Rails created_at timestamp order disagrees with id order - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails 2.3.5 app with a table containing id and created_at columns. The table records state changes to entities over time, so I occasionally use it to look up the state of an entity at a particular time, by looking for state changes that occurred before the time, and picking the latest one according to the created_at timestamp.
For 10 out of 1445 entities, the timestamps of the state changes are in a different order to the ids, and the state of the last state change differs from the state which is stored with the entity itself, e.g.
id | created_at | entity_id | state |
1151 | 2009-01-26 10:27:02 | 219 | 1 |
1152 | 2009-01-26 10:27:11 | 219 | 2 |
1153 | 2009-01-26 10:27:17 | 219 | 4 |
1154 | 2009-01-26 10:26:41 | 219 | 5 |
I can probably get around this by ordering on id instead of timestamp, but can't think of an explanation as to how it could have happened. The app uses several mongrel instances, but they're all on the same machine (Debian Lenny); am I missing something obvious? DB is Postgres.

Because Rails is using database sequence to fetch the new id for your id field (at least in PostgreSQL) on insert or with the RETURNING keyword if the database supports it.
But it updates the created_at and updated_at fields on create with ActiveRecord::Timestamp#create_with_timestamps method which uses the system time.
The row 1154 was inserted later, but the timestamp for created_at field was calculated before.


What is the best way to attach a running total to selected row data?

I have a table that looks like this:
Created at | Amount | Register Name
01/01/2019... | -150.01 | Front
01/01/2019... | 38.10 | Back
What is the best way to attach an ascending-by-date running total to each record which applies only to the register name the record has? I can do this in Ruby, but doing it in the database will be much faster as it is a web application.
The application is a Rails application running Postgres 10, although the answer can be Rails-agnostic of course.
Use the aggregate sum() as a window function, e.g.:
with my_table (created_at, amount, register_name) as (
('2019-01-01', -150.01, 'Front'),
('2019-01-01', 38.10, 'Back'),
('2019-01-02', -150.01, 'Front'),
('2019-01-02', 38.10, 'Back')
created_at, amount, register_name,
sum(amount) over (partition by register_name order by created_at)
from my_table
order by created_at, register_name;
created_at | amount | register_name | sum
2019-01-01 | 38.10 | Back | 38.10
2019-01-01 | -150.01 | Front | -150.01
2019-01-02 | 38.10 | Back | 76.20
2019-01-02 | -150.01 | Front | -300.02
(4 rows)

Rails using Views instead of Tables

I need to create a Rails app that will show/utilize our current CRM system data. The thing is - I could just take Rails and use current DB as backend, but the table names and column names are the exact opposite Rails use.
Table names:
| Resource | Expected table | Actual table |
| Invoice | invoices | Invoice |
| InvoiceItem | invoice_items | InvItem |
Column names:
| Property | Expected column | Actual column |
| ID | id | IniId |
| Invoice ID | invoice_id | IniInvId |
I figured I could use Views to:
Normalize all table names
Normalize all column names
Make it possible to not use column aliases
Make it possible to use scaffolding
But there's a big but:
Doing it on a database level, Rails will probably not be able to build SQL properly
App will probably be read-only, unless I don't use Views and create a different DB instead and sync them eventually
Those disadvantages are probably even worse when you compare it to just plain aliasing.
And so I ask - is Rails able to somehow transparently know the id column is in fact id, but is InvId in the database and vice versa? I'm talking about complete abstraction - simple aliases just don't cut it when using joins etc. as you still need to use the actual DB name.

Retrieving data in Rails both ways from 2 column join table

I have a ChunkRelationship model with a table that looks like this:
| id | chunk_id | chunk_partner | created_at | updated_at |
| 1 | 1 | 2 | 2010-02-14 12:11:22 | 2010-02-14 12:11:22 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 | 2010-02-14 12:11:22 | 2010-02-14 12:11:22 |
Both entries are foreign keys to a Chunk model. Right now, the relationship is being saved twice, once in both directions ( 2 => 1 and 1 => 2). But the relationship can be saved once, because if one ID is known then the other can be found (What is this type of table called?).
I am wondering what the Rails way of doing that would be. I was thinking of creating a before_validation callback on the ChunkRelationship model and taking the smallest number of the two and always saving that to the chunk_id column, which would allow for checking for duplicates easier before saving. But from there I'm not sure how I would retrieve them.
The intended end result would be for chunk.partners to return all the rows paired with it, no matter which column either one is in.
Perhaps you are looking for the has_many_and_belongs_to association: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#the-has-and-belongs-to-many-association
This should create a many-to-many relationship which I believe you are describing.

select distinct records based on one field while keeping other fields intact

I've got a table like this:
table: searches
| id | address | date |
| 1 | 123 foo st | 03/01/13 |
| 2 | 123 foo st | 03/02/13 |
| 3 | 456 foo st | 03/02/13 |
| 4 | 567 foo st | 03/01/13 |
| 5 | 456 foo st | 03/01/13 |
| 6 | 567 foo st | 03/01/13 |
And want a result set like this:
| id | address | date |
| 2 | 123 foo st | 03/02/13 |
| 3 | 456 foo st | 03/02/13 |
| 4 | 567 foo st | 03/01/13 |
But ActiveRecord seems unable to achieve this result. Here's what I'm trying:
Model has a 'most_recent' scope: scope :most_recent, order('date_searched DESC')
Model.most_recent.uniq returns the full set (SELECT DISTINCT "searches".* FROM "searches" ORDER BY date DESC) -- obviously the query is not going to do what I want, but neither is selecting only one column. I need all columns, but only rows where the address is unique in the result set.
I could do something like Model.select('distinct(address), date, id'), but that feels...wrong.
You could do a
select max(id), address, max(date) as latest
from searches
group by address
order by latest desc
According to sqlfiddle that does exactly what I think you want.
It's not quite the same as your requirement output, which doesn't seem to care about which ID is returned. Still, the query needs to specify something, which is here done by the "max" aggregate function.
I don't think you'll have any luck with ActiveRecord's autogenerated query methods for this case. So just add your own query method using that SQL to your model class. It's completely standard SQL that'll also run on basically any other RDBMS.
Edit: One big weakness of the query is that it doesn't necessarily return actual records. If the highest ID for a given address doesn't corellate with the highest date for that address, the resulting "record" will be different from the one actually stored in the DB. Depending on the use case that might matter or not. For Mysql simply changing max(id) to id would fix that problem, but IIRC Oracle has a problem with that.
To show unique addresses:
Then you can select columns if you want:

Override Rails updated_at attribute

I would like to modify updated_at attribute so that every time record is updated it would only show date and hours while hours and minutes being zeros. Instead of 2010-08-13 11:04:12, there would be 2010-08-13 11:00:00. What is the most rational way to do this in Rails 2.3?
The reason why I want to do what I have asked is because I would like to sort data, by date with hours and seconds omitted.
Don't try to change the value stored in the database; change how you are outputting it:
timestamp = #model.updated_at # where #model is your model object
# output it in a format that overrides the values for minute and second
puts timestamp.strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00"
See the strftime ruby doc for other format specifiers you can use.
Based on your update, I would still not change how updated_at is stored, but instead format the date within the ORDER BY of your query. For instance, you could
ORDER BY DATE(updated_at), HOUR(updated_at), ...
I did a very quick profiling test on a live table in my application, which has about 22,000 records. ORDER BY updated_at took between 2.94 and 3.19s to complete, with a mean time of 3.00s. ORDER BY DATE(updated_at), HOUR(updated_at) took between 2.93 and 3.06s to complete, with a mean time of 2.99s. Here's the profiling data:
| Query_ID | Duration | Query |
| 1 | 2.94530500 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY updated_at |
| 2 | 2.94583800 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY updated_at |
| 3 | 3.18711700 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY updated_at |
| 4 | 2.96923700 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY updated_at |
| 5 | 2.97255400 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY updated_at |
| 6 | 3.06706800 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY DATE(updated_at), HOUR(updated_at) |
| 7 | 3.00414400 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY DATE(updated_at), HOUR(updated_at) |
| 8 | 2.95551500 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY DATE(updated_at), HOUR(updated_at) |
| 9 | 3.02181900 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY DATE(updated_at), HOUR(updated_at) |
| 10 | 2.93130000 | SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY DATE(updated_at), HOUR(updated_at) |
It's a time stamp object so your probably best off just to use a helper function to truncate the min/sec info.
whatever.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00")
I would recommend Daniel's solution. However, if you're 100% positive that you want to save the record with your modified "updated_at" field, you'll have to re-implement rails' auto-timestamping for the given model.
So, in your model, you can do the following:
self.record_timestamps = false # disables rails' auto-timestamping
before_create :set_created_at
before_save :set_updated_at
def set_created_at
self.created_at = Time.now
def set_updated_at
self.updated_at = Time.now.change({:min => 0, :sec => 0}) # clears minutes and seconds
This isn't something you should do with active record. It's something that a view helper could accomplish and you don't need to alter the way things are getting saved which will probably just be more work in the future.
Think about strftime and how you can alter that instead.
In a helper file:
def format_date_for_rounded_hour(date)
date.striftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00")
