate the Nonce-remembering from the rest of the request verification. In other words,
the server would verify the nonce first, and then do the signature
verification (or whatever else verify_request wants to do) as many
times as it pleases.
I don't see a clear way to do this without forking Pelle's
application_controller_methods file, but I'm hoping I'm just missing
the obvious fix that one of you will suggest! Thanks for your help!
In case you're interested, I'm using rails3 with pelle's oauth-plugin
and his fork of oauth:
gem 'oauth', :git => "http://github.com/pelle/oauth.git", :require => 'oauth/server'
gem "oauth-plugin", :git => 'https://github.com/pelle/oauth-plugin.git', :branch => 'rails3'


Callbacks in Ruby on Rails

Using the 'oauth2' gem and a Heroku server, I have managed to create a client object and redirect the user to the login site:
client = OAuth2::Client.new(
:authorize_url => "/oauth/authorize",
:token_url => "/oauth/token",
:site => "https://connect.xxxxxxxxxx.com")
redirect_to(client.auth_code.authorize_url(:redirect_uri => 'https://xxxxx.herokuapp.com/callback'))
The browser afterwards redirects itself to the callback link as intended, something like:
I need to access the authorization code to then send a post request for the access token and refresh token, but being totally new to Ruby and Ruby on Rails, I am not sure how to get the callback and parse the code out. All of the dozen tutorials/documentation I've researched just mention that the authorization code should be 'magically obtained,' but I'm not sure how exactly that works explicitly. I tried creating a 'callback' controller and view to no avail - is there something missing in the routes files possibly? Help is much appreciated!
Your CallbackController will start to look like this maybe:
class CallbackController < ApplicationController
def index
access_token = client.auth_code.get_token(params[:code], redirect_uri: 'https://xxxxx.herokuapp.com/callback')
# Now you have an OAuth2::AccessToken object that you can either use to:
# - make direct requests to the API
# - or access access_token.token, access_token.refresh_token, access_token.expires_at, access_token.expires_in and store those
# somewhere for later use
# http://www.rubydoc.info/github/intridea/oauth2/OAuth2/AccessToken
def client
#client ||= OAuth2::Client.new(
authorize_url: "/oauth/authorize",
token_url: "/oauth/token",
site: "https://connect.xxxxxxxxxx.com"

storing session in rails api application

I have a rails api only application [config.api_only = true] in which I enable the cookies through these following lines:
in application.rb:
config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, ActionDispatch::Cookies
config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
in application_controller.rb
include ActionController::Helpers
include ActionController::Cookies
I also added secret_token.rb as follows:
Rails.application.config.secret_token = 'token'
in my controller, I am trying to store the session like this:
def index
#other codes
session[:userid] = useridstring
render :text => session[:userid]
Note: however, after executing this in chrome, I am examining the cookie and none is set...
then in the same controller, but in another action, I am trying to read the session like this:
def readsession
userId = session[:userid]
render :text => userId
and nothing is rendered.. :(
Is there anything I missed?
I tried following the answer here which suggest that I set config.api_only = false, however the result is the same (I have no cookie set, and when read in another controller, session is still empty
Sorry that it is such a basic question (or initial configuration matter), I am still very new in ruby and rails..
Since an API is always client independent, so it's best to use a token for authentication.
Here's how:
Add a column called token in users table.
A user comes and logs in.
As he logs in, a token(a string of random characters) is generated, and saved in the database.
The string is passed along as well, and any subsequent request will come with that token.
Since each request comes with a token, you can check the token for its database existence, and association with the right user.
As a user logs out, delete the token from the database.

How can I connect Aweber to my Rails app using OAuth?

I'm trying to integrate my Rails app with Aweber via OAuth, using the official aweber gem.
If I follow their flow in the Rails console, I can get an access token, no problems:
puts oauth.request_token.authorize_url
# => https://auth.aweber.com/1.0/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Then I visit that URL, type in my credentials, get a verification code, and go back to the rails console:
oauth.authorize_with_verifier 'xxxxxx'
# => #<OAuth::AccessToken>
The problem is, I want to do this in the real world, not just at the console, which means my Ruby code needs to be broken up into two separate actions. First, there's the controller action which redirects to Aweber's Oauth page:
def aweber
redirect_to oauth.request_token(oauth_callback: "").authorize_url
Then there's the action which gets the access token after the user has input their credentials and been redirected:
def aweber_callback
When I do it this way, the final line (authorize_with_verifier) always raises #<OAuth::Unauthorized: 401 Unauthorized>.
Seems like the problem is that I'm initializing the oauth variable twice, meaning I have two unrelated instances of AWeber::Oauth ... and only the instance of AWeber::Oauth that generated the authorize_url can get the access token. But I can't get the same instance in both aweber_callback and aweber because I'm dealing with two completely different threads and instances of the controller.
When I inspect oauth, I can see that the internal variables oauth.request_token.params["oauth_token"] and oauth.request_token.params["oauth_token_secret"] are different in each oauth, which I'm guessing is the cause of the problem. I can get the 'correct' oauth_token from the params (params[:oauth_token]), but I can't figure out how to get the correct oauth_token_secret (not to mention that manually setting instance variables like this feels very hacky and is probably not the best approach.)
How can I generate an access token?
I finally got this working by storing the oauth_token_secret in the session. (And I have to say, I'm very unimpressed by Aweber's documentation and API setup. This took 10 times longer than it should have.)
gem 'aweber', '~> 1.6.1', require: "aweber"
get "auth/aweber", to: "integrations#aweber", as: :aweber
get "auth/aweber/callback", to: "integrations#aweber_callback", as: :aweber_callback
Integrations Controller
def aweber
oauth = get_aweber_oauth
request_token = oauth.request_token(oauth_callback: aweber_redirect_uri)
session[:aweber_oauth_token_secret] = request_token.secret
redirect_to request_token.authorize_url
def aweber_callback
oauth = get_aweber_oauth
oauth.request_token = OAuth::RequestToken.from_hash(
oauth_token: params[:oauth_token],
oauth_token_secret: session[:aweber_oauth_token_secret],
access_token = oauth.authorize_with_verifier(params[:oauth_verifier])
# TODO save access_token.token and access_token.secret
def get_aweber_oauth
def aweber_redirect_uri
#_aweber_callback_uri ||= begin
if Rails.env.production?
redirect_host = "http://myproductionurl.com"
redirect_host = ""
The next step is to store access_token.token and .secret in my DB,
then I'll be able to authorize users on future requests like this:
oauth.authorize_with_access(current_user.aweber_token, current_user.aweber_secret)
aweber = AWeber::Base.new(oauth)
# Make calls using "aweber"...
I tried using the gem omniauth-aweber in combination with the omniauth gem, but I couldn't get it working (which is a shame, because I'm using other omniauth-xxx gems in this app and it would have been nice to keep things consistent.) Basically, that gem automatically handles the /auth/aweber part of the process, but after it redirects me back to /auth/aweber/callback/ I can't see any way to get the oauth_token_secret - it's not in the request params, the session, or the cookies.
I've answered my own question now but I'll give the bounty to anyone who can come up with an obvious improvement on the above, or figure out a way to make it all work with omniauth-aweber.
Reading through the AWeber API Ruby Library, this bit stands out
What if I don’t want to verify every time?
After verifying once, the oauth object contains an
oauth.access_token.token and and oauth.access_token.secret which may
be used to authorize your application without having to verify via
... oauth.authorize_with_verifier('verification_code') puts 'Access
token: ' + oauth.access_token.token puts 'Access token secret: ' +
oauth.access_token.secret The token and secret can then be saved, and
authorization can be performed as follows:
require 'aweber'
oauth = AWeber::OAuth.new('consumer_key', 'consumer_secret')
#Rather than authorizing with the verification code, we use the token and secret
oauth.authorize_with_access(YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN, YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET)
aweber = AWeber::Base.new(oauth)
So let's run through this:
You can create a class that keeps an object in memory for each User for enough time to finish the sign in and then save the token and secret for use until they expire.
Please note current_user is meant to be anything that uniquely identifies the user. You could use the session ID if your users aren't logged in yet at this point
class AWeberSignIn
def self.start_signing user
oauth = Rails.cache.fetch("#{user}/aweber", expires_in: 5.minutes) do
oauth.request_token(oauth_callback: "").authorize_url
def self.authorize_with_verifier user, oauth_verifier
oauth = Rails.cache.fetch("#{user}/aweber")
[oauth.access_token.token, oauth.access_token.secret]
def self.get_base_from_token token, secret
oauth.authorize_with_access(token, secret)
With this class, your controller methods become:
def aweber
redirect_to AWeberSignIn.start_signin current_user #Assuming you have a current_user helper. Use whatever gives you a unique value per user
def aweber_callback
token, secret = AWeberSignIn.authorize_with_verifier(current_user, params[:oauth_verifier])
#Do something with token and secret. Maybe save it to User attributes?
#You can then use them to get a AWeber base object via AWeberSignIn.get_base_from_token token, secret
Please note that this is using low-level Rails caching. Make sure you set up your caching technique if you want something different from the default

Async_Sinatra in Rails: async actions can't write to shared session

I have a Sinatra class in a Rails project. It uses eventmachine and async_sinatra to make asynchronous calls to external sites. I'd like to write to a session object (ideally, the same one that Rails is using), but so far I can only:
write to a separate session object from Rails' (by default, Sinatra names its session something different from Rails)
write to the same session for synchronous calls only
When I make asynchronous calls, sessions written in the async_sinatra code don't get pushed out to the client machine. I suspect one of two things is happening:
The header has already been sent to the client and the local variable storing the session (in Sinatra) will be flushed out at the end of the action. The client would never see a request from the server to save this data to a cookie.
The header is being sent to the client, but Rails immediate sends another, instructing the client to write to the cookie what Rails has stored in its session variable, overwriting what Sinatra wrote.
Either way, I'd like to just get simple session functionality in both Sinatra and Rails. An explanation of what I'm doing wrong would also be nice :)
A full working copy of the code is on github, but I believe the problem is specifically in this code:
class ExternalCall < Sinatra::Base
use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
register Sinatra::Async
get '/sinatra/local' do
session[:demo] = "sinatra can write to Rails' session"
aget '/sinatra/goog' do
session[:async_call]="async sinatra calls cannot write to Rails' session"
make_async_req :get, "http://www.google.com/" do |http_callback|
if http_callback
session[:em_callback] = "this also isn't saving for me"
headers 'Status' => '422'
async_schedule { redirect '/' }
helpers do
def make_async_req(method, host, opts={}, &block)
opts[:head] = { 'Accept' => 'text/html', 'Connection' => 'keep-alive' }
http = EM::HttpRequest.new(host)
http = http.send(method, {:head => opts[:head], :body => {}, :query => {}})
http.callback &block
EDIT 7/15:
Changed code on Github to include Async-Rack. Async-sinatra can write to sessions when they are not shared with Rails. Compare the master and segmented_sessions branches for behavior difference. (Or on the master branch, change use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore to enable :sessions)
This is because async_sinatra uses throw :async by default, effectively skipping the session middleware logic for storing stuff. You could override async_response like that:
helpers do
def async_response
[-1, {}, []]

Problems with OAuth 2 Gem

I have a rails project using https://github.com/intridea/oauth2. In my rails app I have the following code:
def facebook_client
OAuth2::Client.new(FacebookOauthCredentials::APP_ID, FacebookOauthCredentials::APP_SECRET, :site => 'https://graph.facebook.com')
def facebook_session_create(poster, featured_item)
redirect_to facebook_client.web_server.authorize_url(:scope => 'publish_stream', :redirect_uri => "http://localhost:3000/facebook/facebook_callback")
def facebook_callback
access_token = facebook_client.web_server.get_access_token(params[:code], :redirect_uri => "http://localhost:3000/facebook/facebook_callback")
access_token.post('/me/feed', "testing #{rand(1000)}")
rescue OAuth2::HTTPError => e
render :text => e.response.body
Every time I run this code I get this response:
{"error":{"type":"OAuthException","message":"Error validating verification code."}}
However, I use the sinatra app supplied in the OAuth2 gem's readme file, it works fine.
def client
OAuth2::Client.new(FacebookOauthCredentials::APP_ID, FacebookOauthCredentials::APP_SECRET, :site => 'https://graph.facebook.com')
get '/auth/facebook' do
redirect client.web_server.authorize_url(
:redirect_uri => redirect_uri,
:scope => 'publish_stream'
get '/auth/facebook/callback' do
access_token = client.web_server.get_access_token(params[:code], :redirect_uri => redirect_uri)
user = JSON.parse(access_token.post('/me/feed', :message => "testing # {rand(10000)}"))
rescue Exception => e
return e.response.body
def redirect_uri
uri = URI.parse(request.url)
uri.path = '/auth/facebook/callback'
uri.query = nil
I have tried reproducing the steps using irb, but I an http 400 error. I'm not sure if it's for the same reason as the rails app, or if it's because I'm doing a hybrid of console and web browser operation. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I found the answer to my problem on this page Facebook graph API - OAuth Token
I ran into the exact same problem but
it turned out the issue is not the
encoding of the redirect_uri
parameter, or that I had a trailing
slash or question mark it's simply
that I passed in two different
redirect urls (had not read the
specification at that time).
The redirect_uri is only used as a
redirect once (the first time) to
redirect back to the relying party
with the "code" token. The 2nd time,
the redirect_uri is passed back to the
auth server but this time it's not
used as you'd expect (to redirect)
rather it's used by the authentication
server to verify the code. The server
responds with the access_token.
You'll notice facebook documentation
(which is terrible) says fetch
"Exchange it for an access token by
fetching ....
In summary, I didn't have to encode or
do anything special to the Uri, just
pass in the same redirect_uri twice,
and fetch the 2nd page to get the
access_token inside.
I didn't copy my original code correctly and the redirect uri I was passing to get the code was different than the uri I was passing to get the access token. Facebook's API documentation is terrible :(
I had this problem/error but finally found a different solution (by comparing my Dev app settings which was working) to my prod app settings (which was generating this error).
I went to the advanced settings page for my app in the Facebook Developer app:
Then I found the "Encrypted Access Token:" setting and turn it to "Enabled."
