Printing character from register - printing

I'm using the NASM assembler.
The value returned to the eax register is supposed to be a character, when I attempt to print the integer representation its a value that looks like a memory address. I was expecting the decimal representation of the letter. For example, if character 'a' was moved to eax I should see 97 being printed (the decimal representation of 'a'). But this is not the case.
section .data
int_format db "%d", 0
mov eax, dword[ebx + edx]
push eax
push dword int_format
call _printf ;prints a strange number
add esp, 8
xor eax, eax
mov eax, dword[ebx + edx]
push eax
call _putchar ;prints the correct character!
add esp, 4
So what gives here? ultimately I want to compare the character so it is important that eax gets the correct decimal representation of the character.

mov eax, dword[ebx + edx]
You are loading a dword (32 bits) from the address pointed to ebx+edx. If you want a single character, you need to load a byte. For that, you can use movzx instruction:
movzx eax, byte[ebx + edx]
This will load a single byte to the low byte of eax (i.e. al) and zero out the rest of the register.
Another option would be to mask out the extra bytes after loading the dword, e.g.:
and eax, 0ffh
movxz eax, al
As for putchar, it works because it interprets the passed value as char, i.e. it ignores the high three bytes present in the register and considers only the low byte.


assign memory location to register assembly

Let's say for example I have four specific memory addresses that each hold a 32-bit integer. How would you use assembly language to take the address and assign it register %eax?
Would it be movl 0x12AED567, %eax?
Yes, it is that simple. If you already have the addresses, just assign them to eax, I corrected your code a little :
mov 12AED567h, eax
But, if you want to get the addresses dynamically, you have to use lea instruction, next little program shows how :
.stack 100h
my_number dd A01Ch
mov ax,#data
mov ds,ax
lea eax, my_number
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
Is this what you were looking for?
By the way, this is 8086 assembler with Intel's syntax.

Understanding calling convention and stack pointer

I want to understand how should I use local variables and how to pass arguments to function in x86. I read a lot of guides, and they all wrote that the first parameter should be at [ebp+8], but it isn't here :/ WHat am I missing? What am I not understanding correctly?
number byte "724.5289",0
main PROC
mov ebx,offset number ;making so that [ebp] = '7' atm
push ebx ;I push it on stack so I can access it inside the function
call rewrite
main ENDP
rewrite PROC
push ebp ; push ebp so we can retrieve later
mov ebp, esp ; use esp memory to retrieve parameters and
sub esp, 8 ; allocate data for local variable
lea ebx, [ebp-8]
lea eax, [ebp+8] ; i think here ebp+8 should point to the same now to which ebx did
;before function, but it does not, writechar prints some garbage ascii character
call writechar
call crlf
rewrite ENDP
END main
You pass a pointer as argument to rewrite, and then pass its address on to writechar. That is you take the address twice. That is one too many :)
You want mov eax, [ebp+8] instead of lea eax, [ebp+8]
Also, you need to clean up the stack after yourself, which you don't do. Furthermore, make sure your assembler automatically emits a RET for the ENDP directive, otherwise you will be in trouble. You might want to write it out explicitly.

Change the value at an absolute word address

How do you perform operations like change the value at an absolute word address?
Say you have some value at 5DAh and you want to count the number of zeros on that address, or move a value from one absolute address to another. How can one do that?
Short Answer: You Can't
You might have a trick question in front of you (no clue, just my guess).
The physical architecture of the 8086 chip did not have that instruction.
As for your two specific questions...
" want to count the number of zeros on that address..."
That's somewhat ambiguous, in fact so vague that I can't understand it.
"...move a value from one absolute address to another..."
Good question. We'll do this in 32 bit, no, 16 and then 32 bit.
16 bit example
Push Si ;source index register
Push Di ;destination index register
Push Ax ;We'll use this for the transfer
Lea Si, Where_The_Number_Is_Now ;You'll define this, somehow
Lea Di, Where_We_Want_It_To_Go ;You'll define this also, same thing
Mov Ax, Ds:[Si] ;The "Ds:" may or may not be needed, be safe
Mov Ds:[Di], Ax ;Probably do need "Ds:" for this instruction
Pop Ax ;Do pay attention to the reverse order
Pop Di ;...of popping the registers in exact
Pop Si ;...opposite of how they were pushed
; And you are done
32 bit example
Push Esi ;source index register
Push Edi ;destination index register
Push Eax ;We'll use this for the transfer
Lea Esi, Where_The_Number_Is_Now ;You'll define this, somehow
Lea Edi, Where_We_Want_It_To_Go ;You'll define this also, same thing
Mov Eax, Ds:[Esi] ;The "Ds:" may or may not be needed, be safe
Mov Ds:[Edi], Eax ;Probably do need "Ds:" for this instruction
Pop Eax ;Do pay attention to the reverse order
Pop Edi ;...of popping the registers in exact
Pop Esi ;...opposite of how they were pushed
; And you are done
To change a value at an absolute word address:
mov byte ptr [5dah], 0
mov word ptr [5dah], 0
To move a value from one absolute word address to another:
mov al, byte ptr [5dah]
mov byte ptr [1234h], al
mov ax, word ptr [5dah]
mov word ptr [1234h], ax
As for the other question, the one that asked how to count the number of zeros on that address, you were a little to vague.

Read command line in assembly

First time I play with ds, si and strings related instructions in assembly. I am trying to read the command line arguments char by char and this is how my code looks like now:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push edi
push esi
call GetCommandLineW
mov edi, eax
mov esi, ebp
cmp ax, 0dh ; until return is found
jne Parse
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebp
So, the GetCommandLineW function returns a correct pointer to the string. The problem is that the Parse section loops forever and I can't see the AX register being loaded with the correct next byte from the string. I think the EDI:ESI is not correctly loaded or something
esi and edi are different pointers. ebp is used for saving the old stack pointer, and for saving/loading local variables. GetCommandLineW will return the pointer in eax, which you should then put into esi. Since you're only using lodsw (and not stos*), you don't need to touch edi.
Why do you think that 0x0d is used in the commandline? A normal C string is returned, so you should look for a 0 byte.

Modifying a byte in memory using shellcode

I have been trying to create a simple chunk of shell code that allows me to modify a string by doing something simple like changing a letter, then print it out.
jmp short ender
xor ecx, ecx ;clear out registers
xor eax, eax
xor ebx, ebx
xor edx, edx
pop esi ;pop address of string into esi register
mov byte [esi+1], 41 ;try and put an ASCII 'A' into the second letter of the string
;at the address ESI+1
mov ecx, esi ;move our string into the ecx register for the write syscall
mov al, 4 ;write syscall number
mov bl, 1 ;write to STDOUT
mov dl, 11 ;string length
int 0x80 ;interrupt call
call starter
db 'hello world'
It's supposed to print out "hallo world". The problem occurs (segfault) when I try and modify a byte of memory with a mov command like so.
mov byte [esi+1], 41
I ran the program though GDB and the pop esi command works correctly, esi is loaded with the address of the string and everything is valid. I can't understand why I cant modify a byte value at the valid address though. I am testing this "shellcode" by just running the executable generated by NASM and ld, I am not putting it in a C program or anything yet so the bug exists in the assembly.
Extra information
I am using x64 Linux with the following build commands:
nasm -f elf64 shellcode.asm -o shellcode.o
ld -o shellcode shellcode.o
I have pasted the full code here.
If I had to guess, I'd say dbhello world` is being compiled in as code, rather than data, and as such has read and execute permissions, but not write ones. So you're actually falling foul of page protection.
To change this, you need to place the string in a section .data section and use nasm's variable syntax to find it. In order to modify the data as is, you're going to need to make a mprotect call to modify the permissions on your pages, and write to them. Note: these won't persist back to the executable file - mmap()'s MAP_PRIVATE ensures that's the case.
