Browser field in BlackBerry not redirecting - blackberry

I am developing an app for both BlackBerry and Android. On Android, when I send the browser to some url, it redirects to another url with good look. But on BlackBerry for the same url it is only displaying links on the site. It is not applying css and does not look like the Android layout.

Blackberry browser (specially in OS versions < 6) is not as good as the Android one. There are also a couple of options in the Browser Settings that you should enable for it to load JavaScript, Background Images or PC-targeted CSS files. Sadly, there seems to be no way of automatically passing this as a parameter to the browser before opening.
You're facing a platform issue, not a developer's one. Although you could, of course, create a set of CSS files intended for Blackberry visitors, taking these limits in mind and being conscious that it will not look as good as the Android one.


Do iOS offline "web apps" support javascript database / websql?

I am making a simple web application with HTML5 that uses "Javascript database" (websql as Apple now calls it) to store some HTML form entries.
When I access this app on Safari (in the iOS simulator), and use the Safari web inspector to debug it, the database is shown in the web inspector under "Resources". But when I add the app to the home screen, and then try to debug it using the Safari web inspector, the database isn't shown at all (but the others - the application cache, local storage, session storage etc. all show as usual).
Can someone tell me if there is any such limitations that iOS offline web apps (that can be added to the iPhone / iPad home screen) do not support javascript database / websql? Or if this is some kind of known bug with web inspector?
(No, I haven't coded it completely - so it would help me save some coding time if anyone can chime in and share your experience, especially if there are any other limitations with iOS web apps that developers in general should be aware of.)
(Mods P.S: Consider creating a "javascript-database" tag).
No, it appears that when an html page is "saved" to the home screen it is then rendered in a UIWebView - which does not support indexedDB (and I believe SQL DBs). When the page is rendered in Safari it's a WKWebView which does support indexedDB... So this is not even considered a bug.
I've been using localStorage to get around this, but performance is a little weak, and the size is severely limited (about 2.5mb in my tests)

Adding CSS images - Phonegap

Im developing a phonegap application using xcode. For the design I have some jquery mobile icons to display for certain buttons. I want to host this jquery mobile stuff on the app rather than having a http link to it (and thus using more bandwidth etc).
On the simulator this works fine and the icons show up, but when put on the phone they dont, i presume i have to tell xcode to put the image files on the phone explicitly? In a .plist or something.
Anyone have any insight?
All the phonegap resource should be put in path www.
I never get the thing you described, but i think the error may occur because of your path of image. You may change the folder of jqm and try again.

Phonegap redirecting to safari

I'm trying to use Phonegap to build an iOS application through github. All I have in my directory is one html file and an image. The html basically redirects them to my website, which is optimized for mobile devices. However, instead of redirecting them in-app, it opens a safari window and tries to load my website in there. How do I get it to load the website in-app?
I think it would be useless to correct youut code, because Apple won't allow you to bring this app into the store. It is not allowed create just a browser. But this may answer your question: Stop iframe redirect/opening mobile safari in phonegap project

Opening specific links in MobileSafari from iOS phonegap app

I'm developing an application for iPad, which is coded using Phonegap 1.7. Working with iframes is needed, so I enable the domains I want to access to in the white list and set OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView to YES on the Cordova.plist. The problem is that I'd like to open some specific links in a MobileSafari browser, not in the webview. According to the Phonegap wiki:
Enabling iFrames on PhoneGap-iOS requires that you whitelist the
iframe domains and enable "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView". While this
doesn't sound like a problem, many applications want to open specific
sites in MobileSafari (not a ChildBrowser), which cannot be
accomplished easily when "OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView" is enabled.
So, although that "cannot be accomplished easily", is there any way to accomplish it?

SwfUpload flash uploader not visible and not working in IOS

i am working on a web application based on media gallery.In this application i am uploading media using SWFUpload either images and videos.When i try to open my application on IOS then uploader not visible there.Where it is working fine on safari installed on windows.I want some suggestions from experts of this field.
one site who is using SWFUpload is
Here SwfUploader working nice on windows but not on IOS machines.
Is there any javax html5 compatible uploader?
Thanks in advance.
According to the description of the SWFUpload:
SWFUpload Upload files to a server via flash and listen all the events
from JavaScript.
As all we know there is no flash on the iOS devices, and as result ­— uploader not visible there. But the problem is not only in the flash. iOS misses html file input, so you cannot use the same tools you use with other OS/browser. Take a look at this question - "A html5 web app for mobile safari to upload images from the", — for possible workarounds.
